Valentine Special: Valentine's Day At School...

An Unknown Life...

It was the next day of school, the girls arrived and they started to open their lockers. Once they open their locker each one of them have a note fell out of their locker. Each and every one of them made a curious look and they picked up the note.

"What is this?" Veronica asked.

The first person to open up the note was Anabell. Anabell made a curious look and then she started reading the note:

    I see that you have found the note that means you have a secret admirer ;)...if you follow these hints then maybe you might see your valentine in person...

First Hint:
    The first hint must be really simple, if you go to the front of the school, you might find someone holding a purple rose...

~Secret Admirer

"A secret admirer?... Well that might be surprising." Krista said with a curious look.

"Well you also have one as well dongsaeng." Gaby said.

Cindy read her note and then she made a curious look, "Well...everyone have the same intro...but, the only thing that's different are the hints. Anabell has to go in front of the school, Krista have to go to the library, Veronica has to go to the cafeteria, Gaby she has to go the front office, and Lucero...well her's might be the hardest. She has to look for the right classroom." Cindy explained.

"Should we follow these hints?" Veronica asked.

"I think we should." Lucero said.

"...It's worth a try..." Cindy shrugged.

"Alright, well...see you guys later." Anabell said as she walked away.

Everyone got separated and they head to their first location.

Gaby's Valentine Moment

Gaby headed to her first location which was the front office. When she arrived, she then made a curious look. She looked over the note and she read it over again:

First Hint:
    The first hint is your location is in the front office. When you arrive, someone would give you your favorite animal with another note.

When Gaby keep reading over the note, she made a confuse look.

Aigoo, what am I even going to do? How can I find someone that has my favorite animal? Gaby thought to herself.

Gaby then changed to a thinking face until...someone walked up to her. Gaby looked up and spotted someone holding something.

"Are you Gaby?" The person asked.

"Y...Yeah...?" Gaby said curiously.

" made it in time. Someone wanted me to give these to you." The person said as he handed Gaby the stuffed animal.

Gaby made a surprise look and the person just walked away without saying anything else. Gaby made a curious look and she looked at the stuffed animal.

When she looked at it, she spotted something that was stick out which was a note. Gaby took the note and she open it up and read it:

How did you like your first gift? That's your favorite animal right? You still have to find this is just the beginning.

Second Hint:
    Once you walk out of the front office you will see a message somewhere on the wall. It will tell you a direction and you have to follow it. Once you follow the directions, another gift and note will be waiting for you. :)

"Aigoo, you have to be kidding me?..." Gaby sighed.

When Gaby looked up ahead, she spotted the door...

"Well here goes nothing." Gaby said as she took a deep breath.

She walked up to the door and then walked out of the front office...

Anabell's Valentine Moment

The next person to look for the first hint was Anabell. Anabell arrived at the front of the school and spotted no one there. As she looked around, it was quiet. She just stood there with a curious look.

On the note, it said I should look for someone with a purple rose...? Anabell thought to herself.

Anabell made a curious look and she started to think...when she looked around, she spotted someone waving at her. Anabell made a curious look and when she looked closely at that person, she spotted the first thing on that person's hand...a purple rose.

Anabell quicly walked up to that person and he just stood there with a rose.

"You're Anabell?" The person asked.

"Yeah..." Anabell said.

"This is for you..." The person said with a smile.

Anabell got the rose and then she said, "Thanks."

The person nodded and just walked away without saying a word. Anabell looked at the rose and she was amazed how pretty it was. When she looked at it...she smiled.

When Anabell looked at the rose, she spotted something hanging on the side. Anabell made a curious look and when she picked it up, she spotted another note from the same exact person:

I see that you have found the second note. What do you think of the purple rose? :) I hope you like it. But, it's not over...

Second Hint:
     The second hint might be kind of tricky. And...I'm afraid you might hate me for this. :/ You have to go to the class you mostly hate. When you arrive, someone will give you something special...all I'm going to say's an animal.

When Anabell read it, she then let out a sigh..., "Are you serious...I have to walk back in?"

Anabell looked up and then she walked back inside the school and headed to her 4th period class.

Veronica's Valentine Moment

Veronica was the next person to look for the first hint. The first place she head to was the cafeteria. Apparently, she spotted no one there. She made a curious look and decided to read the note again:

First Hint:
   Your first hint should be easy, if you head to the cafeteria you will see something that is your favorite animal... :)


When she looked around, someone knocked on the window from inside the cafeteria kitchen.

Veronica made a confuse look and she walked up to that person. She opened the window, and she made confuse look.

"Veronica right...?" The person said.

"Yup~!" Veronica said with a smile.

"This is for you..." The person said as she handed her a stuff animal.

"Puppy~!" Veronica squealed in excitement.

She grabbed the stuffed dog and said, "Thank you so much."

The person nodded and she got back to work. Veronica was so busy hugging the dog until that was when she spotted a note. She opened up the note and she started reading:

I should have known that dog was your favorite animal...:) But, let see if you can find the second hint.

Second Hint:
     The second hint might be easy but, also might be hard. Head to the class that you struggle on mostly. Once you're there...someone will give you something that you won't take your eyes off of...

Once Veronica read the note, she then sighed.

"Here we go again..." Veronica sighed.

She then walked out of the cafeteria and then she head to her 5th period.

Krista's Valentine Moment

Krista arrived at the library and she notice that it was quiet. She made a curious look and doesn't know where should she go. She opened up the note and then she started to read it over again:

First Hint:
    The first hint is you should head to the library...once you arrive, there will obviously be a kind of flower waiting for you along with a differnt color. Right next to it...will be a book. Open the book once you have found the flower.

Krista kept on reading the note how many times until she sighed, she looked at the tables until she spotted something being obivous. When she looked closely, that was when she spotted something she was amazed at...a blue rose.

Krista made an amazed look as she looked at the rose. While she was so busy looking at the rose, she spotted a book sitting along side it. Krista made a curious look and when she open the book, there was another note inside.

Krista grabbed the note and she opened it. Then, she started reading:

How did you like the flower? I should have known blue was your favorite color. Anyways, hopefully you can figure out the secong hint. :)

Second Hint:
    Your second hint is something that you're good up. I always see you doing it every single day...well you should know what you're good at. If no, then it's singing. Head to the choir room and you'll find "something" sitting on a chair waiting for you...along with another note.

When Krista was reading through the note, she started to smile. She then walked out of the library...and she head to the choir room for her next note.

Cindy's Valentine Moment

Cindy arrived at the center of the school and she spotted...nothing. Cindy looked around and she didn't know where else to go. She looked at the note and she started to read it again:

First Hint:
    For your first hint, you have to head to the center of the school. If you see a bench, walk over to it...because you will find your favorite animal along with another note.

Cindy kept on reading the note until she finally gave up. She looked up and that was when she spotted a bench right in front of her.

"Oh! It was just right there." Cindy said.

She walked over to it and when she arrived, she spotted something that made her have a surprise look.

"Aw...~! It's my favorite animal!" Cindy said happily.

Cindy picked up the stuff animal and when she looked at it, she spotted a note. Cindy made a curious look and then she started to read the note:

What do you think of the gift? I hope you like it... :)

Second Hint:
     The second hint is since you don't want to hurry to class a lot, then go somewhere on what you're mostly good at. Head to the dance studio and something will be there...waiting for you :)

Cindy nodded and then she then walked to her next location which was the dance studio.

Lucero's Valentine Moment

Lucero has been searching everywhere for the right classroom and then she finally figure out...that she was lost. Lucero sighed so she decided to read the note again:

First Hint:
    I actually wanted to give you a challenge so the first hint is going to be hard for you. I understand that you maybe clueless...but, it's worth a try. :) Head to the first class that you love the most. Then, something will be there for you for you next hint.

Lucero then started to pout and then she said, "Why does this have to be such a hard hint?!"

Lucero sighed until that was when she finally figure it out. She finally arrived at her 6th period class which was English. Lucero looked around and that was when she spotted something on the desk.

"Wow...that is so awesome." Lucero said with a smile.

As she was so busy looking at the rose, that was when she spotted another hint. Lucero picked up the note from the desk and then she started to read:

What do you think of the white rose, to tell you the truth, I actually didn't know what was your favorite color. So...I hope white is ok.

Second Hint:
    Your second hint is to now find a class that you really hate. Which might be easy for you. When you arrive there, "something" will just sit there until you arrive.

"Really?! Do I really have to go orchestra?!" Lucero asked with a surprise look.

She then sighed and then walked out of her class and head to the orchestra room...



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Minwoo and I share the same birthday!!!!
stephanie_17 #2
Chapter 74: Veronica anf kwangngmib
Omg Lucero's birthday is my birthday too!
I hope you'll make a sequel kekekeke :P
me too
Haha, I can see that :P
i know right...... i get it from my friends
#8 much randomness
tvxq:do you know what time it is??
fangirls:YUNHO T-
me:OH YEAH OH YEAH (mblaq *squeal*)
Then, mblaq arrives.........
'tvxq and the fangirls leave slowly (they were mad creeped out and scared of me)'
'tvxq and the fan girls start to run'
mblaq: STOP!!!! *breath* you *breath* are *breath* suffocating *breath* us!!!!!! *choking and coughing*
me still fangirling them and couldn't hear anything.

P.S. the point is that to make a sequel!!!

P.S. P.S. if you don't know why i called mblaq "the body twin brothers (seungho and mir), lee joon ssi lovely (lee joon), mr. mustache (G.O.) and sandara park (thunder), then read "Life is Hard" chapter 22 and 23 (or if you want to read the whole thing) by "roschellllleeee". ( "Life is Hard" is my favorite story, actually i love all of her stories.)
Haha, yes I promise you'll be the first person to see if there's a sequel...Haha I'll tell you about it since you love my stories a lot.