Chapter 13

Cases of love



The police department:

“Are guys alright?” asked Mark.

“Yes, we are alright” answered Wang zi.

“If it wasn’t Wang zi, I will be kill” said Gui Gui.

“Was the ert that crazy? But you know kung fu” said Mark.

“He had the knife near my neck, I couldn’t attack him, Wang zi was brave, you know not everyone is that sacrificing” said Gui Gui and looked at Aaron to see his reaction.

“I am hungry, let’s eat dinner” said Mark, leaving.

Ya tou and Aaron followed. Aaron stopped to see Gui Gui and Wang zi talking.

“Since I saved your life, shouldn’t you repay me?” asked Wang zi.

“What do you want as repaying?” asked Gui Gui.

“Close your eyes first” said Wang zi.

“Ok, better not do anything weird” said Gui Gui, closing her eyes.

Wang zi moved his face towards Gui Gui. Aaron walked away, disappointed. Wang zi was about to kiss Gui Gui…when Gui Gui opened her eyes which made Wang zi turned around.

“I am so hungry, let’s eat first”.

“Ok” said Wang zi.

Wang zi and Gui Gui arrived at the canteen and went where Mark, Ya tou and Aaron was sitting. Aaron didn’t look up when they came.

“So Wang zi, what did you get?” asked Ya tou.

“I was hungry si I didn’t do anything, Wang zi wanted me to close my eyes, I don’t know what he was going to do” said Gui Gui, answering for Wang zi.
Aaron smiled and looked relieved.

“How about I do it now, so we won’t waste time later” suggested Gui Gui and hugged Wang zi.
Aaron’s smile was gone and wasn’t looking very good.

“Thank you for saving jme without caring about yourself” said Gui Gui.

It was PE, the whole class was out on the grass field doing fitness. Gui Gui was looking pale, her stomach was hurting.

“Sir, may I get some medicine from my bag? I am not feeling very well” said Gui Gui.

“Ok, be careful” said Mr. Lao.

Aaron saw Gui Gui leave. Gui Gui walking to classroom, she saw a stranger in the classroom, searching something.

“Who are you?” asked Gui Gui.

The stranger pushed Gui Gui and ran. Gui Gui cahsed after the stranger. Her stomach was in pain, she fell on the floor, everything in front of her is blurry.

At PE class:

“Aaron, go and see if Gui Gui is alright?” asked Mr. Lao.

“Yes sir” said Aaron, leaving.

“Sir, can I go? If anything happens I can help” said Ya tou.

“Ok” said Mr. Lao.

Aaron went to the classroom, Gui Gui wasn’t there. He was thinking if she went back but if she was going back, he should have seen her. Aaron turned the corner, he saw Gui Gui lying on the floor, he ran to her anxiously.

“Gui Gui, Gui Gui” said Aaron and carried her,

“You need help?” asked Ya tou, who just arrived.

“I can handle it” said Aaron and ran to the sick bay carrying Gui Gui, who was unconscious.

In the sick bay:

Gui Gui woke up and feeling dizzy. Aaron was sitting beside the bed.

“How come I am here?” asked Gui Gui.

“You were unconscious under the pain” answered Aaron.

“Oh yeh, my stomach reall hurt” said Gui Gui.

Aaron nods.

“Then how did you bring me here?” asked Gui Gui, thinking. “You carried me here?” continued Gui Gui.

Aaron didn’t say anything and didn’t look at Gui Gui face to face.

“Since you didn’t answer, I’ll take that as a yes” said Gui Gui.

“Whatever you think” said Aaron. “Aren’t you angry at me?”

Aaron now was looking at Gui Gui face to face.

“Um… not anymore, I am happy you saved me” said Gui Gui, smiling.

Aaron smiled.

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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron