Dope College Life

“Which one?”

Huhh?? “Which one who?”

Cue on rolling eyes. “The kids that’s been a trouble to Hansol. You told me about them last week.” She pointed to the row of male students sitting at the gym. Some are dribbling, some are playing and some just choose to casually lay around. “Are there any over there?”

Seungkwan squinted her eyes. “There’s one. The one dribbling the ball. That’s Leo.” She glanced around again. “The guy with that red handband, that’s Chan, and that tan boy, that’s N.” she turned to Jihoon. “Why did you ask?”

“Just wondering. Maybe I can scout them as my heir.”


Smirk. “Great Troublemaker.”

“Do that if you want Yoongi to cut your head.”

Jihoon just laugh.

“Jihoon!! Seungkwan!!”

Both of them turned around at the same time. “Soonyoung!”

He smiled, slowly approaching the two girls. “What are you doing here?”

“Just looking. Wondering if it was worth it to spend college’s money on you guys.”

His nods. Understand. “I thought you were praying that he would fall.”

Jihoon raised an eyebrow. “He?? Who’s he?”

Soonyoung motioned to the middle of the court. “Seungcheol.”



“Are you serious, like, serious?”

“Yeah, I mean. You are never serious to begin with.” Shoved another piece of candy.

Nod. “Agree. Maybe you’re just joking.” He rolled his sleeve up. Damn, today’s hot.

“Are you serious, like seriously serious? Because if you’re serious, I want to prepare for my funeral, cause I’m sure I won’t be able to withstand that-“

“Ken, shut up for a while.”

Pout. “N, look at this kid.”

Groaned. “Guys! I’m dead serious! She even came looking for me during Physics! Physics I tell you!!!” he screamed, hands flailing in the air.


“Yes, Leo.”

“Pipe down.”

“Okay, Leo.”

Chan rolled his eyes. “N-hyung, stop being a scaredy cat. You only act like this with Leo-hyung.”

“It’s called respect,you dimwits.” N huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

The younger rolled his eyes again. He halted when they arrived at a dim yellow coloured building. “It’s here, isn’t it?”

Hongbin took out his phone. Scrolling to the message that he has re-read for more than ten times, he nods. “Yep. This is it, yellow coloured…” he pointed to the field behind the building. “ front of the field.”

Hyuk tap on ’s shoulder. “The fan’s on. Are we late?” he half whisper and shrink even more behind Ravi.

“Nah. We have another fifteen minutes. Maybe she’s the one who’s early. Let’s go.”  Ken  shrugs, as he walked first, leading his group of friends.

He pushed the door happily, and burst inside with a wide smile on his face. “The king has arrived!” he announced gleefully, head turning towards the direction of a sitting figure.


He was expecting some smile, or maybe a smirk on the older’s face. But what greets him is a an unamused looking Head Girl, sitting at the far end of the room, with seven chair infront of her.

Ken immediately drop off his smile, as he laughs nervously. “Umm.. hi?”

Jihoon nods her head a bit. “Sit down.” She motioned to the chairs.

The boy sat down first, as his other friends followed behind.

“Umm, sunbae.” N started off first. “Why did you call us? As far as I know, we never did anything wrong this week.”

“Yet.” Hyuk scoffed.

Jihoon remain motionless. Ravi gulped in fear. Missy, smile a bit. Even a tiger would be scared of you.

The Head Girl set her eyes on her planner. “Jung Taekwoon?” she glance at the boys.

A blank face looking male student raise his hand up. “It’s me.”

Nods. “Lee Hongbin?”

“I.” Hongbin raised his left hand.

“Lee Chan?”

Chan smiled. “Here.” He replied.

“Lee Jaehwan?”

“Me!” he blurted suddenly, then shrink into his seat after the older shot him a questioning look.

Jihoon rolled her eyes slightly, trying hard not to laugh. “Okay, Kim Wonshik?”

Ravi raised his hand up, mouth tight shut.

“Han Sanhyuk.” Her eyes on Hyuk as the younger nervously nod.

Finally, Jihoon set her eyes on the slightly tanned looking boy. “And you must be Cha Hakyeon.”

N nods. “Umm, Jihoon sunbae, why did you call us? Is it because of our prank on Taehyung sunbae?”

Hearing this, her eyebrow raised. “What prank?”

Ohh? It’s not about that?? Okay. “Nothing.”

Jihoon sigh. “N…” she said suddenly. “Leo, Ravi, Ken, Hongbin, Hyuk.” Her eyes glancing from one boy to another. “and last but not least, Dino. You’re younger by a year, am I right?”

The younger students stiff, feeling tense all of a sudden.

How did she knows our nickname???

She craned her neck, facing the tense tanned boy. “Candle boy?”

N flinched. Eyes widened. Okay, this is creepy. What the heck?! Even my job??!

Chuckled. “Chill, guys. I don’t eat human, I only eat food that is meant to be eaten.” Jihoon rolled her eyes again when the respond she received is a confused look from her juniors.

“When I was serious before, you guys play around, and when I chill, it’s you who got tense.”

Still confused.

“I’m just like you guys, an ex-black list student.”


Jaw drop.

“But Mis-“

“No buts. By hook or by crook, I want the report on my table next morning.” And with that, Miss Kyla, their Human study teacher left them dumbfounded after delivering the final bomb.

Soonyoung rub his temple. “Hell.”

“By the end of this year, all my hair would be gone.” Namjoon mumbled, hands pulling his short hair.

“Miss Kyla is unbelieveable! The library’s closed tonight! How are we supposed to look for info?” Taehyung screamed, frustrated.

Jihoon could feel her head throbbing. Glancing at Yoongi, she could see that her brother is tired too. Bloody tired.

With the big event next month, there’s lots of things that he need to handled, and it’s the same for the entire Student Council.

I need to do something. Think, Jihoon think! She shut her eyes, tight as her mind started working, trying to find a way so that they’ll be allowed to use the library that night.

Her eyes shot open, Jihoon clasp her hands tight, startling Seungkwan and Jimin.

“Jihoon, what’s wrong?”

A wide grin find it’s way to Jihoon’s face. “I’ve got an idea. And trust me, the report shall be on Miss Kyla’s table tomorrow.”


“Have I told that you are crazy?”

“Since we were 8. You always told me that.” She rolled her eyes.

Yoongi sigh. “Can you just, I don’t know. Retire?”

Pout. “This is the first this year. Miss Kyla said by hook or by crook, am I right?”

“Still, you don’t have to do this. It could be dangerous. What if you fall from the table? What if you hit the fan? What if someone found out?”

“Oppa, that’s too much ‘if’.” Sigh. “I’m not five anymore, I can take care of myself just fine. Just hand me that thing and off to your practice.”

Yoongi shoved his hand inside his sweatpant’s pocket, taking out 5 bulb starter. A ‘special’ one. “Just be careful, okay?” he reached his palm out.

“I heard you just fine.” Jihoon take the thing and shoved it inside her sweater pocket. “Thank you, oppa. And tell Leo, thanks.” She bid her brother goodbye, and walked to where Seungkwan is waiting.

Feeling dejected, Yoongi walks to the field. He has a practice for basketball friendly match next week.


Jihoon stepped inside the empty classroom. Making sure that all the switch is off, she pulled two tables, placing it under one of the many lamp in the classroom.

With Seungkwan’s help, she managed to put another table on top of the two table, creating a perfect height to reach the lamp.

Seungkwan shook the table a bit. “Good. It’s stable. You can go up now.”

“Okay. Lookout, now. And inform me if there’s something fishy outside.” She carefully step on a chair, before climbing on the mountain of table.

Nodding, Seungkwan walks to the door. Keeping an eye over everything that could happen.

Jihoon, with her hair tied up into a high ponytail, raised her head up slowly, only to find that her nose is exactly under that starter for the lamp. She bends her knee a bit, took out the starter and shoved it inside her small pouch. She then take one of the ‘special’ starter and placed it on the same spot. Beads of sweat started forming on her forehead.

Damn. I really wish that the fan is on, but if I want to live longer, I know better than to turn on the fan. She wiped the sweats using the back of his hand. One down, four to go.

Carefully, she steps down from the table.

Seungkwan tap on her shoulder. “Will it work?”

Shrugs. “I don’t know. Let’s try to turn this on.” She approached the many switch. “Hey, who’s on the lookout?”

“It’s fine. The hallway is free from anything fishy.” Grins.

“Whatever.” She flick one of the switch, and exactly as she wanted it to be, the lamp started flickering but it won’t turn on. “Hoyeah!”

Seungkwan fist pump the air. “Now we can study in the library to-“ her smiling face fall off as her eyes widened.

Jihoon blinks. “Why?” she tilted her head out of confusion.

The shocked girl slowly pointed to the door.

Jihoon turned around, and her eyes widened for a moment.

There, leaning casually on the door frame.

Clad in a black t-shirt and jeans, arm crossing on the chest.

Is none other than, a smirking Choi Seungcheol.


“Chaerin is like, so dumb and crazy at the same time.” Taehyung mumbled, skimming through the application a few times. She lay on her stomach, and propped her elbow on the pillow beneath her.

Jihoon turned her head from her homework. “Why?”

“Health and Beauty Parlour wanted to open up massage booth. You know, like the Thai styled massage.”

Seokmin reached her hand out, asking for the piece of application from Taehyung. She let out a loud laugh. “Guys, listen.”

Wonwoo raised her head from reading a book that she borrowed from Mingyu, eyebrow raised.

“Just listen. Minghao and Jimin, you too.” She held the paper high on the same level as her eyes.

She cleared . “Reason for opening the massage booth. To release stress, to kindly help old people who needs to walk through the festival, to give everyone a chance to experience Thai massage.” Stop. “Ok this is the dumbest reason I’ve ever read. To let people know all the beauty ladies at the Health and Beauty Parlour.”


Minghao is already rolling on the floor, her PSP long forgotten. Jimin clutched her stomach hard. Wonwoo laugh for a good 5 seconds before engulfed herself in the book again, muttering a low ‘dumb rich girls’. Taehyung had her face burrowed in the pillow while Jihoon just shook her head in disbelief.

“Does she really think we’ll allow it? Mark it red, Taehyung.” Red as in for not accepted.


Seokmin passed the paper back to the red haired girl. She rummaged through the stack of application and randomly choose a piece of paper.


Jihoon rolled her eyes. “What now?”

“Wanna know what Basketball Club is doing?”

Eyebrow raised. “Soonyoung’s the captain, right? Along with Junhui?”


“What are they gonna do?”

“Make a guess.”

Eyes rolled. “Seokmin, I don’t have much time for that. Just tell me so that I can finished my homework peacefully.”

Pout. “You’ve no jam, just like Jimin.”

“Hey! I’m offended!!”

“Whatever, Jimin.” Seokmin placed the paper back on the stack. “They are doing flowers and chocolate, order and delivery.”

“Now that is funny.”



Jihoon put her planner along with a blue file on the table. She slumped on the stone chair, heaving a long deep sigh. Wind blowing, breeze slapping her face in a gentle way. Slowly, she turned her neck around, trying to loose the soreness on her neck. She massage the nape gently, slowly closing her eyes.


Her eyes shot open. She craned her head around, and her eyes fell on seven figure walking towards her. She smiled.

“Noona!!” N shouted, and slipped on the chair in front of her.

Ravi squished himself beside N. “Noona!”

Ken put his hand on the corner of his lips. “Noonaaa!!” he shouted before running and jump on the chair beside Jihoon’s chair.

Chan and Hyuk followed suit. “Noona.”

Leo, being calm just nod at Jihoon before quietly sat down.

“Noona.” Hongbin called as he took a seat beside Leo.

Jihoon sigh. “Just call me once is not enough? Do all of you need to do that?”

Grin. “Noona, that means we’re happy to see you!” Chan chirped, wiping the sweats that starts to travel to his chin.

She rolled her eyes. “Basketball training?” she asked even if she already knows. Well, who couldn’t guess? They look like they just took a little dip at the pond, and came running to her without changing.

Nods. “Noona, what’s with those for the evening? It’s unhealthy.” N pointed to the file and planner. “It’s evening! You’re supposed to be exercising!”

“So true! Walking is not considered as an exercise.” Ken adds.

Jihoon push her bang away. “Yeah right. The student is busy as hell and you still ask me to exercise? No thanks.” She snap her finger. “That reminds me, you guys are from basketball club, right?”

Nods. “Yep.”

“So you guys are the one who will be delivering all those flowers and chocolates?”

Hongbin claps his hand. “Yeah! So you already know!” he laugh. “Wanna request some flowers? We have everything in the house.”

“Or maybe you want to send some to a special person?” Ravi wriggled his eyebrow.

Eyebrow raised. “Oh, you can do that too?”

“Yeah! Wanna send it?” N asked, curious about Jihoon’s love life.

She smirk. “Can you send it to Sir Leeteuk?”

“Hooo!! I’ll pass that to Hoshi hyung!”

Jihoon merely laugh.

“But I can help if it was for S.coups.” Chan snickered.

Her eyes widened. “Dino!!”

The younger stood up, a ball on one hand and he raised one leg, bending at the back. His free hand act like a bow. “I’m cupid. I spread the love.”

Laughter from seven boys, and a glare from the certain girl filled the evening.

“Is it that hard? The student council, I mean.” Leo suddenly  asked. His voice timid and slow.

Jihoon rubs her chin. “It’s not that hard, but it will be if you can’t manage your time properly. I mean, if you are supposed to be studying, do the priority, and put all other things behind. And do all your job properly, so I guess it’s not that hard.” She explained.

Leo nods.

Ken pulled his bandana. “Anyway, noona. Is there nothing that we can do to help?”

“Nahh, that’s okay. Everything is almost rea-” she stops talking abruptly and took her planner. Flipping open some page, a smile slowly make its way to her face.

Ravi laugh nervously. “Noona, don’t smile like that. It’s scary.”

“You guys wanna help me, right?”

Gulps. “Yeah?”

“You guys are so in.”



I'm sorry for the late update!

and yes!! Seventeen comeback, and it's on the fourth July, which is my birthday! Feels like they are giving me a birthday present >_<

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 15: *punches the wall*
Chapter 15: Ohh I found it, Aa+Bb!!~~
Chapter 15: Continue with Aa+Bb please? Gahd this is awesome :')
I'm touched!
Chapter 4: because I know what the ending of this story, I kept on grinning while reading! Hlovate is life, honestly ;)
Chapter 15: seungchel a real idiot. Legit real idiot. But i still love him what even brain. can i like freaking get in and like autobot his mind to make jihoon his girlfriend T.T jiheol is being meannnn
reiyohiru #6
Chapter 15: Seungcheol is a true idiot. Like really. Really.
Chapter 15: Sequel please! I need to know what happened to Jihan and Verkwan.. Meanie got their happy ending.. I need the three.. Junhao are already together..
Chapter 15: author-nim,please make them get back together.Happy ending...Your story is the best,Jjang :D
Chapter 15: Nooooooo, I was hoping you would alter the ending *cries a waterfall*
Seungcheol you idiot!
Chapter 13: Awww <3
Author-nim, will this have the same ending?