
Reality vs Illusion

Shori came into work the next day in a better mood and they all noticed. "What happened?" Amu asks but gets no response from the older boy. He would have kept pushing the matter, but Shori's future brother-in-law called the nine boys out of the staff room, saying that there were displeased customers looking for them.

When they came out, the boys were surprised to see their group of friends, and the two boyfriends, waiting for them. "What are all of you doing here?" Shori asks.

"You expect us to do nothing when you disbanded Chicken Basket?" Kento asks, crossing his arms over his chest. Hearing this made the younger boy blink at his ex-boyfriend questioningly.

"We thought you all hated Chicken Basekt for..." Shori starts, but stops himself, not wanting to think about what had happened after they had made up. More like he didn't want to face the reality of Kento being just his friend again.

"I don't ever remember saying I hated Chicken Basket." The older boy answered before turning to the group behind him. "Do you guys remember saying anything like that?"

"No." The rest answered.

"We never hated Chicken Basket." Kento states, turning back to Shori's group. "We hated what you guys did to us." He motions at himself and Fuma. "Shori for cheating on me with Fuma as Dani." Then motions to Kaito and Kishi. "Aran for breaking these two up." Lastly, he motions to the rest. "And the others for not telling us."

"Hey, wait... I told you, Keigo." Kentaro protested. His boyfriend raised an eyebrow at him skeptically.

"Really? I don't remember that. I do remember the bracelet falling out of your pocket though. That's when I found out. If I hadn't, you weren't going to tell me, were you?" Kentaro couldn't say anything and just settled for glaring at his boyfriend, which made the younger boy chuckle and shake his head.

"So, you don't hate Chicken Basket, but... Why would you want it back? That's what I don't understand." Shori points out.

"What, you don't know? We were fans too. Before... Everything that happened." Kento answers.

"But... After Kaito here told us about the disbandment, we kind of felt bad for putting you guys through that. So, we're here to get you guys back as Chicken Basket." Fuma continued on. "And not just for us, for all of your fans."

"So, how about getting back together for your fans?" Kento asks the group, who were hesitant to answer him.

"Ask our leader, Shori." Amu answered, motioning to the older boy. Kento looked over to his friend questioningly.

"I don't know... I mean... We did ruin a lot."

"We fixed everything before coming here." Kaito assured. His gaze went to Aran. "So stop avoiding and or ignoring me, okay?" He motions to Kishi and himself before continuing. "We're not angry anymore."

"It's not like I wanted to do it..." Aran answered. "It just seemed better that way."

"Right, anyway..." Kento lead the conversation away from that topic. "Everything's fixed."

"Not everything..." Kentaro shakes his head, looking from Kento to Shori and back to Kento.

"About that..." Kento started, getting the hint that the older boy had given him. He took Shori by the arm and started leading him out as the others just watched in silence. Someone finally decided to ask though.

"Where is Kento taking him?" Amu asks.

"Just to talk, don't worry." Fuma answers Amu's question.

Kento had pulled Shori out of the restaurant before the younger had pulled his arm away. The older boy could only sigh at his friend before talking. "What's wrong?"

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Shori asks instead of answering Kento's question.

"About us." Kento answers. "Lets get back together again." 

"What?" Shori asks. "Are you sure? Actually... Why?"

"What do you mean why? Don't you want to?" The older asks. "And here I thought you missed me."

"I did miss you! I still do, but..." Shori stopped himself, not being able to continue. He didn't have to though, Kento already had a pretty good idea of what he wanted to say.

"It's okay. I forgive you. So does Fuma. You just have to forgive yourself now. And promise not to play us like that again."

"Of course I won't!"

"Promise?" Shori couldn't reply to that, making Kento raise a brow at him questioningly.

"Well... I can't promise that. I mean... It might happen again. But, I will promise to try to control myself. How does that sound?"

"I guess that's all I can really ask for, right?" Kento sighs, accepting the answer that Shori had given him before pulling the younger boy into a hug. The hug didn't last long because the older boy then pulled his boyfriend into a kiss to seal their old, but new relationship.

On Monday the following week, everyone was surprised to see that Chicken Basket were back. But before their performance, Shori took the mic to make an announcement to everyone in the restaurant. "Hello everyone, we're back." He paused to let the audience errupt in cheers at their return. "Before our performance though, we have something to say." Another pause, to make sure the audience was listening this time. "The customer service has been reduced to only a few of us girls. The rest of us are already taken." Another pause as everyone in the audience errupts with awes to show that they're sad. Shori just smiles apologetically at everyone before walking up to Kento and linking their arms together. "I'm one of the girls who aren't available anymore because this is my boyfriend." Jinguji takes the mic from Shori as him and Amu pass him to go to Genki and Reia.

"I'm another one that isn't available anymore. This is my boyfriend." Jinguji announces, wrapping an around Genki as the older boy turns the mic to himself.

"Actually, Sera..." Genki starts, using the Chicken Basket member's name instead of his real name. "You haven't asked me yet... So, I'm not your boyfriend." Jinguji turns the mic back to him and asks Genki if he would like to be his boyfriend. The answer given was to be expected. "Of course." Amu then takes the mic from Jinguji.

"Though I don't perform with the other girls, I am part of Chicken Basket too. And, just like these two, I'm taken." Amu wraps an arm around Reia as the other moves the mic so he can talk.

"Actually... Just like Sera, you haven't asked me if I would be your boyfriend." So, Amu questions Reia with the same question, which ultimately gave him the same answer before the mic is passed on to Kentaro.

"Well, unlike those two, I do have a boyfriend that I don't need to ask out to confirm it." He smiles as he nuzzles his head into Keigo's shoulder. "Right?"

"Yes, yes, I'm his boyfriend." The younger boy answers, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend as the mic is taken away from him.

"The other four girls are all free, so they will continue to do the customer service as usual." Shori announces, making everyone in the restaurant cheer with pure joy. "Now that that's over, shall we perform?" Pointing the mic to the audience, they were greeted with a roar of approval. 



A/N: That's the end! I have a new fanfic about Infinite, so if you want to check that out, you can here.

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