Her Side of the Story

Hwa Young avoided Hoya at school. She didn’t want to face him with an awkward situation.

Every time she saw Hoya, she would turn the away and walk a little faster.

It was night time and Hwa Young was walking home with some groceries, as she was walking past an alley way she spotted a few men in the corner of her eye. She walked faster, trying to avoid any trouble when she heard quick footsteps behind her.

“Hey, pretty lady,” said one of the men who had been following her. The man caught hold onto her arm and pulled her closer and whispered to her ear, “Why don’t we have a little fun.”

“A-Ani,” she stuttered as she struggled to break free. Another man wrapped his arm around her waist; she could smell alcohol around her and became slightly sick. The same man pushed her against the wall. As Hwa Young screamed of help, out of nowhere, the man fell to the ground. The adult was clutching onto his face as he cursed. One by one, the rest of the men collapsed and had then ran away.

“You okay?” asked a familiar voice.

Hwa Young looked up to see seven figures. One of them stepped forward and helped her up.


Hoya carried her bridal style, “W-what are you doing? Put me down!”

“Aish, just shut up for once alright?”

“No,” she complained.

“I like her,” commented one of the member, “Oh right, I’m Dongwoo. The most handsome-est in Infinite.”

“Aish, don’t tell lies. Anyways, I’m Sunggyu, the leader.”

“I’m Woohyun,” another member winked.


“I’m Myungsoo but you can just call me L.”

“SUNGJONG HERE! But you probably know me,” he saluted.

Hwa Young slightly nodded then turned facing Hoya, “Where are you taking me?”

“Your home.”

“How’d you know where I live? … I knew it. You really are a stalker.”

“How about a ‘thank you’”

Hwa Young turned towards to the rest of Infinite, “Thank you.”

“Yah! I meant me!”


“Nevermind,” he mumbled as he sent her home.


Take care and stay safe!

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 20: I like the dialogue :D
creatingfaith #3
@-vipboss: keke, I didn't really know what to do with the ending; I wrote out a dramatic ending but yea~ It was too dramatic xD Thanks for reading ^-^
creatingfaith #5
just to sort things out...

Since Hwa Young is a nice and understanding girlfriend, she and Hoya got some time off. Hwa Young feels bad for taking Hoya away from Chung Ae...

yeaaa~~ keke
tntmmm #6
I HATE YOU I AM SOBBING SO HARD RIGHT NOW :'( lol but thanks for writing such a good story!!!!!
mochii #7
that was tragic and i honestly dont know
why HwaYoung is still there when Hoya indirectly
said that he would rather have been with ChungAe
so sad though TT
prolly a few grammatical errors but it was done well :)
sammy10 #9
I take back what i said. You did make her die T.T
I guess sad endings are more memorable... Thanks for the last update and I hope to see more stories from you :)
*Sigh* "If Only" Leukemia was curable!