Her Side of the Story

Chi Hoon was patting Eunhee’s back comforting her with words that he wished he would believe would be true. His attention was shifted where he spotted a male in the distance.


Eunhee looked up from her hands; she stood up and pushed Hoya away as she sobbed, “GO AWAY! IT’S ALL YOU’RE FAULT!” Chi Hoon tried to calm her down.

“IT’S YOUR FAULT CHUNG AE’S LIKE THIS! ALL YOUR FAULT!” she shouted, continually hitting and shoving Hoya. Eunhee sobbed as she crouched down and whispered,” She wouldn’t be like this if it wasn’t for you, why did you have to meet her and hurt her so much.”

Chi Hoon brought Eunhee back to her seat and with a stern stare he faced Hoya, “You should get going now, you’ve caused too much trouble.”

“I’m not going unless you tell me exactly what is happening and who are you anyway?” Hoya determined. Chi Hoon took a deep breath, “I’m Chi Hoon. Chung Ae’s fiancée, and we can talk somewhere else.”

Fiancee? Hoya’s mind went blank, his girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend was already going to get married. Hoya and Chi Hoon were outside; silence began before Chi Hoon spoke up, “What are you doing here?”

“My girlfriend, Hwa Young accidentally hurt herself, what does it matter to you?”

“Ahh, your girlfriend. Who would have thought,” Chi Hoon scoffed.

“Look, just tell me what is happening okay? I don’t have time to wast-“

“She has leukemia.”

She has leukemia



Hoya’s breath started to shake, the word echoed in his mind over and over again, “You like her don’t you? Don’t trust her; she’ll probably just cheat on you like she did to me.”

“She was kissing me in front of you,” Chi Hoon stared.

Hoya scoffed at what he had heard. So this is the guy that Chung Ae chose over me, pathetic.

And just as if Chi Hoon read his mind, “She didn’t choose me to begin with, not even now. She still only sees you.”

“Lies, then why did she kiss you huh?”

A tight fist swung at Hoya’s left cheek, causing him to fall-----

“She did it to protect you. She knew she had the damn disease before she even kissed me; she was planning to break up with you because she was afraid for you. She was even forced to break up with you by her parents. What’s more pathetic is that it was you that threw her away like trash, not her.”

Chi Hoon left the scene; Hoya was still on the ground, clutching his cheek as realisation reached into his mind.

It was all her plan…

She only did it for me…

And I actually believed that she was that kind of person…

Tears formed in his eyes, his heart started to ache as everything was pieced together. The way Eunhee had totally defended Chung Ae at school, the kiss, and of course at the park. The site of Chung Ae’s weak and fragile petite body. She even had the guts to say ‘congratulations’ to him when she still loved him. Why have I been so stupid and to only realise it now?  I have to fix everything now before it’s too late.

Chung Ae’s POV

What was happening to me? Why can’t I control myself?

The hospital just keeps moving pass me. Eunhee and Chi Hoon were beside me, I was being wheeled somewhere else. Other than them, I could feel someone else’s presence, my heart was beating randomly. When I found who that someone was, it was impossible. Hoya was there, he saw me like this. He saw me weak. For sure, that he will find out everything. The doors closed; the very doors that separated me from the people I love and maybe life.

The sound of a constant beeping was heard along with orders by a male voice. Everything just felt so numb; I couldn’t even move my fingers. Tiredness took over, my beeping of my heart rate on the machine slowed down drastically.

So this is it huh? Dear God,

Please look after everyone. Look over Eunhee, she may look tough on the outside but she’s totally the opposite. Watch over Chi Hoon please, make sure that he continues to be himself, thank him for always being there for me. Help my parents out; they’re not as bad, they’re just protective over me…

And protect Hoya no matter what. As long as he is happy… So protect his girlfriend too…


Hoya got back onto his feet and run to where he had seen the doctor wheeled Chung Ae. Ignoring everything and everyone… Passing Hwa Young who was already bandaged. Chi Hoon and Eunhee were there. Hwa Young followed Hoya but kept her distance behind him.

Hoya stared at the door, preparing to apologise to Chung Ae when she came out. Preparing for everything that he wished he didn’t have to say or think about in this situation. After a minute the double doors opened and a doctor came out and faced Eunhee and Chi Hoon who were standing up and waiting for what the doctor was about to say. All Hoya had to hear was the two words that left the doctor’s mouth…

“I’m sorry.”

Hoya didn’t have to hear anymore, knowing the results already. Eunhee sobbed even harder, her cries echoed through the hospital, it was the only thing she could do now that her only best friend was no longer living in this world. Even Chi Hoon was crying, not even trying to hold it in.

Hoya fell to his knees, too late… it’s too late.

Hwa Young stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Hoya from behind.


The doctor neatly wrapped the bandage around her; once he was finished she went walking around the hospital. Hwa Young found a female crying; she couldn’t recognise the person since their face was covered with their hands. Hwa Young felt the need to comfort the stranger, knowing that someone was in the operation room. She sat next to the female and patted their back.

“Don’t cry, I’m sure the person wouldn’t want to see you crying,” Hwa Young said. The female stranger looked up, surprising both of them. Eunhee stared at Hwa Young, not knowing what to do.

“T-thanks,” Eunhee sniffed.

“What are you doing here? Who’s in there?” Hwa Young nodded to the emergency room.

“My friend, Chung Ae.”

It took Hwa Young a moment to realise who Eunhee was talking about. Soon Hwa Young knew everything; Eunhee couldn’t hate Hwa Young anymore. At least not now when her friend was in the operation room.

End of flashback

Infinite finally reached the hospital; it was Sungyeol who spotted Hoya in a crouching position with Hwa Young next to him.

“Yah, isn’t Hoya meant to be comforting Hwa Young?” Woohyun joked. Infinite then noticed the dull atmosphere as Hoya made no move or any attempt to answer.

Once Infinite saw Hoya’s face, including the light bruise that had formed on his cheek, they became more alert.

“What happened?”

“Who beat you up?”

“Let’s go find them.” Before the members could make any more comments, the double doors opened widely with Chung Ae, her eyes were closed and her chest didn’t rise up and down, evident that she was no longer alive. Eunhee and Chi Hoon were once again by her side clutching Chung Ae’s hand.

“Chung Ae-ah, rest well okay? Don’t forget that we have an outing, remember?” Eunhee choked out.

“Remember to eat up there in heaven okay? I know you’re watching us, I’m sorry that I haven’t said it before, but… I love you, so stay healthy up there,” Chi Hoon smiled.

Infinite recognised the person on the bed; they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Dongwoo felt stupid and regret, he had suspected but he had not taken action. Hoya ran by Chung Ae, Eunhee and Chi Hoon made room for him as they let go of their beloved friend.

Hoya took both of Chung Ae’s hands and placed in on both of his cheeks, “Look, I’m here. I’m sorry, I’m sorry okay? Why didn’t you tell me about this huh? I could have stayed with you. You could have been happier so why didn’t you tell me? I’m sorry, just open your eyes, I promise I won’t hurt you.”

Tears were once again formed; Hoya hoped Chung Ae would reply to him. But she never did.


:( Last chapter after this

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 20: I like the dialogue :D
creatingfaith #3
@-vipboss: keke, I didn't really know what to do with the ending; I wrote out a dramatic ending but yea~ It was too dramatic xD Thanks for reading ^-^
creatingfaith #5
just to sort things out...

Since Hwa Young is a nice and understanding girlfriend, she and Hoya got some time off. Hwa Young feels bad for taking Hoya away from Chung Ae...

yeaaa~~ keke
tntmmm #6
I HATE YOU I AM SOBBING SO HARD RIGHT NOW :'( lol but thanks for writing such a good story!!!!!
mochii #7
that was tragic and i honestly dont know
why HwaYoung is still there when Hoya indirectly
said that he would rather have been with ChungAe
so sad though TT
prolly a few grammatical errors but it was done well :)
sammy10 #9
I take back what i said. You did make her die T.T
I guess sad endings are more memorable... Thanks for the last update and I hope to see more stories from you :)
*Sigh* "If Only" Leukemia was curable!