Chapter 4


Morning Mishap;

You could feel someone shaking you, "Wake up ______."

 You just turned around and tried going back to sleep.

"______, wake up." He said and started shaking you.

"5 more minutes," you grumbled. As you can see, I am not a morning person and the one thing I hate is somebody trying to wake me up so early.  

"C'mon _______," he begged. "Get ready for breakfast."

"Ughhh," I grunted and turned around only to find Taemin's face only a few inches from mine. I could feel my face suddenly heat up. 

"W-why are you on my bed??," you stuttered. 

"Cuz I felt like it," he smirked, making you blush even more. "At least you're awake now," he said smiling.

"Uhh...y-yea..," you replied not knowing what to do in this situation. I mean you guys were both so close, if anyone walked in here they would get the wrong ide-- 

 Suddenly the door opened revealing a very annoyed Onew. "TAEMIN. ______. WAKE UP I ALREADY TOLD YOU ABO---......"

Really?! Someone just had to walk through that door. "It's not what it looks like!!!," however the position you two were in wasn't really convincing. After all Taemin arm was around your waist and one of his legs were slung in between yours which you had just noticed now. Oh god why... Taemin was just surprised. Why wasn't he backing you up? 

"Umm...," was all Onew managed to say. Gosh, he always makes things so awkward...

"Ok look. Ijustwokeupandweweren't'doing'anythingokay?," you blurted out all too fast from embarassment.

"Onew what's taking you so long?," Jonghyun asked, suddenly popping up from behind Onew. His eyes then landed on you and Taemin. Did I mention that you guys were still in the same position? 

"Woah what's this?," he asked making things even more awkward. Damnit. At that moment you just wanted to hide under the covers and never come back.

"You guys are getting on the i-idea...We weren't doing.. a-anything," you said in hopes they would believe you.

"Yea we weren't doing anything. I was just trying to wake her up," Taemin added.

"Riigghhtttt... Anyways get up. You guys should get ready for breakfast," Onew said. 

Jonghyun just followed him out.

 You sighed, relieved that it was all over. You glared at Taemin.

"You babo," you hissed and punched him lightly on the arm.

"Owww~," he faked hurt. "No need to be violent," he pouted. 


  Once you guys were both done brushing your teeth, changing, etc. you both went into the kitchen. They all just looked at you guys as if you guys were aliens. 

"Soooo...what did you guys do this morning?," Key asked coldly and Minho was just staring at you guys curiously. Oh gosh they already told them.

"Nothing," you replied back. 

"Riigghhhttt," Jonghyun said.

"Look it was all a misunderstanding. I just woke up and found Taemin next to me. He was only trying to wake me up. Besides, its not like we did 'anything'," you fought back. 

"Well the position you guys were in wasn't really convincing." Jonghyun added.

"Hyung it's just a misunderstanding," Taemin said. Tired of this arguement.

Key just glared at you before muttering, "Ok."

"You guys should eat breakfast, you guys must be hungry," Minho said casually. 

"Yea..," you replied and took an empty seat next to Jonghyun and Taemin took an empty seat next to Minho.

Onew handed you a plate of Omelete, "It's really good. Your brother made it."

"Ah..," You replied before digging in. It was really good to be honest. 

"So what do you guys want to do today?," Onew asked. 

"Don't you guys have schedules?," you questioned. 

"Yea, but not until about 5," said Jonghyun.


"I wanna go to the carnival~," Taemin said. He could really be a kid sometimes you thought. 

"Hmmm, but I wanna go t--," Onew was cut off by his phone. "One sec," he said.

"Hello? Oh manager.. What? I thought we were free until 5....Oh..Okay okay. Bye," he then shut off his phone. 

"What was that," Minho asked.

"It turns out we have to leave in about an hour. We have an unexpected photoshop," he said sadly. 

"I was hoping for some free time..," Key said. 

"C'mon guys. He will be here in about 30 minutes," Onew said.

"Sorry we couldn't spend the day with you," said. 

"Oh no it's ok," you smiled. You didn't really mind. Their job was a lot more important. 

"Don't forget we have school tomorrow," Taemin said. 

"Shi-- I almost forgot," you frowned. You never liked school because people would make always make fun of you. You weren't like the other girls. You didn't catch up on the latest brands. nor did you apply make up at all. If you did it was only a bit. You were smart and always got straight A's so people would call you nerd as well. That's why you never really enjoyed going to school.

Taemin noticed you frowning and decided to cheer you up, "Why so sad? It'll be fun ______," he smiled. 

 You couldn't help but smile back. "Thanks," you replied. 

"Well I got to go now."

"Yea," you nodded. 

They all apologized (-cough- except for Key) for not being able to spend the day with you, which made you feel bad because there was no need in them apologizing. You just wished them good luck and went to go watch some T.V.

 So school is really tomorrow...

'I have a bad feeling about this', you thought.


 Foreshadowing?~^^ By the way please don't be a silent reader :c. If you like this story then please sub. I don't know. I guess it's not that appealing. I might close this story. I don't know if you guys like it. >.< But I will continue for now...^^;;


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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD