Chapter 10: Debut

Fate? Woozi x Reader (Seventeen fanfiction)

Ok, so as I mentioned in the last chapter it wasn't part of the actual story. So hopefully the people who didn't read the bottom part of the chapter won't get confused so I'll put it in bold right now. 
What...I'm not hit?
*beeeep beeeep beeeep* 

I opened my eyes, a black car with tinted windows was there by a pole. It had destroyed the front of the car, tire tracks were left in the pavement. The car door opened, a guy came out and looked at me. He came rushing seeing my condition, the ringing in my ears made all the words that came out of his mouth muffled. My vision was blurry, I couldn't make out who he was or even if he was someone I knew. He helped me up, the both of us went to the nearest hospital. arm is numb... Already...
I was admitted into a room, someone gave me a shot in my other arm which hurt a lot more than expected. My thoughts faded, eventually I out. 
This isn't good... The others don't have to know about this. Woozi why did you go out alone... 
"Excuse me, are you related to him?" 
"No, but we live together." 
"Ah ok, can you please fill out these forms." 
The nurse handed me a clip board with a pen. I finished filling out the extremely long form, and waited at Woozi's bedside. 
*ringgggg ringgggg* 
"S.coups where'd you go?" 
"Ah don't worry about me, I'll be back by morning." 
"Ok I'm hanging up." 
I sigh putting my phone in my pocket. Woozi had gotten stitches, he was still sleeping from the shot earlier. 
"This guy had really fallen for her..." 
I sigh again, hoping that Mrs.Kim would stop soon. 
Good thing I was driving around... Damn that car must've been towed by now... I'm in big trouble...
"Jihoon you better be thankful, so troublesome seriously." 
I wonder if he'll wake up soon... I might as well get some sleep. 
I laid my head beside his arm and fell asleep.
5 hours later... 
What...I'm still sleepy. Wait is Woozi?

I yawn and look over to Woozi's face, he was awake and clearly in pain. I helped him sit up in his bed; rubbing his eyes with his left hand he was finally awake. His eyes widened in shock seeing me there. 
"S.coups...? What are you..." 
"Stupid, I was the one who helped you here in the first place." 
"Oh...what about the oth-" 
"They don't know what happened, the car was towed away. You owe me an explanation." 
*knock knock* 
Seriously...right when I was questioning him. 
The nurse came in and asked about his arm. She told us he could be released today and gave me more forms to fill out. She left the room, I glared at Woozi once again. 
"So explain." 
I said while filling out the form. He sighed and looked out the window. 
"I went out for a drink, this guy was following me. I tried running and I bumped into someone, they stabbed me. It was probably Mrs.Kim..." 
Hearing him mention Mrs.Kim made my blood boil. The fact that a human being can have no remorse is mortifying. I finished filling out the form staying silent after his words. 
"Get changed, we're leaving." 
This idiot will do anything to protect her... I just hope he doesn't die in the process. 
"Ok...I'll make it up to you." 
"How are you going to perform with those stitches?" 
"I'll bandage it tightly. Plus it doesn't seem that bad." 
"Take it easy ok?" 
I say and pat him on the back lightly. He nods, we leave the room and go to the front desk. I hand her the forms, the doctor comes and briefs us again about how he shouldn't do much. We thank him and start walking back to the dorm.
"Why did you go out alone?" 
"I didn't think anything would happen..." 
"You're lucky he just stabbed you in the arm. What if you died..." 
I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if he died... 
"C'mon don't be like that..." 
"How can I not! If I lost you...I'd want to die also!" 
I wiped away tears coming down, we hugged and he agreed to being more careful. 
"Next time you...get hurt like this we're confronting Mrs.Kim." 
"Alright alright, don't cry anymore." 
We reached the dorm, luckily everyone was still sleeping. The both of us went back to our rooms and pretended not to be awake still. 
I'm worried about today's debut... What if his bandage isn't tight enough... Sigh this troublesome kid. 

Owwwwwwwwww I never thought those stitches would hurt this much! Dammit.
I wrapped a bandage around my arm tightly in the dark, I looked over beside Y/N's bed. The sticky note was gone. 
Eh...did she wake up? What to do...oh Yoosung still hasn't told me about Y/N yet. Haha... I'm starting to regret telling him the truth... Thank god I wore my pajamas outside though. And thank god they clean the patients clothes. 
Nice timing. 
I sat up in my bed, pretending to feel sleepy still. DK the light in our room and told us to go down to breakfast. 
"Debut day today! Everyone eat up!!!" 
Mingyu said from the kitchen, he started cooking pancakes; there was fruit prepared on the table as well.
"We'll start eating now~" 
I stayed silent thinking about the debut and my arm. Y/N sat next to me eating fruits while everyone was waiting and chatting. 
"What was the name of that news station again?" 
"Which one?" 
"The one that talked about the rumors of BTS sunbaenims?" 
Oh Seungkwan. You'll never change. 
I laughed in my head and drank some coffee to wake myself up. 
"Ah wasn't that... JTBC?" 
"Right right, when they ask us questions don't answer them!" 
Seungkwan warns us, we all burst out laughing. The pancakes were being served, all of us were still half asleep. Truthfully they sounded quite drunk with their slurred speech. Though the chatter still counted normal with all the chatter going on. 
"Jun pass the syrup!" 
"In a sec!" 
"Ah right you guys! I forgot to tell you!" 
What is it this time...
"Our broadcast is an hour long!!" 
"Yea! KBS is letting us promote our whole mini album!" 
All of us were even more excited, though I was worried that all the dancing I had to do would rip the stitches. The ruckus continued as we kept eating, by the time we were finished it was already lunch time. We didn't have to leave til 6:00pm, meaning 6 hours of doing whatever we wanted in our dorm. 
*ding dong
Why are there so many guests lately?
"Who is it?" 
"Ya Woozi! Open the door!" 
Well if you speak like that I won't. 
I still opened it for him anyways, he looked as energetic as ever. 
"You guys are debuting today right? I'll be watching it on TV!!" 
"Alright alright. Anyways what are you doing here?" 
"Oh I moved in next door." 
Everyone looks at him in pure shock, he stared at us all blankly. 
"HYUNG WHY?!?!" 
And here comes the panicking. 
"Calm down. I moved next door because of Mrs.Kim." 
"Aish, I completely forgot about that !" Joshua covered his mouth after realizing he swore. 
"Joshua?! What happened to you?!" 
"I-I don't know..."
We all laugh at Joshua who was turning pale from being terrified at himself. 
"Anyone wanna help unpack my stuff to my apartment?" 
"Ah come on guys~ Y/N? Ah wait never mind. I'll just take Woozi with me ok? Bye bye!" 
He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my dorm. I look at him utterly confused, he opened the door and revealed a room full of boxes. It wasn't that fancy and had only a floor. There were 2 bathrooms, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room. 
"Why am I the only one helping?" 
"Because I needed to speak with you about stuff." 
About Y/N I'm sure...
I walked over to a box, and grabbed the cutter on the countertop. I started to unpack the boxes as Yoosung started speaking again.
"When I asked her about it...she said there was no one. I kept pestering her until she told me." 
He chuckled and placed his arms behind his neck. He looked at me in the eyes. 
"It's you." 
So it was true after all. 
"I know." 
I laughed, he looked at me in disbelief. 
I started taking things out of the boxes and putting them down in the room. 
"Well, I overheard her say something along the lines of her liking me in the past." 
"Then why don't you just ask her out?!" 
He groaned in frustration, I shrugged and kept working. After an hour of unpacking boxes and putting things in the right places the room was half furnished. 
"If you aren't gonna ask her out soon I'm setting you two up." 
He wouldn't right? 
"Just give us time ok? Trust me." 
"AISH! You two both like each other! Now I see why all your fans are internally dying." 
I laughed nervously as he glared blades at me. 
"How long have you two known each other by now? Four months? On top of that I'm sure you saved her I've countless times. Man up!" 
I pat him on the back; he looks at me suspiciously. 
"Have you ever been so in love with someone but was too afraid to admit it to the person?" 
He stayed silent, I left him to do the rest of his stuff. 
What did I just say to him. I'm for sure ed at this point. 
I sigh heavily and look around in my pockets for the house key. I ended up ringing the doorbell, some mumbled noises were heard from the other side. 
What are they up to now...?
Vernon opened the door, he had a small smirk on his mouth but it quickly disappeared as I entered. All of them
were on the couch watching TV. I grew suspicious as I neared them, the only spot available was next to Y/N. 
"What have you guys been doing while I was gone?" 
I asked placing my stuff on the table filled with snacks. I sat next to Y/N, everyone looked at me. 
"Nothing much, we've just been watching TV." 
"Oh right it's almost Halloween!" 
"What costumes will you guys wear." 
"I haven't planned anything out."  
Neither have I... I completely forgot. 
"Me too. Let's go out!" 
Hoshi drags us all out to go costume shopping. We left behind a huge mess, and went to the van. 
"After this we'll just go straight to KBS studio." 
The loud chatter resumed inside the van, music was blasting as we headed to the costume store. 
"How about we pick costumes for each other?" 
"Good idea Dino! No one can complain ok? Ok." 
"Wait isn't that kinda unfair?" 
"Just go with it leader~" 
I have a bad feeling about this. 
We arrived, all of us went out and looked for costumes. I went through the racks and laughed once I found an angel costume. 
"Jeonghan come over here!" 
"Why Woozi?" He yelled back from across the store. 
"I found the perfect costume for you!" 
He rushed over, I handed him the Angel costume. He laughed and pat my back in acceptance. 
"I found a costume! Y/N! Woozi! Come here!!" 
I could see Wonwoo laughing behind Mingyu who was holding the costumes. I walked over, he shoved the costume in my hand and told me to go get changed. I wasn't able to see what it was until I was in the dressing room. 
You've got to be kidding me. A bunny costume?! 
I wore the onesie suit and put on the bunny ears. Mingyu was waiting outside, I came out and death glares him. 
"A bunny costume?!" 
"Wait for Y/N to come out." 
I looked in the mirror and burst out laughing at myself. Settling down I sat beside Mingyu and waited. 
"Mingyu what have you done..." 
She said from inside then came out from her dressing room. She was wearing a light pink bunny costume similar to mine. The both of us looked at each other and laughed at how we looked. 
"You both look so cute!" 
"No no, change the costume please?" 
"No~ you two look cute~" 
After a while everyone was done looking for costumes, I was stuck with that damn bunny costume though I shouldn't be complaining. Seungkwan was a hot dog, S.coups was a cry baby, and Mingyu was a tree. 
"That was so much fun." 
Hoshi laughed at all of us, he was a ninja. 
"Yah! Why are you a ninja and the rest of us really weird things?!" 
All of us started bashing on Hoshi as we went inside the van. 
"KBS here we come!" 
Excitement rushed over the van, the drive was a long one but all of us kept busy by doing various things. 
"Orange Caramel!!!" 
We burst into laughter looking at DK's crazed face. 
"We're sorry orange caramel sunbaenims." Joshua said but soon started laughing with us once again. 
Ahahaha why are they so funny...
We arrived at the studio, fans were waiting there and waving at us. 
"Eh? There's already fans?!" 
"What is this?" 
We walked down the carpet waving and smiling at everyone. As we entered the studio we bowed to all the staff there. 
"Hello, this way please." 
A lady led the way to our room, hair stylists and make up professionals were waiting for us. 
"Can I get Jun here?" 
"Over here is Vernon!" 
"Wonwoo here please!" 
Daebak...they have enough to do multiple people at a time...
It was pretty interesting to see everything unfolding, the lady got the rest of us to sit in a specific order.
"What should we do to wait?" 
"Frying pan game?" 
With that all of us played the frying pan game to pass time, it went on for a while until things got serious for some unknown reason. 
"Guys, do you think Mrs.Kim will wreck our debut?" 
Just hearing those words gave me the chills. 
"I hope not..." 
There better not be. My arm is already injured for crying out loud. 
"Kids, let's just be careful today alright?" 
"Aish! This mood is scary!" 
"Well I don't think she'll try anything today since it will be broadcasted and the crowd is much larger." 
"You're right... Just be careful still." 
All of us were finished with make up and hair, the lady who helped us earlier came inside again. She led us to a waiting room and started explaining about how we were supposed to complete challenges backstage. 
"So on Music Bank you have to complete a challenge that you are given. Here is the challenge." 
She handed us an envelope and left the room. The cameras started rolling; we were told to introduce ourselves on screen.
"Hello, we are say the name!" 
"Today is our official debut, please look forward to seeing us more thank you!" 
We cheered; S.coups opened the envelope and read off a card that was inside. 
"Since today is your first time here, please complete this scavenger hunt." 
He showed the camera a list filled with items. We were then given cameras to film ourselves doing the scavenger hunt. The cameraman gave us a countdown signaling when we were supposed to go live. 
"Yes hello! This is Seventeen's Angel Jeonghan~" 
"Angel?! Wowwww~" 
"Hello, this is the vocal unit. Right now we're completing a scavenger hunt." 
I said while walking down the halls with the vocal unit. 
"What's the first thing we need to find?" 
"Eh? SaecomDalcom? Candy?" 
"For real? So can we eat the candy when we find it?!" 
You guys are like little children. 
I laugh at their excitement as we look around for the candy. 
"What else do we have to find?" 
"Red slime, bouncy ball, fake nails? And...what is this?" 
"Let me see." 
I give Y/N the list and her eyes widened at me. 
"This is really popular! The skin cream from the face shop!" 
Oh Y/N...
We started laughing and looked around, DK kept talking to the camera about our debut. 
"Is that the candy!!" 
Seungkwan rushes over to the door nearby the other waiting rooms. The candy was dangling on a string, he removed it from the door knob and showed it to the camera. 
"Slime!!! Let's find the slime." 
"Ah Woozi come here for a second." 
I go over to DK who's holding the camera. 
"What is it?" 
"Please promote our mini album as the composer." 
"Ah ok." 
I held the camera while walking and explaining about the songs on the mini album. Occasionally I would snicker because of the others fooling around. 
"Please look forward to our album release." 
Jeonghan screams out and points inside the women's bathroom. I look and see it on top of the counter. 
"They seriously put it there!" 
All of us break into laughter and crowd around the outside of the bathroom. 
"Y/N go and get it!" 
"Ok ok." 
She went to get it, Jeonghan and DK looked at each other and nodded. I held the camera and videotaped them smirking. They started coming closer. 
Is this some sort of drama?
In a flash they stole the camera and pushed me into the women's bathroom. I put my hands against the walls to stabilize myself. I was centimeters away from bumping into Y/N. 
"I-It's ok..." 
Oh that does it.
I chased after them as we ran around the building. Seungkwan and Y/N were out of breath by the time I had already killed the both of them. 
"Alright you three calm down." 
I let go of them both and faced the camera. I held out a bouncy ball, and showed it to the camera. 
"I have it~"
"Where did you get that?!" 
"Oh just while I was chasing you and Jeonghan."
"As expected from the man of many talents." 
"Let's look for the other stuff too. Come to think of it, where are we right now?" 
All of us look around, there weren't any doors but there was still a lot of space to walk around. 
Haha...we're lost. 
"Let's walk that way." 
We start walking down the hall once again. All of us were searching for the fake nails and skin cream; we got bored on the way though. 
"What to do~" 
"Nothing to do~" 
"Woozi do some aegyo!" 
Wow seriously these guys are shameless. 
"The nails!" 
They were up on a ledge by a window. DK went to get it down, another thing was also found in the process. Y/N found the skin cream just sitting in the corner on the ground. 
"But where are we?" 
"It says we're near the cafeteria." 
"How do we get back to our waiting room..?"
We ended up following the signs while talking to the camera. It was quite fun actually, though it was tempting to use the things we found. 
"Can't I eat just one piece of candy?!" 
"No Seungkwan! You're already Boo Seungkwan!" 
"Fine. Be that way." 
We laughed and entered the waiting room, other members were already there waiting. DK returned the camera to the staff and we said our goodbyes. 
"This has been;" 
"Thank you, we hope you enjoy our music. CARATS WE LOVE YOU!" 
"Seventeen, please come backstage we'll be doing a rehearsal." 
She led us through the halls, opening two silver doors we entered backstage. The staff set up our microphones; we went on stage and saw how large the area actually was. 
"This is really it. We're debuting." 
The spotlights switched on, we got into position and started our rehearsal stage. I didn't try my hardest like I usually would since I was afraid that my stitches would tear. 
"Good work! Alright just wait backstage until we finally get the crowd coming in." 
"Thank you, you've worked hard." 
We all chugged down water and wiped away sweat that built up. Thank god that we had individual unit songs. It was already 8:30pm, the broadcast didn't start until 9:00pm. Crowds had already started to come in though, another staff member came up to us and explained what our schedule looked like. 
"So, you'll be performing in the mini album order with one minute intervals for ads. After all the songs have finished, we'll have a break then an interview." 
All we had to do now was wait. 
"Half an hour seems like a lot doesn't it?" 
"Yea...I don't know what to do or say." 
"Let's just all perform our best ok?" 
We group hug and start warming up, S.coups pulls me to the side.
"How's your arm?" 
"Seems ok, didn't leak right?"
"Nope. Be careful out there ok." 
Sometimes I think I underestimate how much all of these idiots care about me. 
"Seventeen you're on in one minute."
What?! That was so fast!
"Hello! Good evening everyone! As you all know, we will have one group who's debuting today! I'm sure you all know who it is, let's give a warm welcome to Seventeen!!" 
All of us ran up to the stage waving as the fans cheered on for us. The spotlight was on us now, the announcer went off stage as we got into our positions. 
"Slip into the diamond life~" 
We preformed, I tried hard to not tear the stitches or move my arm with as much force. I didn't think any blood leaked onto the clothing quite yet. 
Yesssss it's break time. 
It was a short minute, but it was better than nothing. Adore U was next, the high energy packed performance might ruin the stitches. 
"You know what~" 
The bandage was slipping at this point, sweat was forming. The stitches still held up until the end of the performance. Anything more than that would've done it. feels sore now...
I went off stage for the hip hop unit to perform 'Ah Yeah', I grabbed the water bottle and pressed it against my sore left arm. 
"Jihoon are you ok?" 
Crap. She's suspicious. 
"I'm fine, let's sit down and rest." 
I took off the cool water bottle from my arm cursing in my head. I drank some and checked for blood anywhere. Nothing. 
"Good job guys." 
Hoshi high fives us all, we waited and cheered for the hip hop unit. They got off stage, performance unit got ready to go up as we all praised the hip hop unit.
"Alright let's do this!" Dino said obviously hyped up. 
Jan jam started playing, the vocal unit was ready to go on stage. All of us sang along to the catchy beat of the song. It all ended in a flash, it was our turn to go up. We sat on the five chairs on the stage and ended off our debut with a relaxed mood. 
"Thank you Seventeen!! Let's get all of them out here!!" 
The rest of the members came on stage, we bowed as everyone cheered. More chairs were set up for the interview, all of us sat down in our units. 
"Seventeen all are shining tonight you know." 
"Yes, thank you." 
"So why don't you explain about yourselves? Give a short introduction." 
One by one all of us introduced ourselves. 
"I'm noticing a pattern here, you're separated into units?" 
"Yes, 3 units. Vocal, performance, and Hip hop." 
"Ah I see, who are the leaders?" 
S.coups, Hoshi, and I raise our hands. 
"I also heard you are self producing idols?" 
"Ah yes, Hoshi takes part in choreography, hip hop unit makes their own raps. Then Woozi and Y/N here." 
The crowd cheers loudly at the mention of our names, the host seemed shocked. 
"Why are they cheering already?" 
"Ah, we take part in producing the songs." 
"Eh Woozi, stop trying to hide it. Our CARATS love those two, they're the ultimate duo of Seventeen." 
"Ah I see. Perhaps are they dating?" 
My cheeks go red as the crowd cheered louder than before. 
"No, we aren't." 
"Well then. Shall we move on, sorry." 
He laughed it off with the rest of us and continued questioning. 
"How can you live under one roof with all 13 of you?" 
"It's quite fun actually, though we quickly run out of supplies." 
After he had finished questioning us, a big cork board was brought out. It was filled with different coloured sticky notes. 
"There are all questions and challenges from your fans. One of you can pick one, read it out loud then answer or do the challenge. 
"Vernon let's go!" 
He went up and picked a blue sticky note. He face scrunched up, cringing at the note. 
"Before I say this, Woozi hyung don't kill me." 
"No promises." 
"Have Woozi and Y/N do the peppero challenge." 
I put my head down and laugh in a sarcastic way. I give Vernon a deadly look before facing the cheering crowd. 
"What is this?!" 
"I have no luck..." 
Y/N and I stand up waiting to get it over with. The host hands us a stick, I put it in my mouth, we start doing the challenge getting as close as we can trying to make a good impression. Our lips ended up grazing each other's; we bit down. I caught the left over piece, the host held it up impressed by the length. 
"Wow, this is pretty good." 
"Yah Woozi hyung! Why when the last time we tried to get you two to do it you tricked us and only did one bite?!" 
I laughed and sat back down in my seat. The rest of the members were complaining more as we kept on answering questions. 
"How much sleep do you get?" 
"This, it really depends. Sometimes we practice until early morning and sometimes we'll stop practice early. I'm not to sure about our producers though..." 
"Ah, Y/N and I usually pull all nighters. The office is practically filled with coffee cups." 
I laugh nervously, the members confirmed that statement by saying that the garbage can would be overflowing with coffee cups. 
"You two should take care of yourselves better." 
Mingyu and Jeonghan scold us, the broadcast was almost ending. There was time for one last question. I stood up and picked a yellow one. 
"Everyone do free style dance." 
All of us stood up in a line, music started to play and we danced comfortably. After the music stopped we sat back down knowing that the broadcast was coming to an end. 
"Thank you Seventeen, now that our broadcast is coming to an end please say your last words." 
"We hope to receive lots of love from CARATS thank you so much for taking us here! This has been say the name!" 
"Thank you!" 
We waved to the camera and to the audience then went off the stage. All of us wiped off the sweat on our faces and went to our waiting room. 
"Wow, that was amazing. So many CARATS!!!" 
We took a group photo; changed back to our regular outfits and took off all our make up. 
"Thank you for your hard work." 
We left music bank, upon exiting we were met with lots of reporters. Then the JTBC host came up to us, I laughed in my head. All of us let Seungkwan handle the situation. 
"Can we get an interview with you?" 
"Sorry, but we, as you can see are VERY tired. So maybe tomorrow you can contact this number and we'll do an interview." 
"Ah ok, thank you." 
She was the same person who reported the rumor on television, we got past the group of reporters and entered the van. It was true, everyone felt exhausted but the way Seungkwan said it made all of us laugh. Once we entered the van all of us burst into laughter. 
"Was that even the right number?" 
"That was our number to our old dorm." He said sassily to us, all of us laughed even louder as the van headed back to our dorm. Most of us fell asleep as soon as we stopped laughing, I ended up being the only person still awake. 
Maybe Yoosung is right. But...if we start dating won't that provoke Mrs.Kim? For all we know, she could have cameras on us at all times. Why does life have to be so complicated, we work so hard for one thing. Yet we can easily end up facing something horrible at the same time.
"Seventeen wake up!" 
"Ah what..." 
"It's cold, let us sleep." 
"We're at the dorm!" 
I get off the van first going up to the dorm with people that got up first. 
"Tomorrow we're debuting on Show champion..." 
"Everyone get rest." 
I don't think I'll be able to sleep yet. 
I shut the door beside me and go upstairs to the bedroom. Y/N was there waiting with her eyes on me. 
"What do you mean what? What happened to you today?" 
Is she catching on...? 
"What do you mean?" 
I lay down on my bed, she towered over me.
"Your performance today, wasn't the same. Are you hurt anywhere?" 
Complete lie. 
"Are you sure? I'm gonna start feeling around. I don't believe you one bit." 
She checks my neck first, then she started feeling my right arm for anything. Then she said to hold my left arm up; on the inside I was dying but I tried not to show any pain. 
She reaches over to my left arm and starts patting it. 
Ow. Ow. Ow. OWWWWWWW. 
"What's this?" 
Uh oh. 
"What's what?" 
"There's a bump." 
"Eh you're joking." 
Please buy it, please buy it... 
"Pull up your sleeves. Now." 
I start rolling up my sleeves up until my upper arm where the bandage was. 
"Take off your jacket." 
. Ok I'm done for. 
I sighed and took off my right sleeve first, then the left. She gasped in shock, the bandage had blood on it though I didn't even notice. 
"What is this?!" 
"Shhhhh keep it down!" 
"You, have some explaining to do." 
Damn. Well I guess I have no choice now. 

AISH Woozi seriously! Why didn't he tell me. Why didn't he tell anyone?!
"Let me change that bandage for you." 
I went to the bathroom and got the supplies as he remove the blood stained bandage. 
Where are the disinfectants...
*ringgggg ringgggg* 

"Hello? Hyung?" 
"Ah Y/N! I need you to run some errands for me." 
I go out the bathroom with my cellphone against my ear and all the supplies. I gasp at the sight of the wound, there were stitches for god's sake! 
"What's wrong Y/N?!" 
Woozi put his finger to his mouth, I nod and start preparing the disinfectant. 
"It's nothing." 
"Anyways, can you head to the grocery store and get some bento boxes." 
"Ok ok, is that all? I'm hanging up." 
"Oh yea also, when are you gonna date Jihoon?!" 
I widen my eyes, my cheeks turn scarlet. 
"I'm hanging up." 
I pressed the red button and dropped the phone on my bed. 
"This'll hurt." 
I start wiping away blood with the disinfectant. His face scrunched up and his mouth was wide open. Nothing came out though; I was cringing at the sight. 
"Alright alright it's done." 
I start tightly wrapping the bandage, he just watched probably got lost in his own world. 
"Explain. I need to go get some stuff for Yoosung." 
"I'll go too." 
We head out and start walking to the convenience store, I glare at Woozi. 
He sighs heavily and looks up at the sky. 
"I was stabbed." 
I stopped in my tracks and faced him. 
"What?! When?!" 
"Yesterday night...I was lucky that S.coups found me." 
"You mean when you left to get a drink?" 
"Yea, I guess you read my sticky note." 
He laughed, I was amazed at how he could still laugh at times like these. 
"Stop laughing! Was it Mrs.Kim?" 
"Probably. But I'm fine now, it's fine."
We continued walking though I had an unsettling gut feeling. 
"Y/N, what was your childhood like?" 
Those were the dark days. 
" parents were rich. Honestly, I knew I would get an arranged marriage but I never thought the deal went down." 
"Seriously? What were your parents like?" 
"Well. They were abusive." 
We entered the store, I started grabbing bento boxes and paid as Woozi just trailed behind me. As we exit the store I continued to speak about my parents. I figured he'd find out soon enough. 
"My dad would drink, he'd drink because of stress. Then sometimes it got to the point where my mom and I would have to lock ourselves inside my bedroom." 
"I never knew..." 
"It's alright. I want to explain. After about a year of my dad's drinking. I was then 16 at the time. My mom became worried about my future. I had always wanted to become an idol, she didn't accept it." 
"What do you want to be once your older?" 
"Mom honestly...I want to be a kpop idol." 
"What?! Are you crazy?!" 
What...she's never like this.
"You'll never be talented enough to do that. Just stick to your studies Y/N." 
"But mom, I'm getting good grades. And I'll stay in school!"
"So? You aren't pretty enough to become one of them anyways." 
Am I not? 

"Mom! Looks don't matter as much as talent!" 
"You aren't talented though, how will you get in a company if you have no talent?" 
Do I have any talents?
"Well I can practice!" 
"No! I don't support it." 
"But before you said you would support me with anything." 
"Not this, Y/N that's enough now ok. You will not become a kpop idol. That's final." 
She left me there, my dreams were shattered. Then I started training on my own, auditioning secretly. My friends were the only people who supported me. From that day on, I started feeling self conscious, soon enough I became depressed. I cut at one point, I kept being called ugly and fat at home. She was trying to ensure I wouldn't try to audition, my determination was strong however. I realized this day that I couldn't trust my own family. 
Flashback over
"So your mom...she made you depressed?" 
"Yep. Even now I..." 
Aish tears now...? Why?! 
Woozi noticed and pulled me closer to him. 
"I...don't have any confidence..." 
"It's ok..." 
His arms were around me, I cried into his chest. He was my back, and patting my head. 
"Sometimes...I still have those dark thoughts. Of just dying..." 
"But we're here now, you don't want to  leave us right?" 
I pulled away from him and wiped away my tears. We kept walking. 
"You're living your dream right now aren't you? This is only the beginning, do you really want this to end now?" 
I shook my head and side hugged him. 
"Thank you..." 
Though I'll still have these dark thoughts... I know I won't have to deal with it alone. 
"Sometimes I think my mom was trying to help me. But I don't understand why she needed to crush my dreams..."
"Honestly, my mom had the same reaction until I convinced them I was passionate about it." 
"Well my parents are dead now though...if they didn't die I don't think I'd be here right now." 
Sometimes I don't miss them at all. Maybe bad has really overpowered the good in my family. 
We arrived at the dorm safely, I left the bento boxes in the fridge for Yoosung to come tomorrow. I changed into pajamas and laid down on my bed. I tossed and turned, I couldn't get my depression out of my head. 
Why can't I sleep. Sigh. What if I just died painlessly. I'm not did I get into this company anyways. How did I pass the auditions this time. How was I able to debut with Seventeen? What if I didn't even make it. I wouldn't be able to pay for school. I hope that we'll be successful. But if we aren't...would that be partly my fault too? I'm a producer. I feel worthless. It seems like I have no purpose in life, and something is just the life out of me. Why am I like this? Why do I hate myself so much. 
I felt a burning feeling in my chest, I still kept my eyes shut trying to sleep. I just couldn't. My thoughts of self hatred, and the past kept reoccurring. The shouting of my dad and mom. "You can't do it!" "You're worthless!" "Ugly !" "Talentless child!" "Good for nothing!" "No purpose!" "Go and die!" All these statements haunted me, I felt the need to die. I remembered being starved by my parents, spankings, and I had to cover up bruises with make up. The only support I had was my friends, I couldn't tell anyone else about my abuse. They would pay them to keep their mouthes shut and I would get in trouble. I didn't understand why at the time they were being like that, I couldn't understand why they needed to pressure me down like I had no independent thoughts. I still have scars on my arm. Self hatred is what my parents taught me. I can't think of anything positive to say about myself. Everything seemed depressing, the only passion I have is music. There's an empty pit in my heart left by my parents. I felt unloved, unwanted. 
"Stop what?" 
"I know you're crying." 
I am...?
I reached to touch my cheek, he was right. 
He sat up in his bed, it was dark inside the room. I could hear footsteps nearing my bed. 
"Move over." 
I rolled over up to where the wall was, he grabbed part of my blanket and laid down beside me. Putting the blanket over himself he turned to face me. 
"I'm sleeping here for the night." 
"I can't stand seeing you cry..." 
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into an embrace. I hugged him, for the first time... I felt warm. I felt wanted, needed, and cared about. I didn't feel worthless. Even though it was for a split second, it felt like eternity. With that I drifted to sleep with a warm feeling in my gut. 
Thank you...Jihoon. 
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! YAYYYYY ITS LATE BUT THATS OK. lol I'm aiming for an update every week. Honestly writing this made me cry a little. Lol ok until the next chapter we shall meet again! Sorry for grammar lol

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caratgenes #1
Chapter 18: oh, and thanks for updating! hope you feel better soon~
caratgenes #2
Chapter 18: omgg so cuteeeeee!! and that fan that sent woozi the 'toy' XD AND MEANIEEEEEE YESSS
caratgenes #3
Chapter 16: oh my god i hope nothing happens to tae afterwards... and omggggg this chapter is amazing!!
take your time updating and do well in school~~
caratgenes #4
Chapter 15: I'm glad they're finally dating now but noooo~ why did that have to happen? but without that, they wouldn't of have confessed. ahh this is confusing
lol thanks for updating <3
Chanbaek4everrr #5
Chapter 14: Oh god, I thought that the thing in the box was just some dead squirrel ; - ; Anyways, thanks for the update! Also, please take your time! Your health comes first ^^
caratgenes #6
Chapter 14: aww~ this was cute!!! I thought mrs kim was going to try and kill them during the vlive lol... thanks for updating!
poop_reader11 #7
Chapter 13: Why is Mrs. Kim like that? She's like a psycho!!!
caratgenes #8
Chapter 11: I loved this chapter. especially the part where woozi gets called a ert and the line "as expected from the man with many talents".
but honestly, the thing I'm most excited about is how the members will react the next morning when they see the main character and woozi sleeping together lol
caratgenes #9
Chapter 10: hOLY YESSSS
Thanks for updating and merry christmas~
caratgenes #10
Chapter 9: no no no no no no no no no no no nonononooooo
who dare stabs my precious wooziiiiiii. i'm hoping someone magically appears out of nowhere and saves him from getting run over :(((
and their interactions are so cute! i love the vlive idea. cute is the only word i have for this fanfic. i love the storyline so far as well. take your time updating :)