A Rainy Night

EXO SERIES: Someone Like Zhang Yixing
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A/N: Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is at your place right now. Thank you for waiting patiently and for even giving this last story of mine a chance. I hope I can repay you with my second longest chapter, feel free to tell me what you think of this update :)


Zhang Yixing was the only one among the four to stay in China. Kang Won Ho went back to Seoul first and Min Hee said she would temporarily return as well for meetings regarding her other activity. It was a lonely life, Zhang Yixing's. He had his own staff, his own studio, his privacy and his 'freedom'. But his people weren't there. The bunch of noisy handsome men, how Yixing loved to describe them, weren't with him or rather he wasn't with them; Yixing wanted to change that, too. He wanted to go back to Korea and promote with them, he wanted to have fun with his younger members again and play around. However, he wasn't in the position to decide. Of course, Yixing had his own studio now and was able to manage his schedule and plans with his crew, but he was still signed to SM Entertainment. Considering the tensions between the two countries, Yixing didn't know when he could keep up with the comebacks before the circumstances wouldn't allow him to promote in Korea. Apparently, without him in China, the CEO reckoned EXO's popularity would fall which could never happen because Yixing was their medium to break through the Chinese market.

At this very moment, Yixing was sitting in front of his monitor and reading some articles about him on the Internet. He planned on scanning several comments to get motivated and improve himself. All he found were suspicions and rumours about him. Yixing read the comments under one of the many articles regarding the same topic. Comments about him leaving the group, it made him sad to know they existed in the first place. Yixing understood the worried and anxious fans but he made a promise. "I promised them, why are those coming up?" Unknowingly, he mumbled the words to himself with furrowed eyebrows.

"What did you promise?" Yixing was caught off guard when Min Hee suddenly entered the room. She smiled carefreely taking a seat next to him and gazing at the article he was reading. Her smile disappeared, instead, her brows drew together slightly. "Why are you reading those anyway?" Intruding him and invading his privacy? No, Min Hee comes here all the time, she is part of the studio.

"You could've at least knocked, you know. How long have you been here? I didn't know you were back." Yixing questioned her as Min Hee was scanning the comments.

"The script reading was postponed so I didn't go back. I did knock numerous times. I guess you were extremely concentrated on reading? Don't read them, we both know the truth. They will only keep making you feel down." A lot has happened, but knowing Yixing, he would never leave his second family. The whole studio thing would be a waste, all the efforts and the hardships would be for nothing either. Yixing never considered leaving once, no matter how hard it was on him. It's not like Min Hee wants to fill his schedule whenever people reach out to the studio, his manager does. Yixing rarely turned offers down. For once, she had to follow his rules. 

Min Hee closed the page on Yixing's behalf so he wouldn't have to look at them anymore. He shouldn't care about the articles, especially those containing hurtful content. "I feel responsible because most of them are younger than me. I want them to trust me and I have a lot on my mind lately, too. Can I change my image? That I am always kind, but that's not true, I can get really angry once everything piles up." Yixing lowered his head, opening up and showing more vulnerability than usual.

His colleague shook his head, not being able to understand what was wrong with his image. "It's your image and it's exactly how you are. I think the sheep represents you quite well." 

"Being kind is good, but I am not always like that. I'd like to show a different but positive side of myself, not only to them but to me as well." Saying this, Yixing sensed a feeling of relief but it was strange for him at the same time. Actually talking about his thoughts to someone was different. Yixing felt relieved to have Min Hee listen to him despite not being able to give him any advice.

Min Hee smiled at his answer, she was surprised at the mature side of Yixing. "Back then, I used to think it would be very difficult for you to open up to me and tell me about what's bothering you. You always keep those things to yourself." It hasn't been very long since they met yet she felt nostalgic for some reason. Long ago when she first met him, she used to think he was just a very serious idol who was extremely dedicated to his work and career but he genuinely cared about his people.

After a pause of processing Min Hee's message, Yixing answered her. "You used to so it means you don't think so anymore? How come?" 

"I got to correct myself. I still do but I'm happy you talked to me today. There's no use reading the comments when you could read those written by people who support and cheer you on." Min Hee ended her advice to give Yixing some to think and changed the topic. "By the way, you're going back to Korea soon, aren't you? I heard EXO is coming back at the end of the year with a new album. This could be your chance to show everyone how sincere you are about not letting your brothers down."

"Finally reuniting with my brothers is what I've been looking forward to all this time. I'll have to return all the love with the double amount which means more practice! You're right, I should go right back to it." Yixing declared, turning off his laptop to go practise. 

Yeah, that's not exactly what I said but sure. Min Hee couldn't help but smile again, it was so easy to distract him with practice but utterly difficult to make him stop. 

Before leaving the office, Yixing turned back to the younger one for the last time. "Maybe I'm not telling you sufficiently, but you know I am always grateful for your work and effort, right? You might think you're not doing much but you've worked hard and contributed very much to the studio. I'm even considering hiring you as a real staff soon!"

Well, not as much as you, Zhang Yixing. "Not a big deal. Don't overdo it, I'll see you all healthy and fine at the Christmas banquet with the staff. Promise?" 

Yixing responded with a grin and waved her goodbye. "Yes, I'll keep that promise for sure." I'm a man of my words, of course I'll keep it.

In December 2015, Yixing was able to stand on stage with his precious members again. It was emotional for him, he cried at the showcase because he was grateful for the opportunity. Some months in, it has been one year since Yixing and Min Hee worked together. How could a year pass by so quickly? They started off as colleagues and one-sided drinking buddies although Yixing didn't fully agree on the drinking buddies aspect. They maintained a good friendship, of course, while separating work from it. Whereas Yixing was the one who was the busiest; drama and other filming, performances, press conferences, recordings, practice, some tour activities and more. 

Sadly, his three original staff members didn't stick and continue with Yixing because the year was physically exhausting for all four of them. They willingly sacrificed their health for the sake of the studio to grow bigger as an artist in China. Now in 2016 and onwards, with a change in staff, Yixing decided to control his schedule a bit more. Min Hee was personally put in charge of its organisation along with his new female manager.

The next recording would take place today, Yixing had arrived at Sanya, Hainan with his staff and the cast members of 'Go Fighting' the day before. He didn't have the time to enjoy the refreshing spring weather on Hainan Island as filming might take longer. It was his first time in Sanya so Yixing wanted to have fun and see the beach after work. Min Hee took the same flight and decided to accompany them to the filming, she would come along once in a while. Also, how could she possibly refuse to visit Hainan Island?

Yixing stretched his body and rubbed his eyes. I am tired. I must not be tired. All the activities drained his energy but he never complained about anything being too hard. He never said he would give up. It was the decision he made so he wanted to keep going. 

"You don't seem very well, you know. All pale and sleepy, you haven't eaten yet since arriving yesterday night." Min Hee sat in the van with her other colleagues and gazed Yixing's side profile. "Don't overdo it. It's not good for your health." 

"I'll do it even if I won't be able to do it." Yixing quoted one of his work mottos and assured her he was fine.

That's not the work motto you should have, Zhang Yixing. Min Hee glanced at him worried, sighing out of frustration. Was he like this on every schedule? She wouldn't know. If she was, she understood why his three original staff members couldn't continue working here. It's truly exhausting, you need to be physically capable to keep up.

"After arriving in Hainan yesterday night, I was more tired than hungry. I am used to the lack of sleep but I will make up for it after the recording and take a nap." Yixing looked out of the car window in a daze. He wanted to avoid cancelling the show recording just because he felt a little nauseous. Constantly sitting in the car might be the cause, maybe he was getting carsick.

Arriving at the shooting location, Yixing struggled to get out of the van at first but quickly got a hold of himself to start filming. While discussing Yixing's schedule for today with his manager, Min Hee would always glance at her friend from time to time to make sure he was fine. Not long ago, he was involved in an accident during filming. He had also collapsed but claimed he fell because of a cramp in his leg. Yeah, right. Min Hee stood next to her new colleague and had a bad feeling already. "We should better keep a good eye on him. He doesn't seem to be in his best condition today." 

"You know our boss, he always insists on keeping his schedule. I suggested calling the PD to cancel the filming but Yixing wouldn't let me." Ms Manager let out a sigh along with Min Hee, watching the hard worker having his make-up done by his stylist. When he was ready to film, they both kept an eye on Yixing's condition. 

"Director, may I please go to the bathroom?" Yixing suddenly questioned the PD, but the other show members didn't think much of it. Min Hee looked up concerned, his tone didn't sound good at all. Normally, Yixing never halted the filming, not even for a bathroom break because he was the type to hold it in. Was it possible to become paler? If yes, Yixing lost some more colour on his face. Getting up from his seat, he headed towards the bathroom only to suddenly faint midway. Min Hee was about to rush to him and check on him but the filming wasn't stopped, his cast members were taking care of him. He's been exhausted all day and not gotten enough rest. And he barely eats either! No wonder I had a bad feeling about today's schedule.

'Go Fighting' cast member Huang Bo carried Yixing and drove him to the hospital later, his staff were seated at the back of the car while Min Hee followed them separately in the van. Ms Manager assumed the idol fainted from food poisoning but Min Hee doubted it. How would Yixing get food poisoning when he didn't eat anything in the first place? 

"I'm cold." Yixing mumbled, keeping his eyes closed. His eyes seemed heavier than usual for him to open. He was shivering even with the blanket on him and he felt like everything was spinning while he was lying in the car. The filming still continued shortly in the hospital room, but Huang Bo returned to the shooting to let Yixing rest. The cameramen took a break and the rest of the staff members waited in the van while Min Hee and Ms Manager stayed in the room. "I'm feeling bad for causing so much trouble for the staff." 

"Being sick is nothing you have to feel bad for. You'll feel better after the drip, Yixing. The results will come out soon." Min Hee reassured him and took a seat. There wasn't a day which Min Hee spent without worrying about him. Unfortunately, she came to get used to those situations. She would be less concerned if Yixing didn't get sick easily but these days he was prone to almost everything. Rather than scolding him for not taking care of his health, Min Hee would like him to be more careful or at least less reckless about his health.

The nurse came in and told Yixing he could be discharged if he was fine. The young man was given a form of his results and prepared to join the others for the recording right after. "I'm way better now, let's go." 

Min Hee pushed him back gently and checked his condition again. "Are you sure? You don't feel nauseous and dizzy anymore?"

Yixing shook his head with a confident smile. "The drip worked like wonder! I'd like to go back and resume filming. I am not sure what those results mean but the hospital said I can go, right?" And so they left the hospital. Yixing rested on the way to the set, feeling disappointed about the day not going well as planned. He had lots of fun nevertheless and particularly Min Hee watched him from afar in the background.

After Yixing's fainting incident, everything went back to normal for him. He went back to Korea for the next album release, the third studio album, which meant more work and promotions for the idol. He spent sleepless nights practising and catching up with s. Yixing certainly didn't know the definition of taking a rest or break, maybe when the 'Ex'Act' promotions were over. The members prepared themselves for the tour in July and the repackaged album at the same time. Summer was a busy season for the group and before they knew it, the next one already came.

Today, Yixing only attended an event and used the remaining time to be productive. "It's not too late to work out." Yixing was ready to leave his room when his phone rang and made him wonder who would call him at this hour. "Who's there?" 

"Oh my, finally someone's picking up his phone. It's Min Hee. I've tried calling your manager but she didn't pick up." Min Hee was on the line and exhaled in relief once Yixing answered the call. "It's about your schedule because there are some conflicts with other activities. I should discuss this w

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markmeevil #1
Chapter 20: Aw, it’s finally the end. This was the last story I was keeping this account open for to finish before I deactivated. Thank you for sharing your writing and giving us xingmis a sweet story to read :)
markmeevil #2
Chapter 19: I swear I just looked at this story a few days ago to see if it had been updated and I’d missed it, and miraculously there’s an update today! Sad it’s coming to an end soon, but glad we got so much sweetness and fluff of them enjoying their relationship this chapter. Thanks for the update!
markmeevil #3
Chapter 18: Ah! Finally! It’s so funny because that’s what I’m really hoping Yixing will do at some point. Do what makes HIM happy. The man really does put literally everyone else first along with his dream, but his actual life? That comes dead last.
markmeevil #4
Chapter 17: Sloooooooooooow burn. I really hope this has a happy ending. If it just ends with Yixing letting her go I will be so bummed after reading for this long
markmeevil #5
Chapter 16: I just finished reading this before bed, but now am about to fall asleep. I’ll comment more tomorrow when my brain is on lol— thank you for updating though!
markmeevil #6
Chapter 15: Yay! You’re back! First of all, congratulations on graduating!!! As for this chapter— !!!!!!!!! FINALLY! But also, thank God Min Hee is so straightforward and will not let him hide. I feel like you may have written him and him being in his own head way too much for his own good, too accurately, lol Glad for the update and looking forward to more! Congrats again!
markmeevil #7
Chapter 14: Cute! I was wondering which song it was... I really do enjoy this story and appreciate that you always come back to give us more. Reading the blossoming feelings makes me smile. And I love the contrast between Min Hee’s certainty about her feelings and actions versus Yixing confusion and worry about his actions and interpretations of her’s. Honestly it’s all so sweet I just love it!
markmeevil #8
Chapter 13: I’m still reading! And I do still enjoy!
markmeevil #9
Chapter 12: Funny, I was just thinking about this story yesterday. I’ll need to go back and re-read the story now because the relationship change with Ha Na changes the context of things!
markmeevil #10
Chapter 11: *Deep sigh* I really enjoy this story so much. You put a lot into letting us see how they think and feel, along with actions, but leave just enough out that we’re left wondering how and where things will go. Thanks for another great chapter— I especially liked reading a bit more of Yixing’s mental processing. I am kind of surprised his manager didn’t freak out when noticing Yixing texting her, but I’m totally here for that too! Looking forward to more :)