Chapter 8

Cases of love



“Let’s imagine if one of us won’t able to escape, promise you won’t be sad and don’t blame yourself” said Gui Gui.

“I won’t promise you, we both will escape and go out” said Aaron. “Why do you sound we won’t able to get out?” asked Aaron.

“Give me your pinky” requested Gui Gui.

Aaron held his pinky towards Gui Gui, Gui Gui quickly put her pinky around Aaron’s.

“You’ve made a promise” said Gui Gui.

“You…” said Aaron.

“Let’s go” said Gui Gui.

They went in to their own entrance, Gui Gui turned around to look at Aaron and went in to solve the math question. Gui Gui’s eyes were red, Gui Gui solve the question, stepped on the set of the numbers and went on the stage. She saw a paper, it says block all the poison arrows. Suddenly, a set of arrows came shooting, Gui Gui blocked it. Then the computer functioned voice announced to Gui Gui, the room has less oxygen so don’t breathe too much. Arrows kept shooting, one set after another, Gui Gui was huffing and puffing, oxygen was running out. During the tiredness, Gui Gui got hit by the poison arrow.

Aaron was stepping on the numbers and stopped to think. “Why did Gui Gui said the question was hard when she can solve it? She sounded she knew what is going to happen, the promise. She knew this one is safe and the other is dangerous. Let’s go back when Gui Gui stopped Aaron from going in.

When Gui Gui was looking at the math question, she was thinking the kidnapper said he didn’t like us, he would want a revenge, at the beginning he only said “I am honoured to have Aaron here. The kidnapper’s target was Aaron, so the entrance that Aaron is dangerous. So Gui Gui changed safe for dangerous in order to help Aaron. Because Gui Gui know how to fight.

Aaron turned and ran to Gui Gui’s entrance. He stepped on the numbers, he looked on the stage, he saw Gui Gui on the floor, in a lot of pain during the poison. Aaron ran to the stage but something blocked him from going on the stage. Then the computer functioned voice said.
“Hahahas, you won’t be able to go in, no matter how many times you try, oh yeh she won’t able to see or hear you because it is an invisible wall”.

Aaron kept trying, the wall rebounded. He used his strength and ran to the invisible wall but the invisible wall rebounded and hitted Aaron. Aaron fell on the ground, he was sweating.

“Ah…fine, seeing you trying, I will give you another way t break the invisible wall, run back and forth on the answer of the math question but it has a challenge when you run back, the invisible wall will open and when you run forth, it will close, remember if you step on the wrong number it will still explode” explained the computer functioned voice.

Aaron ran back and forth, trying to the hit the invisible wall, Gui Gui fainted, without oxygen and the poison. Aaron kept trying, no matter, if he was tired.

“Aaron, are you that dumb? You know it won’t work becausei control it. She is special to you, for you trying so hard. I will be generous” said the computer functioned voice.
The invisible wall opened, Aaron ran to the stage.

“Gui Gui, are you alright?” said Aaron.

But Gui Gui was unconscious and looked weak. Suddenly, smoke came from both sides, Aaron was unconscious.

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron