Her Side of the Story

After the incident, Eunhee hadn’t gone to school which made Infinite and Hwa Young calm but uncertain. They were afraid that if they were calm now then something bad and unexpected would happen at any time. Weeks passed and everything was back to normal, Hoya and Hwa Young were still lovey dovey with each other making the rest of Infinite jealous.

“Oppa, mmm your past relationship…” Hwa Young carefully said, not wanting to trigger any angry emotion in Hoya. Hoya knew that there would be a time that Hwa Young would ask about his ex-girlfriend ever since the incident in the cafeteria. Hoya sighed and began.


Hoya and Chung Ae’s one year anniversary was today. Hoya had planned to surprise her by having dinner at one of the luxurious restaurant in town. Hoya loved Chung Ae very much; he was even planning to stop his ‘gangster ways’ because of her. He bought a bouquet of roses and headed towards the café they were meeting at. Only to find his girlfriend kissing another man; her arms around the male’s neck while the man’s arms were around her waist.

The bouquet in his hand, the stems were slowly scrunched up as if they were being strangled. Betrayal filled his heart as the roses fell down. Hoya went towards his girlfriend and ripped her away from the man, Chung Ae’s face was met with Hoya’s palm.

“All this time you’ve been cheating on me? I should have believed the people at school when they called you a ,” and with that Hoya walked away, the pain in his heart ached and mourned for someone to comfort him. He had beaten up another gang by himself, all against one. He came to Infinite’s home drunk.

Infinite grew frustrated at Chung Ae for making Hoya that way.

End of flashback

“Sorry, for bringing it up,” sighed Hwa Young.

“It’s not your fault, Chung Ae and I, we were probably never meant to be anyways,” said Hoya although a tiny part of him wondered where his ex-girlfriend had gone to. It was like she had totally disappeared.


I hope it's not getting boring for you :)

Take care and stay safe!

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 20: I like the dialogue :D
creatingfaith #3
@-vipboss: keke, I didn't really know what to do with the ending; I wrote out a dramatic ending but yea~ It was too dramatic xD Thanks for reading ^-^
creatingfaith #5
just to sort things out...

Since Hwa Young is a nice and understanding girlfriend, she and Hoya got some time off. Hwa Young feels bad for taking Hoya away from Chung Ae...

yeaaa~~ keke
tntmmm #6
I HATE YOU I AM SOBBING SO HARD RIGHT NOW :'( lol but thanks for writing such a good story!!!!!
mochii #7
that was tragic and i honestly dont know
why HwaYoung is still there when Hoya indirectly
said that he would rather have been with ChungAe
so sad though TT
prolly a few grammatical errors but it was done well :)
sammy10 #9
I take back what i said. You did make her die T.T
I guess sad endings are more memorable... Thanks for the last update and I hope to see more stories from you :)
*Sigh* "If Only" Leukemia was curable!