Chapter 12: Package

Fate? Woozi x Reader (Seventeen fanfiction)

Hai... I'm so tired of everything in life. Sometimes I question myself about why I even try. Seriously. Why is life so hard? Well there's no answer to that question. I don't wanna go to school anymore. I'm so tired of it... Also sorry about the late update. A lot has just been happening and like I've already started breaking down. So yea. Life happens. 
"What's the matter?!" 
"My parents are in the hospital, we need to go right now!" 
What?! First grandpa and grandma, now his parents...really. She doesn't know when to stop. 
Woozi yelled out while dragging me along with him. We got into a taxi and told the driver to quickly go to Gangnam Hospital. Gangnam was actually quite far from where we lived. Driving there would take at least an hour or two. 
Why am I here? It's cold...
We sat in silence, Woozi's legs were shaking nervously as he stared out the window. I rubbed my arms for warmth, the only thing I had on were my pajamas. 
I should've grabbed a coat dammit.
"Are you cold?" 
"No I'm fine..." 
He shook his head and took off his jacket. 
"You can't lie to me, take care of yourself..." 
He put the jacket on top of me using it as a blanket. I stayed quiet, I didn't want to move or disturb his train of thought. 
I should be the one saying that...
"For what...?" 
"For dragging you out here with me... And also...there's a new contract..." 
Another contract? Arranged marriage?
"What are you...talking about?" 
He sighed and looked out the window to avoid eye contact. 
"The arranged marriage isn't for you and Taehyung anymore." 
Then did she destroy that contract? What happened? 
"It's actually with Youngjae now..." 
Youngjae...why him? That's even worse than Taehyung, but...I don't like either of them... I don't even want an arranged marriage! 
"What?! You're being serious?" 
Great. Just GREAT. What have I gotten into...what have my parents gotten me into... I'm seriously screwed now. 
"Ah...I told you I'd explain what happened with Youngjae in the past." 
"I completely know you don't have to explain if you don't want to." 
"It's fine..." 
" you..." 
What to do...I don't...this is so awkward. 
"I know...but I liked you ever since the day we met." 
"What are you doing? Trying to make me feel guilty?" 
I tried lightening up the mood and punched his arm playfully. 
"I'm not joking right now Y/N, don't try to joke." 
"Sorry sorry... Anyways I have to go..." 
It was getting dark; I walked back home leaving him there. I didn't know at the time about what would happen next. I laid there in bed, wondering about what the next day would hold. 
Ever since he confessed, fear arose in me as the stalking got worse. Stalking. It started off with subtle glances, and following me around in some situations. It escalated to the point where I was scared to go to the washroom, and walk home alone. People took notice, I soon informed the principal about it. He was forced to transfer schools, I was still scared, since he'd stand by the house and leave before it got dark. There was also that one time...
"What are you doing?!" 
He had me pinned against the wall behind the school. I didn't know what I was getting into. 
"Can't you see I love you?!" 
"Let me go!" 
He leaned in closer, I struggled trying to get my hands out of his grasp. I turned my head in refusal not wanting to be kissed by him. I kneed him hard the balls and ran for my life. By the time I got home I was drenched in sweat and out of breath. 
"Y/N! What happened to you?!" 
"Youngjae...he...tried...anyways! I'm fine...water..."  
Flashback over 

"I still remember that day...there was worse later on though. I was almost kidnapped by him. But the police eventually stepped in and he stopped for good." 
"No wonder you're so scared of him..." 
"Yea...well who knows what he's like now. I don't wanna be close with him because I'm afraid that the same thing will happen..." 
The car ride was silent, I watched the lights go past, we were almost in Gangnam. As we got out of the taxi, I wrapped myself in the coat. The cold chilly wind was quickly replaced with the unsettling aroma of hospital and blood. 
"Hello, Mr. And Mrs.Lee?" 
"Room 739 on the second floor." 
Woozi thanked the receptionist, we walked in silence. My hands were starting to become sweaty, honestly I didn't know what to expect. It'd only be my second time meeting them, the first being when everyone had received their rings from their parents. Woozi opened the door, the both of them were asleep and hooked up onto heart monitors. I was speechless.
He must be worried...what can I do about it... 
The doctor came in and saw us, he told us to sit down and started briefing us about what happened. 
"So as you can see here, they're currently recovering from surgery. They were somehow involved in a car accident that the police are investigating; most injuries aren't that bad. But both suffered brain damage and wounds that could've been fatal in their condition. Honestly it's a miracle that they're even alive, but I'm wondering if you could donate some blood that we could use for the two patients. After they've recovered, we'll put more blood in their blood stream to replace the lost blood that we didn't have at the time to replace."
"What is their blood type?" 
"Your father has O positive, where any blood donor with any type would be able to give; your mother..." 
What accident. Is this really Mrs.Kim again? I should really report to the police. 

"She has Ab negative...the rarest blood type in the world." 
Ab negative? Don't I have that blood type? 
"I...have that blood type." 
"Well then you wouldn't mind doing a blood donor right?" 
Afterwards we were sent to a different room where everyone donated blood. It hurt quite a bit, just the sight of blood kinda made me nauseous. Well on the bright side it was an excuse to eat a cookie. We went back to the room, they were still asleep. It was only three am. 
"Should we get some sleep too?" 
The both of us sit down on the couch in the room and fall asleep for a while. I listened to his heartbeat and it was relaxing, I worried about his parents. That night I prayed for them to wake up. 
Mrs.Lee had already woken up. The doctor was helping her up, I greeted her and bowed. 
"Hello Mrs.Lee, how are you feeling?" 
"Mom, what happened?" 
Woozi woke up? 
"I don't know...I don't remember much. All I remember is a car crashing into us." 
"Please, don't test her memory at the moment. Her brain must recover for a few days first." 
"Ok, thank you doctor." 
He left after checking her condition; Woozi and I sat down beside her. The both of us were still in our pajamas. 
"You're ok right?" 
"Son, don't worry about me. What about you have you been eating well? Also I see you brought Y/N was it?" 
"Ah yes..." 
"Has he been eating well?" 
Not really...we pull all nighters all the time and run on caffeine. I can't say that though haha...
"Yes, are you hungry? It's breakfast time." 
"Mom, we'll go get something for you to eat ok?" 
She nodded weakly and smiled, inside I felt bad and didn't want to leave her alone. But I just went along with it, Woozi walked in silence, we reached a vending machine. He paused before putting in a coin. 
"Thank you..." 
Why is he saying this now...I swear. This is literally like a Korean drama...
I hugged him, he started crying softly. I really didn't know what to do but comfort him, it wasn't for long but he was warm. He pulled away and got some sandwiches from the vending machine. I wiped his tears with my sleeve; we walked back to the room. Mr.Lee had also woken up, I bowed once again. 
"Hello, how are you feeling?" 
I let Woozi go to his dad and have a talk while I stayed with Mrs.Lee. I gave her the sandwich, she weakly ate it. 
"Jihoon, has never had a girlfriend." 
Haha I know. 
"I know." 
" may be the first?" 
Pshhhhh nah... Well here comes the blush. 
"Haha I don't think so..." 
"He didn't even have a girl in his contacts!" 
The both of us laughed, I talked with her about how everyone else was doing and our debut project. 
"Are we disrupting much?" 
"No don't worry, we don't have another scheduled concert until Halloween." 
"Ok, take care of him for me." 
She held my hand and pat the top softly. 
"Ok." I smiled, she gave a weak one in response. 
"Y/N? Can we talk for a bit?" 
His head poked out from the other side of the curtain, I nodded and left for a moment. We went outside the room, he faced me; for some odd reason I thought there was something bad. 
"Should we stay for the day, and then just stay at a hotel for tonight?" 
"Oh, but then what about the others?" 
"Don't worry, I'll handle it." 
"Ok then." I go back into the room, he stayed outside to contact the others. 
One room...with him? For a night? I think I'll pass out. But I guess it should be fine right? I should worry. I can't worry. I should talk with Mr.Lee...
What was I night with her? I'll go insane. Literally insane. 
*ringggggg ringgggg
Aha... Did they not hear me?
"Sorry, I said I was going to Gangnam hospital in the morning though..." 
"We were all sleeping!"
So loud...I'm still sleepy dammit. 
"Ok...Well, my parents are in the hospital. Y/N and I will stay here, we'll head back tomorrow morning I promise ok?" 
"Eh?! You're staying in Gangnam overnight?!" 
"Well my parents got into a car crash, probably Mrs.Kim's doing, and now they need to go through another sugary I think." 
"Ok...but why can't Y/N come back?" 
Ah. . 
"Do you need her?" 
"No never mind~" 
Giggling could be heard from the background, I rolled my eyes. 
"You two have fun~" S.coups said laughing, I hang up on them and go back into the room. Y/N was talking with my dad. It was shocking that he seemed to get along fine with her. 
"Looks like your father has taken an interest don't you think?" 
She laughed and smiled, but I knew she was in pain. 
"It sure does seem like it." 
" her don't you?" Her smile widens, I shake my head trying my hardest not to blush. 
"Aigoo, can't wait for the wedding~" 
How can you still be the shipper you were in this condition...? 
We spent the day chatting with my parents and keeping them company. I pulled out my laptop to search for a hotel nearby, I booked a room for the night and sighed. 
I wonder what the others are up to...
I check Twitter and laugh at the spam of posts. 
Post: Seventeen's Lunch 
Caption: RAMEN!!! Woozi and Y/N left us here! They went to Gangnam to look after Woozi's parents... They'll stay overnight there. YAH YOU BASTARD WOOZI I KNOW YOU'LL SEE THIS! YOU LEAVING WITHOUT LETTING US KNOW! THIS TIME YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE! Carats~ why don't you comment a few suggestions bellow? LOVE YOU ALL! WOOZI AND Y/N COME BACK! 

"What are you looking at?" 
Ahaha...better not be too bad. 
"They're mad. Mostly at me." 
We laugh and look at all the spam videos they posted. Most of them were singing random songs, dancing, and banging on the office for producers. Meaning mine and Y/N's office. This could barely be called as a practice. 
All of us break into laughter watching Seventeen trying to find the key. There were more videos and they all had some kind of nagging for Y/N and I. It was already dark outside, visiting hours were over. Y/N and I decided on going to a restaurant for dinner, just the one across from the hospital. 
"I'm hungry..." 
"Your parents will go do another surgery right?" 
I already signed a bunch of papers earlier... 
We ordered noodles, I kept looking around. For some reason I felt a presence some where. Honestly I'm glad I took my laptop with me as well, I could work on composing while we were here. 
"Excuse me?" A waitress came up to us, her eyes widened in shock. 
"Aren't you two from Seventeen?!" 
Y/N and I laugh nervously, she asks for an autograph and selfie. Soon people realized it was us, our quiet evening was disrupted. But I guess it was ok. 
"Can you guys sing for us?!" 
"Alright alright, everyone give some space!" 
They spread out, Y/N and I stood on the seats. 
"Uh...what song do we sing...?" Y/N whispered to me. 
"I don't know...why don't we sing Adore U and Shining diamond our style?" 
"You mean a remix? Right now?!" She whisper yelled. 
"Just follow my lead." 
Everyone had their cameras out and recording this, I started singing the first verse of Shining Diamond, then Y/N soon followed along with the tune and sang Adore U. By the end of the performance we high fived each other. 
I guess they are right, we're pretty compatible. 
"Thank you! Hope to see you at our concert on Halloween! Wear your costumes!!!"
We sat back down, the crowd was disappointed since there was no fan service today. Oh well, we continued eating and payed for our meal. The stars were out, we walked to the hotel. The receptionist looked like she knew us as well, we got to our room on the fourth floor. 
*beep beep, click creeeek
The room was well cleaned, there was a desk with some notes, menu for room service, telephone, and only one bed...? 
I thought I got the room with two beds..?
"One bed?" 
"I got the room with two beds though..." 
We washed up using their complimentary bathroom essentials that they offered. I took out my laptop and charger then started charging it. I logged onto my editing and recording software, everything was set. I washed up after Y/N came out, by the time I was finished, she was there on my laptop. I kept quiet and creeped up behind her. 
"AH! Aish Jihoon!" She hit my arm. 
"What are you doing?" I peer over her neck, she was editing some stuff on our next album track. 
"I'll do it... Go rest." 
"No! You've done enough..." 
We fight over the laptop, the both of us end up rolling around in messy sheets laughing. We finally get settled down, I grab my laptop and plug in my earphones. Y/N takes one out of my ear and puts it in hers; she rested her head on my shoulder as we worked through the night. 
She's so cute...why does it have to be like this. When will I confess. Is she asleep? Honestly I should start thinking about what I'll do...
After placing her down and letting her sleep, I started to look online for a few ideas. 
I so have to erase my search history after this...oh am I...falling asleep...? Better shut this off. 

"Mrs.Kim, Mr. And Mrs.Lee are in the hospital. They were saved by blood donations from Y/N and Jihoon." 
Dammit! That was my only chance! 
"Aish...that threat didn't get to them yet?" 
"Thank you. You may leave." 
What to do...maybe I should kill one of them? Hm...or perhaps send Youngjae after them as well? 
*ringgggg ringgggg
"Oh! Taehyung why are you calling at this time." 
"Mom! Stop with the killing! I heard about Woozi's parents." 
"No can do, the company needs it." 
"Mom! Please...killing is not the answer. These are my friends..." 
That doesn't matter... Ourselves are more important. 
"Friends or enemies, people are all the same. Go to sleep, goodnight." 
This Taehyung will never understand dammit. 
I hung up on him, I grabbed some newspapers, scissors, and paper. Then I decided to contact Mrs.Sun. 
*ringgggg ringgggg
"Hello, this is Mrs.Sun."
"Hello, it's Mrs.Kim here. Listen, I was wondering if you could get Youngjae to perhaps meet with Y/N at some point this week."
"Ok I'll try to, did something happen?" 
"Oh nothing much, have a good night." 
Sigh why does she act so innocent. 
I rolled my eyes and continued, I finished and put the piece of paper inside an envelope. 
"Mr.Lee! Please send this to them." 
"As you wish, Good night madam." 
Today has been hectic...if those two don't get together I don't know what'll happen to me...
I rubbed my temples, then continued doing office work. 

This isn't my bed...oh right...we're in a hotel. 
I yawned and awoke to a beam of sunlight, Y/N still slept there. My computer screen was on, it was on the ious website I looked up. 
Better exit that...and clear search history. 
I turned off my computer and started packing up my things. I heard a shuffle and a yawn. 
I went over and dragged her out of the bed sheet. She groaned and got up, I ordered breakfast from room service.
"Today we have to go back..." 
"Yea...I'm tired..." 
She's exhausted...
"Are you ok?" 
"Just scared..." 
*knock knock
I open the door, the waiter came inside and set two trays of pancakes down on the table. There was an envelope on my tray, the both of us sat down as I opened it. It was a threat. 
"If you don't hand over Y/N, misfortune will come your way. One of your close friends will be affected." 
Oh no...they're getting Seventeen involved with this as well? ing hell we're screwed. 
We are our breakfast in silence, I held onto the envelope. Y/N was shaking, the both of us hurriedly checked out of the hotel room and took a taxi to the practice room. We told the guy to extra fast, we sat there hugging each other. 
"Do you think they'll be ok...?" 
"I hope so..." 
They better be...

"What time is it? 10am?! They're still not back?!" 
Seventeen kept complaining about not being able to practice, though they thought of something else to do. 
"I can't stand it anymore!" 
"Neither can I..." 
Everyone bursts out laughing at Hoshi's anger. 
"Ok, I can't wait any longer. I know we agreed to wait a week but screw it!" 
"Right S.coups!" 
"Well, what we should do now is come up with a plan." 
Wonwoo and Mingyu light up and burst out laughing. Everyone who sat in their circle stared at them. 
"What are you two laughing about?! Hmmmmmm?!" 
They continue laughing while rolling on the ground, half of them go onto Mingyu and crush him while Wonwoo was being chased by the rest of them. 
"Alright HAHAHA ok chill!! HAHAHAHA!!" 
"We'll tell HAHAHA you!" 
Everyone settles down on the ground, they all had eyes on them. 
"Story is, we saw them one night sneaking out..." 
"Let's go out for some air?" Whispered Woozi, Mingyu had over heard him from outside their office. 
Mingyu and Wonwoo stealthy hid and followed the both of them. They walked down to a small lake area, there was a dock. They two of them sat there. 
"What are they saying?!" Whispered Wonwoo. 
"I don't know...but shhhh!" 
"Cold?" Woozi casually put his arm around Y/N. 
"Omg OMG! Ahhhhh so cute!!" 
"Why aren't they dating yet! So cute!!!" 
"How do you not get tired while we're in there working out asses off?" 
"'s nice to have a companion now..." 
"Awwwwww" The two coo at the ship. 
"There's also coffee for a reason~" 
They laugh, they talked about things they shared in common. That was when Mingyu and Wonwoo found out how much chemistry the two actually had. 
"We need to get them together for sure now..." 
"They're so sweet with each other it's so cute!" 
"Maybe we should put Simple on one of our albums..." 
"Yea...I don't want Mrs.Kim to ruin us..." 
"Oh don't worry, she won't..." Woozi pat her head, Mingyu and Wonwoo were feeling bad. 
"We should go first."
They let the two have some privacy and went back to the dorm. The moon shined bright that night, but their faces shone brighter of excitement. 
Flashback over 

"...well. I have well?" 
The room went silent, all eyes looked at Seungkwan who innocently avoided eye contact with all of them. 
"Spill it." 
"Remember that time where Y/N was admitted to the hospital?" 
She broke her arm from a falling chair during a practice. Y/N had been admitted to the hospital, and Seventeen had gone during visiting hours. Woozi insisted to stay until she woke up, so Seungkwan was assigned to look after him. 
"Woozi hyung aren't you being a little too... You know." 
"It's fine...after all it's still visiting hours." 
Seungkwan went to the washroom, he came back and quietly opened the door only a crack. His eyes widened at the sight, Woozi was kissing her straight on the lips. He pulled away and look over to the door. His eyes widened in shock; Seungkwan enters the room. 
" our secret ok?" 
He nodded being too speechless to say anything. They stayed until she woke up, but all Seungkwan could think about was that kiss. In his mind he debated about whether to tell seventeen or not. He put it off keeping the thought in his mind. 
"Woozi, why did you..." 
"...because, I couldn't help it." 
Woozi's blush darkened while Seungkwan was fanboying. 
"So cute!!!!" 
Flashback over 

"Ahhhh so cute!" 
"Waaaaah why can't they get together?!"
All of them fell silent, no one knew what to do with the two. 
"Let's come up with a plan."
"What can we do though?" 
"Well... Maybe we should just ask the Carats?" 
That got all of them thinking, Jun picked up the Vlive camera and started recording everyone looking at websites, sitting in circles forming ideas, all while practicing at the same time. 
"Hello Carats!!!" 
"We're so lonely without Woozi and Y/N!" Exclaimed Dino as he rolled around the floor. 
"Right now, we're planning a surprise date for them~"
"Wait what?!" 
"Really?! Yah DK! Have you lost your mind?!" 
"Why?! I thought that's what we were supposed to be doing?" 
They all dead panned at him, then looked at the camera. 
"Carats, we want some ideas from you so please listen carefully." 
"Ah yes, Seungkwan. What do you think we could do to get the 'two' together?" 
"Wow many Carats are excited, lets have a look." 
As the comments kept rolling in, they read and jotted down ideas. After about an hour of talking with the Carats, they had to say good bye. 
"Thank you for helping us!" 
"Carats we love you!!!" 
"Bye bye!!!" 
Jun turned off the camera, they once again regrouped in the middle of their practice room. 
"It's already 12! How are they not back yet?!"
"Meh we'll scold them later." 
"Anyways, you all know the plan for Halloween now right?" 
All of them had smirks on their faces, then there was a knock on the door. 
"Who is it?!" 
No answer. Suspiciously Joshua went to open the door. There was a box, and a letter attached to it. 
"What is it?" 
"Bring it inside." 
He pushed the box across the wooden floors, they surrounded the brown box. All of them inspected it, shaking, hitting, and touching around the box. 
"I'm gonna open the box." 
"Shouldn't you read the letter first?" 
"Screw it, I'm too curious." Vernon said before grabbing a cutter and opening it up. 
He lifted the flaps and staggered back. Everyone's faces turned pale at the sight, the rotting smell filling the air terrified them.
"Is that..." 
"What kind of joke is this..." 
DK peered over, he was the only one who hadn't seen it. He screamed bloody murder as he fell onto the ground. 
It's a bit short...but oh well. Tomorrow I have to go to'll be a long day. Also we're starting speeches soon...dammit. I'm gonna die. Lol. Anyways until next time bye bye! Lol I apologize for grammar...

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caratgenes #1
Chapter 18: oh, and thanks for updating! hope you feel better soon~
caratgenes #2
Chapter 18: omgg so cuteeeeee!! and that fan that sent woozi the 'toy' XD AND MEANIEEEEEE YESSS
caratgenes #3
Chapter 16: oh my god i hope nothing happens to tae afterwards... and omggggg this chapter is amazing!!
take your time updating and do well in school~~
caratgenes #4
Chapter 15: I'm glad they're finally dating now but noooo~ why did that have to happen? but without that, they wouldn't of have confessed. ahh this is confusing
lol thanks for updating <3
Chanbaek4everrr #5
Chapter 14: Oh god, I thought that the thing in the box was just some dead squirrel ; - ; Anyways, thanks for the update! Also, please take your time! Your health comes first ^^
caratgenes #6
Chapter 14: aww~ this was cute!!! I thought mrs kim was going to try and kill them during the vlive lol... thanks for updating!
poop_reader11 #7
Chapter 13: Why is Mrs. Kim like that? She's like a psycho!!!
caratgenes #8
Chapter 11: I loved this chapter. especially the part where woozi gets called a ert and the line "as expected from the man with many talents".
but honestly, the thing I'm most excited about is how the members will react the next morning when they see the main character and woozi sleeping together lol
caratgenes #9
Chapter 10: hOLY YESSSS
Thanks for updating and merry christmas~
caratgenes #10
Chapter 9: no no no no no no no no no no no nonononooooo
who dare stabs my precious wooziiiiiii. i'm hoping someone magically appears out of nowhere and saves him from getting run over :(((
and their interactions are so cute! i love the vlive idea. cute is the only word i have for this fanfic. i love the storyline so far as well. take your time updating :)