Chapter 3


Settling in;

 After all the introductions you decided to unpack your things, you were all in the living room just watching TV. That's when it hit you. Where were you going to sleep? 

"Uh by the way guys, where am I gonna sleep?," you asked.

They all looked at each other. They haven't even thought about where you were going to sleep yet.

"You can sleep with me," Jonghyun said and winked at you making your cheeks turn red.

"Not fair hyung!~ She should sleep with me, since we're both the closest in age," whined Taemin. 

"Yah. Just give ______ her own room," your brother said. Since when did he care?

"But we have no spare rooms," Onew pointed out.

"Since me and Jonghyun are sharing a room and Taemin and Minho are sharing one then Onew should move in with Taemin and Minho," Key simply stated. 

"Wait, why is he going to room with me and Taemin? Why not you and Jonghyun?," Minho asked. 

"Because our room is as crowded as it is," Jonghyun countered. 

"Well I don't want Onew-hyung rooming with us," Taemin pouted. 

"I feel so unloved...," Onew said. 

You simply watched as the arguing ensued for about a few more minutes. They didn't have to make such a big deal out of it...  You just decided to continue watching the show that was on. 

 " I want to room with _____..," Taemin pouted. 

"How about we just let Onew sleep on the couch and give _____ his room?," Minho suggested. 

"Sure," all the members agreed.

"YAH! Why are you all teaming up on me?!," Onew whined. 

"Let's just let Taemin room with ______ since he won't shut up about it and let Onew room with Minho," Key said. 

"Yay!~," Taemin cheered. 

"Okay," Minho and Jonghyun agreed.

"...Fine," Onew agreed, not really wanting to share a room with anybody. 

"Good. Now it's all decided," Key said with relief. 

 "_____~," Taemin called. 

"Huh?," you replied, taking your attention of the TV.

"We're going to be rooming with each other!," he said happily. 

"O-oh, that's um...great?," you replied. It was your first time rooming with a guy anyways. 

"It's getting late. You should probably start unpacking," Minho said.

"Yea..," You replied and went to get your luggage. 


Once all the packing and moving was done (A/N: Since Taemin had to move his stuff from Minho's room to the room that you guys now have to share. Sorry for confusing you. @_@) You got ready for bed. You and Taemin weren't sharing the same bed, because well... He was a guy and you were a girl. He ended up sleeping on the floor which made you feel guilty. 

"Taemin, is it cold sleeping down there?," you asked. 

"No need to worry," he smiled. It's not like I don't have blankets and this is only temporary until I get my own bed."

"O-okay..," you replied, still hesitant. "If it gets cold down here then we can switch places," you said. 

"Can I ask you something?", Taemin asked.

"Sure," you replied. 

"Why are you and Key somewhat... I don't know.. Cold towards each other?"

"Oh...It's just that-...Don't worry about it. It's nothing," you lied, not wanting to bore him with your story and you didn't feel ready to open up to him yet. 

"Ok then..Good Night~," Taemin said, not wanting to bother you anymore on the subject.

"You too," you smiled.

 And with that you both drifted off to dreamland. 

  The reason you and Key are cold towards each other goes way back. The truth is, you guys used to be such close siblings when you both were young. You would always play games with each other and you both really cared for each other a lot. You two were so close back then, but that all changed once he became famous. It's not like you weren't happy for him, because you were. After his voice was noticed, it was just never the same anymore. He spent so much time training that he neglected you, and once he became more well known, it was like the connection between you two was completely cut. You stopped trying to hang out with him, because you knew it was no use since he had no time for you anyways. At school you would pretend that he wasn't your brother because the girls would beg you for autographs or befriend you for the sole reason of trying to meet your brother. It irritated you a lot. He began forgetting about your birthday and he would barely even call anymore. It was just you and dad. Dad tried convincing you that it was just because he was busy, and that he really cared about you. You stopped caring a long time ago. That's why you're so cold towards him. It was like he wasn't even your brother anymore. Just another stranger, but deep down, you really wished that things would return to how it used to be. You never really stopped caring.


 Thank you for 3 subs so far ^^ I still haven't introduced the mystery guy ehehe.. :P I'll try putting him in the next chapter or the chapter after that. Hope you like the poster I did by the way hehe, If you want me to do you one I might be able to so feel free to comment me or PM about it. I apologize for such a short chapter... TT__TT

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I_am_a_SHINee_girl ; Thank you! *^* I'm glad you liked it <3. 

Jin-Ah ; I did :) Thanks for supporting me!



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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD