Chap. 20



                “Why should I love a cheater like you?” She heard him snapped then she mumbles a faint “no” as answer back “I don’t love you anymore Tiffany! I hate you!” unknowingly tears fell from her eyes “n-no don’t h-hate me… Tae” she gasped sitting up from her position, remembering her dream she cupped her face as tears fell down again from her eyes, sniffing as she sigh and fell down back to her bed doing nothing but think and stare at the ceiling she shift her gaze  to the left and saw her phone, taking it while looking through her contacts then stopped at a certain ”I hate you!” his voice echoed through her mind “no Tiffany! Don’t think like that… he loves you, he ing loves you so much… don’t ever think like that” she hit her head a little hard, looking back at her phone she press the name waiting for an answer after a few rings someone answered

”Hello?” Covering to prevent sounds from coming

“so he deleted my number?” Thinking about such thought bring tears to her eyes but something unexpected happen

“You know Tiffany if you’re not going to talk, you have to let me sleep… I still have work tomorrow” Taeng replied sarcastically

“O-oh… I… I thought y-you’re s-still awake”

“As you can see it’s already quarter to 12 when you called me” he replied with the same tone

“I’m r-really sorry… you can go back to sleep” Tiffany was about to hang up when she heard him talk again

“Since you’ve waked me up already… let’s talk Tiff” she heard shuffling sounds from the background assuming his getting up

“Y-you can go back to sleep” she replied nervously

“No I won’t go back to sleep, I’m fully awake now as you can hear and you are the cause of it… so is there anything I can do for you Ms. Hwang that you have to call me back?” Tiffany remain quiet she just wanted to hear his voice before she go back to sleep she always do that at the past when she’s scared or having nightmares

“I… I just want to hear your voice” that made everything more quiet only their breathing could be heard

”Are you having nightmares?” she smiles at his question “if do, just… just think about happy thoughts or maybe count up to one hundred or hmmm pray the rosary very slowly… you know that works” she giggle at his ideas, he’s still childish and it will never change

“Hearing your voice is enough” that’s her only reply “yeah thank you Tae and I’m sorry for waking you up… good night” she said hanging up already not waiting for his reply, she held her phone to her chest as she smiled widely now she can finally sleep in peace.


                Taeng stared at his phone then place his hand on his chest feeing the beat of his heart; she really had this strong effect on him only those words his heart will beat like crazy “*sigh* Miyoung” he mumble, placing his phone back on the table as he go lay down again “night Miyoung” he mumbles before going to dreamland.


                “Hey you look like you didn’t get any sleep” Yul said as he noticed the sleepy eyes of the short guy “huh no I’m fine, I’m fine” Taeng replied rubbing both of his eyes “did you do something last night?” Jessica asks after putting her plate down at the table “no…Tiffany… she called unexpectedly last night after that I tried going back to sleep but I couldn’t” Taeng sigh “why did she call? Did she tell you?” the tan guy asks setting the newspaper aside “I asked her though but she said she only wanted to hear my voice but I know she couldn’t sleep… she’s always like that before, she’ll wake me up whenever she couldn’t sleep or having nightmares” Taeng chuckled “she didn’t talk at first when I answered … she thought that I deleted her number already” he added and smile “ok I’m barfing now! Stop with the dreamy eyes Kim Taenggoo and we gotta go… I have a meeting later” Yul stood up bringing his plate on the sink “hahaha don’t worry you won’t be late… you’re the boss! Oh it’s my turn to wash tonight right? I think I’ll go home early… have to meet Soo and Sunny” Taeng said as he stood up fixing his plate also “ok, Yul will be my slave for tonight… you’re lucky midget” Jessica wink as she proceed to go outside the house first leaving her plate on the table “aisshhh that brat! Look at her plate” Taeng rolled his eyes but still getting the girl’s plate putting it on the sink “I HEARD THAT KIM MIDGET TAENG!!” they heard the princess shouted from the door.


*knock* *knock*

                Tiffany lowered the volume of the television as she looked at the door, standing up once she heard another knock actually she wasn’t expecting someone today except if it’s him, she smile hurriedly walking to the door but soon it dropped when she saw another guy holding a bouquet of pink roses “Good morning Ms. Hwang? This is for you” the guy smile giving her the bouquet and a paper to sighn “uhh it’s Kim… Tiffany Hwang Kim” she replied but still took the flowers and signed the paper “who sent this?” she asks looking for a card but there’s none “the sender doesn’t want you to know who…. It said that it’s a surprise” the delivery guy smile bowing at her before leaving, closing the door behind her then look at the bouquet on her hands “who could send this? Nick or Tae? But I haven’t heard of Nickhun since the trip…. Should I give a call to Tae? But he might deny it… *sigh* then who? Satan?!” she rolled her eyes at her own thoughts just then her phone rang she immediately looked at the message and it was from Nickhun

From: Nick

Are you free tonight? I hope we could have dinner… So I could make it up to you

                Should she? Or she should make excuses that she couldn’t make it but he’ll go here to look after me “Oh God no… He can’t be here… Taeng might find out…. *sigh* I’ll just meet him then and talk”


“Hey I haven’t got any signals from you…. Want me to follow the lady rat?”

“She’s not a rat ok?” Taeng rolled his eyes

“Then what do you want me to call her? Honey being by another bee?”

“Quit it, Sunny! Just go follow her for me please?”

“Fine you’re such a kill joy Taeng… but don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on her”

“Alright thanks Sun… I owe you a lot” Taeng smile though he couldn’t be seen by the short blonde

“Yeah, just don’t fall in love with me… I only got Soo in my heart… BYE!”

                 Taeng chuckled if only he’s single, he’s sure he’ll fell in love with Sunny or Jessica but well he’s only crazy to the one and only Tiffany Hwang, “Taeng?” Taeng smile at his secretary but frowns after he saw her sad face “what’s wrong Hyo? Is there something wrong?” he asks as he ushered her to come in “m-my mom was sent to the hospital… I hope you can let me off for today” Hyo said “sure you can go home now, ppalli… just call me if you need any help ok?” Taeng smile “oh thank you Taeng! Thank you so much” Hyoyeon smile widely as she went hurriedly out of the office to her table, he sigh looking around the office when he got nothing to do today getting the remote, he open the TV and switch to cartoons instead of news, standing up from his chair he went to get some snacks on his mini fridge taking out some milk and cookies his eyes shine brightly and went back to his desk while enjoying his free time he then receives a message from Sunny and followed by a picture which turn his bright day into a sour one, closing his eyes as he tries to calm down but he couldn’t slamming both of his hands on the table that it echoes through his room, his face is getting redder “you’ll get it from me”.


               Tiffany and Nickhun was only stealing glances at each other no one was talking, they’ll just sip their coffee or twirl the spoon again “Tiffany I’m sorry for not contacting you these days… I was just busy” Nickhun flash an apologetic smile “Nick… I wanted to tell you something” Tiffany replied seriously “oh uhmm ok”, “it’s about us…. I… I don’t think we should continue this anymore…. I love my husband, I love him so much and I’m scared to lose him…. You know I love you too but I love Taeng more, I’m sorry Nick… really, really sorry…” Tiffany holds Nickhun’s hand that later holds hers too and flash a small smile “didn’t I tell you not to say sorry to me? You didn’t do anything Tiff…. But I hope we could spend time together for the last time? I promise after I won’t appear in your life anymore… but thank you for loving me” Nickhun smile “no thank you for staying beside me and showering me with love and care… you’ll find your other half soon” Tiffany smile at him as they both hugged each other.


                  Tiffany turn around as she face Nickhun with a smile “thank you for walking me home” she said “yeah and … it will be the last time”, “I’m really sorry” the brown haired girl said as she hold both of his hands “hey stop saying sorry… I should be the one saying sorry for everything… but I hope we can still remain as friends?” he stared at her “of course we can still be friends and I hope you and Taeng too” Tiffany smile at him who just flash an awkward smile “I better go inside, you too it’s getting late” Tiffany said letting go of his hand but she was surprised when he pulled her towards him and kiss her before she could push him away someone already did push Nickhun away from her forcefully, her eyes went wide when she saw him, Taeng had punched Nickhun

                “YOU ING ! YOU HAD THE GUTS TO COME HERE AND KISS MY WIFE!” the short guy shouted as he keep on punching Nickhun holding him on the collar and punched him hard Tiffany was stopping her husband but she was surprised how strong Taeng is and wasn’t listening to her pleads, his shouts and Tiffany’s loud voice was heard by their neighbours and separate the two guys apart, Tiffany went to Taeng but the latter glared at her “boy just go home” one of the neighbours said to Nickhun who bowed to everyone despite of the pain on his face he took a last glance at Tiffany before finally leaving and was escorted down the building “Taeng, Tiffany you two ok?” ask their friendly neighbour “yes Heechul-ssi I’m sorry for the commotion” Tiffany was the one who apologized and bowed while Taeng immediately went inside their apartment not forgetting to slam the door “are you going to be alright?” Heechul asks Tiffany who just nodded her head following Taeng inside the apartment.  Closing the door slowly she made her way to the living room seeing his husband looking outside the window “I’ve warned you not to let him touch you” he said not turning around but his voice is cold “I-I was… surprised I d-didn’t had the cha-“, “THAT’S BULL TIFFANY! UNTIL WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS?!” Taeng shouted his face is getting redder, Tiffany flinched and didn’t dare to look up to him “IF YOU LOVE ME THEN EXPLAIN TO ME THIS” Taeng throws an envelope on the table containing pictures of Tiffany and Nickhun some were taken from the past and some are just earlier she was confuse so she’s been followed and when she looked up she was surprised to see Taeng in front of her still wearing those cold gaze “I told you everything will change once I come back… you thought I didn’t know all the things you’ve been doing while I’m gone… Are you that selfish for love? THAT YOU NEED TWO GUYS AT THE SAME TIME LOVING YOU?! AS FAR AS I’VE KNOWN YOU’RE NOT A ING TIFFANY! YOU’RE NOT A ! I DIDN’T MARRY A SELFISH !” Taeng shouted turning around then punched the table he was breathing so hard, he wanted to hurt her but he couldn’t he close his eyes “I even begged you …. N-not to hurt me a-again” he said feeling the tears coming out from his eyes, Tiffany also started crying back hugging him “T-Tae I’m sorry… p-please… let me explain” she sob burying her face on his back, pulling out from the hug he cupped her face wiping her tears kissing her on the lips which was gladly returned by the latter ignoring the stinging pain on his hands Taeng carried Tiffany letting her legs wrapped around his waist as he walked to their room, not breaking the kiss he lay her down on the bed and pulling out from the kiss both breathing hard, Taeng stared at her brown orbs “why do you always hurt me?” he asks letting his tears hit her cheeks “I-I love you so, so much” he sobbed burying his face on her neck “I love you too” she said caressing his air  then they looked at each other pulling him for a passionate kiss.


CHAPPY 20 OUT! I was planning to make this chap M but... I'm lazy and ehm not ready to reveal how byun author-ssi is soo I'll let ya'll imagine the things ya want to imagine after their kiss *wink* *wink* THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THIS STORY....but uhh I don't know if I'll end this soon cause next week I'll be going back to school TT^TT

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1135 streak #1
Chapter 43: lol Aiden is too curious hahaha
kyutmohdaw #2
Chapter 43: Becoz of the late update authornim, I'm gonna read this again to refresh my mind haha...btw, thank you so much for this wonderful story, gonna add this to my collections LOL.. FIGHTING!!!! story (?)
1135 streak #3
Chapter 42: Aren't they married already? Why does Taeng wants to marry her again if they are married already?
jasonds #4
Chapter 42: cant wait for the surprise romanticccc
Res_ss8 #5
Chapter 42: Can’t wait to read how the proposal turns out like
ttblub #6
I thought it’s a double update
Beetlebee #7
Chapter 40: Uhhh I am confused... Aren't they married? Is he like remarrying her?
1135 streak #8
Chapter 40: Lol yulsic that's your change to experience having your own kids hahaha that's not fair sica but knowing Yul he'll do anything ng just to make sica happy ^_^
Res_ss8 #9
Chapter 40: Welcome back authornim I appreciate your updates and take your time no rush hehe Fighting!!! (:
jasonds #10
Chapter 40: nice story u have author nim...i am reading all the chapters in one day hahahah