Chapter 14

Cases of love



Sorry i haven't been updating because i couldn't go on winglin, but i will try to update everyday.

At class:

“Let’s go and eat” suggested Wang zi.

“Ok, let’s go” said Gui Gui, following.

Aaron was packing his bag and was about to go when…

“Aaron, can we talk?” asked Ya tou.

“Ok” said Aaron.

“Aaron, I …” said Ya tou and hugged Aaron. “ I really
really like you, please give me a chance”.

“Don’t be like this Ya tou” said Aaron, pulling Ya tou away.

“Why? Why? Is it because you like Gui Gui” said Ya tou.

“No, nothing” said Aaron.

Ya tou kissed Aaron; Aaron quickly pushed her away and went angrily.

Aaron was thinking what Gui Gui said:

“Why weren’t you in the classroom?” asked Aaron.

“Oh I saw a person that is not from our school and was searching something so I chased him” answered Gui Gui.

Aaron was thinking who is the person? Last time the kidnapper got away could it be him again? He was thinking seriously that he didn’t watch where he was going. Gui Gui was walking towards him, when Aaron slipped on the banana. Gui Gui was laughing so hard that she couldn’t stop. Aaron was embarrassed and put on a serious face to cover it up.

“Oi, stop laughing” said Aaron. Gui Gui was still laughing. “By the time I count to 10, you should stop laughing or else don’t blame me”.

Gui Gui nodded and laughed louder.

“1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10” said Aaron.

Gui Gui was still laughing then Aaron kissed her which stopped Gui Gui from laughing. Gui Gui’s face was red as tomatoes.


“What are you guys doing” asked Wang zi.

Now Gui Gui and Aaron was looking at Wang zi. Wang zi went up to them and pulled with him to somewhere. They were walking near the building.
“Let go, you are hurting me” said Gui Gui, struggling.
Wang zi let’s go of Gui Gui’s hand, Gui Gui quickly rubbed her hand which was all red.

“Why do you like him not me?” asked Wang zi.

“Liking someone doesn’t need a reason, I always treated
you as my good friend, your love towards me is sympathy” said Gui Gui.

“It not, I truly like you” shouted Wang zi, emotionally.

“Wang zi, your words can lie but your eyes can’t lie, I can tell from your eyes that you treat me no more than a good friend, you like someone else that you didn’t even know” said Gui Gui.

“You… forever my good friend” said Wang zi, upset and walked away.

Wang zi called Aaron.

“Aaron, listen carefully, I am leaving Gui Gui for you to take care of, you better cherish her or else I won’t let you off” said Wang zi and hanged up.

Aaron was looking for Gui Gui, he had something to tell her. As he came to the meetinng room, Mark, Wang zi and Ya tou was standing and was looking worried.

“Aaron, Gui Gui went missing” said Wang zi, worried.

Aaron was shocked.

“Gui Gui and I was looking for cases when steam came in then I was unconscious and when I woke up, Gui Gui was gone” said Wang zi.

“I think she is kidnapped” said Wang zi.

Suddenly, Aaron’s phone rang, he put it on speaker, it was a private number.

“Hello?” said Aaron.

“Hahahas, she is with me” said computer functioned voice.

“Who are you? Why did you kidnap her?” asked Aaron.

“You don’t need to know, you cause this to her, if you come then she might able to survive” said the computer functioned voice.

“Aaron, Aaron don’t come it is a trap, don’t come it is very dangerous” shouted Gui Gui. Then Gui Gui screams. The phone hanged up.

“Gui Gui!!!!” shouted Aaron.

“What do we do?” asked Wang zi.

7 comments and i will update.

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron