...What's Going On?

An Unknown Life...

It was already lunch time, Krista and Veronica just walked out of the classroom without saying anything to the Jo twins. Both of them were making a worried look and when they walked out, Minwoo was waiting for them outside.

"Annyeong~!" Minwoo said with a smile.

When Minwoo looked at the twins, he then started to make a curious look. "What's wrong?" Minwoo asked.

"It's nothing..." Youngmin mumbled.

"Wae? You can tell me." Minwoo said as he started to pout.

"It's nothing." Kwangmin said.

Minwoo made a suspicious look and they walked to the cafeteria, when they arrived...they spotted Donghyun, Hyunseong, and Jeongmin already there.

"Hey hyung." Minwoo said as he sat down.

"Hey..." Donghyun said.

"You're sad as well." Minwoo said with a surprise look.

"...No, just confused." Donghyun said.

"Why you say that?" Hyunseong asked.

"It's Lucero...she's been acting...well I don't know how to say it." Donghyun said with an unsure look.

"What happened?" Jeongmin asked.

"Well, I feel like she's mad at me or something." Donghyun said.

"She's not hanging out with you..." Youngmin said.

Donghyun made a surprise look and then asked, "How did you know?"

"...Well, the same thing happened to me..." Youngmin said.

"So that's what you were sad about." Minwoo said. He then sighed sadly, "I have the same problem as well..."

"What's going on? It's like they rather hang out with them than with us." Hyunseong said.

"But, their suppose to be enemies." Jeongmin said with a surprise look.

"...Molla, have either one of you guys try to talking to them?" Donghyun asked.

"...I have..." Minwoo said sadly.

"And what happened?" Kwangmin said.

Minwoo made a sad look and said, "I really don't want to talk about it right now. Seeing her with C.A.P, I'm not sure...she just said it's been a while since she saw him...she just want to hang out with him...I'm not sure. But, that's what she told me."

"...I guess they rather hang out with them than with us..." Jeongmin said sadly.

"Jeongmin! Yah! Don't say that! That's not true!" Kwangmin said as he made a surprise look.

"But it's true isn't it?" Hyunseong asked.

"We're not sure..." Youngmin said.

"Someone has to talk to them..." Donghyun suggested.

Everyone thought about it and they all started to look at Youngmin. Youngmin made a surprise look and then he asked, "Wait? Why me?!"

"Cause you understand Krista more. Also, she won't get mad at you." Kwangmin said.

"But, you know how she acts when she's mad." Youngmin said as he made a surprise look.

"Hyung, I thought you want to be brave..." Minwoo pouted.

"...Araso, but...with Krista. I'm good." Youngmin said.

"Youngmin, jebal." Kwangmin begged.

"Yeah...please." The rest of Boyfriend begged.

Youngmin looked away but, he was starting to get annoy by the voice. He sighed and said, "Ok! Ok! Fine! I'll talk with her."

Youngmin then got up and walked over to the girls' table. Lucero looked up and she made a serious look. "Um...look who's coming." Lucero said with a serious look.

Everyone turned around and they spotted Youngmin walking up to them. "Annyeong~!" Youngmin said shyly.

"Hey Youngmin..." Veronica said.

"Krista, can we talk?" Youngmin asked.

Krista made a worried look and she looked at the other girls. They all looked at each other and they made an unsure look, which gave Krista an unsure look. She turned back to Youngmin and said, "Um...ok."

She then got up and follow Youngmin outside of the cafeteria. "Youngmin, is there something wrong?" Krista asked curiously.

Youngmin was turned away and he just stayed silent. He didn't know what to say to Krista. He want to tell her what's going on, but what if he gets her mad. He then took a deep breath and turn to Krista. "Actually yes..." Youngmin said nervously.

Krista made a surprise look on how serious Youngmin was. ...That was when...she started to make a worried look...

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Minwoo and I share the same birthday!!!!
stephanie_17 #2
Chapter 74: Veronica anf kwangngmib
Omg Lucero's birthday is my birthday too!
I hope you'll make a sequel kekekeke :P
me too
Haha, I can see that :P
i know right...... i get it from my friends
Wow...so much randomness
tvxq:do you know what time it is??
fangirls:YUNHO T-
me:OH YEAH OH YEAH (mblaq *squeal*)
Then, mblaq arrives.........
'tvxq and the fangirls leave slowly (they were mad creeped out and scared of me)'
'tvxq and the fan girls start to run'
mblaq: STOP!!!! *breath* you *breath* are *breath* suffocating *breath* us!!!!!! *choking and coughing*
me still fangirling them and couldn't hear anything.

P.S. the point is that to make a sequel!!!

P.S. P.S. if you don't know why i called mblaq "the body twin brothers (seungho and mir), lee joon ssi lovely (lee joon), mr. mustache (G.O.) and sandara park (thunder), then read "Life is Hard" chapter 22 and 23 (or if you want to read the whole thing) by "roschellllleeee". ( "Life is Hard" is my favorite story, actually i love all of her stories.)
Haha, yes I promise you'll be the first person to see if there's a sequel...Haha I'll tell you about it since you love my stories a lot.