Chapter 18

Cases of love


The end

Bunch of police, Aaron and Mark was going underground of the police department. Aaron knocked the door, the room where Gui Gui was. The guy knew they were here and dropped the bottle. "SPLASH" it went everywhere. The police was bumping the doors. Gui Gui was struggling, the smell was getting stronger. She fell on the ground with the chair, she was holding her breath. The guy collapsed when he smelt it ( he doesn't want to be questioned later on). Gui Gui couldn't hold anymore and tooked a breath. She was unconscious. The door finally opened, Aaron ran to Gui Gui who was lying on the floor and Aaron put her head against his chest.

The doctor came out nodding.

"How is she doctor?" asked Aaron, curiously.

"She smelt the strongest drug, a drug that makes people unconscious for a long time" said the doctor.

"How long is she going to be awake?" asked Aaron.

"I don't know, few months years or probably never wake up" said the doctor. "Sorry".

Aaron fell to the ground.

Aaron went into Gui Gui's room in the hospital and sat beside the bed. He held Gui Gui's hand and said:
"Why are you so dumb? Are you too nice to always sacrifice yourself? I have lot's of thing to tell you, don't sleep, wake up. Remember, you promised you will play River flow in you on my birthday, it is coming up next month, you said you don't break promises, now you are going yo break one, wake up, it is all fault, you shouldn’t have met me then this won’t happen to you” said Aaron, tears fell one by one.

Mark came in.

“The kidnapper was faking that he was unconscious so he won’t be questioned” said Mark.

Aaron ran to the room where the kidnapper was and locked the door.

“Ah Aaron, you are here” said the guy.

“You’re Kenneth, son of Mr Marn” said Aaron.

“Good memory but too late, you are going to regret forever” said Kenneth.

“No wonder, the son is the same as his dad, dumb and clueless” said Aaron as a combat.

“What did you say?” shouted Kenneth angrily.

“Enough nonsense, give me the antidote” said Aaron.

“I don’t have any and there is none” laughed Kenneth.

“Don’t mess with me” shouted Aaron and punched Kenneth across the face. They are fighting. Mark got the keys and unlocked the door and stopped Aaron.

It has been weeks, 2 more weeks till Aaron’s birthday, Gui Gui was still in coma. Aaron always visit Gui Gui, hoping she will wake up. One day, Gui Gui’s hand moved.

Aaron’s birthday party at school:

“Hey Aaron” said Wang zi.
Aaron turned to see, Wang zi and Ya tou was holding hands and then smiled. “Congratulations, how long have you guys been together?”

“Not long, anyways happy birthday” said Wang zi and Ya tou.

Aaron was looking around.

“Don’t need to look, Gui Gui is in the music room” said Ya tou.

“Thanks, have fun” said Aaron and went to the piano room.
Gui Gui was sitting by the piano.

“You’re here, listen” said Gui Gui as Aaron was walking in.

Gui Gui was playing river flows in you fluently and finished. Aaron clapped and smiled.

“How was it?” asked Gui Gui.

“Excellent” said Aaron. “Gui…”

Gui Gui’s stomach rumbled. “Sorry, let’s go and eat” and Gui Gui was about to leave… when Aaron grabbed he hand and kissed her.

“It is time to know the truth” said Aaron. Aaron was looking straight in Gui Gui’s eyes. “I liked you ever since I met you, it was you who I can express my feelings” said Aaron.

“You sure?” it isn’t because you pity me?” asked Gui Gui.

“No I like who you are” said Aaron. “I want to be with you”.

Gui Gui was touched, they both kissed and hugged. Gui Gui’s stomach was rumbling, they went out to eat, suddenly fireworks was bombed up the air. Gui Gui and Aaron, Wang zi and Ya tou was watching the fireworks exploding in the night sky hugging.

Please comment cos i am abt to update my new story abt guilun

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron