Chapter 13

Time machine

At Yuri's apartment

Yuri was laying in bed tears streaming down her face. She hasn't stopped crying since she got home.

Yoona will be married in less than an hour. She will no longer be her Yoona. But seungi's.

Suddenly she heard the door bell ring. She started to get up but realized she looked like a mess her eyes red and puffy. Her nose running. Her clothes all wrinkled. And her hair unbrushed she decided to ignore it.

The bell rang again then. There was silence. After a moment she decided to go to sleep.

Just then her bedroom door opened and a familiar figure walked in. "Yuri." That's all she said before running to the bed and pulling Yuri into a hug. "Yoona? What are you doing here? What happened too the wedding?"

Yoona smiled. When she was in so much pain Yuri was still the most caring person she knew. "I changed my mind. I love you."

Yuri shook her head. "No Yoona you need to get back. You love him not me. He's so much better. He's handsome and kind and smart and he loves you Yoona."

Yoona smiled. "Yes he's all those things but he is not better. He can never be better. He isn't you."

Yuri continued to argue. "But Yoona he can give you a good life. One I can't. You can have children and pets and a big house and you deserve it. He can give it to you. I can't."

Yoona shook her head. "Really cause i know for a fact you can. You are my yul my beautiful smart kind funny loving yul. You can do anything you set your mind to. I know you can do it. Especially with me by your side i know you can do anything. And what did i tell you about talking bad about the person i love the most. Stop it. It makes me angry." she pouted and furrowed her brows.

Yuri looked her in eyes. "You're sure?" Yoona smiled widely before pulling her into a kiss. Once she pulled away she could see how red Yuri face was. It was cute.

"More sure than ever before. I love you kwon yuri. Now come on lets get cleaned up then we will take a nap. It's been a tiring day."

Yuri nodded. "Can we cuddle?" Yoona laughed. "Yes what kind of girlfriend would i be if i said no."

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Chapter 14: Jejejejejeje me gusto tanto. Aunque fueron capitulos chiquitos me gusto tanto.
al final yoonyul juntos