Chap. 38


               “You may now kiss the bride” once the two married couple lips touched everyone inside the church gave them a round of applause and a cheer from their close relatives and friends.

                Everyone at the venue congratulated the married couple who were happily accepting their visitors “Pregnant lady on the way” said the tall guy while supporting her pregnant wife

                “I thought this will never happen … The big wait is finally over” Sunny said jokingly

                “Hahahaha Sunny, Soo” the bride hugged the two couple and then leave her hand on Sunny’s stomach

                “Congratulations again Yul, Jessi … finally you’ve tied the knot, I think you two know what’s next?” Soo wink at them

                “Hahaha I hope so too and congratulations to the two of  you….just two months more and we’ll be able to see little Soo or Sunny around” Yul smile placing his hand on his wife’s waist

                “We’ll see when I give birth” Sunny smile, hand still not leaving her stomach

                “You should go inside now, mommy Sunny could not stand too long” Jessica smile as she hug the two one last time

                “JESSI!!” Jessica and Yul smile at the presence of the eye smiling lady pushing a stroller on her left hand while her right was waving at the two

                “Oh my God here they are” Jessica crouched down so she could see the sleeping angels then she touched their little hands, careful not to wake them up

                “They’re so beautiful Tiff, I can’t wait to see Sunny’s” Jessica said and stood up

                “And we’re going to make some soon” Yul winked when he and Jessica made an eye contact

                “That I can’t wait … can’t wait to see Jessi waking up early in the morning and also at midnight” Tiffany giggles

                “I’ll make sure the two of us will take turns” Jessica replied then giggle with the other lady

                “So how’s everything?” Yul asks

                “We’re fine actually, can’t hide the fact that it’s getting hard sometimes” Tiffany admits flashing a small smile

                “Oh Fany, we’re always here to help ok no matter what is it” Jessica replied

                “I know and I wouldn’t forget that…. Let’s catch up later ok? You’re guest might be wondering what taking the bride and the groom so long” Tiffany winked at Yul who got the message

                “Well it’s our wedding and they know what will happen next” Yul wink back as he teasingly place his hand on Jessica’s which was slapped by the bride who glared at his husband

                “Such a ert, let’s go inside Tiff” Jessica rolled her eyes walking along with Tiffany leaving her husband grinning widely


                Tiffany didn’t finished the whole party of Jessica and Yul’s wedding since she’s with her babies, so when she congratulated them one last time she went straight home. Once they arrived, Tiffany started doing her duties, placing the babies on their shared crib and preparing their milk for tonight, cleaning the babies’ stuff and other stuff around the house, after her duties she can now finally relax.

                Her phone buzz indicating there’s she just received a message, a smile formed on her lips after reading the message. Turning it off after she sent a quick reply, turning her attention back to the coffee  she heard a cry from upstairs, Tiffany immediately ran upstairs to attend one of her babies. The cry became really loud when she entered the room, she carried her baby boy cooing him while swaying her body bringing him back to sleep, when it turned quiet again she kissed his chubby cheeks before laying him back down on the crib she chuckled when her baby girl was just sleeping peacefully “you’re such a sleepy head” she mumble gently caressing the little girls chubby cheeks “and you’re such a cry baby” she chuckled when both babies yawned cutely  “sleep well my angels” she said bending over to kiss them on their forehead before heading outside the room quietly.

                “I thought you two are leaving” Tiffany listens as Sunny and Jessica talked to each other

                “We’ve postponed the honeymoon … Yul and I had other plans to do after the wedding”

                “Wow never thought Yul will agree” Tiffany said teasingly

                “Hahahaha I’ve thought the same too” Sunny smiled widely while nodding her head

                “Same here, he’s such being so stubborn this past few days and I’m starting to get annoyed but good thing he agreed that we should change our honeymoon date”

                “I’m sure he’ll take this opportunity so he could make that night special?” Tiffany winked

                “Of course he should, I’ll strangle him for you if he didn’t do anything special Jess, leave that monkey to the pregnant lady” Sunny showed her fist

                “Easy there future mommy, of course I’ll leave him to you after I strangle him” Jessica said making the two other girl chuckle

                “So …. How’s life mommy Tiff?” Jessica asks

                “I’m fine, the three of us were fine … mommy here is just a little tired but I can still manage” Tiffany smiles

                “Aigoo did you take a rest after you’ve come to the party?”

                “I did but the my little boy cried twice this day, good thing the other angel is such a sleeper and she didn’t even bother waking up when he’s crying so less work”

                “Aigoo I think I know to whom baby girl got her sleepiness” Sunny giggles

                “I don’t” Jessica replied blankly

                “Hahaha Jessi, it’s no one don’t mind Sunny” Tiffany replied

                “Whatever …… but how are you, I mean like literally how are you right now? Without ….” Jessica didn’t finished her sentence when she saw Tiffany’s smiling face turned a little sad but covered it up by smiling back again

                “Well I’m fine alone… the kids are keeping me company even you guys are keeping me company even if you’re busy ….. But I can’t help but to miss him a lot”, “it sometimes feels like he’s physically home but his mind is at somewhere else” Tiffany added

                “But Yul gave him less work after he got out” Jessica said

                “I don’t know ….. When I try to approach him that’s the time he’ll have a meetings or business trips ….. I don’t want to think he’s avoiding me but that’s the only word I can form on my mind”

                “Taeng wouldn’t avoid you for no reason, try harder Tiff …. Maybe the dork needs a little push from you” Sunny suggested

                “Try talking to him again when he comes home”


                “Where are you now?”

                “Airport, why? Want me to buy something for you?”

                “Nope I’m good” there’s a pause between the line before the guy on the other line spoke again

                “Is there something wrong between you and Tiffany?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Did you guys argue before you left?”

                “No Soo, just tell me already” the tall guy on the other line sigh

                “Spend time with her and your kids …. She misses you a lot, like a lot …. You even broke your promise to Yul that you’ll come to his wedding with your wife and kids”

                “I know I didn’t forget that …. I …. I miss her too, don’t worry I’ll cancel some of the business trips that I have to attend”

                “I’m counting on those words, it’s not only me who’s going to strangle you for real if you make her sad, Jessi will be the first”

                “I know, I know …. Thanks for telling me Soo”

                “Yeah no problem hyung and see you soon”


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1122 streak #1
Chapter 43: lol Aiden is too curious hahaha
kyutmohdaw #2
Chapter 43: Becoz of the late update authornim, I'm gonna read this again to refresh my mind haha...btw, thank you so much for this wonderful story, gonna add this to my collections LOL.. FIGHTING!!!! story (?)
1122 streak #3
Chapter 42: Aren't they married already? Why does Taeng wants to marry her again if they are married already?
jasonds #4
Chapter 42: cant wait for the surprise romanticccc
Res_ss8 #5
Chapter 42: Can’t wait to read how the proposal turns out like
ttblub #6
I thought it’s a double update
Beetlebee #7
Chapter 40: Uhhh I am confused... Aren't they married? Is he like remarrying her?
1122 streak #8
Chapter 40: Lol yulsic that's your change to experience having your own kids hahaha that's not fair sica but knowing Yul he'll do anything ng just to make sica happy ^_^
Res_ss8 #9
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim I appreciate your updates and take your time no rush hehe Fighting!!! (:
jasonds #10
Chapter 40: nice story u have author nim...i am reading all the chapters in one day hahahah