Chapter 9

Cases of love



Aaron woke up, discovering he was in a hospital, he saw Mark and Ya tou.

“You woke up, are you alright?” asked Mark.

“Yes, I am fine, how did you find us?” asked Aaron.

“We tracked you guys by using a GPS and signals” answered Ya tou.

“Where’s Gui Gui?” asked Aaron.

“She is very weak condition, luckily the poison didn’t expand through her body all else she would have died, I am still worried about her” said Mark, sadly.

Aaron went to visit Gui Gui, she was still unconscious.

“Why did you change safe for dangerous? You know you will be in danger, probably you would have lost your life” said Aaron, sad, holding Gui Gui’s hand. Wang zi, Mark and Ya tou came in, Aaron quickly let’s go of Gui Gui’s hand.

“Aaron, you have a check up now” said Wang zi.

“Oh okay, I am going first” said Aaron, leaving.

Ya tou didn’t look very happy.

Aaron went to visit Gui Gui the next day but Gui Gui wasn’t there. Mark and Wang zi was there looking down. The nurse was packing the bed.

“Excuse me, where is Wu patient?” asked Aaron.

“Sorry, it just had to happen” said the nurse and left.

Aaron was sad and just stood there. Mark and Wang zi was crying out loud.

“I am going to check if she is transferred to another room” said Aaron, walking out.
Suddenly, someone jumped onto him, it was Gui Gui. Mark and Wang zi was now full laughing their heads off.

“I feel special, Aaron was worried about me” said Gui Gui, smiling. “The prank was them who thought of it to test your reaction”.

“You guys didn’t scare me, I knew it all along” said Aaron.

“How?” asked Wang zi.

“Because when you guys was crying, it was so fake, you guys shouldn’t become actors” said Aaron. “It is obvious”.

“That is such an insult, I can act okay” said Wang zi.

“Okay” said Gui Gui.

“I thought you were very weak” said Aaron.

“I was but when I see you I became strong” said Gui Gui, smiling.

“There is a case, the headquarters suspect there are police officers bribing to kill one of the most important victim” said Mark. “I suspect Officer Sam, during these days, he has being acting weird, I want Aaron and Gui Gui to follow him officer Sam, Ya tou and Wang zi check if anyone is acting weird”.

“Wait, Gui Gui hasn’t recovered” said Wang zi.

“Aiyo, look I am so energetic for the case” said Gui Gui.

“That’s good, let’s get started” said Mark.

“You sure you are alright?” asked Aaron.

“Yes, look, I am super super fine” replied Gui Gui.

“I hope so” said Aaron.
Gui Gui smiled.

“Let’s go to his office to find some evidence” said Aaron.
They were now walking there, suddenly Aaron pulled Gui Gui into the storeroom filled with boxes. When Gui Gui was about to speak…

“Shhh…someone is here” whispered Aaron.
They were listening to the conservation of the people, it was officer Sam and the other man.

“Tonight at 10.00pm be careful not to let anyone know” said Officer Sam, quietly.
They left, Aaron turned to see Gui Gui, they were looking at each other. The box fell down from the hanger, it hitted the boxes which fell like dominos, it was going towards Aaron. The boxes pushed Aaron which made him kiss Gui Gui.

Aaron and Gui Gui was walking back to the office, they were embarrassed. Aaron secretly looked at Gui Gui to see her reaction then Gui Gui also secretly looked at Aaron. When Gui Gui was secretly looking at Aaron, it was also the same time when Aaron secretly looked at her. They quickly turned around to cover their embarrassment. Gui Gui’s face was all red and smiled. Now the team didn’t have to do anything because they just pass the information to the the headquarters to capture the people.

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron