The KISS Unit
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Chapter 15. Truth to be told


Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were waiting in the car, outside of the hospital, waiting for a signal that they could enter and see her. They couldn’t just walk inside and ask about her since Kyuhyun had called it in as a breaking and entering. They could either enter as police officers that were set to guard her or as family or friends but the last two options were not really options since it would have raised great questions in regard to what Moon was doing in the house and how Kyuhyun found her. Any defense lawyer could have said that the evidence was planned given the link between the officer and the thief so it was best to wait until they were allowed to be on guard so as to cast aside any suspicion. When Kyuhyun’s phone finally rang, it even startled Hyukjae.

The black haired was waiting with his mouth wide open, hoping that they would get the approval that they needed in order to enter the hospital. Both had to lie to the officers and the forensic team about working together on an undercover mission in order to explain how two officers from different precincts were in the same place and they had heard a few remarks such as the fact that it was so like them to catch a thief and lead to a serial killer even when working undercover.

As long as they were allowed to be inside the hospital, they had arranged every detail to their cover story in order so they were not going to be questioned about their presence there. They just had to be there. A smile started blooming on Kyuhyun’s face as he got the okay from the Superintendent and he quickly tapped Hyukjae on the shoulder to stop the engine and have him follow outside and inside the hospital. As he walked towards the entrance of the hospital, Kyuhyun listened to the details about the floor and room where they could find Moon and closed the phone only after entering. Hyukjae quickly followed from behind, finally smiling. It had been almost a torture to wait for almost two hours in the car without any news. The black haired had to make a few calls of his own in order to let Donghae and the rest know that Moon was out of surgery.

Hyukjae had a bit of a hard time following Kyuhyun since the younger one did not say what was the floor and hospital salon she was in. Kyuhyun was walking really fast, too fast, as if he was controlled by a remote control and while Hyukjae understood the urgency, he did feel that the other was too affected by the situation. There was something happening with Kyuhyun and it was pretty big given how he kept quiet for hours while tapping his fingers against the dashboard, at times not even blinking for 10 minutes straight. It felt like sometimes he was lost in thoughts and recalling something from his past that seemed to be of importance to him because his forehead wrinkled and he kept biting into his lower lip.

Kyuhyun stopped right in front of the door to her hospital room. It brought back memories. Memories of his own, memories of some team mates, memories of him almost dying and of losing someone. Leeteuk had said she was out of surgery and taken to a private room so that they could keep her safe just in case the killer had an accomplice or an apprentice that was following in his footsteps. But even with that information, they still didn’t know if she was alright, on life support or worse. Hyukjae waited to see if Kyuhyun was going to open the door but two minutes had passed and he had not moved an inch so it was time to take matters in his own hands. He moved first and then opened the door, letting it open wide so that they could see inside the salon without stepping inside.

From outside the door, they could see the bed where Moon was asleep. She was pretty livid, her lips dry but she was tucked inside the blanket and looked as if she was asleep but with a serious cold. Hyukjae entered inside and then waited for Kyuhyun to join and waited for him to get inside before closing the door. It was weird even for Hyukjae to be there because he had never had a reason to go to a hospital, not even when they had to interview a suspect or a victim. It was even weirder because the woman that looked pale and was asleep what a friend of his. It couldn’t have been easy for anyone to see a friend in the hospital.

“At least she does not seem to be in pain.” Hyukjae tried to sound positive, approaching the bed.

“Yeah....” Kyuhyun absentmindedly agreed, looking around the room.

It was making him dizzy. He could perfectly recall the particular smell of the hospital and if he rolled his tongue a few times inside his mouth he could swear he could even remember how the food tasted. He had no happy memories connected to a hospital and he didn’t like being inside of one and would have given anything not to be there but he couldn’t leave. He couldn’t just cave in to his bad memories and leave, not when someone from his team was hurt and had just gone through a major surgery.

“Excuse me....” a doctor entered the room, glaring at the two men since they were not supposed to be there. “She is not allowed visitors.”

Kyuhyun did not even bother taking out his badge because he was very sure that Hyukjae was going to do that. The moment the black haired pulled out his badge, the doctor nodded and then relaxed, approaching the bed to check up on her. Kyuhyun stood at the foot of the bed and watched the doctor, just to make sure he was really a doctor and not some guy out there to hurt her. He received enough medical training to know if he was planning on switching the medicines with something else.

“How is she?” Hyukjae asked, smiling a bit as he saw just how serious Kyuhyun was and how he was glaring at the doctor.

“Thankfully, her injuries are not that bad. They are bad...” the doctor spoke as he checked her vital signs. “But if she takes her medicine and keeps bed rest, in two weeks she should be alright.” He explained.

“So she just needs to rest and take her pills. That’s good news.” Hyukjae glanced towards Kyuhyun, smiling at the news since they were really good ones.

“Yes. Of course, she also has to stay away from stress or any activity that implies physical activity of any kind. No running, no lifting...” the doctor continued, starting to feel weird about sharing these details with two police officers.

Those were things that the doctor usually shared with family or friends but never to the police force. The officers he had encountered while treating victims and suspects didn’t seem to particularly care about the state of those hospitalized. The detectives responsible of the case did ask about the state of a victim but usually only to get the full information in regards to how much damage the criminal had caused. These two officers seemed to actually care about the girl.

“We’ll make sure no one prevents her from recovering. She did find the serial killer and brought peace to 10 different families.” Kyuhyun chose the right words in order to make sure the doctor understood just how important the woman sleeping on that bed was.

“And saved three other woman that the madman had on his target list.” Hyukjae added, knowing the purpose was to justify their concern for Moon.

“I heard about that.” The doctor nodded his head, letting out a sigh. “Crazy people....to do that to so many women.... it’s a relief he was caught.” He wrote a few things on the chart and then stepped aside. “I have a daughter around that age as well. If something like that would happen to her, I would probably go after the guy myself.”

“I know what you mean.” Hyukjae agreed with the doctor on the last part.

“Please give her time to rest. Even if she needs to be questioned, she should still be taken easy. She should wake up in a few hours.” The doctor spoke for the last time and then made his way out of the room.

“I’ll go call back at the center and then bring some food up.” Hyukjae spoke after a few seconds of awkwardly standing and fidgeting on his feet.

“Can you ask what is she allowed to eat too? Maybe we can prepare something that will stay warm until she wakes up.” Kyuhyun agreed with his coworkers suggestion and moved towards the chair to sit down.

“Sure.” Hyukjae smiled. “I’ll go bring some spare clothes as well.”

Few seconds after Hyukjae left the hospital room, Kyuhyun sat down on the chair that was on the left of the closed door. Hospitals. There was always one bed and an armchair on each side of the bed and that one chair at the entrance next to what was supposed to be a stand. Always trying to take a white room that smelled funny to feel cozy, as if it was simply a place where people gathered to have small talk. Even though he was annoyed and didn’t like staying in the hospital, even to visit, he knew it was the best possible arrangement. There was absolutely no chance in the world for him to leave the hospital when a team member was lying in that hospital bed. He was the team leader, he was the one responsible for them and he had failed in making sure she was safe and sound. It was his responsibility to stay at the hospital until she got better and he wouldn’t have it any other way. And that made it obvious that the one leaving and taking care of small details here and there was to be Hyukjae.

But Kyuhyun was not there only to compensate for his feeling of guilt and make sure she was alright. He was keen on making sure that she was safe and that if there was any problem, of any kind, he would be there to make sure she was alright. Whether it was about her real identity or questions about her in that house, or the details about how she discovered the serial killer or maybe revenge or an apprentice trying to hurt her, Kyuhyun had his ears wide open and was ready to intervene at any given moment. And he was getting something on his radar as well.  There were footsteps outside the door and they were getting closer to this particular door and he was pretty sure doctors were not wearing shoes that made that tak tak sound as they did their rounds.

Reaching to the back towards his holster, he wrapped his hand around the gun and then slightly rose from the chair, ready to actually pull out the gun if it was needed. When the door opened, he was ready to get down on his knee and aim for the door. Thankfully, he had enough good instincts to wait until the door opens before making any decision on using his gun or not. When the door opened, Kyuhyun’s body relaxed and then he pretended to not have been bothered about the person approaching the room. The one that came was none other than Park JungSoo aka Leeteuk, the Superintendent and the one that had established the team.

“I heard she will be fine.” Leeteuk spoke as he entered the room and closed the door behind him.

“Yeah... but we should have gotten there sooner.” Kyuhyun let out a sigh, watching how the other approached the bed to get a closer look at her.

Kyuhyun frowned a bit, not understanding what was that small syringe Leeteuk pulled out but by the time he could stand up and take a closer look at it, the other had used it and pushed its needle inside her arm. It was out of character for Kyuhyun to do anything affronting, especially to someone that was his superior, but he had no idea what that syringe contained and why did the other use it on Moon and that scared him a bit so he involuntarily grabbed Leeteuk’s hand and glared at him. In reply, Leeteuk simply smiled, his dimple showing.

“It’s only to wake her up.” The elder replied, looking not one bit bothered about the fact that Kyuhyun took hold of his arm and glared at him.

“She should be sleeping...” Kyuhyun awkwardly mumbled as he let go of the other and then began walking all the way back to his chair only to change his mind and return next to the bed.

If the medicine was going to wake her up, then the chances were that Leeteuk wanted to ask her about everything that had happened as the official in charge and make sure, that whatever he heard, it was not going to damage the reveal of the serial killer and the capture of the said sicko. Kyuhyun had successfully lied to Leeteuk and arranged some things with the team but he didn’t get the chance to actually tell her all the lies she needed to tell.  He flinched and quickly glanced towards Moon when she started frowning, slowly moving her head to the side, starting to wake up from her sleep. Waking up meant feeling the pain of her injuries even if the painkillers were keeping it to a minimum.

“Hello.” Leeteuk greeted the moment she started to open her eyes.

It was ridiculous in Kyuhyun’s opinion. She was barely conscious and her opening her eyes was in a no way a sign that she was alert and ready to answer questions and yet the other was behaving as if she was ready for an interview or something. Still, there was something weird with how quickly she opened her eyes and slowly turned to look at each of them in turn because no one was that alert just seconds after starting to wake up. It had to be whatever the other gave her. Kyuhyun had to think quickly about how he could let her know without Leeteuk seeing and he found the perfect opening when the older one turned around to pick a glass of water for her.

“Just follow my lead.” Kyuhyun mouthed towards Moon, even using his finger to let her know she should be quiet and not reply to what he mouthed.

“I am glad you are alright.” Leeteuk spoke as he returned with the glass, even staying to help her drink a bit from it.

“I already told Leeteuk that we planned for you to pretend to be a thief and see if you can catch him in action or have him reveal his location or something.” Kyuhyun smiled, trying to pretend he was not lying through his teeth.

“They already picked up on the fake identity set up.  But I would like to hear your side of the story.” Leeteuk smiled, waiting for Moon to sip more of her water.

“She could probably just nod or shake her head. I don’t feel comfortable with her talking seconds after waking up. Especially since she was supposed to still be asleep.” Kyuhyun quickly spoke, trying to give the perfect excuse for her not actually detailing on what happened.

“Oh....” Leeteuk smiled, a bit surprised. “Yes, I supposed that would do.” He then looked back at her.

“We didn’t plan for her to get trapped with him though.” Kyuhyun lied through his teeth. “He was just supposed to fall in a trap and do something that gives us enough room to call the cops if he does turn out to be the killer.” He added. “Right?” he then looked at Moon, using his eyes to hint at her that she was supposed to nod.

For Moon it was really weird. She had just woken up and she felt this weird pain on the right side of her body although half of her body felt numb and even though she was awake, she was almost hearing them in an echo or something of a sort and now she had to just play along with everything Kyuhyun was saying and that was too much for her to process just seconds after waking up. Still, although she was in a daze and had no idea what happened after she blanked out and what the hell they were talking about, she followed Kyuhyun’s instructions and nodded her head.

“So...” Leeteuk wanted to make a summary. “You were supposed to be a thief and see if he really is the killer.” He looked towards her, waiting for her answer.

“Uhm...” she nodded her head again, feeling bothered by the pain she was feeling.

“And the situation degenerated in a kidnapping?” Leeteuk tried again.

Moon closed her eyes, wanting to speak but the air and voice getting caught in , making her cough. Coughing made her injury hurt even more and then she frowned really hard, her hand reaching for the source area of the pain. Trying to find a more proper position, one in which she wasn’t hurt, she let out a deep breath and then prepared to talk.

“He came home sooner than expected.” She voiced out, her voice all hoarse

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Chapter 19: owwwwn, u lie to us! It`s not complete. so sad...
Chapter 19: I read this for a whole day only to find out its abandoned :(((((
Momoi15 #3
Chapter 19: OMG my heart is a mess right now. I loved how the chapter ended. So he got her permission to flirt. I am expecting a lot of interesting things between the two of them. I ship them so much and Moon is an amazing girl. I love her.
Thank you so much for updating~~♡♡
lulu8891 #4
Chapter 19: Guys can you please take it easy with kyuuuu.
He has a thing for her and she just summerized everything in few words.
Yaaaaay she just gave him the permission and she unofficially told him that she likes him too :)))
Chapter 19: HAHAHA hey, not all guys are dense and daft. Nice he got the consent to flirt at least. At ease soldier!
Chapter 19: Ooooh~~~ here goes relationship! <3 KYU START THE COURTING THING! *coughs* I didn't say anything xD
Donghae. You and your big mouth xD Hyukjae was so busted with all that blush xD Hope that won't get them awkward instead :/
Heechul and marriage. And I almost thought he did the real one xD
Thanks for update))
Chapter 19: But.. why are the team members were eager to hook the two? Is it because the hospital moments? Kyu spent so much time taking care of her etc?
Chapter 19: eyyyyyyy I like where this is goingggggg why guys have to be damn slow in rejecting and also confessing? Oh my!! Just say it!! I like moon!! Haha her straightforwardness. Niceee
Chapter 18: The first paragraph, it was me when she having her period. Super fragile. So that's totally legit. We care about women ^^
Typical. Kyuhyun peeked on her chest the same time being clumsy. I think female wearing towel is way ier than they wear revealing clothes. Really. An idea for exposure? LOL
Chapter 18: Omg. Hyukjae, stay strong TT I want to kick SiChul! They are so manipulating him... I wonder if Donghae heard Siwons' "bottom".
Kyuhyun is so sweet to Moon. And Moon is trying her best to give Kyu some space. Awww~~<3
Thanks for chap! :*