
EXO SERIES: Someone Like Zhang Yixing
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Min Hee ordered the fried chicken and was now waiting for the delivery person to show up. The greasy food went well with a drink, and Yixing who has not eaten yet since more than half a day probably craved some fried chicken. She waited in front of the building and smiled contently when the employee handed her the order. Min Hee smiled at the sight and smell of the food as she opened the box, already watering. Having taken notice of Yixing not being able to eat spicy food, she had ordered the non-spicy version for him. And it's his birthday, that'll be enough as a birthday present. The young woman placed the food box on the table and took a seat on the couch, motioning to Yixing to sit beside her.

"Fried chicken?" Yixing raised his eyebrows curiously and sat up, glancing at the box before looking back at Min Hee. Will eating greasy food at night be alright? I should be on a diet.

"Why? You don't like it?" Min Hee would have more to herself and she put much effort in ordering anyway. She wouldn't be offended if Yixing didn't like it. "Tch, I know that when you decide to eat this, you'll be up at 5 AM in the next morning to work out." Yixing couldn't hear what Min Hee was saying as he was still pondering about how to answer. 

She wouldn't know, right? I'm not a picky eater as long as it's not spicy. If it's spicy, I can't eat it. What do I tell Min Hee now? She ordered it for me because I haven't eaten yet.

1. Zhang Yixing hated lying so he would just be honest. Basically, he should politely point out disliking spicy food as it wasn't a big deal. However, he might come off as picky which wasn't true. He would eat anything from junk food to home-cooked meals. Except for spicy food, it wasn't something he could eat well. 

2. Zhang Yixing was utterly polite and would very kindly reject others. Even so, he had a hard time rejecting Min Hee because she had ordered the food out of consideration. He was grateful as she obviously cared about his well-being. Well, what do I do? Tell her the truth or be polite and eat it anyway? Why is it so hard to decide? It's just chicken.

Min Hee, having seen through Yixing in his dilemma, suppressed a grin. He was too easy to read and tease. "I can order something else if you want. What do you want to eat?" 

But Yixing didn't answer and only shook his head, meaning he would eat it. However, he still eyed the content suspiciously because it should seem more reddish than usual. With his not too good eyesight and the dim light, Yixing couldn't spot any differences. While trying on the plastic gloves brought with the food box, Min Hee showed him the delicious pieces and told him to have the first bite. Yixing knew he would regret doing that, but he could not refuse. As he chewed, surprise and the delicious taste of non-spicy fried chicken overcame him. There was no way for Min Hee to know about his eating habits. Right?

"It's not spicy?" Yixing's eyes widened at the realisation and ate the chicken deliciously. "How did you know?" 

"How did I know what?" Min Hee feigned ignorance, taking one fried chicken wing to try it as well. She has never seen him eat so well before. Actually, she has never seen him with a proper meal during the last months of working together. This isn't a proper meal either, I should make him something healthier next time. "Eat a lot. You lost a lot of weight so you should eat. Rather eat something healthy and proper than nothing at all."

"Says the one who ordered fried chicken for me." Yixing said jokingly but didn't complain. "Thanks, though. After eating up, I should probably go and work out again." With an innocent smile, he continued his meal and forgot he was on a diet for a second. His exercising and practising would balance it out anyway. "I'm surprised it's not spicy."

"That's because it isn't. You never told me but I noticed. You should be disappointed if I didn't know this after working with you during these past months." Min Hee explained grinningly, watching his speechless facial expression. 

There was much Yixing didn't know about Min Hee and he kept discovering more sides. He had misunderstood her in the beginning despite not being the type to judge people. I'm slowly starting to understand why Mr Yang spoke so highly of her back then.

"I think it's time." Yixing said, inhaling and exhaling deeply. "If you're interested, I'd like to tell you about Jung Ha Na's and my relationship and the whole background." Talking about it after all these years might relieve the pressure on him and end the story completely. "Where do I start? It's a long story, let's start at the beginning about how and when I met Ha Na."

Min Hee didn't mind if Yixing chose not to tell her but she was always up to hear some stories. She listened attentively as it was the first time Yixing opened up to her about a personal story. 

Fall, 2009. One year after Yixing came to South Korea without any knowledge of the language whatsoever. However, he had met Jung Ha Na earlier that year and they started dating after some time. He liked her with an innocent heart. Even his Korean teacher said the best way to improve his Korean was to get a Korean girlfriend because it motivated him to learn faster. She was his second girlfriend and they only dated for a few months, they were both very young. "When I told her I was a trainee at SM Entertainment, Ha Na thought it was really cool and fascinating. And she was very understanding every time I stayed there until dawn to practise. She never said anything about it." Then, Ha Na started becoming impatient and couldn't bear with it anymore. "Not soon after, she broke up with me. We didn't date very long but it broke my heart. Her reasoning made it worse, I thought I could save the relationship and tried to persuade her but that would mean giving up on my dreams, I couldn't do that." 

The relationship was progressing well at first, but it was only a year after parting with his first love in China, Yixing felt guilty for some reason. Guilty for dating someone else and dating because that time could've been used for practice. Breaking up at the end might have been for the better. 

Jung Ha Na kindly gave him some advice, saying if he ended up not debuting, it would be a waste of time and asking if this was really what he wanted to do. Basically, she didn't believe in Yixing enough. "It pushed me harder and after much more hard work, I was finally able to debut. And now I am part of a group consisting of a bunch of noisy handsome men with raging hormones. Following our debut, I caught myself wondering whether we would've still been together now if Ha Na had trusted me but I think even if she had trusted me, I would've broken up with her sooner or later." After the break-up, Yixing wanted to prove he was able to debut and trained harder than ever. When he moved on and the emotional scars were completely healed, he realised why he was training. Not because of Jung Ha Na, but because it was his dream.

"That's about it. I felt kind of betrayed yet bad at the same time. Was I only using her? Wasn't I good enough? Although I tried holding onto her and convincing her otherwise, she couldn't trust me enough. I kept asking myself these questions, but thinking about it now, I am glad she ended it with me. I couldn't afford a relationship. After breaking up, I was able to fully focus on my debut, so I am very grateful for the experience. Sometimes, I wish we could've ended our story on good terms so it could stay as a pretty memory." Yixing narrated, thinking back to the year he had spent together with Ha Na which was also the time he struggled the most. Separating on good terms like his first love who broke up with Yixing so he could go to Korea. A long distance relationship didn't work out.

"And now she's returning after you got successful, I see. I am relieved to hear you aren't resenting her. Now, the only question is whether you still have positive feelings towards Ha Na or if you are able to trust her again." Min Hee was not the best at giving advice, but she was a good lis

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markmeevil #1
Chapter 20: Aw, it’s finally the end. This was the last story I was keeping this account open for to finish before I deactivated. Thank you for sharing your writing and giving us xingmis a sweet story to read :)
markmeevil #2
Chapter 19: I swear I just looked at this story a few days ago to see if it had been updated and I’d missed it, and miraculously there’s an update today! Sad it’s coming to an end soon, but glad we got so much sweetness and fluff of them enjoying their relationship this chapter. Thanks for the update!
markmeevil #3
Chapter 18: Ah! Finally! It’s so funny because that’s what I’m really hoping Yixing will do at some point. Do what makes HIM happy. The man really does put literally everyone else first along with his dream, but his actual life? That comes dead last.
markmeevil #4
Chapter 17: Sloooooooooooow burn. I really hope this has a happy ending. If it just ends with Yixing letting her go I will be so bummed after reading for this long
markmeevil #5
Chapter 16: I just finished reading this before bed, but now am about to fall asleep. I’ll comment more tomorrow when my brain is on lol— thank you for updating though!
markmeevil #6
Chapter 15: Yay! You’re back! First of all, congratulations on graduating!!! As for this chapter— !!!!!!!!! FINALLY! But also, thank God Min Hee is so straightforward and will not let him hide. I feel like you may have written him and him being in his own head way too much for his own good, too accurately, lol Glad for the update and looking forward to more! Congrats again!
markmeevil #7
Chapter 14: Cute! I was wondering which song it was... I really do enjoy this story and appreciate that you always come back to give us more. Reading the blossoming feelings makes me smile. And I love the contrast between Min Hee’s certainty about her feelings and actions versus Yixing confusion and worry about his actions and interpretations of her’s. Honestly it’s all so sweet I just love it!
markmeevil #8
Chapter 13: I’m still reading! And I do still enjoy!
markmeevil #9
Chapter 12: Funny, I was just thinking about this story yesterday. I’ll need to go back and re-read the story now because the relationship change with Ha Na changes the context of things!
markmeevil #10
Chapter 11: *Deep sigh* I really enjoy this story so much. You put a lot into letting us see how they think and feel, along with actions, but leave just enough out that we’re left wondering how and where things will go. Thanks for another great chapter— I especially liked reading a bit more of Yixing’s mental processing. I am kind of surprised his manager didn’t freak out when noticing Yixing texting her, but I’m totally here for that too! Looking forward to more :)