Chapter 3

Cases of love



Aaron was sitting at the police department as Mark came in.

“Aren’t you and Gui Gui suppose to investigate the case?” asked Mark.

“It is a test for her” said Aaron.

“Really? Looks like you already know the answer towards the case” said Mark. “And the tests answer”. “Oh yeh, Gui Gui went to Mrs Lin’s house”.

Aaron’s expression changed.

Gui Gui arrived at Mrs Lin’s house, knocked on the door. The door made a squeaky noise as Mrs Lin opened the door. At Gui Gui walked in, the feeling was weird and scary.

“May I see something and investigate?” asked Gui Gui.

“Yes, you hungry? I am making noodles” said Mrs Lin.

“Ah, thank you very much” said Gui Gui, as Mrs Lin goes to the kitchen.

Gui Gui went into Mrs Lin room and opened a cupboard, it had insurance agreements. Gui Gui went into the bathroom, opened the mirror draw, it had many of eye droppers, no wonder Mrs Lin kept coming in, it was all fake tears but she arrest her because she needs to know where she hid her children’s. When Gui Gui close the draw, Mrs Lin was right behind her.

“What flavour do you want?” asked Mrs Lin.

“Any will be fine” answered Gui Gui, calming down when Mrs Lin left.
Gui Gui walked inner the house, the floor had a lock, she listened quietly, it was children’s crying.

Wang zi and Ya tou followed the drug dealers, finally they were trading as they ran to catch them, Ya tou accidently twisted her ankle. Gui Gui felt someone was behind her, she kicked the person’s leg. But the knife got Gui Gui’s hand. Gui Gui hand was bleeding, Gui Gui used her right hand to push the person. Now Gui Gui had a clear image of the person, it was Mrs Lin holding a knife.

Gui Gui tripped Mrs Lin but she still had the knife in her hand. Gui Gui did a back flip, her hand was weak and was bleeding more. Caro blocked with her leg and kicked Mrs Lin. Caro was very weak, she was losing too much blood. Suddenly, bang, a group of police came and arrested Mrs Lin. The children’s was saved and was sent to the hospital. Gui Gui just randomly bandaged her wound. Mark, Wang zi and Aaron was at the hospital, waiting Susan.

“I just twisted my ankle, no big deal” said Susan.

A police officer came in,

“Thank you Aaron for helping us captured the kidnapper” said the police officer.

“Your welcome, I just called the police, it is with my partner, Gui Gui’s help” said Aaron.

“Is the girl, Gui Gui? Oh wells she is quite good in fighting, she looked pale and weak” said the officer.

If you guys didn’t get the answer for the case, I will explain, Mrs Lin is single and she needed lot’s of money (as mentioned in chapter 2). She bought insurance and you know insurance give you money if something happened, so she kidnapped her children for the money.

5 comments and i will update

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron