Hunting for my new husband (part four)

My Marriage Life With BEAST

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"Calm down I got here a few minutes ago, manager hyung dropped me off and told me to get in the limo," he replied.

"Eh Doojoonie? Why are you in our limo?" Yoseob stared.

Hyunseung, Kikwang and Yoseob followed you into the limo.

"Oh yeah, and he also gave me this to give to you, I don't know what it is though," he scratched his head and held out a pink envelope.

You rolled your eyes and hit him on the head with it, "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Yah, is that any way to treat your husband?" he rubbed his head.

"What do you mean yours? _____-ah noona is mine! " Yoseob crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip.

Kikwang opened his mouth to disagree but Hyunseung covered his mouth with his hand.

You skimmed through the card.

"Congratulations on finding the fourth husband. Two more to go! Where does Junhyung go if he's thirsty?" you read out loud.

Kikwang tore Hyunseung's hand away from his mouth and answered, "It's probably the mart close to our dorm. He really likes coca-cola. And I mean REALLY likes it."

You thought about it and nodded, "Let's go then!"

In no time at all, you were at the mart near their dorm.

You walked into the store and looked around for Junhyung.

*He's probably at where the coca-cola is* You thought.

You started to look for them when Doojoon called you over.

"Hey _____-ah, come over here," he waved you over.

You went over and saw why.

In the fridge full of coca-cola bottles, there was also a pink envelope stuck to one of them.

You groaned and complained, "Instead of putting an envelope in the fridge, why can't they just stick Junhyung in there? Jeez making me travel all around Seoul." This caused everyone to laugh again.

You went to pay for it, then got back into the limo with the four others.

"Open it, open it," they urged you and you did.

"Junhyung is practising hard right  now at the studio. Please give the drink to him." Kikwang read from beside you.

You clapped your hands in joy and squealed, "Yay this is easy!"

As you settled back into the seat, you could feel yourself yawning.

Kikwang noticed and patted his shoulder.

"Come on, you must be tired from getting up so early to film this, just sleep until we get there araso?" he whispered.

You gratefully smiled at him and placed your head on his shoulder. You fell asleep within minutes.

Doojoon saw you and chuckled, Yoseob pouted jealously and sulked and Hyunseung uncomfortably shifted his eyes away.

*Kikwang, you are one lucky man.* He thought to himself and his gaze softened as he looked at you again. *How can someone possibly be so beautiful, even when they're sleeping? I hope I am her husband, I don't think I could supress my jealousy if any of them were.*

After what seemed to be seconds, you could feel someone gently shaking you awake.

"Muh?" you asked groggily, "Where am I?"

"Aish get up already, we have to complete this mission," you could hear a voice scoff from somewhere to the left of you.

 You fully opened your eyes and saw that you were outside Cube Entertainment.

"Kamsahamnida~" you bowed again to the driver.

"Come on, the coke's getting warm," Hyunseung said impatiently.

"Wah," you looked around in amazement since you had never entered Cube Entertainment before,"This place is huge!"

You finally arrived at the dance studio where Junhyung was dancing.

"Woah!" your eyes widened at his awesome dance skills. You could see why he was named "Poppin' Dragon" now.

Junhyung stopped when he noticed you, the four others and the camera crew.

"What are you doing here?" he scowled. You nervously wriggled your foot.

"Go on," Kikwang whispered and gave you a gentle push,"Give him the drink."

You nervously walked up to him and out the drink.

"Er this is for you," you mumbled.

Junhyung immediately stopped scowling and grabbed the coke giving it an almost tender gaze.

You noticed and gave the other members a "What is wrong with him" look.

The four others chuckled and Doojoon explained, "He loves his coke. He's probably in love with you now since you gave it to him." He chuckled.

You looked back at Junhyung who pretended he wasn't listening and started chugging down the coke.

"So why are you all here anyways?" He asked after he finished drinking.

"We're all filming for WGM," you explained, "Have you been given a pink envelope by any chance?" 

He shook his head and your hopes plummeted.

"Great a dead end," you muttered, "What do I do now?"

Junhyung shrugged and went to grab his towel.

As he lifted it up, you saw something fall out of it.

Your eyes widened as you saw what it was.








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Chapter 19: Aww! Kikwang's date was so adorable! He's so sweet! I hope she just ends up with all of them cause they love her and she loves them! =D
I love this! <3 Update soon ~~
mienys #3
LOLOL "don't underestimate teacup~" Aigoo Yoseob~ ^o^
Update soon~
mienys #4
yah!! better you update soon!! can wait for *cough* seobie *cough* date with me~ hihihihi
mienys #5
haha..i just finish my exam.. btw. all the b2st for you!! kekeke
midnightangelxo #6
Wow ! Cant wait for the next update :)
mienys #7
hihihi... please make seobie win kekekekeke... shame me... kiki please please!!