Chapter 24: Of Goodbye's and I love you's

Vulnerable Heart



There were rows of chairs upon rows of chairs which filled the school’s large auditorium. Said auditorium was decorated with many balloons and a large banner congratulation the Senior students which were graduating. The students all sat together smiling brightly, happy to be done with High School and optimistic of their future. Their parents sat in the back waiting patiently for their child’s name to be called. Amongst those parents were Ariel’s parents, beside them Jae Ha’s parents and brother, Luna’s parents and of course F4, Il Hyun, Ga Eul, Jan Di and Jae Kyung.


Ariel couldn’t help but smile while she held back bitter sweet tears. In just a few hours she would be leaving. There would no longer be any more time. She had not wanted to stay, simply because there was so much to do in New York and she didn’t want to think too much about the people she would miss.


Clapping on the stage caused her to grow startled and look up to see the principal calling up the school’s valedictorian. Smiling Ariel found herself clapping and screaming along with the rest of the students while she looked at Jae Ha who stood on stage. Everyone was in their school uniform for the very last time. It was nostalgic.


Luna, whom had not been there long simply offered a bright smile and Ariel found herself taking her friends hands so as not to cry. Luna simply squeezed her hand and both girls turned to look at the stage wait for Jae Ha to begin speaking.

“I think everyone is excited to begin a new life. Many people forget that the past and the way you live is what make you. For some people graduating means forgetting what happened here good or bad and starting over. If you had bad grades, you think about getting a good job working extra hard in your university. If you had good grades you want to strive for even better.” Jae Ha continued looking down at the crowd.

“If you were invisible in school you want to be seen and if you were a bully well...” Jae Ha’s eyes turned to look at Autumn, Ha Na, Summer, Gook, Ray, and Joon.

“You learn that sometimes the past will follow you. Life isn’t about the strongest or the meanest it’s about overcoming.” Jae Ha spoke turning to look at Ariel and causing her to smile at him.


“Life is about taking chances even when you know you’re going to lose the girl. Even when your unsure of what your future will be. Life is about taking what you’ve learned so far and allowing it to help you grow. Even if it’s far from home and friends.” Jae Ha ended causing everyone to begin to scream louder. The Principal then came back speaking names out loud and going through the rows of people until it was finally Ariel’s turn.


While walking up her heart was racing mainly out of fear that someone would scream something hurtful and the last thing she wanted was for this last memory in Korea to be tainted with hurtful words. However, that was not what awaited her. Ariel suspected that it had to do with the power that was F4. She was glad for that because when she received her diploma and looked out into the crowd she could see all her friends and she offered a bright smile to them without any worries.

The graduation ceremony lasted a few more minutes. Everyone was excited and when that last person was called it felt like things had gone by way too fast. At first Ariel was dragged by both Jae Ha and Luna into taking pictures, she had the camera of course and promised to email the pictures to them. No one really approached her and Ariel was glad, from a distance she could see her bullies. They all kept their distance and Ariel even saw their parents look at her with caution but she ignored it all.


Her parents were at a close distance and Ariel found herself smiling brightly when she saw them along with Yi Jeong and the rest of her friends. Her father was the first to approach her, kissing her cheek and handing her a bouquet of flowers. Smiling Ariel thanked her father just before her mother enveloped her in the tightest of hugs which caused Ariel to tear up.

“I am so proud of you.” Her mother whispered softly. Ariel knew she meant more than just graduating.


“My turn!” Ga Eul spoke with a bright smile. Nodding and laughing Ariel hugged her best friend and sister. Then of course Yi Jeong, Il Hyun, Jan Di, and Jae Kyung. The least affectionate of the bunch like Jun Pyo and Woo Bin simply offered her smiles, and congratulations. Ariel didn’t mind. Jun Pyo had given her a gift, which involved new furniture for the apartment she’d be living in. She’d felt bad about it but Jun Pyo insisted and had simply done so without her knowledge. She was glad that at least she would get to see the heir from time to time simply because he too was going over seas. Geum Jan Di had made her promise to keep an eye on him. Woo Bin on the other hand had gotten her a new camera which she would need for professional shoots. Yi Jeong had done the most. He and Il Hyun had paid for her entire five years stay in New York. She’d told them about paying them back but they’d refused out right stating that they were family. Then there was Ji Hoo…


Ji Hoo hadn’t gotten her anything that was lavishing but he’d bought her school book which were expensive. Her parents had been pinching money all year and she’d earned enough at her job to rent a few used books. It would be enough for her she didn’t mind but Ji Hoo had given simply told her new books would be waiting for her in New York.


“We should go now. Your plane leaves in a few hours.” Her mother spoke up. Looking around Ariel realized Ji Hoo had left without saying good bye. They’d promised her they would meet her at the airport but Ji Hoo had not stayed until the end of the ceremony.

“Alright.” Ariel found herself saying before following her parents towards the car and driving home.


All through the car ride, Ariel tried her best to collect her thoughts. She didn’t want to cry but she was leaving everyone behind. Walking inside her house she felt nostalgia, there were several bags that were packed inside the house, some were hers the others were Yi Jeong’s. Her mother had cried the previous night about having an empty nest for the next five years. Ariel tried not to think of the fact that she would be unable to see her parents for five years. Calls and emails would have to suffice. Il Hyun had comforted saying he’d still stop by on Sundays and Yi Jeong himself promised to call and email them as much as he could.

With a heavy sigh Ariel simply changed into regular clothes before gathering her things to head out the door. Beside the car her father, Yi Jeong and Il Hyun simply opened the trunk of the car and began to help her load her bags. Her mother was already weeping once again when the roaring of a motorcycle was heard and Ariel felt her heart pound when she saw Ji Hoo. Part of her wanted to burst into tears in that moment and demand to know where he had been but she restrained herself and forced down her tears.


“Ji Hoo Sempai.” She managed to say. Ji Hoo in turn offered her a kind smile and turned to look at her parents and bowed politely.

“I know this might be over stepping but I wanted to ask Ariel and… well ask you permission to send her off. I’d like to take her in my motorcycle.”

“Of course.” Her mother responded before her father could say anything. Ariel found herself unable to move, her heart was racing and her feet seemed to be glued to the ground.

“Go on Ariel.” Her mother spoke nudging her forward. Quietly she followed Ji Hoo to his motorcycle and placed the helmet on her head and climbed on the motorcycle after him.

“Hold on to me” Ji Hoo said his voice soft while the engine roared loudly throughout the street.


Holding on tightly to Ji Hoo Ariel could feel her heart racing as fast if not faster than the motorcycle. Her heart ached and tears began to fall from her eyes. All Ariel seemed to be able to do was cling on to Ji Hoo hoping that the ride to the airport would last just a little bit longer.


The ride was silent between them, there was a lingering sadness that clouded both of them. Ariel silently said good bye to him. Her heart was aching for person she knew she could never have. When they finally came to the stop and once she had gone through airport security, her friends were waiting to say goodbye to her.

“This is it. Isn’t it?” Ga Eul spoke tears in her eyes while Yi Jeong, her parents and the rest of F4 along with the girls stood behind them.

“I guess so. I’m going to miss all of you.” Ariel spoke trying not to cry.

“Have fun. Call us when you can.” Jae Ha said to her.

“Of course. We’re the three musketeers.” She said to both Jae Ha and Ga Eul before hugging them tightly.

“Take care of each other.” Ariel whispered to her friends who nodded and hugged her tightly.


Looking at Yi Jeong and Il Hyun she smiled and gave them a brief hug.

“Keep in touch. All of you.” She spoke out loud to F4 and Jan Di and Jae Kyung who both nodded and hugged her quickly to allow Ariel’s parents to do the same.

“Call us as much as you can.” Her father said to her.

“It’ll be fine. Everything works out.” Her mother spoke hugging her tightly.

“Remember you’re tied together by a red lace of fate.”
“String. You mean string.” Ariel spoke though her mother shook her head. Ariel didn’t want to be reminded of this at the moment. Not when the last one to say goodbye was Ji Hoo.


She didn’t want to think of anyone else at the moment. This was the person she liked at the moment and she knew that there would be no one else that she would like more than him. Destiny… it was the first time she hoped her mother was wrong. She would wait. While initially she wanted to forget him as Ariel looked back at Ji Hoo she silently decided that she’d give it time. If when she came back, they were both unattached to anyone and she hoped that by then JI Hoo was over Seo Hyun then… she would give herself a chance. Tears welling in her eyes she hugged him, Ji Hoo did the same. Everyone else simply took a step back allowing them some sort of privacy.

“Goodbye Sempai.” She whispered.

“We’ll see each other again. Don’t worry.” Ji Hoo spoke chuckling.

“Listen to it.” He spoke and Ariel knew she meant his gift.

“I promise.” She said to him.


Not wanting to look at his face she simply broke from the hug and without another word walked away. She had to do so this way. She didn’t want everyone to see her crying. She didn’t know how she made it on the plane but once she was there she simply let herself cry uncaring of who was looking at her now.




Ga Eul wished that Ariel had turned around and looked at Ji Hoo. If she had, then she would have known Ji Hoo had been silently crying himself. It was clear to her and everyone else that was friends with both of them that they were in love. It was also apparent that neither had the courage to express it. It made Ga Eul sad to think that her friends were both filled with regret.

“They’ll work it out Ga Eul-yang don’t worry about them.” Yi Jeong spoke to her.


They’d come back from the airport and were both outside of their homes.

“Graduation is in three days.” Ga Eul whispered to him.

“I don’t want you to think about that.” Yi Jeong spoke to her gently.

“We still have a few days after that.”
“I can’t help it.” Ga Eul spoke tears welling in her eyes.

“Please don’t cry Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong whispered hugging her tightly.


Ga Eul tried to reel in her feelings but she just couldn’t. She’d been pushing her feelings of sadness away for so long, but as the day of parting grew closer it was harder not to cry. For what felt like hours, they simply held on to one another. Yi Jeong allowed Ga Eul to cry and to be comforted by him until she’d finally stopped crying.

“I wish you could come with me.” Yi Jeong admitted.

“But that would be selfish of me. I could never ask you to follow me just because I love you. You have your life here and I plan on coming back to live that life with you too. For now, this is the best for both of us. We can’t be selfish with one another but we can be selfish for ourselves and what we want in life in this moment.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“I know that I might be asking too much of you Ga Eul-yang but I love you and I want you to wait for me.”

Hearing Yi Jeong say those words to her Ga Eul could only feel herself be comforted and filled with love for Yi Jeong.

“I don’t doubt you Sunbae. I trust you.” Ga Eul sniffled.

“I realize that you need this. I would never stop you from achieving your dreams. I have dreams of my own which I want to accomplish. They might not be as big as yours but their mine and I want to fulfill them. I know that being away from each other is necessary so that we can grow as people separately but that doesn’t mean I won’t miss you or that this doesn’t hurt.” Ga Eul spoke allowing herself to tell Yi Jeong how she really was feeling.

“I know.” Yi Jeong responded quietly.


“There are many things that I would have wanted to be different. If I had different parents, had this accident in my hand not happened. There’s so many what if’s in my life but I’m not going to dwell in those moments anymore because I don’t want to feel that pain anymore. I’m dealing with it.” Yi Jeong said to her.

“I’ve learned to live in the moment and look forward to my future. There are a lot of things that we can’t control for one reason or another… but Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke reaching to cup Ga Eul’s face in his hands and pressing his forehead against hers. This action caused both of them to close their eyes tightly, their hearts racing and their breaths unconsciously hitching.

“Right now it should be about right here, right now. Saranghe.”


Without another word Ga Eul felt Yi Jeong’s lips against her own lips. Her mind went completely blank and her heart burst. There was a feeling of flying and a feeling that made her both breathless and feel high. She doesn’t know how long they kissed only, that each time they brought each other closer she felt immense warmth and an urgency to be closer to him. By the time they pulled away from one another they were both panting for air. She could feel a blush on her cheeks and avoided looking at herself through the window reflection. The entire atmosphere around them however was shattered when Ga Eul’s father knocked on Yi Jeong’s car window. He didn’t say anything but simply headed inside his house. Ga Eul knew that as her cue to follow him inside.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke to Ga Eul just as she opened the car door to get out of his car.

“Five years will go by in a blur. That’s what I keep telling myself.” Yi Jeong confessed.

“I promise I’ll come back to you.” He said to Ga Eul who nodded and simply stepped out of his car.

“When I do come back. I intend to marry you.” Yi Jeong spoke just as Ga Eul closed the door. His words caused her heart to race once again, she was unsure what to say but simply found herself walking inside her house closing the door behind her. Smiling to herself she decided to respond to him, knowing she should give an answer.




Watching Ga Eul rush into her home flustered caused Yi Jeong to laugh. It was rare to see this cute side of Ga Eul. Yi Jeong recalled when they’d first met months ago recalling the notebook mix-up. It was one simple action which caused them to meet and now they’d come to this point. Hearing his phone ding Yi Jeong smiled when he saw a message from Ga Eul.



It was a single word but YI Jeong understood it. This in itself caused him to smile.

“I Promise” He texted back and then simply drove away. There were still a few things he needed to take care of before leaving. For now, he was just glad to spend the rest of the time he still had in Korea with his loved ones. Especially Ga Eul.


The days leading up to their graduation were uneventful. Yi Jeong and his friends spent as much time as they could together. Mainly in the F4 lounge. Goo Jun Pyo would always complain about Geum Jan Di and Jae Kyung spending their days sticking to them like glue. It was precisely because of this that they guys ended up spending one night with just the four of them. Geum Jan Di had scolded Jun Pyo for it but in the end she allowed them to have their guy night the day before graduation. In the end, both Jan Di and Jae Kyung came anyway in the middle of their pool playing. Goo Jun Pyo had been pissed but Yi Jeong had a feeling he had been happier to have Geum Jan Di there as they too were on borrowed time.


The week had come and gone in a blur and by the time Graduation had come, it seemed like everyone had simply accepted the situation they were in. Yi Jeong was sitting with F4, Geum Jan Di, Ha Jae Kyung, and of course Ga Eul. Their graduation ceremony was being held in school but the after party would be at an expensive Shinwa hotel. Feeling a hand squeeze his own Yi Jeong smiled at Ga Eul. Today would be their very last day together. Yi Jeong had made plans after graduation and while Jae Hee was giving a speech to the students about going forward. Yi Jeong wasn’t really listening and he was sure Ga Eul wasn’t either. Only when his name was called, did he pay attention. Simply because of the cheers.


While Yi Jeong was aware of how the entire school seemed to worship them Yi Jeong didn’t care for that. Everyone always seemed to want something. While he was use to that when Yi Jeong thought about his graduation ceremony the last thing he would have predicted was that family would be there. Yi Jeong had never thought about family at any event that wasn’t business. His dysfunctional parents had never attended anything that was his or Il Hyun. Today would be no different. But while in the past Yi Jeong had felt alone in the past when it came to things like these, this was not the case today. While going up to get his diploma Yi Jeong smiled upon seeing his Aunt and Uncle and of course Il Hyun. However, what made everything better in his life was Ga Eul. Yi Jeong never thought he would ever be able to be loved or love someone. Even when they would be apart Yi Jeong was sure that his love for Ga Eul would never change.


By the time their graduation was over Yi Jeong went towards his family. His uncle was the first to congratulate him. From a distance Yi Jeong could see Ga Eul and her parents talking.

“I got what you asked for.” Il Hyun spoke to Yi Jeong handing him a bouquet or red roses.

“You really have it bad.” Il Hyun spoke patting him on the back.

“We’ll see you later.” His Aunt had said to him just before they left assuming that Yi Jeong would go to the after party.


Heading towards Ga Eul and her parents Yi Jeong bowed to them politely. He was aware that Ga Eul’s father did not like him and that was apparent when he stopped smiling and simply looked at Yi Jeong sternly. He didn’t say anything and simply let Ga Eul talk to Yi Jeong.

“These are for you Ga Eul-yang.”
“Thank you Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke taking the bouquet in her hands. A pretty blush had already settled on her cheeks while she sniffed the roses.

“Ga Eul!” Jae Kyung spoke walking over to them and hugging Ga Eul tightly, her eyes filled with excitement. Briefly she bowed politely to both of Ga Eul’s parents.

“Come on. We need to go to the after party. This will be our last time as high school students. You’ll allow her to go with us won’t you?” Jae Kyung asked Ga Eul’s parents.

“It will be going a little late won’t it?” Ga Eul’s mother questioned.

“Yes.” Jan Di spoke walking over and bowing politely at Ga Eul’s parents.

“We wanted to ask if you’d let Ga Eul stay at my house. We’ll take good care of her we promise.” Jan Di spoke with a smile.

“Hey! Are you coming or not we’re going to be late!” Jun Pyo shouted as he came over with Woo Bin. Yi Jeong wanted to laugh at the startled expression of Ga Eul’s parents.


Goo Jun Pyo wasn’t very polite to people but at least he had bowed politely to Ga Eul’s parents as did Woo Bin.

“We should get going.” Woo Bin spoke.

“We’ll take good care of Ga Eul. We really do promise.” Jan Di spoke offering Ga Eul’s parents a bright smile.

“Alright.” Her mother spoke.

“Come on then.” Jan Di spoke taking Ga Eul’s hand and guiding her away. Yi Jeong could tell that her father wasn’t too convinced about letting Ga Eul leave with them. They all piled into a large limo that Goo Jun Pyo had brought for them. They were only a few blocks away from school when the car abruptly stopped.

“Alright. Everyone get out.” Jun Pyo spoke.

“What’s going on?” Ga Eul questioned confused after Woo Bin, Jae Kyung, she and Yi Jeong were let out of the limousine which proceeded to drive away with only Goo Jun Pyo and Geum Jan Di.


“Relax.” Jae Kyung spoke, heading to Woo Bin’s car which had been parked across the street.

“This was a favor.” Woo Bin said motioning to Yi Jeong, this in turn caused Ga Eul to look at Yi Jeong.

“I want to go somewhere.”
“Good luck.” Jae Kyung spoke winking at Ga Eul and heading towards Woo Bin’s car, dragging her said boyfriend with her. Yi Jeong immediately noticed that Ga Eul became nervous. He had an inkling as to what she was thinking about but Yi Jeong was simply wanting to spend time with her. For now, he would let her continue to make up stories in her head. After all, teasing his innocent Ga Eul-yang was indeed fun.




Where were they going? Ga Eul had been under the impression that they would be going with the rest of their friends. However, that was not the case at this moment. Her heart was racing and there was more than one question running inside her mind. While Ga Eul was in love with Yi Jeong she was not ready for anything more than what they had done together. Which in itself was nothing more than just kissing.


She was unsure of what to say but finally managed to ask.

“Where are we going?”
“Don’t get the wrong idea Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke causing Ga Eul to blush while he laughed at her, his eyes shining mischievously.

“I want to spend time with you but we’re not ready for anything more.” He spoke for her.

“I’m a guy but I’m not an idiot Ga Eul-yang. I know you’re not ready and I don’t think I’ll be able to get myself to leave if we did anything else.” He spoke honestly causing Ga Eul to blush.


It was in that moment that the car came to a stop at Yi Jeong’s mansion. Since the fire, Ga Eul was sure that Yi Jeong had not been back to his home since the fire. She hadn’t pressed him for details in regards to his family and she allowed him to share what he wanted. From what she understood his father was living in a house he’d purchased after the accident. Ga Eul was also aware that Yi Jeong’s house was still under construction.

“Where are we going?” Ga Eul questioned.

“The kiln.” Yi Jeong said to her with a smile.


Smiling back at him Ga Eul followed him inside. She wasn’t surprised to find it empty as he had destroyed most of his pottery in his very dark time.

“I haven’t been able to make anything good yet.” Yi Jeong spoke honestly.

“My hand is better with the therapy I’ve received and I have a few things I’m working on.”
“When have you come here?” Ga Eul questioned.

“After therapy.” Yi Jeong admitted.

“I was frustrated at first and to be honest I was mad at myself…but… today I wanted to this with you.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“You’re going to teach me Sunbae?” Ga Eul questioned with a smile.

“I wish I could… but unfortunately I’m still not up to par with my own standards.”
“So I’d thought we’d mold some clay with out feet.” He spoke with a smile. This caused Ga Eul to laugh lightly, but otherwise she complied and followed Yi Jeong in taking of her shoes and towards a pile of clay that was on the floor.


The clay was soft and just a bit squishy on her feet. Smiling at Yi Jeong the two began to mold the clay as best they could.

“Thank you Ga Eul-yang.”

“For what Sunbae?”
“I took things for granted in my life and I thought pottery at some point was something I had to do simply because of my name but. I truly enjoy it and had it not been for you I might have given up on it.”

“I’m not sure if I’ll ever be as good as I was in the past but… I’m not giving up on this because I love it too much.” His words caused Ga Eul to smile.

“I’m happy for you Sunbae and I know you’ll be a great potter again.” She spoke.


Smiling at her Yi Jeong pressed a kiss to Ga Eul’s cheek, this took her by surprise and caused her to take a step back. She was sure she would fall only to be caught around the waist by Yi Jeong who chuckled at her reaction. Her heart raced but when Yi Jeong moved closer in order to kiss her Ga Eul found herself closing her eyes willingly. However, when the kiss never came she opened her eyes again, blushing. Once again Yi Jeong laughed and Ga Eul realized he was teasing her again. Before she could get out of his grasp Yi Jeong had simply kissed her. Taken back Ga Eul slowly allowed herself to melt into the kiss.





The sound of the alarm ringing, informed Yi Jeong that it was time to get up. Beside him Ga Eul stirred and opened her eyes. They’d ended up talking all night and having dinner delivered to his house the previous night. Nothing had happened other than a few kisses. Yi Jeong wasn’t ready to leave and looking at Ga Eul who was forcing herself to smile while her eyes expressed sadness told him that she too was not ready for him to go; that in itself made things harder for him.


Turning off his alarm he could see a message from Aunt informing him that they would be waiting at the airport. There were a few message from his friends saying the same thing as his Aunt and Uncle and a message from Ji Hoo which read.
“Sorry I couldn’t be there. Good Luck”

Shaking his head Yi Jeong smiled hoping that his hunch as to where Ji Hoo was going was right.

“Ga Eul-yang we should go. I don’t want to miss my flight.” He said to her. Nodding she quietly followed him out of the kiln and towards his car.


The ride to the airport was silent neither of them were in the mood to speak. Instead they held hands occasionally squeezing each other’s hand for reassurance. Yi Jeong was nervous, he had not realized just how much he would miss Ga Eul until they were inside the airport and his flight was announced for him to board the plane. His friends were waiting as was his brother and his family.

“Take care of yourself. I’ll come see you when I can.” Il Hyun said to Yi Jeong who nodded, allowing his brother to hug him. Smiling Yi Jeong hugged him back, glad that they had made up in time.

“See you later.” Woo Bin spoke to Yi Jeong.

“We’ll drop by sometime.” Jun Pyo spoke.

“Aren’t you leaving too?” Yi Jeong questioned.

“My flight is leaving an hour after yours.” Jun Pyo pointed out, Yi Jeong noted that Jan Di was tightly holding on to Goo Jun Pyo’s hand and his friend simply smiled at Jan Di.

“Don’t worry about anything here. We’ll take care of it and we’ll let you know if you really must.” His uncle spoke to him.

“We’ll take care of your parents and tell you if it’s really urgent.” Yi Jeong understood.

“Take care of yourself. Call us when you can, make sure you eat properly” His Aunt spoke hugging him tightly.


It was strange for Yi Jeong to be coddled and fussed over like this. While he knew no one could really ever fill the void that his mother had left his Aunt and Uncle did a great job making him forget about it.
“We’ll wait in the car for you if you’d like Ga Eul” His Aunt spoke to Ga Eul who shook her head.

“It’s alright. Woo Bin Sunbae is driving us to Jan Di’s house after.” Ga Eul spoke her voice soft. It was clear she was trying to hold back from crying and Yi Jeong himself was already feeling choked up knowing that they were going to say goodbye.

“We’ll wait in the car.” Jae Kyung spoke following Woo Bin and Yi Jeong’s family out. Geum Jan Di and Goo Jun Pyo simply walked away from them giving them space and taking time themselves to spend a few last moments together.


Ga Eul offered Yi Jeong a smile though tears were already her eyes. Silence lingered between the two of them for a moment before Yi Jeong took hold of Ga Eul’s hand.

“Ga Eul-yang.”
“Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke up allowing tears to fall from her eyes hugging her tightly in his arms Yi Jeong couldn’t stop himself from crying as well.

“I’ll keep my promise to you Ga Eul-yang. This isn’t goodbye. We’ll see each other soon.” Yi Jeong spoke pulling away from the hug and wiping away Ga Eul’s tears. Ga Eul herself reached to touch his cheek.

“I know you will Sunbae. I’ll wait for you.”
“I love you Ga Eul.” Yi Jeong spoke pressing a chaste kiss to Ga Eul’s lips.

“Remember. When I come back you’ll be the first person I look for.” With those last words Yi Jeong let go of Ga Eul and walked away. He didn’t want to make this goodbye last longer than it should as he could hardly make himself leave her. His heart was aching because he knew it would be a while before he would see her again.

“Sunbae.” Ga Eul called after him causing him to turn, when he did Ga Eul had rushed to him and kissed him. Pulling her close he allowed himself lose himself in a very passionate kiss, uncaring of the people that were around them. When they pulled away they pressed their foreheads against one another panting.

“I love you too Sunbae. Keep your promise to me.” Ga Eul spoke. Nodding Yi Jeong then headed towards his flight.

“See you later Ga Eul-yang”




A week had gone by since she arrived in New York. It had taken her a while to settle in her new home. Living in the pension that she had arranged was good for her. She was around other people from school which would be attending the summer program. She’d made a couple of new friends upon arriving. There was Spencer, Andrea, and Leah. They would be attending the same University as her, though they would be studying different things. Ariel didn’t really mind just as long as she had a few people to talk too. She’d spent the entire week site seeing with these new friends and for the most part she had enjoyed herself. Taking pictures and going around New York City. At night however, things were different. Every night she would listen to the playlist which Ji Hoo had personally made for her. There were so many songs Ariel was unsure she would ever get to finish listening to all the songs he had put for her to listen to.


Though there were no lyrics and just a melody, it made her nights more relaxed and left her thinking of him when she would listen just before bed. During these times she would think of her time with Ji Hoo and times they spent together. She would sometimes close her eyes and picture herself back in Korea with Ji Hoo playing the piano, the violin or the guitar right beside her.

“Come on! We’ll be late for the school tour.” Leah spoke. The beautiful blonde haired green eyes girl spoke.

“Coming.” Ariel spoke putting on her red ballerina flats, and rushing out the door with only the iPod given to her by Ji Hoo.


University was a fifteen-minute walk away when they arrived they were given a nametag attacked to a red ribbon which they would hang on their neck. They were introduced to a few counselors and a few of their senior whom would show them around campus. Their classes would begin in a few days and Ariel was looking forward to it. She really wanted to become a great photographer and she was eager to learn all that she could.

“We’ll take a fifteen-minute break for lunch.” A Senior announced after they spent half the day out in the University going through building and pointing out important building out to the student. Sighing Ariel simply decided to stay outside, sitting on a bench that was placed below a large tree.

“Ariel!” Spencer spoke offering her a bright smile and walking over to her in order to sit.

“Hey.” She spoke to him; they had been divided into groups in order of what they were studying. Spencer was a painter and there was always a sketchbook in his hand, just like there was always a camera in hers.

“You’re not going to have lunch?” He questioned.

“I’m not very hungry. I think I’m just going to rest here.”
“Are you sure? Leah and Andrea are in the cafeteria.”
“I’m sure.” Ariel spoke.

“Alright. See you later then.” Spencer spoke getting up and leaving.


Taking her iPod out of her pocket Ariel simply enrolled her earphones which were around the iPod tightly and simply placed the earphones in her ears. Closing her eyes, she thought she’d hear a song play instead what she heard was someone’s voice.

“Ariel… I suppose that by now you’ve settled in New York and… if you’re hearing this then I know you’ve reached the end of this playlist…you know… you’re so dense.” Ji Hoo spoke through what Ariel realized was a recording of him speaking.

“I suppose I am too.” He spoke chuckling. Listening to his laugh caused Ariel’s heart to squeeze unsure of what he would say next or why he had left this message for her.

“If you haven’t caught on to what the theme of all these songs mean then… I’ll say it to you now. I like you. I love you…. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you these words because I knew that you’d leave and… you’re such a cheerful person, kind, and you’ve stood beside me without wanting anything in return. I don’t know when I began to love you but I do. Maybe by now you’ve already found that person you’re meant to meet in New York. I don’t expect you to like me back or feel the same way but… I needed to let you know even if it is too late. I’ve always been a bit stupid when it comes to love but if you haven’t met that person yet and if you feel something for me like I feel for you then… I will wait…”


There was an overwhelming feeling in Ariel’s heart as she listened to Ji Hoo confess his love to her. She felt a stupid for holding her own feelings back and realized they’d both been extremely stupid. She could hear a melody begin to play on the piano and immediately she held a hand to to keep herself from crying. It was I love you by Just an Ost from the drama My Love from Another Star. She could hear Ji Hoo playing the piano while he sang along as well. Her heart felt as though it was going to burst and all throughout the song she could only cry feeling her heart ache and feeling regret and wishing she could have told him how she felt.


When the song was over all Ariel could do was stay seated where she was as she wiped away her tears and sniffled. She wanted to call Ji Hoo but the there was a time difference and she had no idea what she would say or how she would tell him that she too loved him. It was at this precise moment that a gust of strong wind suddenly blew and Ariel’s name tag was abruptly ripped off her neck. The name falling on her lap while the ribbon flew in the air.

“Oh no!” Ariel spoke rushing to chase after the ribbon.


It was silly to run after a ribbon but she would need to hang the nametag back on her neck. She supposed she looked a bit ridiculous and childish running after it. When the wind picked up again she wondered why it was cold in the middle of summer. She could see her red ribbon fly in the air and almost lost it. She saw it by someone’s feet and simply decided to call out.

“Don’t let the Ribbon fly away! I need it!” Rushing to pick it up she managed to grab it just as the other person took hold of it as well.

“Thank you this was very important.” She spoke panting and finally looking up at the person. Her heart stopped and as she looked at Ji Hoo she wondered if her mind was playing a trick on her.

“Sempai… what are you doing here?” She found herself asking.

“You’ve been crying.” He spoke to her upon seeing her bloodshot eyes and seeing traces of tears on her cheeks.

“Did you hear it?” He questioned causing her to nod.

“Did you find him?” Once again she simply shook her head as an answer smiling as she did so while tears ran down her cheeks once again; her heart pounding in her chest.

“I couldn’t wait.” Ji Hoo spoke pulling her close and pressing his lips against her own.


It was like fireworks had lit up in her head and her heart had burst all at the same time. She felt shy but found herself kissing him back unsure if this was a dream and if it was she didn’t want to ever wake up from it. When they finally pulled away Ji Hoo was smiling back at her.

“Sempai I..”
“I know.” Ji Hoo spoke to her smiling at her and pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.

“I Love you too.” He spoke.

“How long are you staying?”
“Just this summer. My grandfather needs me there but he sends his well wishes to us. I wish I could stay but I want to study medicine and take over my grandfather’s hospital. For now, I’ll be taking a course here in music this summer. It’ll give me time to spend time to say goodbye to music for now and it will keep me busy while you go to school too. I know two months isn’t ideal and” Smiling at him Ariel hugged Ji Hoo and causing him to chuckle.

“It’s fine Sempai.” Ariel spoke with a smile.





The night was comfortably warm. The stars were out and the street was quiet. Gazing out her window and looking at the night sky Ga Eul’s heart felt heavy. Clutching at the ring that was around her neck Ga Eul traced her thumb along Yi Jeong’s name.

“Five years…” She thought to herself. Closing her eyes, she silently made a wish hoping that five years would pass by soon.

{A/N Thank you for reading! Only one chapter left! }

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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon