Chapter 8


Your POV;

 The week went by pretty fast. School is ok and all, but i'm glad I have Taemin and Kwangmin there for me. I feel like L. Joe's been keeping his eye on me. I mean whenever I sat by him I could feel him glancing at me... I also found out that Minwoo went to this school; he's an old friend of mine until we somewhat lost contact since he moved. We're still on good terms and he's nice to me though. I looked at the clock. It read: 11:45. I almost forgot about my project with Kwangmin! I told him I would be there around 12...

 I sighed and went downstairs to get ready to leave. I put on a simple neon green sweater, black skinny jeans, and dark brown boots. Kwangmin's dorm was about a 15-20 minute walk from SHINee's dorm. I hope he doesn't mind if i'm just a little bit late.

"Where you going, _____?" Taemin asked.

"I'm just going to go to Kwangmin's place to work on a project. I'll be back by 3, if you need anything you can call me." I responded and held up my cellphone.

"Ohh ok..." Taemin nodded and left the room.

 As I stepped outside I was greeted with a bright sky and soft breeze. I put on my earphones since I always like listening to music whenever i'm walking, in the car, or just at home.

I was admiring the warm weather and scenery until I bumped into something or should I say 'someone'.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been watching where I was going." I apologized. When I looked up I saw the one and only; L.Joe. What was he even doing here? 

"It's ok..." He replied slowly. 

"Well then i'll be off then." I said, not wanting to deal with him at the moment.

"W-wait... I mean.. Where are you going?" He asked curiously.

"I'm going to Kwangmin's house to work on a project. Why?" I raised an eyebrow. Why does he even care? 

"Oh ok.. and it's nothing. I was just c-curious." He said with his back turned to me and left.

 I shrugged it off and continued walking. But I have to admit.. He's been acting really weird around me lately. 


 I was standing outside Kwangmin's (Boyfriend's) dorm. I checked my watch to see that it was already 12:10. Damn, I'm late by 10 minutes. I rang the doorbell. I could hear voices shouting from the inside.

"Hyung get the door!"

"No, you're closer!"

"But I'm watching the T.V! I already missed last week's episode..."


 The door opened about a minute later, revealing a boy with curly-ish brown hair.

"Umm hi..are you a fan?" He said.

"Uhh no?... Is Kwangmin here?" I asked. 

He turned around and shouted, "Kwangmin! A girl is here to visit you!" He then turned back to me. "Soo~ What are you to Kwangmin?~" He smirked.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Are you his.... 'girlfriend?" He asked. 

"E-eh?? No! Of course not!" I responded.

"Hmmm ok~. By the way, my name's Jeongmin. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you t--" 

Kwangmin suddenly popped up from behind Jeongmin.

"Hi _____." He smiled.

"Hey," you waved. "Sorry i'm ten minutes late..." I aplogized. 

"Don't worry about it. Come on in." 

"Thanks." He really was a good friend. 

Jeongmin turned to whisper something into Kwangmin's ear. Kwangmin began blushing. I wonder what he said to him.. Jeongmin then left the room. 

"If you guys need anything feel free to call me~" He waved. "And have fun on your project."

"Thanks ^^"I replied.

Kwangmin's POV;

 I was a bit worried that _____ wouldn't show up, but I'm glad she did. I wonder what she was talking about with Jeongmin though.. I thought he was about to leave so we could do our project until he turned around and whispered,

"You know... You should make your move on her quick. Or else someone else could take her from you..."

What was that supposed to mean?! I only see _____  as a friend... Right?... Besides, even if I did like her who would take her away from me?.. B-but what was Jeongmin even talking about?!? I don't like _____  that way... So.. why?

 I don't... Right?


 I'm sorry for such slow updates TT__TT... Thank you all my subs and comments though! <333 I really need to update more ^^;; But I don't have much inspiration. However, I don't want to delete this until I finish it :) By the way.. Does anyone know how to add a poll into your story(s)? I have no clue whatsoever LOL. Since I don't know how I'll ask you guys this; 

Which band out of the three do you like best?--

1.) SHINee

2.) Boyfriend

3.) Teentop

 You don't have to vote but if you want to then please do in the comment box ^^ I wanna see which one you guys like best.

- xCupcakeHolic

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD