Chapter 12

Cases of love



Sorry if the last chapter was short because homework assignments is coming up, if i have time i will update as soon as possible. Please comment!!!!!

They were all BBQing for the last day, Aaron was reading so he didn’t talk much. They all had prepare for school tomorrow. Aaron, Gui Gui, Wang zi and Ya tou was in the same class. One day, it was lunchtimes, Wang zi and Gui Gui was sitting at the canteen waiting for Aaron and Ya tou.

“Why are they so long?” asked Gui Gui.

“Don’t know, I think they are coming now” said Wang zi.

“I am going to look for them” said Gui Gui, leaving.

“But I have something to tell you” said Wang zi.

The first day of school:

Gui Gui saw Aaron by himself playing the piano in the music room. Gui Gui clapped when Aaron finished playing and walked up to him.

“Such a nice song, what is it called?” asked Gui Gui.

“The river flows in you” answered Aaron.

“You think you can teach me?” asked Gui Gui.

“If you want” said Aaron.

“Let’s make a promise that I will learn it before your birthday and play it on your birthday which is in few more months” said Gui Gui.

“Ok” said Aaron, smiled when Gui Gui wasn’t looking.

Gui Gui was searching the school for Aaron and Ya tou, when she came to the hall. She peek through the gap of the door, she saw Ya tou crying and then Aaron hugged her. Gui Gui was shocked, angry and jealous. They were called to the police department. Wang zi and Gui Gui was withing with Mark for Aaron and Ya tou. Then Aaron and Ya tou came together. Gui Gui was really angry.

“Today, I told you guys to come because someone suggested a partner swap, Wang zi and… Gui Gui, Aaron and Ya tou” said Mark, awkwardly.

Gui Gui went up to Aaron angrily.

“You should be happy” said Gui Gui, angrily.

Aaron was confused and didn’t say anything.

“You don’t care if we change partners?” asked Gui Gui.

“It doesn’t matter” said Aaron.

Gui Gui was seriously upset and ran out, Wang zi followed.

“Gui Gui, it was me who suggested swapping” said Wang zi.

“Who cares, I think it is better to swap, he didn’t even care” said Gui Gui, sadly.

It was first period, everyone was in class, the teacher was marking the roll, then Gui Gui came running in.

Everyone was looking at Gui Gui.

“Sorry, Miss Lo, I am late” said Gui Gui.

“Hurry and sit, I am marking the roll now” said Miss Lo.

Gui Gui turned which was facing the class, Gui Gui just happened to look at Aaron, Aaron was looking at her. Gui Gui quickly turned around and went to her sit. Aaron looked disappointed and continue to read his book. One student announced there was a ert killer in the school, he kidnaps girls and then kill them. Of course Gui Gui don’t believe it and went to the music room. Gui Gui was practicing the song that Aaron taught her, she felt someone was looking at her. She turned to see no one was there. Gui Gui thought she was imagining things and continues to play the piano.

Suddenly, someone grabbed onto her with a knife near her neck. Gui Gui was struggling and accidently dropped her phone which called Aaron. Aaron walking to the hall, he answered the phone.

“Hello?” said Aaron.

Gui Gui’s scene:

“Let go of me who are you” shouted Gui Gui.

“Be quiet” said the person, trying to cover Gui Gui’s mouth.

“Hello? Gui Gui what’s happening?” shouted Aaron and ran the whole school looking for Gui Gui.

Wang zi was walking to the music room and saw guy holding the knife near Gui Gui.

“What are you doing?” shouted Wang zi.
They guy quickly grabbed Gui Gui and held the knife near her neck.

“Don’t come or else I will kill her” said the guy.

“Wang zi, don’t come it is dangerous” said Gui Gui.

“Don’t worry, I will save you” said Wang zi.

Wang zi was winking and doing these weird actions.

“Don’t come here, he has a knife” shouted Wang zi.

The guy turned around to see, no one was there. Wang zi grabbed the guy’s hand which had knife, away from Gui Gui from the guy. The guy tries to stab Wang zi , the knife got Wang zi’s hand. Gui Gui kicked and punched the guy. The security comes and arrests the guy. Gui Gui helps Wang zi to the sick bay.

7 comments and i will update

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron