Her Side of the Story

Hwa Young was in the library happily looking through the shelves to find a certain book about romance. Yes, she was still like a child, innocent about love hoping she would meet her Prince Charming. When she reached to grab the book, another hand appeared also taking the same book. Her eyes followed the male like arm and found Hoya’s face.

“Gah!” she half shouted, she was still holding onto one side of the book while Hoya held the other side. No one loosened their grip.

“Yah, I saw the book first. And… Why are you even reading this kind of book?” Hwa Young whispered. Hoya shrugged and tugged on the book. With Hoya’s force, he tried to pull the book away but Hwa Young did not want to give up, she was still holding on to the novel when Hoya’s pull forced her to fall forwards.

They both ended on the ground with Hwa Young on top of Hoya. Their noses were almost touching. Not one of them moved because of the shock.

“Hwa Young…” whispered Hoya as he leaned closer to Hwa Young, within a couple of seconds, their lips made contact.

Hwa Young quickly repelled herself away from him and touched her lips. Her heart was beating like crazy. To be honest, she had felt her heart beat like this every time Hoya and she fought.

Hwa Young ran out of the library and held onto her heart.

“Yah, why are you beating so fast? Just calm down,” she said to her heart as she used her fest to lightly hit it.


Did I mention that Hoya is my bias in Infinite?

Well, you guys probably know that already xD

Take care and stay safe!

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 20: I like the dialogue :D
creatingfaith #3
@-vipboss: keke, I didn't really know what to do with the ending; I wrote out a dramatic ending but yea~ It was too dramatic xD Thanks for reading ^-^
creatingfaith #5
just to sort things out...

Since Hwa Young is a nice and understanding girlfriend, she and Hoya got some time off. Hwa Young feels bad for taking Hoya away from Chung Ae...

yeaaa~~ keke
tntmmm #6
I HATE YOU I AM SOBBING SO HARD RIGHT NOW :'( lol but thanks for writing such a good story!!!!!
mochii #7
that was tragic and i honestly dont know
why HwaYoung is still there when Hoya indirectly
said that he would rather have been with ChungAe
so sad though TT
prolly a few grammatical errors but it was done well :)
sammy10 #9
I take back what i said. You did make her die T.T
I guess sad endings are more memorable... Thanks for the last update and I hope to see more stories from you :)
*Sigh* "If Only" Leukemia was curable!