Chapter 1....

They're Back [ Sequel to Infinite ].

Infinite POV

2 weeks later,

After u left Korea,  infinite had been busy with their new single "Paradise".

Their new song is played everywhere and they even manage to top all the song shows.


Few days later,

"Guys...u have a new  schedule outside Korea in few days....",said the manager.

"jinjja...",said the boys

The manager nodded.

"outside korea??",said the boys

"btw hyung..where are we going??",ask the leader. 


"Ah..i know..maybe we're going to America !.....",said the choding, Sungyeol

"nope...we're not...bad guess...",said the manager, shaking his head.

The others just laugh.

"Then where we're going???,said the boys.

"Singapore!!",cheer the manager.

"yeah....",cheer maknae, Sungjong.

"So guys don't forget to pack your things as we're going to stay there quite long",told the manager.

"arasoh..",replied the boys.

The leader then approcah the manager, "Hyung why are we going there??"

"All of you are going to perform at a school",explain the manager.

"Ohh",said the leader while nodding, showing that he understood what the older one says.

"Singapore??where have i heard it before",thought the leader while tapping his finger at his chin.

"Eh..isn't that the one i saw on ______-ah's letter??", thought Sunggyu.


* Flashback the letter that u gave Sunggyu oppa

Oppa please dun tell the others that i'm going back home to Singapore..........i trust u that u will not tell them oppa...promise me that u will not tell them oppa?



"Right?!",said Sunggyu loudly, while snaping his fingers.

"Hyung...genchana???",ask Sunjong, who is worried at the older one who suddenly snap his fingers.

"Yes? ...oh..i'm okay.....",replied Sunggyu.



The next few days INFINITE fly to Singapore (a/n they reach Singapore on the monday).

" is so beautiful...",cheered Infinite.

INFINITE just arrived in Singapore . "wow!",shouted them

"Guys...we're going to hotel first to freshen up and then we're off to somewhere",said the manager.

"Arasoh..",said them who are still mesmerise by the view of the city.



  [   Your  Pov     ]


"_____-ah...wake up...You will be late for school..",shouted your sister.

"hmmmmm",u replied, who is still on the bed rolling.

*Aish..this girl really don't want to wake up...

Your sister then carry your baby sister and  bring it near your face and...

"muakss...",kiss your baby sister.

"yahhhh!!!!!!!!!!",u scream while covering your face with you pillow.

"hahahhahahh",laugh your sister.

"That's for not waking up.....",said your sister.

"Hey...i'm going to school now... bye....",said your sister and left the house.

"hmm...",u respond.

You then look at ur phone to see the time"'s 8:30 ...still early.....",u said to urself.

Your school start at 9:30 so u went back to sleep after u check the time.


"Naega jeil jal naga

Naega jeil jal naga",ur phone rang.

"hello",u answered in a sleepy tone.

"where are u??sch's gonna start in few minutes??!!",said ur friend.

After hearing what ur friend say, u quickly throw ur phone at the bed and rushed to the bathroom.

" late!!!",u scream.

You then quickly slip into ur  school uniform and take ur phone and left ur house.You quickly locked the door and rush to school.

You then see the time.

"take bus??seems like it's not taxi..",u said while freaking out.

" more to school",u said to urself.

You then run to school since ur school is near.

When u already arrived at the back gate ,"it's close!",u said

You then run to the side gate."it's close too",u said

"student's can go back to their class already",said the DM.

You heard the discipline master said since your assemble place is quite near to the side gate.

"Ah......",u scream in ur head.



Infinite Pov

Infinite is already in the van  at the traffic junction waiting for the traffic light to turn green.They were all sleeping in the van until

"beep beeeep!!!",horn the driver.

"ya...what's that...",asked L.

"molla",answered Sunjong.

" this days....",said the driver.


Your Pov

While you were running to your school gate, "aish...why did i sleep late yesterday...haizzz...",u scold urself,while running.

"see.....because im late..i even forget to tie my hair...",u thought to yourself.

While you were going up the slope,"BEEEP!!! BEEEP",horn the driver.

" noisy....irritating!",u thought.

You then walk to the left side and give way to the van.

"hello..good morning,"greet the security guard.

"morning",u fake a smile.

"your late!....",said the guard.

You just smile at him and  walk to your classroom.

"Hey...don't forget to take your late slip from the office!",shout the guard.

You just show him your thumb ,indicating that you heard him.

You then walk to the office and take your late slip.

"haiz....just get ready for detention ______-ah",u thought, while letting out a long sigh.

"Thank you..",you thank the lady.


You then walk out of the office and busy reading the late slip.

"Detention at 3..haizzzz",u said and u bump into someone and your touch the hard floor.

"ouch....",u said

" eyes huh???"u said to him while standing up and you saw someone's hand trying to help you up.

" thanks....",u said and walk away and went back to class.

"sorry..",apologised him.



Infinite Pov

Everyone was already awake because of the incident just now.

While the van was passing u.

"hyung..isn't that _____-ah....",said Sunjong.

"_____-ah..can't be...",said Woohyun.

"maybe ur dreaming maknae.",said Sunggyu.

Woohyun then began to look closely,"eh...she really looks like aegy....",thought Woohyun.

After hearing what  the maknae said, the others then began to look to their left,"omo....she really look like _____-ah
",speak Sungyeol, who has just woke up from his short nap.

" It's not this world there's 7 similar faces...",clear Sunggyu.

"hhahahah..your right hyung...",laugh Dongwoo.

"okay..we have arrived",told the manager.


Infinite then get down from the van.

"wah...this school is so BIG!",cheer choding.

"'s beautiful tooo",said Hoya while looking around  when he suddenly bump into someone. He tried to to help her but she refuse his help.

"Sorry",apologise Hoya.

"wait..she really looks like someone i know...",thought Hoya.


The principal already there waiting for them,"Hello! Welcome to my school! I hope you will have a pleasant stay here!",greet the principal.

Infinite then bow to show their respect and shake hands with the principal.

"Come on let's go inside,",show the principal.


Your Pov 

You already arrived in front of ur class panting."Ah...atlast...",u say while catching your breath.

You then enter your class,"Wow...someone's really late and what's more! It's not her first time! "tease your friend.

"Hey..i'm not late okay...i'm only 2 mins late",cover you.

"hahahah..your funny..",said ur friend.

"Whatever!!...Eh? Where the hell is the teacher??",u asked.

"Oh..Teachers have meeting for the first period",reply your friend, who is busy flipping her magazine.

"oh...then i'm going back to sleep",said you while cover your face with both of your arms on the table.

"Ya.!...You already came to school late and you still want to sleep",your friend said in a are-you-kidding-me tone.

"Chill...A.L.",u said

(a/n: AL is ur friend. that's her nickname.heheheh)

"Study for the test later??",ask AL

"yuppp..",u said with confidence, still lying your head down on the table while hoilding to a piece of paper.

"and why are still reading the notes??",ask AL

"just reading to past some time??",you said.



The school bell rang indicating that the first period ends.

"Class..get ready for your tests..",said the teacher.

While you were doing your class test ,someone knock on the door.The teacher then went outside and talk to the person.


"class time's up....",said the teacher.

"the test is so hard....i can't balaced it! ",complain your classmates about your accounts test.

While the teacher was collecting the test script ," me after class..",called the teacher.

You nodded.

"Woah.....wat's wrong??the teacher suddenly wanna see you..",said zea.(ur friend)

"don't know..",u asnwered while shrugging your shoulders.



After class

"____-ah......",called ur teacher.

"yes?",u said

" the principal wants to see u during recess time  straight away.,",said ur teacher

" u know why he wants to see me?",u asked

"i'm not sure...",said your teacher.

You nodded and went inside ur class...

You then proceed with the next lesson..



"'s break time",your class cheered.

You were lying on your table and was about to doze off but suddenly woke up after remembering something urgent.

"OMG!!",scream you.

"Guys..imma  going to the toilet first...You all can go break without me....",told you who were rushing to somewhere.

Your friend nodded as they were busy talking about the recent lesson and one of your friend were busy playing with your mobile phone.


Instead of going to the toilet,you dash to the general office to see the principal.

You run to the office because u were 10 mins late. When you went in the general office you ask the lady at the front desk,"Excuse me...where is the principal office??"

"straight on the left..",she said, while pointing it towards the door.

"thank you",u thank her and walk towards the room.


You then knock at  the door and went in ,"eh??empty??",mumble yourself

"excuse me...the principal is not in ?so where is he actually??",ask you again.

" so sorry...he's at the conference room beside the office",she said.

"okay..",u said

'aish...she should just told me that he's at he conference room...",you mumble at yourself.

You then went in the room."Good morning",you greet the principal.

"oh...morning..ur ______ right?",question him.

You nodded.

You still didn't notice that there are 7 handsome, charming  guys in the room because their back is facing u as they were watching some videos of the school and the room is quite dark.

"i heard that your late two time.The first was last friday and ..?",he speak

"and today....",while cutting throught what he said.

"yeah...",he said and nodded.

"um....the purpose of you seeing me is that i need your help to be a translator to these group of guys in replace to for you not going to detention...can you do it??",continued the principal.

"WHAT???",u said as u were really shock .

"Be a translator??B-but there thousands of students in the school and why you seek my help??",ask you again not believeing what he had just ask you

*ah..this is being a translator..

"Please! are the only student  that can understand korean and can speak korean well and  even your teacher recommend me to seek your help....",plead the principal.

"and if u help me.. u will need not go for the detention today....",said the principal with a small smile.

"i would rather attend the detention than being a translator...",told you

"if u don't want then i will extend your detention for one week...",threatened him.

"what!!! ONE WEEK!",you shout in disbelief.

While u were talking to the principal, the seven guys were staring at you.

" week plus cleaning the WHOLE school..",added him while wriggling his eye brows at you.

"you've got to be kidding me sir..",u said while faking a laugh.

" serious..",he said in a serious tone.

"deal?",the principal said while taking out his hands to shake ur hands with a wide smile plastered on his face.



"umm.....Deal..",u said while shooking his hands.

*____-ah what trouble have u got urself into??

You sighed.

"um..anyway..the guys are here....they are",he said

Then the seven boys stood up and bow to u "1..2...3..we're INFINITE!",introduce them

"what!!!",you shout.

"I.N.F.I.N.I.T.E!",u thought.

" can i call of this deal...",u plead the principal with both your palms place together rubbing.

"please!!!please......i want to go for the detention....please...",u beg him adn you also sound like you are crying.

"no way.....",answer the principal strictly.

"once a deal is a deal...",continue ur principal

"im DEAD!!",u thought.

They then introduce themself one by one...

"annyeong...i'm Kim Sunggyu u can called me sunggyu, hi im nam woohyun u can called me woohyun, im.......",introduce them

" going crazy......",u facepalm urself.

"okay now you can bring them to eat since it's break time",said the principal

You nodded.

*why am i feeling low??haizz.... i should be happy right seeing them??ah...just act normal but Hoya??,u thought.

You then walk out of the room....

"take care of them_______-ah...",said the principal.

You nodded.

"this way....",u said in korean

"omg!!!aegy ahh.....where have u been",said woohyun while hugging you tightly.

"um....",u mumble.

"ya..let her goo..she can't breath",said Sunggyu who is trying to separate you and Woohyun.

"thank you....",u thank him.

"guys..can we act like we don't know each other...",told you.

"waeyo???",said Sunjong

"coz.....i will be dead if everyone know that i've met Infinite before and u know i will get killed by your fangirls.....",u explain.

"so....don't call me aegy infront of them and just call my name that's all",you said

Infinite nodded their heads.

While u were talking to Infinite,

"ya!! auntie....",shout zea

"what....",u asked her

"hei....u forget ur phone and ur phone keeps ringing.....",she said

" so many miss called"u said while checking ur phone.

"hei im going back to class..",said zea

You nodded..

"ya...what are looking at??",ask Sunggyu

"oh..nothing,,"said Dongwoo

"ya...looking at that girl??",tease Woohyun.

"hahahhaha.....",laugh the others.

"oh....",u said

"..",continue choding

"ahhah..thanks for continuing",u said sarcasticly ..".i forgot my wallet so wait for me here",u said while leaving them.



You then walk back to ur class searching for your wallet.

"hyung..what's wrong??",asked L

"huh....nothing.",said Hoya 

"what's wrong?oh.._________ah..... ?",ask Sungyeol.

Hoya nodded.

"relax....just give her sometime okay?..",said wooohyun while cheering him up.




"eh..isn't that Infinite",said one of the students.

One of the girls then took out her phone and compare the infinite photo with them..

"OMG!! infinite!!",scream the fangirls.

"hoya..opppaa...",scream the fangirls


All the fangirls crowd around them.

"guys..just smile at friendly",said Sunggyu.

The others  nodded.


You then walk to the place back

"opppaaa!!!",scream the girls.

"omg!!! Infinite is here in our school ",shout the girls

U then follow where the scream came from  and follow the crowd.

You then tiptoe to see what's happening

"cheh..."u said.

"who's that?",ask the guy beside u.

You then turn to where the voice came from "oh..Zico?"u thought.

"don't know... some random guys...i think it's infinite?.",u said

"oh...",he said while nodding his head.


You left the crowd and head to the canteen because ur eardrum became sore from all the high pitched scream.


All this while ,Hoya have been watching you talking to the Zico.

"who's that guy...talking to My girl....",thought Hoya while clenching his fist.

One of the fangirls saw Hoya clenching  his fist while staring at someone.The fangirl then follow his gaze.

"opppa!! be my boyfriend",scream the fangirl to distract him.


"guys______-ah..went to the canteen already",whispered Hoya.

They nodded.

They then get out from the crowd by shouting

"OMG!! it's Girls Generation..",scream Sunjong

"where?where?",ask the crowd

Infinite quickly run off from the crowd and head to the canteen.

"there she is..",said Dongwoo

They all then follow ur que.

At that time u were buying water,when u saw 7 guys behind u shouting at each other...

You shook ur head.

"girl...",called the auntie

"yes",u said "they haven't pay yet..they say u will pay for them..",said the auntie.

"can u claim from the principal instead??",u ask

She shook her head.

When u turn around they were already sitting at the chairs..

You then hand the auntie $10 and u left $2 .

*wow how can my money  finish in one day...

When u were about to walk to Infinite, fangirls already crowding around them...

You then walk out of the canteen.

While u were walking,"nega chae chala ga...",u phone ring


"____-ah..after school u have to pick up Aura..okay...",ur sister

"huh...but i think i have extra class..",u said

"eh..but it's monday....",ur sister

"Fine..i will pick her up.....",u said

"good girl love u..bye",said ur sister..

When u end the call, u alreafy arrived at ur secret place.



hei nEEEEEEQ's here!!

this is the updated chapter.....

wow!! 3 Subs..hhahaha


thank u so much......


Don't forget to comment....hehehe


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Chapter 29: please update soon~~
Chapter 22: hahahaahahaa yeolie *shaking my heads*
Chapter 22: Finally update!!!!! Phew!!
Inspirt_PurpleHoBaby #4
Chapter 18: Muahaha!Hyuna!Hoya is not yours!!:P Update soon(:
looking forward to your update~~
KyuHaeMInEun #7
Update soon!!!
Update soon!!!
update soon !!!
wat happen ??!!!
i say ho u say ya !!
hoya !!! help me !! hahaha :P