Chapter 10

Cases of love



“This week your parents may come and visit you guys” said Mark.

“Yay, let’s have a party then outing” suggested Wang zi, smiling.

“All of you must come” said Mark.

“Sorry, I am not feeling very well, I am going back to my room” said Gui Gui.

“Are you alright Gui Gui? You looked fine when you came in” said Wang zi.

“I just have a headache, don’t worry about me, I am fine” said Gui Gui.

“Ok, be careful” said Mark.
Gui Gui nodded and left.

The day for the parent party, Wang zi’s parents, Ya tou Ya tou’s parents and Aaron’s mum came along. They were all having fun, the moon was shining brightly at them. Gui Gui wasn’t happy as usual.

“I am going back to my room” said Gui Gui, not in the mood but still smiled.
Aaron looked as Gui Gui was leaving.

(At Gui Gui’s room)

Gui Gui was sitting on the sofa, crying quietly. Suddenly her phone rang, it says Aaron. Gui Gui quickly wiped her tears and answered her phone.

“Hello” said Gui Gui

“How come you don’t come out and join us?” asked Aaron.

“I am not feeling well” answered Gui Gui.

“Then what are you doing now?” asked Aaron.

“Uh…I am watching T.V” said Gui Gui.

“Really? Weird how come there is no sound” said Aaron.

“Because I was watching a T.V show super loud but you were calling so I switched it off” said Gui Gui.

“Okay, are you alright?” asked Aaron.

“Such a random question, of course I am alright if I am not then do you think I will be talking to you” answered Gui Gui.

“Is there something that you are hiding from me?” asked Aaron.

“Hahas…there is nothing to hide” said Gui Gui, laughing.

“I hope everything you are telling me now is the truth” said Aaron.

“Of course why would I lie to you?” said Gui Gui.

“Gui Gui, if anything that you want to tell us, remember you have Mark, Wang zi, Ya tou and me ok? I won’t disturb you watching T.V bye bye” said Aaron and hanged up.

Gui Gui dropped the phone, crying it all out when she was holding all the tears. Aaron was standing outside Gui Gui’s room.

6 comments and i will update
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sleepin_beauty #1
Chapter 7: Its like pi like MIT ep 12!!so exciting!!! Finally someone understands Me abt GUI GUI and Aaron