The KISS Unit
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Chapter 18. MT


He got to sleep only a few hours. He couldn’t help but be aware of the fact that he was sleeping in the same bed with a woman. He was careful not too move to much, careful not to make much noise, careful not to cough or sneeze, careful not to pull the blanket closer to him and leave her uncovered, carful not to move his leg and bump into her... to put it simply, he just stood still in one position, fearful to do anything.  By the time he got tired, his eyes closing without him wanting them to, it was already morning and the sun was up on the sky. Waking up, he stood at the edge of the bed, his eyes still closing and his head dropping from time to time.  It was ridiculous. Why was he behaving like that as if he had never been in the same room with a woman or never shared a bed with one? Shaking his head, disappointed at himelf and the few hours of sleep he got, he tried to stay up although his body felt extremely heavy. He didn’t have any rock wrapped around his neck but it sure felt like something was pulling him down. As he finally managed to get up, he stretched his body and tilted his head to the side to snap it so that he could get more relaxed and get some energy. He carefully turned around and looked towards the bed, hoping he did not wake her up. He blinked a few times confused, wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes and even massaged them a few times before looking again.

She was not there. He knocked on the door of the bathroom although the light was off, maybe just maybe she was using the bathroom without turning on the lights but there was no answer. Perhaps it was because she had made herself disappear once before, but he didn’t like the feeling of not knowing where she is. He couldn’t hear much noise from the other rooms so he could easily dismiss the rooms as her hiding place. Getting downstairs, he looked around the ground floor and even in the court yard for her. She was nowhere to be found and it made him feel like crap. How did she even disappear? She was hurt and probably couldn’t get very far.  Unless she called someone to pick her up, she didn’t have many places to go since the house was quite far away from the city. There was only place left to check and that was inside the camping car.

He leaned into the camping car door and let out a deep sigh when he finally spotted her inside the car. His heart almost stopped when he couldn’t see her inside the house, worry, concern and a bit of anger filling in his heart but he couldn’t feel any of those anymore. She was siting on the couch, a pair of headphones on, eyes closed and body gathered together in what had to be a very uncomfortable position. She was sleeping all by herself inside the camping car in a rather uncomfortable position without letting him know beforehead so surely she had a reason for it. Trying to search for a blanket without making much noise, he walked as sif he was on pins. He found a blanket inside an upper cabinet and for a few seconds wondered why didn’t she get it down by herself but he quickly realized why she didn’t do so. Even he had to stretch up a little to get it so if she would have done that; it would have caused pointless pain. Unfolding the blanket, he covered her body and then thought about the situation for a bit.

Why was she sleeping inside the camping car?  That was the only question he wanted her to answer as he arranged the blanket over so that she would feel warm. There wasn’t much he could do about her position since that meant moing her and then she could have woken up but he could search for a blanket and a small pillow for her to rest upon. He stopped dead in his tracks when she stirred in her dream and hoped he wouldn’t wake her up. He hissed to himself and at himself when she moved her head even more and eventually opened her eyes. She raised her hands and removed her headphones, letting them fall on the couch next to her.

“What time is it?” she asked, her voice hoarse and tired.

“Almost 7...” he answered in a soft voice, thinking it would be safer to keep his voice down as much as possible for as long as possible.

“You should have slept longer...” she tried to stand up, her body aching a little. “You were up all night.” she yawned and then tried to stand up.

“You know I was up?” he looked at her surprised, ready to catch her if she somehow ended up falling down as she stood up.

“I frequently sleep alone so I can feel the person next to me when I share a bed.” She let out a soft smile, holding on to his shoulder as she stood up. “I figured you’re awkward so when you fell asleep I came here.” She continued talking as she finally stood up and tried to stretch her body.

“You’ve been here for hours?!” he asked in surprise, eyes opening wide.

He thought he was being considerate towards her and mindful not to bothered her at night but if she was saying the truth, then he actually caused her to be even more tired and concerned. If she couldn’t sleep because she felt him struggling at night and she came to sleep inside the camping car because of him, then he actually caused more damage compared to the good he had planned. He felt extremely apologetic towards her.

“I’m sorry.” he apologized as he helped her get out of the camping car. “I will relax and won’t disturb you tonight.”

Moon looked at him, also surprised, and then let out a soft chuckle. She looked as if she didn’t believe him but didn’t feel mischievious enough to about it and contradict him. She chuckled again when he started holding gently around her shoulders, helping her back towards the house. If she wouldn’t have known better, she would have thought he was a caretaker of some kind that had been assigned to be mindful towards her. She was sure it was pointless to tell him anything about it since he had told her he wanted to take care of her. As they got closer to the house, ruckus was heard from inside.

“Good morning!!” Heechul’s voice was heard all the way to the courtyard although he was coming down the stairs.

“God, you’re loud....” Siwon grumbled, coming down as well. “Oh....” he stopped and looked at the two that were coming from outside.

“Where have you two been?” Heechul wiggled his eyebrows at the two of them, quickly rushing by their side and moving around them before stopping in front of them.

“I wanted some fresh air and I needed help.” Moon lied although there was no reason for it.

Heechul and Siwon didn’t seem to believe her but they nodded their heads and continued towards the kitchen. They had placed the drinks and all the important food inside the fridge so they headed straight for it and pulled out a few cans of soda. By that time, Kyuhyun let go of Moon and moved towards the kitchen counter, thinking of what they might need to make breakfast.

“Good morning.” Another voice was heard coming down the stairs.

Kyuhyun instantly snapped his head towards Moon. Heechul was dressed up as if he had gone to some anime convention and spend the night there while Siwon had a t-shirt on althought it was pretty tight but Donghae came downstairs and he wasn’t wearing anything on his upper body. He had why to be proud of his body because he was well built but it still felt weird to have him around the house half since Moon was there. She didn’t seem all that bothered. Her eyes went up and down Donghae’s body and then a soft grin appeared on her face but she was careful enough to not be obvious about liking what she was seeing and hid her grin behind a can of soda.

“Yah!” Heechul snapped at Donghae. “Don’t flaunt that gorgeous upper body around.” He sounded and looked annoyed at first. “Unless you want others to touch.” He then put on a erted look and smirked.

“How about you don’t shout in the morning. If you don’t, I will not hurry downstairs to find out what’s happening.” Donghae mumbled. “Even Hyukkie flinched in surprised when you talked.” He teased back, absentmindedly scratching his tummy while walking towards the fridge.

“Speaking of the Monkey...” Heechul ignored Donghae’s scolding. “Can he cook? I’m hungry.”

“I’m hungry too.” Moon agreed, nodding her head although she was still sleepy.

“I can’t cook.” Kyuhyun joined the conversation since he was feeling kind of leftout. “How about you guys?” he asked the rest.

“I can.” Moon replied and moved her legs so that she could leave her spot and check the fridge.

“You shouldn’t.” Kyuhyun dismissed the idea. “You should rest and let us do the work.” He explained his words before the others could jump at him.

“I can cook.” Siwon came to the rescue, shaking his head in disappointment at the rest.

They didn’t get to find out who can cook and who can wash clothes and other details like this. While inside the house, the place where it should have been the kitchen had been turned into a storage of some kind with tools Donghae needed so they were forced to order food of any kind or buy whatever they wanted from the convenience store. They had bought meat and vegetables, ingredients of all kind for the MT but none askd beforehead who can cook and what.

“Maybe Hyukjae can help. Is he up?” Kyuhyun asked Donghae, still not very pleased with the upper body of the other.

“He went to take a shower.” Donghae explained. “I think he has OCD.” He then whispered towards the other. “He scolded me so many times for leaving my things around.” He then pouted, looking rather sad.

Everyone laughed at the brown haired, including Moon. They were used by now with the attachment Donghae had developed for Hyukjae and it looked like the brown haired valued a lot what the other thought about him. Moon and Kyuhyun might not have known because they were at the hospital, with the excuse of taking care of a very important witness and key element in catching the serial killer, but in their absence the two had grown to be very close. It couldn’t be helped since the last case concerned Siwon and

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Chapter 19: owwwwn, u lie to us! It`s not complete. so sad...
Chapter 19: I read this for a whole day only to find out its abandoned :(((((
Momoi15 #3
Chapter 19: OMG my heart is a mess right now. I loved how the chapter ended. So he got her permission to flirt. I am expecting a lot of interesting things between the two of them. I ship them so much and Moon is an amazing girl. I love her.
Thank you so much for updating~~♡♡
lulu8891 #4
Chapter 19: Guys can you please take it easy with kyuuuu.
He has a thing for her and she just summerized everything in few words.
Yaaaaay she just gave him the permission and she unofficially told him that she likes him too :)))
Chapter 19: HAHAHA hey, not all guys are dense and daft. Nice he got the consent to flirt at least. At ease soldier!
Chapter 19: Ooooh~~~ here goes relationship! <3 KYU START THE COURTING THING! *coughs* I didn't say anything xD
Donghae. You and your big mouth xD Hyukjae was so busted with all that blush xD Hope that won't get them awkward instead :/
Heechul and marriage. And I almost thought he did the real one xD
Thanks for update))
Chapter 19: But.. why are the team members were eager to hook the two? Is it because the hospital moments? Kyu spent so much time taking care of her etc?
Chapter 19: eyyyyyyy I like where this is goingggggg why guys have to be damn slow in rejecting and also confessing? Oh my!! Just say it!! I like moon!! Haha her straightforwardness. Niceee
Chapter 18: The first paragraph, it was me when she having her period. Super fragile. So that's totally legit. We care about women ^^
Typical. Kyuhyun peeked on her chest the same time being clumsy. I think female wearing towel is way ier than they wear revealing clothes. Really. An idea for exposure? LOL
Chapter 18: Omg. Hyukjae, stay strong TT I want to kick SiChul! They are so manipulating him... I wonder if Donghae heard Siwons' "bottom".
Kyuhyun is so sweet to Moon. And Moon is trying her best to give Kyu some space. Awww~~<3
Thanks for chap! :*