Chapter 17


It's been months since you've moved in with your brother Key. Things progressed like usual and soon you created a great friendship with the boys. However, you were much more close with Taemin and L.Joe than the others. Now you didn't regret ever coming here. In fact, you loved your new life with Key even if you missed your dad a lot. 

Then one day, everything changed. 

You were in your room, listening to music and flipping through a magazine when the door suddenly opened. It was Taemin. 

"Hey," he smiled and rubbed his neck awkwardly. 

"Sup," you replied and continued looking through the magazine, not paying much attention to him. 

He rolled his eyes and chuckled nervously. "So anyways, there's something I have to ask you."

"Go on." 

"Do you like anybody?" 

Your eyes widened when he asked you that and gave him a weird look. "That's none of your concern. Why do you ask?" 




Your eyes twitched in annoyance. "Yah, tell me.~" You pouted. "Could it be... that you like someone?" You asked slyly. 

"Of course not!" He quickly denied it but it was obviously a lie. "Fine. Maybe there's just this one girl." 

Your eyes widened and for some reason your heart felt heavy. "R-really? Aaww, Taeminnie is growing up," you grinned and patted his shoulder.

He only gave a sorrowful look in return. "I don't think she likes me though."

"You 'think'? Just ask her. The worst she could do is say no," you smiled in encouragement even if it hurt to find out that Taemin had his eyes on another girl. You couldn't explain the feeling. Was it jealousy? 

"You really think I should just ask her?"

"Of course." 

Taemin looked directly into your eyes and the next words he said next shocked you. "Do you like anyone?"

"W-what?" You gave him a puzzled look. "What does me liking anyone have anything to do with you?"

His eyes softened and he chuckled bitterly. "You're so dumb." 

"Hey!" You shot back and crossed your arms. 

"You didn't answer my question," he shot back. 

You bit your lip and played with your fingers. "No." But that was a lie. Whether you've realized it or not, you fell for Taemin. You just wouldn't admit it. 

"Great. That's all I need to know," Taemin mumbled and left the room without another word.

Ever since you and Taemin had that 'arguement', things were never the same. Sure, you two still hung out but he never put an effort in trying to hang out with you anymore. It's like he stopped caring and it hurt you inside to see the distance between you two increasing. 

"What's wrong with you?" L.Joe asked. 

"What?" You replied, snapping out of your daze. 

"Nothing," you smiled and put your attention back onto him. 

He raised a brow and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. He wasn't convinced with that answer. 

"Don't lie to me." 

You knew you couldn't win against him. "It's just... Taemin's been acting so weird today and I feel like it's my fault for some reason. We hang out and all but it's like he's changed. And I want things to return back to normal but it feels like I'm losing him."

"You're so dumb." 

You frowned and smacked his shoulder lightly. "That's exactly the same thing Taemin told me!"

"You like him, don't you?" L.Joe smiled. 

"W-what? Heck no!"

"Yes, you do."





"Okay, fine! Maybe I have a little crush on him," you sighed and clutched your heart. 

"I told you."

"Shut up."

"Taemin's really lucky to have a girl like you." Then he did the unexpected. He grabbed your face and softly kissed your forehead. You heard someone at the door and gasped when you noticed Taemin with a shocked expression on his face. 

"It's not what it looks like!"You shouted and quickly pulled away from L.Joe who was just as shocked as Taemin was but before you could even explain yourself, Taemin was already gone. 

"I'm sorry," L.Joe lowered his head in shame. 

"It's okay," you spoke through the tears that were beginning to fall. 

L.Joe hugged you and sighed. "I got carried away. It's all my fault so don't cry." He wanted to keep you in his arms forever but he already knew that you have feelings for Taemin. That's why he gave up on you. He did a while ago actually. 

"Run after him," he whispered into your ear and pushed you away from him. 

You nodded and ran after the direction in which Taemin left. Once you were out of the school, you looked all around you, wondering where he went. That's when you spotted him waiting at the bus stop. 

"Taemin! Wait!" You grabbed his arms and pulled him towards you. He didn't look at you and tried pulling away. 

"Why do you always have to hurt me like this?" He mumbled and pushed you away. "Taemin... please," you reached out to touch him but he backed away. 

"I love you!" You shouted and covered your mouth in embarrassment. 

He stood there paralyzed, unable to utter a word. "I was too stupid to admit it, but youve always been in my heart," you confessed and wiped your tears. 

"Pabo," he muttered and pulled you closer to him. "You just came at the wrong time. Me and L.Joe are friends. Nothing more, so please don't misundersta-" He cut you off and pulled you into a sweet kiss. 

Your eyes fell closed and you kissed him back. This was what you two had been waiting for so long and now that you've finally let everything out it felt so great to have Taemin in your arms. 

"I love you too," he smiled and pecked your cheek. 

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Blackjack27 #1
Chapter 17: SHINee and Boyfriend!
pearlsilvergold #2
Chapter 8: SHINee <3 ;)
Inspiritalways7 #3
Chapter 8: Teentop! :)
Chapter 3: oohh~exciting!xDDDD
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #5
Chapter 16: Yay! ____ and Key made up! Hopefully ____ gets feelings for Taemin. I don't want him to be hurt. :(
Chapter 16: hahaha aigoooo
poor taemin xD
dont worry, im here lols
nerdybunny1206 #7
Chapter 15: Awesome story!!!!!!!!
Hope u update soon!!!!
Key and _____ should make up soon!!!!!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Oh Taemin just tell her already! She is so oblivious. -_-
Jelly Taemin! ohhhhhhhhh!

Update soon1!
aigoooo ... taemin xD