Chapter 14


Narrator POV;

You sighed as you kept digging through your clothes looking for something good to wear. Why were you doing this? Because Youngmin invited you to hang out with him and the rest of Boyfriend for the day and you wanted to look nice. You smiled as you looked into the mirror. You were clad in a white miniskirt, leggings, a t-shirt, and a black cardigan. As you walked into the living room you found Jonghyun and Taemin staring at you. You shifted uncomfortably from the awkward silence. 

"D-Do I look okay?" You asked nervously. "I mean I'm going to hang out with Youngmin and his friends later so...," you trailed off. Jonghyun continued staring at you and his lips, causing Taemin to glare at him. "Damn girl, you're looking fine," Jonghyun smirked. Taemin smacked Jonghyun's head, earning a glare from the latter. "Go change, _____," Taemin ordered. 

You looked at Taemin with a shocked expression. "Excuse me?" You questioned, wondering if you had heard him wrong. "Go change," Taemin repeated. You were confused and annoyed at the same time. Confused, because you had no idea why he would want you to suddenly change, and annoyed because he had no right to order you around like that. 

"Why?" You asked. "Because, your outfit is too revealing," Taemin said. 

"What?! I'm wearing leggings, Taemin. Plus, they're my friends. It's not like they would try anything on me," you shot back and rolled your eyes. 'What if one of them, or perhaps even more than one of them likes you?' Taemin thought worriedly. He didn't want any other guy taking you away from him. "Just change," Taemin growled. 

You were still oblivious to the whole situation. "No, you don't even have a good reason for me to," you walked past him and Jonghyun who was listening in on the conversation with interest. Taemin sighed, knowing he had no good reason for you to change other than him being jealous. 'When will you realize, _____?' 

"I'll be going now. See you guys later," you gave Jonghyun and Taemin one last look before leaving. Taemin's shoulders drooped in disappointment. Jonghyun, who was watching the whole thing had known exactly why Taemin had acted that way. He saw Taemin's disappointed face and pitied him.

You got on the bus and waited for your stop. 'What is up with Taemin today?' You put on your earphones. When it was your stop, you thanked the bus driver and walked out. You walked into the cafe that Boyfriend was waiting for you at and scanned the area looking for them. You spotted 6 boys huddled around a table with beanies, sunglasses, etc. on to disguise themselves from fans. You smiled and walked up to their table. 

You playfully sneaked up behind Minwoo and whispered into his ear, "Boo." Minwoo let out a high pitch scream, causing other people in the cafe to look at you guys. You apologized to them and took the empty seat next to Minwoo. 

"Yahh, _____! What was that for?" Minwoo pouted, obviously embarassed. "Sorry~ I just thought it would be fun to play around with you. I didn't know you screamed like a girl," you teased. Everyone chuckled except for Minwoo who was blushing madly. 

You smiled and ruffled his hair. "I'm just playing with you," you said. Minwoo looked away and ignored you. "Aiigoo," you sighed. "What would I have to do to make you forgive me then?" 

Minwoo suddenly turned around to face you and smirked. You gulped, regretting your words. "Kiss me," Minwoo smiled. All of the members looked at Minwoo, shocked. "W-what the heck Minwoo?" Jeongmin frowned. Minwoo smirked, never taking his gaze off you and pointed to his cheek. "Not on the lips, _____~" Minwoo tapped his cheek. "Right here."

"No! W-Why would you want that?!" You blushed. Minwoo pouted again and turned away from you. "I-If I did would you stop ignoring me?" You sighed. Minwoo nodded and pointed at his cheek, signaling for you to do it. 'She's not really gonna do it, is she?' The rest of Boyfriend thought. 

You leaned in slowly, hesitating if you should or not. Minwoo suddenly moved forward, causing you to peck his cheeks. Blood rushed to your cheeks and you glared at Minwoo who playfully winked at you. "That's for embarassing me in front of everyone," he giggled. You just tried to avoid looking at him. Your heart was suddenly beating faster and you were too embarassed to face him. 

Minwoo's bandmates tensed and glowered at him. Youngmin even kicked Minwoo's foot under the table. "Oww, hyung!" Minwoo cried. Donghyun coughed, and tried to start a conversation. "So _____, what do you want to do today?" 

"E-er whatever you guys want. You were the ones who invited me anyways," you replied and stared at your fingers as if there were something fascinating about them. "Ohh, What about the carnival?" Kwangmin suggested. Everyone seemed okay with the idea. You didn't mind either. In fact, you were actually excited about it. 

"Okay then it's settled. Oh and do you want anything like a snack, _____?" Kwangmin asked. All the other members had ordered something from the cafe except for you. "Nah, I'm full already," you said. "Are you sure?" Kwangmin asked again. "Yep." 

"Ok then let's go~" Donghyun payed the bill and you all left. 


Thought she should spend some time with Boyfriend~ And oohhh jelly Taemin ;) School's almost over meaning I can update more soon! Hope you guys liked the update. Also, please tell me if I made any grammar mistakes and I will try my best to fix them. I was kinda rushed through this :<; If you want, please comment. ^^


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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD