Chapter 2


Meeting the Members;

''Hi,'' I said coldly.



"..HELLO?!?", I shouted, waving my hands in front of his face. 

"_______?," he asked surprised. 

"Who else?", I replied nonchalantly.

"...What are you doing here?!?!" He screamed. 

"What do you mean what am I doing here?!? Didn't dad tell you??," I asked. 

"What the hell are you talking about?!", he shouted. 

"Psh. Don't play dumb. Dad told me he already called you and you agreed. Besides, I don't want to be here. If you think I'm lying then why don't you call him yourself?!?," I spat back, obviously annoyed.

"Yah. What's with all the noise?," someone said. I saw someone coming towards us. He was chewing on a....chicken wing?...

"You tell me!," Key shouted.

I glared at him. "You know what? I'll call dad right now and ask him myself." I grabbed my cellphone and dialed his number. After a few rings he picked up. 

"Hello?," he said from the other line.

"Hey. Kibum wants to talk to you," I said as I gave the phone to that jerk. 

"Hello?," He said. "W-wait what?!?... YOU COULD'VE AT LEAST TOLD ME.... Ok but sti--.....Okay. I get it. Fine.... Ok. Ok. Bye...," and with that he shut the phone. I smirked. 

He then handed me back my phone.  "Yah! He seriously didn't tell me!"

"Whatever..Can I at least come in?," I asked. 

"Sure. Whatever," He replied and moved aside to let me in.

 I checked my surroundings. To be honest the place was kept clean and neat. Not bad at all. Then there was that guy before with a wtf-was-that-look plastered all over his face. awkward much.

"Uh...Hi?," I said, trying to break the silence.

"Hi....,"he replied, making things even more awkward.. 

"By the way. Where am I gonna sleep?," I asked my brother. 

"I don't know yet..There aren't any spare bedrooms so you might have to share one."

"What!? I'm not going to share a room with a guy how could you even let me. What kind of brother are you?", I exclaimed. 

"Nobody is gonna you," he said. 

"I hate you," I hissed.

"Feeling's mutual," he replied.

I groaned and put my stuff down.

"Soooooo...Where is everyone else?," I asked.

"They have schedules. Everyone except Onew."

"Oh..," I turned to look at him. To be honest he was pretty cute...Wait what was I thinking? 

"By the way, my name is _______," I said and bowed. 

"Oh nice to meet you. ^^ My name is Onew. No need to be formal," he replied happily.

I just smiled back. He seemed like a nice person, unlike a certain somebody.. Just then the door opened and three more people came in. They must be the rest of the members.

"He--," one of them was about to say until he saw me. 

"Who are you?," he asked. 

"I'm __--," I was cut off by my jerk brother. 

"She's my sister." 

"Whoa really? You never told me you had a sister." 

"Aaww how cute~ How old is she?," another one of them asked. 

"I'm 17," I smiled.

"Then you can call me oppa!," he smirked.

"O-okay..", I replied. 

"By the way I'm Taemin," he smiled. 

"I'm Jonghyun. Pleased to meet you~.", the shorter one said. 

"And I'm Minho.", the tall one with big eyes said, smiling. 

"Nice to meet you all. My name is ________," I said and bowed.


Sorry for the boring update... TT^TT 


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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD