Chapter 17

Cases of love



“Why did you scream for? It has no use, no one would come to save you” said the computer functioned voice.

“Who are you? The voice sounds familiar, it was you who kidnapped me and Aaron last time, why did you kidnap me?” asked Gui Gui, who was tied to the chair.

“Blame Aaron” said the computer functioned voice.

“Why Aaron?” asked Gui Gui.

“It was him who destroyed my family, my dad was innocent and he arrested him” said the computer functioned voice. “Because of that, my dad died”.

“Aaron will never blame or arrest innocent people, I am sure there was enough evidence” said Gui Gui.

“Nonsense, I want him to suffer how it feels to lose someone that he really loves” said the computer functioned voice.

If you guys didn’t know, Gui Gui was tied to the chair, she can see and hear, she was alone in the room while the computer functioned voice was using a speaker to talk to her.

Gui Gui smirked.

“Why are you smiling?” asked the computer functioned voice.

“You’re wrong, Aaron doesn’t like me and he won’t come” laughed Gui Gui.

At the police station:

Everyone was worried and thinking. Aaron remembers Gui Gui’s scream which struck him.

“I know where is Gui Gui” shouted Aaron.

“Where is she?” asked Wang zi, anxious.

“I remembered Gui Gui knows kung fu and she won’t just
randomly scream” said Aaron.

“How do you know? Who knows what the kidnapper would do to Gui Gui?” said Wang zi, angrily.

Aaron ignored Wang zi. “Do you guys remember when Gui Gui screamed, there was another voice?” asked Aaron.

“As you remind me, I remember I did” said Mark and Ya tou.

“Yeh, I am suspect Gui Gui screamed because she wants us to know where she is, another voice was her echo, she is informing us, I think it is underground area” explained Aaron.

“I’ll go call people to look for Gui Gui” said Ya tou.

“You think I will kidnap you without a reason last time I kidnapped you guys, Aaron used his life to save you, as I know Aaron is cold, stubborn and smart. He won’t treat them as nice, if I was him, I probably save myself first, I saw when he carried you to the sick bay, he looked very
worried” said the computer functioned voice.

“Even so, he won’t come” said Gui Gui.

“None has Gui Gui” said Ya tou.
Aaron was hearing the voice over again,

“This voice is computer functioned therefore it will need to be connected to the internet, the voice began unclear, it must be a large place where many people go on internet or connected” said Aaron.

“I will go” said Ya tou, about to leave when….

“Sometimes, the most dangerous place can be the safest” said Aaron.

“In half a hour, if he doesn’t come, I will make him regret forever” said the computer functioned voice.

“What do you mean? Hello? Answer me?” shouted Gui Gui.

Gui Gui was shocked. Someone walked out. He had a scar which runs between his eyes and cheeks.

“This is the pain that he caused me” said the guy.

“No, everything, you think is revenge, why can’t you think positive?” shouted Gui Gui.

“No I will give back what he did to me and own me” said the guy, getting something from his pocket.

“What is that?” asked Gui Gui, worried.

“Hahahas, a very strong dug, anyone who smell it will be unconscious forever, a year, months, it is 3.15, he doesn’t come in 15 minutes, I will drop it” said the guy.

this is my blog where i will ask question about my fan fiction. Please comment and visit.

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron