Chapter 15


Before you guys read the chapter, please check out my friend's fanfic! Especially if you are a fan of Exo!

Narrator's POV;

"Remember to keep your disguises on, we don't want to get into any trouble," Donghyun warned. Everyone else nodded and followed. 

"What if your fans recognize you guys?" You asked. 

"Well then the best thing to do would be run," Youngmin chuckled. "But if our manager found out, we would be in deep trouble, since we were supposed to stay inside the dorm," Kwangmin added. So that was why they were being extra cautious. "But Minwoo here," Jeongmin pointed at Minwoo, "kept complaining that he was bored and he wanted to go out." 

"Hey!" Minwoo pouted. "Admit it, you guys wanted to get out anyways!" Everyone ignored him and continued walking.

"We're here to have fun, so let's have some fun," Hyunseong smiled. 

Your POV;

We were checking out different rides when all of a sudden, Kwangmin kept tugging my arm. "Look, _____!" He pointed at a huge pikachu doll and ran to it. Oh right, Kwangmin loves Pikachus. I rolled my eyes at his childness and followed. Kwangmin had already paid for a game of Balloon Darts. He was given three darts and if he was able to pop three balloons, then he could choose one of the plushies. I watched in anticipation. 

On the first and second try, he managed to pop balloons. One more balloon away from getting the pikachu. I could see he was really focused on getting that toy. Kwangmin threw the dart and... *POP* he was able to win the game. I smiled and clapped. "Whoot!" Kwangmin cheered. "I'd like the pikachu one please~" Kwangmin beamed. I giggled at his cuteness. 

The man got the pikachu got the plushie for him and looked at me. "Is this for your girlfriend?" He smirked as he handed him the pikachu. Kwangmin blushed, "ahh.. a-actually-" "She's my girlfriend," Youngmin interupted and hugged me from behind. WHAT? I glared at him and tried pulling his arm off me but he was too strong. What the hell is he planning? Kwangmin looked shock as well. 

"Ohh, sorry for misunderstanding," the man apologized. "Nah, it's ok," Youngmin chuckled. "Let's go, yeobo~" He then dragged me away, like WTF?

"Hyung! What was that about?!," Kwangmin growled. Youngmin bursted into laughter. "I was just playing around, you should have seen your faces," he smirked. 

I punched him in the arm, making him cry out in pain. "Ow! What was that for?" He whined. Serves him right. 

"Come on Kwangmin, let's go," I said and dragged Kwangmin with me, leaving Youngmin alone. "Wait! Don't leave me!" Youngmin shouted and caught up with us. I acted as if he wasn't there. 

"Where were you guys?" Minwoo frowned. "Kwangmin went to win a pikachu doll," I shrugged. "Stick together, I don't want to lose any of you guys," Donghyun scolded. Everyone nodded. 

We all went on many rides and it was beginning to get late. Minwoo had won me a stuffed teddy bear, Youngmin bought me and him matching shirts even though I strongly refused, Kwangmin bought me a cute headband, Jeongmin bought me a keychain, Hyunseong bought me a cute bracelet, and Donghyun bought me a pretty necklace. I felt really bad that they had spent all that money on me and told them they didn't have to get me anything, yet they still did all this for me. To be honest, I felt rather spoiled.

I remembered how worried everyone was the last time I went out and asked Donghyun if he could take me home. He agreed and everyone got in the car. We've all been worn out from all the rides so nobody complained. Good thing it wasn't really late yet or my brother might have freaked out again. Once we reached my 'house', I got off and thanked everyone for the gifts. 

I took the elevator to SHINee's dorm and took out my keys. Well, since I am living with them, I'll need a key to the dorm as well. I opened the door to see if anyone was there. I sighed in relief, since I really didn't want to face anyone right now. As soon as I set my bags down I felt someone tap my shoulder. I screamed in fright.

"It's just me," Taemin frowned.

"Phew, you really scared me there," I pouted.

Taemin shrugged and eyed the bags on the floor, "Had fun?"  

"Yep~," I smiled. 

"Oh... ok," Taemin smiled. But I could see that the smile was fake. "Is something wrong, Taemin?" I asked in concern. 

"Huh? No," Taemin laughed awkwardly and went into his room. 

I shrugged it off and began watching T.V.


Short update; x_x



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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD