
An Unknown Life...

~Anabell's POV~

I arrived at school and I spotted my friends right away. All of them were there...except for one person. Ever since what happened last time, I haven't seen Krista ever since. ...What could possibly happen to her? Pretty much, everyone seems normal...but, I notice one person was staying quiet and she was never quiet...

"Veronica, gwenchana?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah..." She said as she looked up to me by surprise.

I made a suspicious look at her, I know something's up...but, what is it? When I looked up I spotted someone walking up to us. Right away, I made a serious look. Of course, you can tell it's Jessica and her friends right away. What do they want with us now...?

~No One's POV~

"Well...well looks who's here? But wait, I notice someone isn't here..." Jessica said sarcastically.

"We heard what happened to your little friend." Yong Jae said.

"And...why do you care?" Gaby asked.

"We just wanted to laugh at you. Who could have known Krista disappeared because both of her boyfriends slapped her. Heh...did she wanted that slap or she was trying to protect Youngmin?" Hani asked.

"Shikeurro~!" Veronica blurted out.

"Why are you even her? Besides, I notice someone is missing in your group." Anabell said as she crossed her arms. "Where is that b**** anyway?" She asked.

"Why won't you watch your mouth Anabell!" Haneul said.

"...Heh, she said had to do something who knows..." Jessica shrugged.

The bell rang and the girls walked away. Anabell and the others just stood there glaring at them as they walked away. "...Um, did me and Cindy miss something?" Lucero asked.

"Yeah, why isn't Krista here?" Cindy asked.

Veronica, Gaby, and Anabell looked at each other for a moment and then they slowly turned away with a sad look. "She left..." Gaby said sadly.

"What? Why?" Lucero asked surprised.

"...When you guys left, Krista took the hit for Youngmin. Niel was about to slap him, but Krista protected him...even though Youngmin slapped her in the first place..." Veronica said sadly.

"But, do you guys know where she ran off...?" Cindy asked.

"Molla, she just ran off and disappeared out of nowhere. Who knows where could she be..." Anabell said.

"I think we should get going to class." Lucero suggested.

"I agree..." Cindy nodded. "After school, we'll try to look for Krista." Cindy suggested.

While the girls were walking away, someone was listening to their conversation...which was Youngmin...

~Youngmin's POV~

What?! This can't be! Krista can't be missing! I started to make a sad look, then all of a sudden I became mad...out of nowhere I punched the wall which made a crack. I started to feel weak all of a sudden...I become more weak which made lay on the wall. ...This can not be happening. It's all my fault. I didn't mean to hurt her...but, she took the hit for me...

"Hyung..." Someone called out.

I looked to my side and spotted Minwoo standing with an innocent look. "Gwenchana?" He asked me.

"Nae..." I mumbled.

"Did something happened?" Minwoo asked.

"It's nothing..." I lied.

I quickly got up and was about to walk away but, then someone grabbed my shoulder. "You can tell us about it." A familar voice said.

I looked behind me and spotted Donghyun making a worried look at me. "Hyung..." I said surprised.

~No One's POV~

"What happened?" Donghyun asked.

"...Well, I heard those vampires talking to the girls...and well, they said that Krista disappeared." Youngmin said sadly.

"What?! That can't be true?! Hyung, is it?" Minwoo asked surprised.

Donghyun looked at Youngmin and notice he was about to cry...he made a sad look and sighed sadly, "It's true..."

"It's all my fault! If this wouldn't have happened, she would have still be here by now." Youngmin said sadly.

"It's not your fault." Minwoo said.

"...Do you know where she ran off?" Donghyun asked.

"Molla, even the girls don't even know...but, Cindy said that they will be looking for her right after school." Youngmin said...

"I think we should help out." Donghyun suggested.

"I agree." Minwoo smiled.

~Krista's POV~

I ran far away, that I have no idea where I went...I got tired of all this kind of problem...I feel bad about leaving my friends behind, but...it's for the best.

I actually don't know where I am exactly, all I know is...well, that its very cloudly. I was laying down on the ground in my wolf form...I actually stayed that way because, I notice how cold it is...

It was quiet...which I'm actually glad...it actually makes me relax...and not get stressed out. But, something ruined it...All of a sudden I heard footsteps out of nowhere. I slowly looked up and made a curious look. Who's there exactly...?

I slowly got up and walked up to that exact spot...it gave me a curious look at first...it was quiet...but, I can see that spot shake a little...As I got closer to it...it keeps on moving...I feel like it's a trap...but, wait who's going to be here anyway?

I slowly walked up to it and when I was close all of a sudden, ...it attacked me...

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Minwoo and I share the same birthday!!!!
stephanie_17 #2
Chapter 74: Veronica anf kwangngmib
Omg Lucero's birthday is my birthday too!
I hope you'll make a sequel kekekeke :P
me too
Haha, I can see that :P
i know right...... i get it from my friends
Wow...so much randomness
tvxq:do you know what time it is??
fangirls:YUNHO T-
me:OH YEAH OH YEAH (mblaq *squeal*)
Then, mblaq arrives.........
'tvxq and the fangirls leave slowly (they were mad creeped out and scared of me)'
'tvxq and the fan girls start to run'
mblaq: STOP!!!! *breath* you *breath* are *breath* suffocating *breath* us!!!!!! *choking and coughing*
me still fangirling them and couldn't hear anything.

P.S. the point is that to make a sequel!!!

P.S. P.S. if you don't know why i called mblaq "the body twin brothers (seungho and mir), lee joon ssi lovely (lee joon), mr. mustache (G.O.) and sandara park (thunder), then read "Life is Hard" chapter 22 and 23 (or if you want to read the whole thing) by "roschellllleeee". ( "Life is Hard" is my favorite story, actually i love all of her stories.)
Haha, yes I promise you'll be the first person to see if there's a sequel...Haha I'll tell you about it since you love my stories a lot.