Chapter 13

Will we ever be ok?
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“Shh, it’s ok, don’t panic,” The nurse said as she gently pushed Jimin back onto the bed. Jimin laid down but his heart was pounding in his chest in worry, his eyes frantically scouring the room to understand what had happened. He was alive? Was his baby girl alive? Did she make it? Was she healthy and ok? Where was she? Did Jungkook end up having to choose? Had Jungkook disregarded his wishes and save him instead? Where was Jungkook? Jimin couldn’t help all the questions running through his mind in rapid succession.

“Where is my baby?” Jimin asked again, his voice barely above a whisper as he feared the worst. He feared she hadn’t made it, he feared he’d lost her before ever having met her.

“Don’t worry, she made it. She’s with your fiance right now,” The nurse answered.

“I want to see her,” Jimin requested and the nurse nodded sending her colleague out to get Jungkook.

“Is she ok?” Jimin asked as the nurse adjusted the medications on the IV. The nurse nodded as she said, “At first she didn’t cry and she wasn’t breathing but the doctor was quick to start CPR and was able to get her to breath. Her cry was a little weak at first but it normalized in a few minutes. Still we’ll be keeping her here for observation. Same with you, you barely made it yourself. There was a moment we thought we’d lose you both.”

Jimin nodded, he didn’t really care about what had happened to him, he was just glad his daughter had made it and was ok. A couple of minutes later, there was a knock at the door and then Jungkook entered behind the nurse who’d been sent to fetch him. Jimin pushed himself up and looked at the pink blanket that was holding their daughter that was in Jungkook’s arms. Jungkook quickly walked over to Jimin and Jimin held his arms out a silent plea to hold his daughter. Jungkook carefully set her into Jimin’s arms and then sat beside Jimin near the edge of the hospital bed.

Jimin looked down at the child in his arms, his heart hammering once again. His daughter was beautiful. She had thin sparse black hair surrounding her small head, her eyes were closed while her small hands were closed into fists which were laid against her chest. She had full pink lips, her cheeks were chubby, and she had a small nose. Her skin was warm and slightly pink in color. Jimin wondered what her eyes looked like but he didn’t want to wake her so he just gently rocked her.

“She’s perfect,” he whispered and Jungkook hummed in agreement as he came closer and wrapped his arms around Jimin.

“She is. She looks just like you, you did well baby. I’m so happy you both made it,” Jungkook said as he kissed Jimin’s cheek lovingly.

“Me too,” Jimin whispered still looking at the baby in his arms adoringly.

“So have you come up with a name for her? We’d like to issue the birth certificate now if possible,” said a new voice. Jimin looked up to see a tall male at the foot of the hospital bed he was in. He must not have noticed the person come in.

“Oh sorry, I should introduce myself first. I’m Lee Kyung and I’ll be in charge of getting your child’s papers in order. So do you have a name for her?” Kyung asked.

“I don’t know… do we?” Jungkook asked Jimin. Jimin looked back down at his little girl. He looked at how tiny and innocent she looked. She was so beautiful and pure. Not a single imperfection on her. His mind came up with a name pretty quickly.

“Sukja,” Jimin said thinking that name was the perfect description of his baby. Pure and innocent. Not yet tainted by this cruel world.

“That’s a beautiful name. And she’ll be taking your fiance’s last name I take it?” Kyung asked and before Jimin could say no, Jungkook had already said yes.

“Of course she’ll have my name,” Jungkook said as if there was no alternative. Jimin frowned but remained quiet, what was he to say anyway? Jungkook wasn’t asking him which meant it wouldn’t matter if he wanted her to take his last name.

“Is that what you’d like… Jimin?” Kyung asked after looking down at his clipboard to see what Jimin’s name was.

“Why are you asking him? I just told you she’s taking my name,” Jungkook said looking irritated that Kyung hadn’t just listened to him.

“I’m sorry sir but it’s our policy to ask when the one giving birth has a different last name from their significant other,” Kyung said, a slight frown crossing his face.

“That won’t be the case for much longer. We’re going to marry and he’ll take my name as well,” Jungkook stated. Jimin looked down a mixture of feelings rising up at the claim. He knew Jungkook was going to be like this, he knew that the moment he married the younger Jungkook would insist he take his last name, but the thought of it had been far away. Jungkook hadn’t sounded serious about getting them legally bound in marriage… but now he did sound serious. Jimin was beginning to feel more trapped then he ever felt before. He subconsciously held onto his daughter tighter, an action that went unnoticed by Jungkook but not the man in front of them.

“I see… still, I’d like to hear him agree?” Kyung insisted and so Jungkook turned to Jimin looking at him expectantly.

Jimin looked up at Kyung and then glanced at Jungkook seeing his harsh stare as if daring Jimin to say this wasn’t what he wanted. Jimin looked down again and nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

“Alright. Thank you for your time, I’ll get things in order now,” Kyung said and then left.

“What an irritating policy they have,” Jungkook said once Kyung was gone. Jimin didn’t say anything and was silent for a moment before asking, “Where’s Taehyung and Jin hyung?”

“Outside. Actually, all your friends are outside. Want me to call them in?” Jungkook asked with a small frown. Jimin nodded and so Jungkook stood up and went to get them. As he waited, he felt his daughter squirm and then she began to cry. Jimin brought her even closer to his chest and rocked her while speaking to her softly.

“Shh, it’s ok Sukja, daddy's here. I’ve got you, baby,” Jimin said kissing her forehead and gently beginning to hum to sooth her. She began to quiet down after hearing his voice and her crying stopped shortly after. Jimin watched in amazement as she stilled and then slowly opened her eyes. He was struck by the sapphire orbs which matched Jungkook’s exactly. Jimin’s attention was pulled away from his daughter when there was a knock on the door and then it opened to reveal Taehyung and Jin.

“Jimin!” Taehyung said happily as he bounded over and hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re ok!”

Jimin giggled before agreeing that he was happy about that too. Jimin saw Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon enter behind Jin. They all crowded around the bed, and Jungkook pushed his way through to sit besi

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Maccaculle #1
Chapter 17: I loved both endings as i love vmin and just adore jikook so i was happy either way 🙏🙏🙏
Chapter 18: I really love both endings (and not just because I am a HUGE vmin & kookmin shipper haha). I strongly believe in the concept that people can change whether it be positive or negative with the right resources and mindset to help them. The human mind is malleable after all.
Behiinnaa #3
Chapter 17: Jikook?❤️❤️
Behiinnaa #4
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 was beautiful I’m crying T—T
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 18: I read both ending&I like the first one lol Xd
Chapter 18: Honestly, I like both endings :') Though I'm still afraid if kook will return back to what he was before.... it feels like tae will be more suited since he is there for jimin? But I still can't decide which hmmm cos it's nice that kook repented...
Saraprincess #7
Chapter 18: I really like this ending a lot
NutellaLisa #8
Chapter 17: I like jikook more but now I like vmin because at first I thought Jimin would be alone but with tae it’s so much better.
Btsbunnycake #9
Chapter 17: Wow again the best ending for the end 1