Chapter 9: Mutual feelings

Fate? Woozi x Reader (Seventeen fanfiction)

Winter break yasssss. yassss. No school, time to practice, and lots of learning . That all means I won't be bored! For once I won't be bored during a holiday. Also my mom didn't complain about my grades so HAHA YAS. Cuz well if you know Asian parents, one B and you're dead. 
Thump thump thump... 
What should I do... Should I tell him first? My heart is racing so fast...
At this point my eyes were wide open, I stare up into the ceiling. Though there wasn't much to see, the lights were off anyways. I could vaguely see the outlines of objects in the room. 
Was it a dream...? It has to be a dream right? Y/N wake up!
"It's not a dream." 
I gasp and cover my mouth. I look over to see if Woozi woke up from the sudden noise I made; I sigh in relief after I was sure he was asleep. 
Why did you say that out loud! Aish really! 
I go back under my covers and try to sleep. I end up tossing and turning half the night until I finally gave up. Pulling off my covers, I sit upright on my bed. I rub my eyes and go down the stairs for water. I switch on the lights in the kitchen and see Hoshi and Jeonghan sitting on the stools. The both of them had glasses in their hands; they looked at me. 
"Y/N, what are you doing up?" 
"I should be asking you two that." 
The both of them shrug and ask if I want to join them as I poured a glasses of water for myself. I seat myself between the two of them and set my glass on the counter. 
"So, what are you two doing?" 
"Oh we couldn't sleep so we ended up talking." 
"Say Y/N, why did you get up?" 
"Oh uh... It's a weird explanation." 
They smirk and look at each other. 
"What happened~" 
They repeated saying that while rocking me back and forth on the stool. 
"Ok ok stop, sheesh. You'll wake up the others, chill for a second ok?" 
"Fine. So, what is it~" 
Jeonghan nudges me, I roll my eyes at him and start explaining about what I heard. 
"No joke?" 
"No joke."
"So, what are you going to do about it?" 
"What do you mean..." 
I can't just say that I like him...and if I tell him that I heard he'll probably deny it. 
"Come on Y/N, you know what we mean."
"But wouldn't he just deny it?" 
"C'mon...why can't you two just realize you both like each other!" 
I go silent and ponder around in my thoughts. 
What if I was just hallucinating... 
"'s true that I like him...b-"

I was caught. 
"Ahaha...hey guys?" 
"Woozi what were you doing?" 

"Oh nothing." 
"Did you hear what we were talking about?" Y/N asks worriedly. 
Y/N sighs in relief, I go to the counter and get a glass of water. Truthfully I knew she was awake and I knew that they were down here. In fact I heard their whole conversation. 
So she heard it...and she likes me too. 
I grin while pouring the water and grab another stool. I made sure I had a blank face when facing them. I take a seat across from Y/N and join their discussion. We ended up talking through the night till morning. 
Isn't the debut date soon... Two more days. 
*ding dong
"Who is it?" 
"Where's Y/N?!" 
What the...
Y/N rushes over to the door and unlocks it. He resembled Y/N a lot, he had black side swept hair and wore a casual outfit. He had what seemed like a suit in his arm. He looked older than Y/N, she hugged him and he entered our apartment. 
"Guys meet my brother." 
She has a brother?! 
"Hello, we are Seventeen and this is our apartment." We say and bow. 
"I'm Yoosung." He said sternly. 
"Y/N, are you living with all guys?" 
"Ah yes..." 
He eyes all of us suspiciously, I get the chills once his gaze lands on me. 
"If any of you try anything I'll-" 
"Hyung! They're good people." 
"What's with all the ruckus in the morning?!" 
The rest of Seventeen comes down the stairs. Her brother looked shocked at the amount of members, S.coups came up to me and asked about what was going on. 
"Hyung, that's Y/N's older brother." 
His eyes widen and he gets everyone else to bow and say hello.
"What brings you here today?" 
"Today is grandma and grandpa's funeral." 
They already planned it for today..?
"You planned it?" 
"You guys can come too." 
...don't look at me. Ah . 
His gaze landed on me, then he asked to speak with me in private. I lead him to the bedroom I shared with Y/N. He sat down on the bed as I stood in front of him. 
"So, I heard that grandpa liked you especially. Jihoon I believe was your name right?" 
I nod, he continues to look at me silently judging I'm sure. 
"You share a room with Y/N?" 
I nod again. He laughs and tells me not to be scared or anything. 
How could I not be scared? He's way taller, and has a deep voice. 
"Do Y/N? In that way." 
"No, a friend." 
Aw seriously, don't blush NOW. Of all times?! 
"Your face tells otherwise." 
He laughs and nudges my shoulder. He stood up and pats my back. 
"I'm okay with it as long as you take care of her." 
He holds out his hand, I shake it and we both go back downstairs. 
"Everyone get ready we're leaving soon!" 
Time to get changed I guess. What if Mrs.Kim comes to the funeral. That'll be hell...
"Let's go!!" 
I grab the keys and stuff them in my pocket. We all file out the door and into  the van. I sat in the back as usual, though I noticed a car following us. 
Probably Y/N's brother. Right? 
We pulled up into a parking lot, we all got out of the van and stretch for a moment. Y/N's brother was already waiting for us in the reception. There was a fairly big crowd that showed up, we all sat down inside the church waiting for other guests to arrive. 
"This is the same reception..." 
Her parents. 
She looked down, a unsettling aura surrounded her as we waited for the room to go silent. The priest stood on the podium and asked us to rise for prayers. I sensed something wrong. Everyone closed their eyes, but I didn't. I looked around and I saw a suspicious man in black. He didn't seem like one of Mrs.Kim's men though; he looked like he hasn't been properly sheltered for days. 
Maybe I should just close my eyes and hope that it's just me being cautious. 
The reception continued; it was time to bury the coffins. All of us walked outside quietly, I kept an eye on the suspicious guy. He seemed to be hiding something in his pocket, we reached the end of the graveyard where fresh holes were dug. They were beside the graves of Y/N's parents. Everyone took turns saying things about her grandparents, wishing them farewell, and wishing Y/N well. She goes up and starts to say a few words, I just watch her until something bright catches my eye. I turn and see the man pulling out something from his pocket. 
Is he...that...gun?!
I lunge towards Y/N mid sentence and pull her to the ground with me. Y/N didn't get hit, I scrambled to my feet and scanned the crowd. 
Where is he?! Dammit he's running! 
I pushed people out of my way and ran after the guy, it was too late though. By the time I got through the crowd he was out of sight. They continued the service, Y/N's grandparents were buried and everyone started to leave. It was just us left, Yoosung pulled me away from everyone else. 
"What was that earlier?" He said referring to the gunshot. 
"There are people...your sister was supposed to have an arranged marriage." 
Once again I ended up explaining about Mrs.Kim and told him all the things that happened. 
"What is this?! No way I'm letting Y/N get forcefully married!" 
He started ranting and yelling, honestly he was acting like a big cry baby. I wouldn't blame him though, she's his little sister after all. We started going back, Yoosung was still pretty upset about it. 
"What can we do to stop it?" 
Finally he's being logical. 
"Well, she has to have a partner by the time it's her birthday. More like, be certain about who she's going to marry." 
"And is there anyone...?" 
Is there? Well...
"I don't know, haven't really asked her about it." 
I smiled to myself in my head, Yoosung was then determined to help. He even said he'd move to be closer to us, I honestly thought it was a good thing. An extra person that could possibly save our lives. How nice. 
"I'm going to ask her about it later today."
"Done yet?" 
He laughed and punched my shoulder playfully. 
I need to practice that dance more. 
We boarded the van again, Yoosung said he'd stay with us at the apartment to 'chat' more. Chat meaning question Y/N, unluckily for me he sat beside me in the van. He started to rant about everything, I blocked out his voice by blasting music in my ears. 
I wonder if Y/N ever suffered at some point in her life. Sometimes she seems so depressed... 
I look over to her, she was sleeping. A sudden sadness washed over me, I honestly thought there was something wrong for a moment. 
The van screeched to a stop, all of us walked into our dorm and fell to the floor. Most of us were still tired from all the hard work we've done in the past few days, you could say that today and tomorrow were our 'recovery' days. Well not much of tomorrow, but it was still going to be ok with just today. 
Finally it's nice and relaxing... 
Are you kidding me...Yoosung go awaaaaaaay!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh 
"There's a mission~" 
"Hurry up and say it already! Look at us we're all tired!" 
They continue arguing, I just close my eyes and try to block out the noise and just focus on the music. 
I groan, and refused to sit up. I felt hands tugging my feet dragging me across the floor. 
"What...shut up..." 
What can they do. 
"Yah! What are you doing?!" 
A loud thump sound was heard, they threw someone on my. The air was knocked out of my chest, the strain was painful enough to make my eyes shoot open.  
She rolled off of my, I sat up not wanting another person trampling on my body. 
I'm getting you back for this. 
"Are you all listening now?" 
"Yea yea, just say it." 
"You have to make dinner. From scratch. You'll be in your units, though I know that the vocal team has five members so one of them gets to hangout with me while you compete."
Oh god... 
"DK you're out of our group!" 
"You're not gonna do anything!!!" 
We all laugh as the arguments continue; soon we realized that there were no ingredients in the fridge. 
"Too lazy to go to the store..." 
"Ah! Let's just order the groceries online and have it delivered!" 
There's such thing as that?! 
Y/N takes out her phone and looks on the website for delivery, the units gather in their groups while DK and Yoosung were waiting.
"What to order..." 
I let the people who knew what they were doing handle that situation, I'm more of a follower you could say when it comes to these things. 
"Oh yea forgot to say! You only have to cook 5 portions!!!" 
I see their eyes light up, I was clueless. Utterly clueless. It dawned on me, how were we all going to cook in one kitchen. Did we even have enough materials for everyone to use? 
"Guys, everyone is using the kitchen, tell me what to get so we won't have to scatter around for supplies." 
They gave me a list, thankfully we got the biggest bowl so I could just carry it and fill it with other supplies. I made sure not to make any noise so the other groups wouldn't see. I held it inside our little circle, they began to explain what we were making. I knew I'd get told what to do so I didn't bother to listen, after a few minutes the ingredients for everyone came. Three large shopping bags were at the front door, we started to set things up at a table nearby. The other units were making a huge ruckus in the kitchen fighting over materials, I just couldn't suppress my laugh. 
"Woozi, cut this and this and this...cut all of these."
I washed my hands and started cutting away, hearing the sounds of chopping was surprisingly pleasant. I felt a presence slowly nearing and laughed in my head. 
Oh Y/N, don't even try. 
I screamed as I turned around, she looked startled but soon laughed along with me. 
"So unfair! Dammit!" 
This had been going on for a while, for the past month we've been trying to scare each other and the members have caught on as well. 
What is it now...
"Another thing about the mission, CEO told me to stop you guys halfway. You have to be linking arms with another person, back to back." 
Shouts of protest were said, though in the end everyone ended up doing it. Jeonghan and Seungkwan ended up linking arms, I was with Y/N. Though it wasn't too hard since she was almost the same height as me. I continued cutting while shifting positions sometimes because of Y/N. 
"Are you two ok over there?!" 
Jeonghan and Seungkwan yelled from across the room. 
"Jihoon can you turn for a bit, I need to pour this into that pot." 
I put down my knife, held the pot out, and turned for her. 
"Put it down on the stove, set it to low." 
I did exactly what I was told not saying a word. 
What is this...shyness? 
"I'll help cut, you're doing it wrong. You're going to cut yourself." 
Aha...already have. 
She let go, and took my hands to help cut. 
"You cut away from you, see." 
I laughed nervously, but at least I knew she cared. She helped me clean my cuts, we went right back to work afterwards. After probably hours of work, everything was finally done. We started to set up the table, and made everything look pretty. 
"Woozi, finish setting up we'll be washing the stuff." 
I nod and tried to make it look pretty. Though it looked more organized than pretty, well is organized considered pretty? Whatever. I just waited there and my mind ended up thinking about Y/N. 
Should I ask her...well I guess Yoosung will right? Sigh...maybe I should just ask her to date me. 
I blushed at the thought, thank god people can't tell what I'm thinking. Everyone gathered around the huge table, chopsticks separated the dishes that were made by each unit. 
"Wow~ looks good~" 
"Wait who's judging?" 
*ding dong
"Who is it?"
"Kids, it's CEO!" 
I left to open the door, he walked inside and sat down at the table. We all bowed and greeted him. He looked at all the food laid out; he seemed satisfied. I felt a poke on my shoulder, it was Y/N. 
"Nice job with the arrangement." 
She whispered, I nodded as a thanks. He critiqued our food one by one, he wiped his mouth and cleared his throat. 
"The winner for this one." 
The vocal unit cheered, the others were complaining as we all laughed. 
"Thanks for the good meal kids, I'll get going. Eat happily!" 
"Thank you!" 
"Mission pass!" 
We all sat down and started eating as the CEO left the dorm. All of us were playing games, talking, and blasting music. It felt like a party that had no end, well that was until someone had to do the dishes. 
"Not it!" 
Thank god I didn't have to do the dishes, I sat on the couch and the TV. A movie marathon was playing, Y/N sat down beside me and watched as well. I smiled in my brain, she really did seem to like me also. I was glad, the warm feeling of happiness filled me. 
"Y/N come here for a second." 
She left leaving a hole beside me. I felt empty which was a really strange feeling. I didn't know why I was feeling that way. 
Just as I wondered Wonwoo came to sit next to me. 
"Woozi, is there something bothering you?" 
"No, no." 
"We all know you like Y/N." 
I sigh in defeat, slouching I answer with an 'I know.' 
"Y/N doesn't like Taehyung in that way, so don't worry. We'll support you, you know that right." 
"I know, I know." 
He looked at me with pitiful eyes, then he pat my shoulder as if to say good luck. He left, I saw Y/N talking with Yoosung, her cheeks were red. She turned to look towards my direction I stared at the TV screen hoping she didn't see. I could hear someone approaching, it was Y/N again. 
"So what did your brother ask you?" 
"Oh nothing important." 
Avoiding the question now are we? Oh well. 
"It's already 10 you know, we should go wash up." 
"Oh, you're right...let's go." 
We both head upstairs, I wash up quickly and let Y/N go as I laid on my bed. I looked on Twitter, another post of Y/N and I as expected. 
Post: Y/N and I cutting vegetables together. 
Caption: How are our Carats doing? It's getting cold so stay warm! Like these two, stay close to each other! Debut is coming up! Carats please give us lots of love~ we love you! And those two idiots in the picture. ~ Hoshi

"What are you looking at?" 
I quickly exit Twitter and say 'nothing.' 
"I was thinking of doing a vlive, let's do it!" 
"Good idea!" 
I turn on the camera and start off, people started looking. 
"Hello, it's Woozi from Seventeen, our debut is almost here!" 
Y/N and I clapped; people started requesting to see Y/N in the camera. 
"What? You want to see Y/N? Wait..." 
"Waaaah look! It's the monster!!!" 
I burst out laughing as I said that, she was wearing a face mask. 
"Yah! You're really mean! Carats you know it well right? Jihoon is actually mean!" 
"Aigoo, I'm just kidding, let me restart." 
I cleared my throat, and smiled wide. 
"Yes, here is our pretty and cute Y/N!" 
"Haha look at all the comments!" 
Both of us were reading comments and looking at the camera. 
"No, we aren't dating~ where are the other members? They're in their rooms." 
"Yes, Jihoon and I share a room." 
"Wow, so many requests for couple aegyo. We'll do it later~" 
Y/N and I laughed seeing all the comments blowing up, there were over 50, 000 Carats watching us. They kept going up as we continued. 
*knock knock
"Who is it~" 
"Woozi-hyung open up!" 
I opened the door; Dino, S.coups, Hoshi, Jun, and Mingyu came inside and greeted the fans. 
"Why are you guys here? You never come." 
"We saw you doing Vlive." 
Dino honestly admit to us. They scolded him, the viewers went crazy once again. 
"Earlier you said you'd do couple aegyo~" 
I thought they forgot. 
Y/N and I laugh nervously, they stood there smirking at us. 
"Do it already!" Jun complained. 
The rest of the members agreed, and the fans were starting to fangirl once again. 
"Alright alright, what pose?" 
"We'll hold the camera, do the dip." 
"That reminds me of when we first met." 
"Right, I remember." 
S.coups complained but laughed. I gave the camera to Hoshi, and dipped Y/N. 
"Say a cheesy line!" 
Oh ... Can't think of any.
"Your lips look so irresistible right now, it's hard not to kiss you." 
"Ah~ Woozi's a man!" 
Our cheeks started turning red, we stood up properly and laughed it off. 
"Wow you two are really good at hiding it." 
"Thank you, you'll be chased down with a guitar~" I said, their faces turned pale with fear. 
"Ahaha... Bye Carats~ please pray for us~" 
They left the room leaving Y/N and I alone. There were comments of actual concern, I had to reassure them. 
"Don't worry, I won't hurt them that much. I promise their faces will be perfect still." 
I hold up my pinky to the camera, we start answering some questions, soon enough it was time to say goodbye. 
"Carats please take care of yourselves, thank you for lots of love we hope to see lots of you for our debut. Carats we love you~ goodbye for now!" 
Y/N and I made a heart together and shut off the camera. 
"That was a good vlive for today." 
"I'm tired...I'm sleeping, turn off the light." 
I shut off the lights and went to bed as well. I couldn't fall asleep though, I craved for something to drink. 
Ah I'll go to the convenience store...maybe I'll just leave a note. 
I left a sticky note beside Y/N's bed, then I decided to put it on her forehead. I kissed her forehead by instinct, and grabbed my jacket. As I was walking I felt a presence, I quickly entered the convenience store and got a drink. Another person came in, he seemed normal though he was a bit suspicious. I paid for my drink and drank a bit, I saw that the guy was cigarettes. Exiting the store I walked back to the dorm, I smelled smoke in the air. It soon dawned on me, I was being followed. 
Dammit I should've gone with the others. 
I broke out into a sprint, I looked behind me and he wasn't there. I ended up crashing into another person. The drink flew out of my hand and I was on my knee. 
I felt a sharp pain in my arm while I was trying to get up, it was bleeding. That guy must've stabbed me. He ran off into the dark, my arm felt numb and I didn't dare lift my hand from the wound. I winced looking at the blood that kept flowing out. I needed to get to a doctor, but where. I looked around, I couldn't see many buildings in the dark. 
"What to do now..." 
Lights blinded my vision, a car was coming towards me. 
Am I going to get run over...
It's been over a week since the last update sorry... I was training. Myself. Piano is hard. Sorry for grammar mistakes I was editing at night. Thank you for being patient!

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caratgenes #1
Chapter 18: oh, and thanks for updating! hope you feel better soon~
caratgenes #2
Chapter 18: omgg so cuteeeeee!! and that fan that sent woozi the 'toy' XD AND MEANIEEEEEE YESSS
caratgenes #3
Chapter 16: oh my god i hope nothing happens to tae afterwards... and omggggg this chapter is amazing!!
take your time updating and do well in school~~
caratgenes #4
Chapter 15: I'm glad they're finally dating now but noooo~ why did that have to happen? but without that, they wouldn't of have confessed. ahh this is confusing
lol thanks for updating <3
Chanbaek4everrr #5
Chapter 14: Oh god, I thought that the thing in the box was just some dead squirrel ; - ; Anyways, thanks for the update! Also, please take your time! Your health comes first ^^
caratgenes #6
Chapter 14: aww~ this was cute!!! I thought mrs kim was going to try and kill them during the vlive lol... thanks for updating!
poop_reader11 #7
Chapter 13: Why is Mrs. Kim like that? She's like a psycho!!!
caratgenes #8
Chapter 11: I loved this chapter. especially the part where woozi gets called a ert and the line "as expected from the man with many talents".
but honestly, the thing I'm most excited about is how the members will react the next morning when they see the main character and woozi sleeping together lol
caratgenes #9
Chapter 10: hOLY YESSSS
Thanks for updating and merry christmas~
caratgenes #10
Chapter 9: no no no no no no no no no no no nonononooooo
who dare stabs my precious wooziiiiiii. i'm hoping someone magically appears out of nowhere and saves him from getting run over :(((
and their interactions are so cute! i love the vlive idea. cute is the only word i have for this fanfic. i love the storyline so far as well. take your time updating :)