Chapter 2


"Anyways, we should get going," you suggest.
There was an awkward silence. Taehyung broke it by saying, "Hey guys? I'm think I'm gonna go home."
"What? Why?" you ask. " I thought we were gonna be hanging out the whole day."
"I just remembered things that I needed to do."
"Like what?" Jimin asked suspiciously.
Taehyung just shoots a glare towards Jimin and when he turns to you, Jimin notices Taehyung's eyes soften. It's something that Jimin seems to notice whenever Taehyung looks at you from him or something he doesn't like.
You were disappointed and pretty sad. You guess you made it pretty obvious that you were disappointed because Taehyung quickly adds, "But Y/N, I'll make it up to you."
"Okay." As you agree Taehyung weakly smiles and walks towards the way to his house. Jimin's eyes remain on Taehyung's retreating back. You notice this and ask if everything's okay. 
"Oh. Oh. Uh.... yeah. I'm fine," Jimin stutters as you guys start walking aimlessly. "HEY!" Jimin suddenly shouts out. You slightly jump from the sudden shout. 
He faces you with a serious expression, but a hint of playfulness in his eyes. "Let's get ice creeeaammmm!!" he whines.
"Aigoo. You're such a baby," you chuckle. Jimin pretends to be mad then suddenly breaks into a mischievous grin. He grabs your wrist and starts sprinting towards the nearest ice cream shop. "YAHH!!!" you scream. You finally arrive to the shop.
 "Y-Yah.... Park.... Jimin..." you say as you catch your breath. "You almost killed me!!" Jimin laughs. "But I didn't!" He heads in leaving you outside.
"Hey! Wait up!" 
Jimin is already in the line. He smirks at you and looks at all the ice cream flavors. 'Doesn't Y/N like (favorite ice cream flavor)?' He stands up to head to the cashier and order when he suddenly freezes. 'Why is she here?' he thinks.

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Chapter 18: Both endings are cute! Congratulations for your first completed fiction. ^^
Titanik #2
Chapter 14: Tae dated Jisu, then Jimin dated her and now WONWOO! IS SHE SOME SORT OF WITCH!?!?!?!?!
Chapter 14: LOL! Even author nim can't choose between Tae Tae and Chim Chim! They are cute pies how can we just pick one?? <3 I feel better now that I know she will keep them as good friends.

Fighting! ;)
emilyhurr #4
this fanfic is sooooo cute !!!!!!!!!!!! >_<
Chapter 11: Take your time author-nim!
I don't know if I'm TaeTae Team or Chim Chim Team... I can't choose between them. They're just so cute!
Titanik #6
Chapter 8: Please continue updating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIGHTING!!!
Hey, this is cute! Go ahead and keep writing! I'll read for sure! ;)