Her Side of the Story

What Hoya and Hwa Young didn’t know was that they actually attended the same school. Since the school was organised into cliques, not many people socialised with other people besides their own group.

Hwa Young was taking her books out of her locker when she turned around and bumped into someone.


That annoying voice sounds vaguely familiar, she thought. When she made eye contact with the person she bumped into she gasped.

“YOU!” They both said at the same time.

“Aish! I knew you were bad luck,” stated Hoya.

“Bwoh! Psh, you’re the one that’s bad luck!” Hwa Young shouted back. This had gain more attention among the students as they crowded around the two people who were arguing with each other.

“Hey, you’re the one that bumped into me!”

“More like the other way around!”

“You girls are all the same! All annoying!”

“Humph!” Hwa Young turned around and walked towards her class with her friends following her and asking her questions about what had just happened. She realised that she felt an evil presence following her, she turned around to face Hoya who was behind her.

“What the hell! Are you stalking me?”

“In your dreams, just so you know, my class is also in this direction. Geez =.=”

They reached the same room and gave each other glares, “You really are stalking me aren’t you? This is my class!”

“Are you sure YOU’RE not the one stalking me? This is my class too!” shouted Hoya as he pushed her to the side so he could go in with Sungyeol, L and Sungjong.

Hoya and Hwa Young sat at their seats as their lessons began. During class Hoya was bored so he started throwing small scrunched up paper at Hwa Young. When Hwa Young felt something hitting her head she turned around to meet with another scrunched up paper ball. She glared at Hoya and pouted with puffed out cheeks as she turned back to her work, trying her best to ignore Hoya.

Something unexpected came into Hoya’s mind, She looks cute when she’s mad, wait what?! Did I just?

Hoya shivered but his heart felt a warm sensation. No, this only happened when- I can’t.

Hoya starred at Hwa Young and realised she had lovely features, he started to blush and turn away only to be met with one of his classmates eyes. Eunhee, a female classmate, starred at him in a disapproving manner.


Remember that name, Eunhee :) kekek

Take care and stay safe!

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 20: I like the dialogue :D
creatingfaith #3
@-vipboss: keke, I didn't really know what to do with the ending; I wrote out a dramatic ending but yea~ It was too dramatic xD Thanks for reading ^-^
creatingfaith #5
just to sort things out...

Since Hwa Young is a nice and understanding girlfriend, she and Hoya got some time off. Hwa Young feels bad for taking Hoya away from Chung Ae...

yeaaa~~ keke
tntmmm #6
I HATE YOU I AM SOBBING SO HARD RIGHT NOW :'( lol but thanks for writing such a good story!!!!!
mochii #7
that was tragic and i honestly dont know
why HwaYoung is still there when Hoya indirectly
said that he would rather have been with ChungAe
so sad though TT
prolly a few grammatical errors but it was done well :)
sammy10 #9
I take back what i said. You did make her die T.T
I guess sad endings are more memorable... Thanks for the last update and I hope to see more stories from you :)
*Sigh* "If Only" Leukemia was curable!