Chapter 5: Concert Day

Fate? Woozi x Reader (Seventeen fanfiction)

More writing... I'm very addicted to kpop, while I'm writing I'll be listening to Seventeen XD. 
I stood up and watched as she walked away from the dorm. 
"Y/N? Where are you going?" 
"To prepare for the wedding." She said without hesitating. I flinched hearing the words and grabbed her arm. 
"You're seriously going to get married with Taehyung?" 
My heart felt like it had been shattered into a thousand pieces. 
"Because I love him!" She tugged her arm away, my emotions were mixed up. If I had confessed to her when I had the chance would this have happened? 
"Y/N don't go!" I ran towards her and held her arm firmly. 
"Why?! I love him!" She said with tears in her eyes. The words coming out of were false, she cried and turned away. 
"Jihoon. Let me go." 
"No! That's the last thing I'll ever do! Look at you! You're crying!" I spin her around to face me. 
"I. Love him." 
"No! You don't!" My eyes start to water as I continue to beg her not to leave. 
"Y/N don't go!!" 

My eyes shoot open and I sit up. 
It was just a dream... 
I wipe off the cold sweat that had formed on my fore head and see a blanket around me. I look around and see that I was in my office. 
How is everything shut off already... Did Y/N come in earlier?
"It's already 7am?!" 
I stand up and go out of the office; everyone was laying on the practice room floor sleeping. I rub my eyes, then go downstairs for some coffee. With the coffee in hand I sit down in one of the white chairs. 
There's someone watching...why do they want Y/N to marry Taehyung? Is there something that grandpa didn't tell me...? Will she love anyone? I wonder will be me... 
"Woozi?" I look up to see Wonwoo coming towards the table in sitting at, he takes a seat and looks at me in the eye. 
"Hey Wonwoo. Anyone else up?" I ask, his face shows concern. 
Something's up. 
"No, I woke up just now." 
There was a long pause of silence before Wonwoo spoke again. 
"Is there something bothering you?" 
I sigh and take another sip of coffee. 
Maybe it'll be ok if he knows right? 
"Woozi, you know I will respect your privacy." He pats my hand assuringly. 
"Remember when we visited Y/N's grandma and grandpa." 
"Ah...did her grandpa tell you something?" 
"Yes...he said...Y/N's parents arranged a marriage for her and Taehyung from BTS." Wonwoo widens his eyes in shock. 
"He told me to stop the marriage...but I know that there are people watching us." 
"You mean..." 
"Right now. They can't hear us but they know we're here." 
I look back down at my coffee; Wonwoo stays silent. 
"Why didn't you tell us?" 
"I didn't know what to Y/N doesn't know about it." He nods, I think about whether to do something or not. 
"No way she'll agree to marry him, though it's blowing up on Twitter that BTS is coming to our concert. Do you think that something will happen?" 
"Who knows... I'm thinking about visiting grandpa and grandma again. There has to be a reason behind this arranged marriage." 
"Ok, we should head back, the others are probably awake." 
We stand up, Wonwoo pats my back and nods. We start heading back up to the practice room where everyone is awake and refreshed. 
"Concert today everyone!" 
Seventeen excitedly starts singing and dancing to our songs. I look around to find Y/N, she was dancing along with the others. I smile, everyone starts to get ready to leave for the concert. 
"LOOK WHAT I FOUND OUTSIDE OUR DOOR!!" Dino carries in a gigantic box of who knows what inside. We all look at him as he set it down, Seventeen was written on the front. 
"Should we open it now?" 
We all question each other about shipments until a loud scratch sound was heard. We look over to the box and see Mingyu opening it with a pair of scissors. 
"Mingyu what are you doing?!" Hoshi yells.
"I'm opening it." He said cackling evilly. He tears open the box to reveal a bunch of black hoodies. 
"Who ordered clothes?!" 
Everyone shakes their head, I go to the box and pull out one of the hoodies.  
"It has our logo on it!!!" I exclaim turning it over for the rest to see.
"Daebak! Are we supposed to wear those today?" 
"Probably, hey look there's a note!" Joshua says and pulls out a piece of paper. 
"Kids, you will be representing Pledis so wear these hoodies for today. Good luck on your concert, make sure to make me proud! -CEO" 
"Thank you!" We all say looking at the camera. 
"Everyone put on your hoodies then we'll leave for the concert!" 
Everyone puts on their hoodies, all of us proud to have our first official concert. 
"Let's go!" 
We walk downstairs to the 'bus to hell', the driver wishes us luck as we drive off. 
"Now that I think of it, we don't even know where our concert will be held." All of us go silent, we think about all the possibilities and how many fans would actually come. 
"Let's listen to some music!" 
Y/N takes out her phone and starts off with 'Shining Diamond' on full volume. 
"WE GON SHINE LIKE WOAH!!!" Seungkwan starts singing in the back, the rest of us sing along as the songs change. 
"Seventeen! We're here!" 
We cheer and go down the bus, we stood in front of a giant theater, entering the doors we found our waiting room. 
"It's lunchtime already, when does our concert start?" 
One of the staff members come in and explains to us about what we were going to do. 
"We're going to have you all answer a few questions, and have you answer some fan questions as well. Afterwards you'll have your concert, performing three songs and you have a special performance as well right? The special performance will be after the main title tracks, what is the special performance?" 
"A duet done by Woozi and Y/N here." 
We both raise our hands, the lady leaves us and we start to eat the snacks that are laid out on the table. 
"Wow I can't believe we're already performing in front of a big audience..." 
"It really feels like a dream." 
We all start warming up our voices as the time goes quicker and quicker. 
Taehyung and Mrs.Kim will be out in the audience. 
"Do you guys hear that?" Everyone goes silent, we can hear the chatter of all the fans coming inside the building. 
"This is really making me nervous..." 
"Ah so scary!" 
We all start to feel anxious, as the crowd grew bigger and bigger. 
"Isn't BTS going to be here?" 
"That might be fake though..." 
"Well just look in the audience and you'll see." 
"Ah performing in front of sunbaenims!" 
We all feel overwhelmed and hear a knock on our door. The lady comes in and tells us to come out since we were going on stage soon. Backstage everyone was happy because of how many fans came to see our concert. 
" many of them..." 
S.coups wipes away a tear of happiness, everyone was waiting for them to call us up. They handed us microphones, the timer slowly ticked until the last few seconds. 
"Alright, now to bring on stage the group you were waiting for, warmly welcome SEVENTEEN!!"
We walked onto the stage with huge grin on our faces, waving at our fans, and sitting down in our seats. 
"Hello, we are say the name!" 
The crowd cheered again, we all ended up introducing ourselves. 
"Alright time for the interview, so how is it living with 13 people?" 
"Well, it's really fun but it can get a bit crowded sometimes since well, there's a lot of us." 
"Yes, as we all know your dorm burnt down. So where are you staying?" 
"For now we're living in our practice room." 
"Ah I see, so who's the leader of the group?" 
"I am." S.coups raises his hand. 
"Why is your name Seventeen?" 
"We have 13 members, 3 units, and 1 team." 
"Could we get the units to introduce themselves?" 
The hip hop unit stands up first and introduces their roles. The performance unit goes next, then the vocal unit last. 
"So I heard you are self producing idols, who composes the songs?" 
Y/N and I raise our hands, the crowds cheers. 
"So are you two particularly close? The fans seem to be cheering for you two." She laughs at the audience. 
"Well we work with each other more than the other members, but we aren't dating or anything." 
"Alright now that you all know a bit more about Seventeen, do you want to watch some clips they've recorded?" 
So that's what it was all for... 
The first video that pops up onto the screen is a group video with captions. All of us were sweating, dancing, singing, and practicing hard for our performance today. The next one showed our gag trio; Hoshi, DK, and Seungkwan dancing to Orange Caramel's Catallena. We laugh at their expressions throughout their performance. Then there was a clip from Everland, everyone wearing their ears, eating food, and interacting with fans. 
"Now this next clip was planned by the Seventeen members." 
Eh...we didn't get interviewed or anything strange... 
"This message is for our composers Woozi and Y/N." Y/N and I look at each other, then back at the screen. 
"Woozi, you've been with us for so long and always compose our songs, you don't really get to relax a lot right?" 
"Y/N you've only been with us for about a week yet you're already one of the most hardworking members in Seventeen!" 
"We as Seventeen can't thank you enough for all the effort you always put in making these songs, you two truly are the best." 
Clips of Y/N and I composing, and working together were shown as more comments were said. 
"Woozi and Y/N! We love you!" 
We love you guys too...
I look beside me to see Y/N shedding a tear, I find myself with watery eyes as well. 
"Ah seriously you guys!" I say smiling. 
"Ahhhh did we get you Woozi you cold hearted person!" Hoshi says from the back. 
We all stand up for a group hug and sit back down. 
"Okay, one more video clip before we'll move onto more questions." 
Just then Y/N and I pop onto the screen saying hello. 
Ah that day... 
The bike ride to the ice cream store and her setting up the camera. 
"Truthfully, Jihoon isn't as strict as he said he was." Y/N says into the camera and starts talking more. 
"He's very fun to work with, also when recording he'll give encouraging comments for the other members." 
She giggles and picks up the camera zooming into my face. 
"I mean look at that face, he can't be strict!" 
I nudge her arm and glare, she holds back a laugh. 
"Ice cream!" 
"Seventeen! I know you'll eventually watch this! Why did you send us out?!" 
We all laugh as my voice boomed through the speakers. The recording still continues, we get to the teaser part for our performance. 
"Yes, we're working hard on the special performance. You won't be disappointed!" 
"Ah you CARATS saw the Twitter post right? Y/N and I were working all night!" 
"How many retweets did we get?" 
"I don't know, I'll check." 
Shuffling sounds were heard.
"WOW!! 500,000 RETWEETS!!! 
"DAEBAK! Should we show some love to our CARATS?" 
The crowd cheers again, Y/N and I laugh when we make the heart with our hands. The recording ends off with Y/N and I saying goodbye to the camera. The audience clap and cheer as the lights turned back on blinding us all. 
"Well I guess I know why you sent us out." I say jokingly. 
"Alright, we'll be taking fan questions now!" 
The lady points as various hands go up. I scan the crowd and see BTS sitting there, Mrs.Kim has her hand up. 
"You there!" The lady points at a girl; she hands her the microphone. 
"Woozi can you dance freestyle like when you were in the performance unit." 
Ah...the old days of dancing... 
I stand and up and ask for a beat, I start dancing; the crowd goes wild knowing my 'hidden talent' as they called it. After a minute of dancing I bow and sit back down. 
"Alright who's next?" 
"How about someone from Seventeen choose." 
S.coups steps out skipping around the edge of the stage. He widens his eyes when he sees BTS there, he bows making everyone turn towards the back. 
"Oh BTS? Did any of you want to ask a question?" 
"Actually, my mom wanted to ask a question." Taehyung speaks. 
"Can I speak with Y/N after the show?" I look at her and tell her to decline with my eyes. 
"Um...for what business?" She says. 
Ah ! Why is this happening! Ok, stay calm...
"Just to ask a few questions, I don't think it'd be appropriate to ask you these questions while you're on stage." 
"Ah I see, ok then." 
Y/N why'd you do that... 
"Alright, someone else pick a fan!" 
Mingyu steps out and picks a girl in the front row. 
"Can all of you do aegyo?"
Ahhhhhhhhh my enemy! 
My hands immediately curl at the word aegyo. 
"How about we just have Woozi do aegyo~" Seungkwan suggests, the crowd goes wild and I can hear the laughs of Y/N beside me. I look over at Seungkwan glaring at him; he turns away and gestures for me to face the crowd. 
Seungkwan...I'm going to kill you. 
I sigh and go up to the front, and ask about what aegyo they want to see. 
"Ah I've got one!" 
Seungkwan comes up to demonstrate, he asks us to say "Woozi-ah~" He gets into a crouched position and tells us to say the phrase.
"Why~" he lifts up his head and has his fingers out in two V's. 
I lean my head back cringing; then I went to crouch down. 
It's for the fans...
"Why~" I break out into uncontrollable laughter while looking at Seventeen with threatening eyes as they laughed. 
"Alright one last question before the concert." 
I stand up, then go to pick a girl from the back.
"Are you friends with BTS?" 
I look over to where they were all sitting and then back at Seventeen. 
"In the future we hope to work with them and become friends, but at the moment they are our sunbaenims." 
That was a good answer right...?
I sit back down, everyone gives me a thumbs up hiding their hands. 
"Alright we'll be back shortly with Seventeen as they perform Shining Diamond, Mansae, and Adore U!" 
We wave while walking off the stage, we all break out into a huge sigh of relief. 
"BTS sunbaenims were really there!" 
"Let's hope to be good friends with them later on." 
"I wonder why Taehyung sunbae's mom wanted to talk with Y/N." DK says out loud. Wonwoo looks at me, I nod and walk over to where he was standing. The rest of them continued talking about BTS, the noise drowned out our conversation. 
"Do you think she'll..." 
We get ready to go back onto the stage to preform Shining Diamond. 
"Alright welcome back! Now Seventeen will be performing 'Shining Diamond' " 
We all get on the stage in position, vocals were going smoothly, dancing was on time, everyone went great from the beginning to end. 
"Shining Diamonds yeah!"
We end off the performance, then Mansae starts to play. 
"Alright, say the name, Seventeeeeeen~" 
The performance went smoothly as well, all of us were giving it our all though we were already sweating. 
"Aye yo, aye yo yup!" 
"You know what?" 
Adore U made us even more tired than we already were; and that was saying a lot. The choreography for Adore U is way less intense compared to 'Shining Diamond' and 'Mansae'
We end off Adore U with us falling to the ground; all of us got up afterwards and sat down in our seats before. 
"Wow! What an amazing performance from all of you! Do you think you've earned your dorm?" 
"What do the fans think!" DK yells out of breath. 
The crowd cheers loudly for us, we were all breathe heavily. I saw BTS who was impressed with our performance, then there was Mrs.Kim who just kept looking at Y/N. 
Y/N...don't fall for her traps... 
"You still have that special performance left right? Why don't we have a short break before continuing! Fans ask some questions!" Dino runs along the rim, bursting with energy as the crowd goes wild. 
"Is the special performance something that the CARATS suggested through Twitter?" 
"Yes it is! We've been working hard on it!" 
We've? More like Y/N and I since it's our performance but at least he knows how not to spoil it. 
"How about from here one of you can explain a bit about the performance?" 
"Teaser? Uh...Wonwoo why don't you explain a bit?"
"Actually, this performance is more for the vocal isn't one of the songs that we've already produced, but if the CARATS like it we might have it on one of our future albums." 
"Yes yes, are you all ready? Alright! Let's start the special performance!" 
The lights go dark, I grab Y/N's hand and stand up from our seats. I let go of her hand and the spotlight goes to me. 
"When today ends~" 
I start, the lights shine on the both of us; we continue singing, I felt like through this performance the bond between us became stronger, with Y/N and the CARATS. 
"I just want it simple~" 
We get a huge amount of positive feedback from the audience as the rest of Seventeen comes up to the stage again. 
"Those two seriously work well together, I am so proud of these two." S.coups said while patting our heads. 
"Thank you! What a beautiful way to end off today's concert! Unfortunately this is all the time we have today! Hopefully Seventeen will appear much more in the near future!" 
"Yes! Thank you! CARATS we love you!" 
"Are you more confident about the dorm you might be getting now?"
"With that ending performance I'm positive that we have our dorm! THANK YOU CARATS! YOU ALL MADE THIS POSSIBLE!" 
"Alright let's say goodbye to Seventeen!" 
We all bow and walk off the stage, water was handed out to us. 
"Thank you, you've worked hard." We bow walking past all the production team members, and lay in the waiting room. 
"Good work today!" S.coups says to us all.
"I'm hungry~" 
*knock knock* 
The lady comes in again and asks for Y/N to see Mrs.Kim. 
I better listen in too... 
The lady exits with Y/N shutting the door; after a few moments I go outside to see Mrs.Kim along with Taehyung. 
"What did you want to ask me?" 
"Is it ok if you go on a date with Taehyung?" 
"Mom! What are you saying?!" 
"Why are you saying this all of sudden?" 
"Just go on one date to get to know each other." 
"If I say fine mom, will you leave us alone for ourselves? No watchers, no one." 
"...fine I trust you Taehyung." 
What?! He's agreeing?!
Mrs.Kim turns around and walks off with her heels clicking and clacking. 
"We aren't actually going right?" 
"Nope. But I do want BTS and Seventeen to get to know each other." 
Wow... Taehyung is nicer than I thought. 
"Alright, I'm sure everyone from our side would love to!" 
"Who's place?" 
"Well the practice room is pretty big, come over to ours?" 
"Yea sure I'll call the rest of them over here and we can go. By the way can we ride with you guys?" 
This must be a dream...
"Ah I'll get Seventeen!" 
Y/N starts running towards my direction. 
OH ! I'll be caught. 
"Uh...Hi?" She crosses her arms and looks at me dead in the eye.
"Were you eavesdropping?" 
"Ahaha..." She sighs and forgives me, we go to the waiting room to see Seventeen eating the snacks. 
"BTS is coming over to our place!" 
I yell out making everyone look at me. Hoshi does a spit take spraying Jeonghan with water. 
Ah these kids...I wonder if Mrs.Kim will actually leave them alone...
"Let's go!" 
All of us go to our 'bus to hell'; 
"HEY SEVENTEEN!!!" BTS was sitting in the back row. We all bowed and sat in our normal seating except moved one row down. 
"No need to be formal with us right now! Let's have fun today!" 
"Ok Rap Monster sunbaenim!"
"Don't worry, you can drop the sunbaenim for all of us." 
"Let's put some music on!" Suggests Dino.
Y/N presses the shuffle button, the song 'Dope' starts playing. 
"Our song!" Suga yells out. 
Honestly he kinda looks like me... 
They start singing to their song, the rest of the ride was full of laughter and singing. 
"Wow you guys are always like this?" Jimin questions us as we're singing loudly. 
"Sometimes we'll play games also." 
"Ah, we should play a game once we're at your place." 
"What do you guys want to eat later? It'll be dinner time soon." 
"Fried chicken!!" V calls out from the back. 
"Ok I'll order a lot once we get back." Joshua says from the left side of the bus. 
There's 20 people here...that's a lot of chicken. Is there anyone watching us? Maybe I should tell Taehyung about the arranged marriage later... 
"We're here!" 
All of us get out of the bus only to see a giant building that wasn't familiar. 
"Where are we?" 
"Eh you don't know where we are?!" 
"Kids!" We look to see the bus driver laughing, he jingles some keys around. 
"These are the keys to your new dorm! The CEO told me to give you these, you're in room 197 on the 7th floor." 
He tosses them over, I catch them and go inside the building with everyone. 
"Wow it's nice here..." 
The lobby was cleaned up, there was a white couch and a table in the corner of the lobby. I press the up button on the elevator and wait by looking out the glass windows around the building. 
"Hey isn't that our practice building?"
I say pointing to the building down the street. 
"Oh you're right!" 
"Nice, so we're still near the practice room."
"So is this your new apartment building?" Suga asks me. 
"Yea, sorry if there's nothing prepared." 
"No it's fine, by the way I heard Taehyung's mom wanted Y/N and him to date." 
"Yea...I kinda eavesdropped." I admit, Suga laughs and punches me playfully in the arm. 
"They just ditched the idea though, hopefully his mom kept her promise of not watching them." 
The elevator arrives after a painfully long time, we all head up to the 7th floor. I take a right and twist the keys in room 197. 
"Ready to see our new dorm?" 
They all nod as I push the door open. There were high ceilings, a proper kitchen, a huge living room, and a second floor with more than 3 bedrooms! Also there was 5 bathrooms around the dorm, it was amazing. The dorm was furnished already, and our suitcases were laid on the huge couch. 
Everyone was left speechless, the new dorm was so amazing no one wanted to touch anything. 
"You guys get to live here now?! Lucky!" 
"Now that I think of it, they said we'd get we'd get a new dorm if we have a great performance and fill the seats, but how much did we actually earn?" 
"How would we know? They don't tell us this stuff." 
This is such a nice must be expensive... 
"Maybe we'll find out later..." 
"Anyways I'm ordering chicken! What's the address." 
"Take this." 
"Alright everyone gather around the living room!" 
We let BTS sit on the couch after us clearing it off; Seventeen sat on the floor since there wasn't enough room. 
"Since we want to know all of you a bit better, why don't you explain your roles in Seventeen in more depth and how things work." 
"So most of the time the hip hop, performance, and most of the vocal unit would be practicing our dance, occasionally we'd have group discussions about the song."  
"So who doesn't practice with the majority of you?" 
"Me, and Y/N." 
"Why is that?" 
"We're usually in our office composing the music." 
BTS lets out a huge ah, and continues to question us all. 
"Doesn't it get lonely with just the two of you?" 
Seventeen laughs and replies for us instead. 
"No way! Those two are always singing and laughing! we can hear them from outside the office!" 
"Oh we're that loud?" Y/N laughs nervously when they all look at her. 
"Do you think you'll be able to debut sooner than expected?" 
Who knows...
"I hope we can, we are currently set to debut in 6 months." 
When the marriage is supposed to happen...
"Taehyung, can I ask a question about your mom?" 
"Yea sure go ahead." 
"Why does she want you to go on a date with Y/N?" 
"I actually don't know...but I already have a partner, I just didn't tell her." 
Ah so he really doesn't know...wonder who his partner is.
"Eh? Taehyung why didn't you tell us?!" The rest of BTS starts complaining. He looks over to Jungkook, he nods and walks over to Taehyung. 
"I didn't tell you,'s Jungkookie." 
We all go silent not knowing what to do, finally Rap monster speaks up. 
"Alright, you know that we'll support you two. How long has it been?"  
"About 2 months already..." 
"Ok, next time no hiding things from us." He ruffles the hair of both Jungkook and Taehyung.
"Don't worry we'll support you guys too." S.coups says comforting them. A long awkward silence goes by before Hoshi speaks up. 
"Should we play a game?" 
"Ok, what do you guys want to play?" 
"I don't know..." 
"Why don't we just ask questions?" J-Hope suggests. 
Does he want to know something... 
"Seungkwan! On Seventeen's Twitter account, what's your favorite photo?" 
"Ah...can I look at the photos first?" 
"Yes of course."
He pulls out his phone and starts looking at all of our photos, BTS also gatherings around to see. 
"So many pictures..." 
"AH THIS IS SO CUTE!!!" Jin fanboys over a photo, I peer over to see a picture of Y/N and I putting icing on each other. 
Post: Woozi and Y/N putting icing on each other. 
Caption: Part 2! Look! They're fooling around with icing and eating candy! Wow those two seriously know how to have fun. So cute~ CARATS please show some love for these two when we're at the concert~ 

"Wow, you seriously took pictures?" I laugh at the photo. 
"There's way more~" Dino tells us, BTS goes crazy. 
"Dino! Show us! Please!!" 
"Dino~ we'll help you all set them up just show us the pictures!" 
All the members of BTS plead until Dino takes out his phone and shows them the photos. Y/N and I just laugh at how much they were fanboying. 
"Alright I chose my favorite picture..." Seungkwan trails off. 
"Sorry Woozi, I know you'll kill me for this..." 
What is he saying...
" didn't see this right?" He holds out his phone, there was a photo of Y/N back hugging me, and you could clearly see the blush on my face. 
"What?! I wanna see too!" Jungkook whines. 
"Wow those two seriously..." Taehyung looks at me and smirks. 
"Anyways, that one is my favourite photo, sorry Woozi and Y/N don't kill me!" 
"No it's ok..." 
Why does she have to be so nice...
"Anyways, moving on why don't you ask someone Seungkwan?" 
"Taehyung, sorry for asking but when are you going to tell your parents about Jungkook and you?" 
"Ah it's ok Seungkwan, but I plan to tell her soon...I'm just trying to find the right time...also she knows about how much everyone is speculating about Jungkook and I already." 
"Taehyung, do you think I should tell my parents first?" 
"No, I can do it first." He pats Jungkook's head. 
I feel bad for those two...they should be able to be in love without having worries...
"Taehyung, ask away!" DK says trying to bring the bright atmosphere back. 
"Woozi!" He says smirking. 
Ah ... 
"Do someone at the moment?" 
Well, they never said I couldn't lie~ ha...haha...
"No, there's no one~" 
"Ah hyung~ tell the truth~" Dino comes over; he rocks me back and forth. 
"I'm saying the truth!" 
"LIES! I know your face when you lie!" 
AISH Hoshi really! 
"Your nose will tremble, and your eyebrows will raise slightly." 
"And how do you know that?" 
Please please PLEASE NO. 
"Because you've lied about something before~" 
"Alright then, Woozi tell us the truth!" Taehyung focuses on my face. 
"I AM!" 
Nose and eyebrows don't fail me now!
*ding dong
Thank god... 
"Joshua goes to get the door, he hands a bunch of cash to the guy and brings in two huge plastic bags. 
"Wow~ chicken~" 
"Are there any drinks in the fridge?" 
"I can go check." I stand up and start walking to the kitchen. 
Why is there a bunch of shuffling...
I open the fridge to see a bunch of cola.
"Guys is cola ok?!" 
I bring out 20 cans of cola, and try to bring them all in one trip. 
What the...

"Y/N!"  Once Woozi leaves everyone crowds around Y/N. 
"Ask Woozi about who he likes! Please~" 
"Eh?! Why me?!" 
"Because you two are really close!" 
"You guys..." 
"Just do it!! Please~" 
The 18 boys go on their knees begging quietly. 
"Is cola ok?!" Woozi calls from the kitchen.
"Please Y/N~" she sighs as the boys give out various bribes. 
"Ok ok fine! But you all owe me!"
"Thank you! We will be in your debt~" 
"What are you guys doing?" 
"Nothing~" All of them shuffle back to their seats and start eating the chicken. The aroma of steaming chicken fills the room, I open the window for ventilation. 
"Chicken is so good~" 
"Do you usually have this?" 
"No, we are forced to eat healthy by our managers..." 
"Oh, keep this a secret?" 
"Yep. Thank you!" 
We all laugh it off knowing that there could be cameras around the dorm. 
"Just hope no one is watching..." 
"So I'm guessing you all have abs?" Jun jokes around with them. 
"Raise your hand if you have abs." Mingyu says but then rolls on the ground laughing. Everyone from BTS raises their hands, all of us look at them. 
What. WHAT. HOW?! 
"What about you Seventeen?" J-hope questions.
"Aha...we don't reveal that...if any of us even has abs." 
...hehe we're all lazy asses. 
"Then people who honestly have abs raise their hand." 
"Wait, what if the members don't want to reveal it?" 
"Then, everyone from Seventeen has to lift their shirts up for a second." 
Aish, Suga...
"Does everyone agree?" 
Y/N what are you even doing here listening to us talk about this... 
"Can the people who have abs just show themselves?!" 
"Yah you're one of them!" Jeonghan complains to DK. 
"Who has abs, I know Vernon, Mingyu, Jun, Coups...anyone else who just doesn't want to reveal themselves?" 
" too..." Hoshi says slightly embarrassed.
Of course he has abs, he's in the performance unit after all. 
"Anyone else want to step up now?" 
No one raised their hands to object, Y/N was just blankly staring at what was happening. 
"Alright now we will check those who did not raise their hands." 
Unfair much... Why do they need to check and why do they need to know?! 
"Alright we'll start from this side!" 
"Me first?! You all know I'm all fat!" Seungkwan complains holding his sweater down. 
"Y/N you better turn around!" I say to her. She turns around facing the wall drinking her cola. 
"Alright! Who will get the honor of seeing Seungkwan's torso?" 
"I'll do it!" Jimin volunteers and sits in front of Seungkwan. 
"Sorry hyung." Seungkwan yells out before he pulls up his sweater. 
I burst out laughing at how embarrassed Seungkwan was; afterwards they moved onto the next person. 
"Ah Jeonghan!" 
"Yah you all know I'm skinny but I have no abs!" 
"Who will check this time?" 
"Me! me!" Jin sits down in front of Jeonghan and grabs the hem of his shirt.
"1, 2, 3!" 
"WAH! THERE'S SERIOUSLY NONE!" He yells out just before they lift up his shirt. 
"It's all skin, no muscle." Jin says, I start laughing loudly. 
"Ah Maknae Dino is next!" 
"How about we have our Maknae do Dino? Jungkook you're up!" 
"Are you younger than me?" He questions Dino. 
"99 line." 
"WOAH call me hyung from now on!" 
"Ah hyung~ please go easy on me..." He says slowly pulling his arms away from his shirt. 
"Ok... 1, 2, 3!" 
"Oh it's like Jeonghan, all skin no muscle." 
"BAHAHAHA The way you guys word it!" 
"Alright alright, who's next~" 
"Ah Wonwoo!" 
I wonder if he actually has abs... 
"I'm up!" Rap monster sits in front of an embarrassed Wonwoo. 
"Please take care of me..." Wonwoo bows down, Rap monster pats his back. 
Poor he still going to help me though...
"1, 2, 3!" 
"Ah~ I see them forming." 
"Oh really?" 
"Yah! T-That's enough right?!" He pulls down his sweater in defense. 
"Ok who?" Joshua raises his hand in defeat. 
"V? Wanna do it?" 
"Ok fine." He sits down in front of the 'gentleman' and shakes his hand. 
"Sorry for this~" he lets out a laugh before the countdown starts. 
"1, 2, 3!" 
"What is this?! It's the skinny boys club!" Jin starts to complain while BTS laughs at his outbursts. 
"Is there anyone left?" 
Forget about me...please... 
I laugh nervously at the 18 boys who were glaring at me. 
"I have none." 
"Well how would we know?! You always wear oversized sweaters!" 
"Yea! And when he wears shirts they're never tight fitting! The only tight fitting clothes he would wear are when we have to put on performance wear!!" 
"But those ones are uncomfortable..." 
Lies lies just keep lying... 
"Don't lie!" S.coups glares at me while all of them keep protesting. 
"Who wants to?!" 
"Me, me." 
"I'm really curious Woozi." 
"Ah hyung~ please don't~" I beg and plead, trying to stall. I get up and start running around the dorm trying to find a room where I can lock myself in. 
Ah bathroom! 
"YAH! Woozi!" 
I sprint towards the bathroom only for it to be blocked by Wonwoo.
"Wonwoo! Get out of the way!" 
"No use!" He smirks. 
"AH!" I get lifted off the ground by Mingyu who sits me down on my seat once again. 
"Woozi. Stay still." 
"Aish you guys seriously!" 
"Why are you protesting this much? Unless you have abs?!" 
"I have none! I seriously have none!" 
Suga walks up to me, my arms tightly gripping the ends of my sweater. 
"Woozi, you have to let us." 
"Suga hyung~ I don't want to~" 
"Woozi. Let go now." 
He's pretty scary... 
"Alright alright I got it." 
I let go of the hem, and look in the other direction. I feel the fabric go up and the cold air hits my torso. 
"Yah Woozi, I expected better from you." 
"Wow Woozi really!" 
"Are they fake?!" 
"Let us touch Woozi!" 
These guys seriously... erts. 
"Why?! Unless you want us to get Y/N to touch them!!" My eyes go wide, heat rushes to my cheeks. 
"NO! You can't!" 
"Then let us see if they're real!!" 
These erts are so weird...
"FINE! ERTS!!!" 
I close my eyes, one by one the guys touch my torso. 
"Wow, they're real!" 
"Daebak! How?! I've never seen you work out at all!" 
"Well... It's my personal matters." I say in a posh tone. 
"I never thought Woozi would have any muscle." 
"It's just cause he's always wearing huge sweaters to cover them up!" 
"Uh, can I put my sweater down now?" 
This is so awkward...
"Yes yes." I roll my sweater down, and notice the huge blush Y/N had on her cheeks. I tap her shoulders and feel her flinch. 
Aw so cute... 
"Y/N, you can turn around now." She just nods and turns to face the rest. 
"Y/N! Did you think Woozi would have abs?" 
Kill me now. 
"Ah honestly...I never thought about it." 
"Wanna see?" Asks Rap monster. 
She buries her head in my arm, I pat her head soothingly. 
"Ok I think that's enough of the ab talk..."
"What time is it?" I look at the clock, it was already 9pm. 
"We should probably get going, thanks for the food and fun!" 
Ah I need to talk with Taehyung...
"Hey I can walk you guys down." I offer. 
"Ok, let's go! Thank you!" 
"Next time we're going over to your dorm!" Hoshi screams determined. We all laugh; I leave with BTS and walk to the elevator. 
"Taehyung, I need to tell you something." 
"What?" BTS listens in; the elevator arrives and we all go inside. 
"Your mom...she made a deal with Y/N's parents 10 years ago..." 
"She knew her parents?" 
"Yes, and...the deal was that when Y/N turned would marry her." 
"WHAT?!" They yelled out as we got to the first floor. 
"Shut up about it guys, or else I'll get killed. Y/N's grandpa told me this, and if you don't want the arranged marriage you better tell your mom about Jungkook..." 
"Why was this arrangement made?!" 
"I plan on discovering more details tomorrow, give you a call?" 
"Sure here's my number, thanks for that." He pats my shoulder; his eyes saying 'don't worry about it.' 
"Bye! Hope to see you all soon!" I bow as they head out the building door. 

"When are you going to ask Woozi about it?" 
"Well I planned to earlier but you guys..." 
"Sorry, sorry. Ask him later tonight ok?" 
Sigh...would he tell me though...what It won't be. Does he actually have abs? AH STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! 
"I'm back!" 
"Wow, how did we end up being friends with BTS..." 
"I don't know, I just hope V and Jungkook will be ok." 
"Ah I feel bad for just leaving them like that..." 
"Don't worry I'm sure they'll figure something out." 
"Anyways, we need to sort out bunks, we should probably look at the rooms first." We all walk up the stairs to each of the four rooms. 
"There's three beds in each room, four rooms...two people have to sleep together." 
"I think we all know who will be sleeping in there." 
"I'll go get my stuff..." Woozi and I say at the same time. We laugh it off, I go down to get my suitcase while they loudly talk about who's sharing rooms with who. 
"Y/N, need help?"
"No it's fine." He grabs the bag from my hand and walks up the stairs. 
Why is he so nice to this rate I'll fall in love with him. 
We walk up to our room, there was a desk, a window, a closet, and two beds. 
"Which bed do you want?" 
"Um I don't know..." 
We'd both be sleeping beside each other anyways... 
"I'll take this one." I set my stuff down on the bed next to the window. 
"Oh, there's a door here." 
"Is that a bathroom?!" 
"Daebak we have our own bathroom here!" 
"Let's not tell the others." We laugh and start getting ready to go to sleep. 
"So...what does regular practice look like?" 
"Well...most of the time we'd be dancing to music, creating choreographies, and for us we get to compose. Ah! Tomorrow can we go to your grandparent's place? I need to ask them something. Also we need to get new office supplies." 
"So...the whole day tomorrow it'll be just us two?"
"Um...yea? If you're ok with it." A slight blush coated his cheeks. 
"Alright then." 
Why does he want to see grandma and grandpa... Should I ask him now...
" someone don't you?" He stays silent, and gets out his pajamas. 
"Y/N? Did they ask for you to ask me?" 
"...hehe yea." 
"You better not tell them the truth, honestly I have someone." 
"Have you had one before?" 
"No, she's my first." He smiles to himself.
"Honestly, I think she likes me too. But it's too early." 
"Ah, well I'm sure she'll accept you once you confess." 
"Hey, don't tell Seventeen about this ok? Promise between us." He holds out his pinky finger. I hold mine out and lock fingers with him. 
"I'm washing up first." Woozi goes into the bathroom, I start changing into my pajamas and lay on the bed waiting for Woozi to be done. 
I wonder who the girl is... Ah this dorm is so nice and clean... 
What was that? 
I knock on the bathroom door and call for Woozi. 
"Woozi are you ok?" 
"Yea! Just dropped something." 
He comes out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel, he was wearing only pants. Soon he widened his eyes seeing me in front of the door. I turn around quickly, covering my eyes. 
"Y/N sorry! My shirt is there." I blush and grab his shirt from his bed. He takes it and quickly puts it on. 
"I'm clothed now, you can use the bathroom." 
"Ok..." I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I see broken glass pieces in the trash, my heart was racing. 
I saw his...waaaaaaah!! Why?! 
Quickly I washed up and went out. Woozi was laying on his bed while looking at his phone. I lay beside him and look at what he's doing. 
"Is that..."  
"Yea...I can't believe them..." 
Post: Picture of Woozi in tight shirt. 
Caption: CARATS Guess what we found out today? WOOZI HAS ABS. Yea it's crazy! He always wore over sized sweaters, and overall you wouldn't assume so but today we saw them!!! Y/N didn't see, but we did! Also we spent some time with BTS after our concert! @bts_bighit 

"Look at all the retweets and comments..." 
"Over a million retweets and" 
Oh I like that post... 
"Look at that post." He scrolls up and stops at our recent post. 
Post: picture of Y/N and Woozi's special performance. 
Caption: Wow! There were so many CARATS at the concert! Thank you all so much! We love you as much as we love those two in the picture! They performed a duet as requested by you CARATS! The video is up on our YouTube account! We love you! 

"I didn't know they posted that on YouTube...again so many comments and retweets..." 
"I can't believe them." I laugh knowing that they'd do something like this. 
"I'm going to sleep." I say and go to lay on my bed. I tuck myself in with the blanket and start to fall asleep. 
I love him already don't I... But does he... I wonder what will happen tomorrow. I have a good feeling though... 

How am I supposed to tell her about this tomorrow... Also how did that glass break...did I hit it? Did it just fall? Ah whatever. I wonder if I should just...confess already...
Wow. I have too much to write...though school is seriously starting to stress me out. I really want a Seventeen sweater. Really. Really. Bad.

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caratgenes #1
Chapter 18: oh, and thanks for updating! hope you feel better soon~
caratgenes #2
Chapter 18: omgg so cuteeeeee!! and that fan that sent woozi the 'toy' XD AND MEANIEEEEEE YESSS
caratgenes #3
Chapter 16: oh my god i hope nothing happens to tae afterwards... and omggggg this chapter is amazing!!
take your time updating and do well in school~~
caratgenes #4
Chapter 15: I'm glad they're finally dating now but noooo~ why did that have to happen? but without that, they wouldn't of have confessed. ahh this is confusing
lol thanks for updating <3
Chanbaek4everrr #5
Chapter 14: Oh god, I thought that the thing in the box was just some dead squirrel ; - ; Anyways, thanks for the update! Also, please take your time! Your health comes first ^^
caratgenes #6
Chapter 14: aww~ this was cute!!! I thought mrs kim was going to try and kill them during the vlive lol... thanks for updating!
poop_reader11 #7
Chapter 13: Why is Mrs. Kim like that? She's like a psycho!!!
caratgenes #8
Chapter 11: I loved this chapter. especially the part where woozi gets called a ert and the line "as expected from the man with many talents".
but honestly, the thing I'm most excited about is how the members will react the next morning when they see the main character and woozi sleeping together lol
caratgenes #9
Chapter 10: hOLY YESSSS
Thanks for updating and merry christmas~
caratgenes #10
Chapter 9: no no no no no no no no no no no nonononooooo
who dare stabs my precious wooziiiiiii. i'm hoping someone magically appears out of nowhere and saves him from getting run over :(((
and their interactions are so cute! i love the vlive idea. cute is the only word i have for this fanfic. i love the storyline so far as well. take your time updating :)