
EXO SERIES: Someone Like Zhang Yixing
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A/N: I've revised the whole fanfic so for those re-read the fanfic, it may appear a little different.


"Tomorrow will be the last day at the orphanage." Min Hee said while sitting on the chair in Yixing's hotel room. She and Ms Manager always gathered at Yixing's room anyway because it was more fun. "I thought those three days were like holidays for you, why are you working?" 

"I'm not working, I'm having fun." Yixing explained without turning away from the monitor. "Lots of fun. See?" Min Hee went towards him to look over his shoulder. He was composing again. They were back at the hotel after finishing the second day volunteering. 

"It's still work, Yixing. What are you working on?" Min Hee questioned him curiously and tried to understand the whole program Yixing used for composing. Music wasn't her thing, she would listen to some songs and to Yixing's compositions and recordings whenever she was at the studio, but music wasn't her field. Seeing the files, figures and the audio frequencies weren't much of a help but she was certain Yixing worked hard. I'm glad we don't work in the same field.

"A new track which I'd like to be on any future group album. Actually, I have way more saved on my computer and this is the very latest one." Yixing explained proudly and looked for his earphones to have her review his latest composition. "Do you want to listen to it?" Finally, he turned his head away and met Min Hee's face right next to him on the right. Yixing surely didn't know Min Hee was that close. With his eyes soon almost staring at the monitor in front of him, he tried to play back the audio. "Why isn't it working? It has worked fine just now!" The male started panicking and prayed for his songs not to be deleted. Min Hee used her 'skills' to fix the problem, requiring solely a few clicks to get it working again. "You literally saved me. How did you do that? Without you, all my songs might have been deleted. Are you an angel?" 

Min Hee grinned, tossing her hair back jokingly. "You are exaggerating, I didn't do much. They wouldn't have been gone and if they are, I will fix that for you, too." 

"So? Do you want to listen to it?" Yixing held one earphone between his fingers to offer her a first class experience and the honour of listening to Lay Zhang's early compositions. The younger one smiled. There was no need to be able to understand music, Min Hee enjoyed the track.

"I bet it will be a hit, I can feel it." His hard work shall be rewarded. "Oh, right. I forgot something. Wait a minute, I'll be quick." Min Hee took out the earphone and disappeared into her own room. 

What could it be? Yixing watched her run and was startled by the ringing of Min Hee's phone. She had left it on the table next to Yixing's device. Unknowingly, his eyes wandered to the display. Kang Won Ho was calling. What would the doctor want from her? He was about to call Min Hee but she had said she would be quick. Won Ho gave up on calling but some text messages soon followed. It wasn't Yixing's business, he didn't intend to read them but caught himself glancing at the display again. Only the first few words of the messages were shown, sparking his curiosity. "What are you doing on Christmas?" Yixing mumbled to himself and knitted his eyebrows. Well, at least Min Hee won't have time for you, that's for sure.

"Did you say something?" Min Hee returned as quickly as she left. Maybe he was talking to himself again. She held something behind her back with a grin.

"No, I didn't." Yixing responded a bit too fast. He was so confused by Won Ho's message that he didn't realise he was reading it out loud. "What are you hiding there?" 

"First of all, I'm not hiding anything. I've got some letters for you. Before we came here, I checked the mailbox and those were inside. You might have forgotten to empty it so I took care of them because else, you wouldn't read them straightaway. Here, take them." Min Hee handed him the bag of letters, surprising her friend with the amount. There were many; many more than Yixing would've expected. Min Hee knew very well how much his fans meant to him so she decided to take them with her. He's got a lot to read during his spare time.

Yixing regarded the letters with a touched expression and placed them neatly next to his laptop. "I will make sure to read them once I am finished with this one." Then his gaze fell on Min Hee's phone. It would only be right to tell her. "You have a missed call from someone, by the way." Yixing watched her taking the device and reading the messages with a smile. What could make her smile like that? What on earth did he write?

Though officially now, Min Hee rejected Won Ho and apologised, the doctor still kept trying and making his own moves. This time, he wouldn't give up easily. Especially after Min Hee admitted she had a crush on him. Jung Ha Na was out of the game, Won Ho was the one remaining. Is it Yixing's turn to watch? 

He felt the need to say something. "Min Hee, you should go to sleep early for tomorrow. It's late, isn't it?" Yixing couldn't come up with another excuse. He didn't want to plan on sending her away, her company wasn't disturbing but pleasant. 

"You're right, tomorrow is the last full day. Good night then." Min Hee took her leave after waving him a quick goodbye and went back into her hotel room. That wasn't Yixing's goal. She will likely text Won Ho instead of sleeping. I shouldn't have told him to ask Min Hee himself. The idol was aware he wasn't in the position to be judgemental, however, despite having already concluded Won Ho would be an almost flawless partner, he felt weird about Dr Kang hitting on his closest female friend. I might just be worried about Min Hee ending up hurt since we are close.

"Where is my phone? Where did I leave it?" Yixing literally jumped up from his seat and searched for it in the entire room. Ah, it's on the table, it was next to me the whole time! His new song could wait, his fan letters were more important, but his head was filled with unusual thoughts. Kang Won Ho. Yixing sat on his bed cross-legged and stared at the display, pondering over what to write. Unaware of what and why he was doing that, Yixing searched for all kinds of excuses to contact her. And to stop her from being pulled towards Won Ho again. He might be all gentle and well-mannered, but that one thing I can't let pass is his workaholic side. Yixing spoke from experience. Even if a relationship seemed lovey-dovey at the beginning, at this rate with Won Ho's time-consuming profession, it would be hard on Min Hee. Yixing wanted to stop that, out of worry. 'I can't sleep' he texted her. Because my mind is in chaos.

Meanwhile, in Min Hee's room, she was surprised over Yixing's message. Right as she was about to go to bed, he made her fully awake. Won Ho had asked her if she would be in Korea on Christmas and if not, he suggested coming over instead. He was stubborn and wouldn't give up. Usually, Min Hee's rejections were quite clear but it didn't seem to work on Won Ho. Even with all his effort and attempts on changing Min Hee's mind, it couldn't be changed. Her heart and feelings couldn't be changed, at least not for now but probably also not over time. It was a one-sided thing; however, Min Hee was glad her heart chose Yixing as a matter of fact. I get frustrated at times, but we'll get there.

Two mornings later, it was time to say goodbye to the children and staff at the orphanage. They finished volunteering yesterday and prepared to leave early in the morning. Standing in front of the building, none of them wanted to part ways. Min Hee surprised the children with the toys she bought while Yixing was busy saying goodbye to each of them. 

"You will come back next year with jiejie, won't you?" One little boy questioned Yixing innocently. "Please pinky-promise it. You will really return, right?" Yixing patted the boy's head with a proud smile and nodded. He stood up and gazed after the orphanage before entering the car. He was never good at goodbyes but at least the experience was amazing. 

"Yixing, I have something for you as well." Min Hee waited for Yixing to fasten his seatbelt next to her and handed him a bag. She considered saying she picked it up from somewhere but felt no need to be embarrassed about giving him a present. "The other day, I walked past by it and thought you two resembled each other in many ways."

"Oh wow, thank you." Yixing responded genuinely surprised and regarded his present. "We resemble each other?" He took the stuffed toy out of the bag and realised it was a sheep. "How did you know I like sheep?" 

"It was difficult not to notice. I saw lots of photos where you carried a big sheep plushie. When I looked at the sheep, you came into my mind. Sheep may appear weak and timid but they are actually strong and resilient, like you. And you were born in the year of the sheep, that's another reason." Min Hee

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markmeevil #1
Chapter 20: Aw, it’s finally the end. This was the last story I was keeping this account open for to finish before I deactivated. Thank you for sharing your writing and giving us xingmis a sweet story to read :)
markmeevil #2
Chapter 19: I swear I just looked at this story a few days ago to see if it had been updated and I’d missed it, and miraculously there’s an update today! Sad it’s coming to an end soon, but glad we got so much sweetness and fluff of them enjoying their relationship this chapter. Thanks for the update!
markmeevil #3
Chapter 18: Ah! Finally! It’s so funny because that’s what I’m really hoping Yixing will do at some point. Do what makes HIM happy. The man really does put literally everyone else first along with his dream, but his actual life? That comes dead last.
markmeevil #4
Chapter 17: Sloooooooooooow burn. I really hope this has a happy ending. If it just ends with Yixing letting her go I will be so bummed after reading for this long
markmeevil #5
Chapter 16: I just finished reading this before bed, but now am about to fall asleep. I’ll comment more tomorrow when my brain is on lol— thank you for updating though!
markmeevil #6
Chapter 15: Yay! You’re back! First of all, congratulations on graduating!!! As for this chapter— !!!!!!!!! FINALLY! But also, thank God Min Hee is so straightforward and will not let him hide. I feel like you may have written him and him being in his own head way too much for his own good, too accurately, lol Glad for the update and looking forward to more! Congrats again!
markmeevil #7
Chapter 14: Cute! I was wondering which song it was... I really do enjoy this story and appreciate that you always come back to give us more. Reading the blossoming feelings makes me smile. And I love the contrast between Min Hee’s certainty about her feelings and actions versus Yixing confusion and worry about his actions and interpretations of her’s. Honestly it’s all so sweet I just love it!
markmeevil #8
Chapter 13: I’m still reading! And I do still enjoy!
markmeevil #9
Chapter 12: Funny, I was just thinking about this story yesterday. I’ll need to go back and re-read the story now because the relationship change with Ha Na changes the context of things!
markmeevil #10
Chapter 11: *Deep sigh* I really enjoy this story so much. You put a lot into letting us see how they think and feel, along with actions, but leave just enough out that we’re left wondering how and where things will go. Thanks for another great chapter— I especially liked reading a bit more of Yixing’s mental processing. I am kind of surprised his manager didn’t freak out when noticing Yixing texting her, but I’m totally here for that too! Looking forward to more :)