Chapter 17: What is love?

Vulnerable Heart


The sound of the clock ticking by cut off the silence which lingered in the room. Yi Jeong was sitting on a large gray couch, in front of him his therapist sat in front of him. She was a woman around her early thirties, she wore a black women’s suit, her hair was tied in a ponytail and she wore little to no makeup. Her glasses complemented her young looking heart faced, and as she looked at Yi Jeong she would occasionally write down something on her notepad that rested on her lap or asked Yi Jeong a question.

“So what did you do when you saw Ga Eul?” Emma questioned.


For a moment Yi Jeong thought back to the moment he had seen Ga Eul, shock and surprise where clearly written on her face; but it was the pain that flashed in her brown eyes that caused his heart to clench.

“Yi Jeong?” She asked once again. While at first, Yi Jeong had not been talkative, in fact he’d spent the first session evading questions or answering using vague explanations if he was going to get better he realized he needed to put in some effort.

“I… I couldn’t look at her. I know I hurt her, I’ve wronged her when all she did was care for me, so I walked away.”
“What about your friends and school?”

“I’m working on it. My friends have forgiven me. But now the girls spend their time away from us, they seem to understand Ga Eul-yang needs Jan Di and Jae Kyung at her side.”
“At home? Your Aunt and Uncle? Your cousin Ariel?”
“It’s still weird.” Yi Jeong spoke smiling to himself.


“I’m still not accustomed to having people around me or having someone ask about my day or”
“Care.” Yi Jeong concluded.

“It makes me think about the possibilities of the past. My Uncle is great, he feels like a father my aunt is eccentric but caring, and Ariel is Ariel” Yi Jeong spoke with a smile.

“She’s kind, and she was understanding about Ga Eul and I. She’s a good friend to both of us.”
“It sounds like you have good friends. Great people surround you.”
“What about your brother?”
“He won’t return my calls.”

“How does that make you feel?” Emma asked while quickly taking notes on her notepad.

“I understand him. I wouldn’t want to talk to me either, I handled things all wrong and I hurt him at the time I wanted to because I was angry at him too,”
“He left me alone. I did not intend to hurt him the way I did. But he left me in that house with those two people and never looked back. When I met Eun Jae she was not with him, she used both of us but even after it all said and done I continued to entangle myself with that women trying to payback what I thought I had a right to be angry about.”
“And now?”


“I feel regret and sorry. I understand him more, he had to deal with them and take on me as a burden.”
“Them? Your parents?”
“Yes.” Yi Jeong answered.

“Have you spoken to either of your parents?” Emma questioned causing Yi Jeong to smile at her with irony.


“My father is never home, he’s always working or out traveling, finding his next young conquest though it never lasts.” Unconsciously Yi Jeong began to clench his hurt hand something Emma noted. She was aware of the circumstances in which Yi Jeong had acquired his injury as he was aware of his family details, but it was important that Yi Jeong talk all of it out.


“Do you resent him?” Emma questioned causing Yi Jeong to scoff.

“Wouldn’t you?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you give me your reasons?”
“The man was never home, he was always off working or cheating on my mother and he never bothered to hide his shameful behavior. It’s his fault that she did not care for us enough and continues to hurt herself.”

“Do you blame her as well?”
“Can’t I?” Yi Jeong countered.

“The woman has no real motherly instincts unless she’s drunk, or wants to show that man she can be a mother. Usually she’s having an episode of hers and is in hysterics before she tried to end her life.”
“You seem angry at both of them.” Emma continued to say trying to encourage Yi Jeong to continue.

“How can I not be? They took us from a home where Il Hyun and I could have been happy. Away from them and their hectic life. Both of them used us to annoy the other. How can a father not ever look at his child without love? How can a mother prefer a man over her children? How can she chose to die for a man but not want to live for her children?”
“So yes, I hate them. I hate them both. For being selfish.”
“What about you?” Emma questioned.

“What about me?” Yi Jeong questioned back.
“You hate your parents and yet, you seem to emulate what they’ve done to you on yourself. Sleeping with women is something you’ve seemed to learn from your father, and your mother.”
“I know.” Yi Jeong spoke cutting her off.


“I can see it, and I know it,”
“I was raised that way.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“But it wasn’t all you are. Why do you feel like you need to be this person in front of everyone.”
“I don’t know… at the time it felt like a good idea. Hiding seemed like a realistic way to avoid pain. My father is selfish and so is my mother they care only for themselves and I thought….If I don’t want to get hurt I should do the same.”
“But you don’t only care for yourself do you Yi Jeong?” Emma questioned.

“You care for your friends. You seem quite fond of them and you have not lost your ties with them I mean. You chose to allow them in.”
“Friendships are different.”
“Are they?” Emma questioned looking at Yi Jeong kindly.
“I mean. You are surrounded by a world where I assume people build ties for business, politics, money. Your friendships are with powerful people.”
“It’s different. I can trust them.”
“Why?” Emma pushed.

“They’ve never let me down. Not when I needed them the most.”
“And Ga Eul? She seems important in your life and yet, she’s only been in your life for a very short period of time. Tell me why she is set apart from them?”
“It’s complicated.” Yi Jeong spoke.


“How so? Is Ga Eul not a friend?”
“She’s different…special.” Yi Jeong admitted.

“In what way?” Emma questioned. For the first time Yi Jeong actually looked embarrassed but continued knowing what he said would not leave the room.

“I like her. A lot.” He admitted.
“And you don’t like your friends?” Emma questioned causing Yi Jeong to laugh nervously.

“You know what I mean.”
“You’re infatuated with her.” Emma stated while Yi Jeong did not respond but silence was enough to reach a conclusion.


“Friends are one thing. Love is different.”
“How is it different? Why is she different?” Emma questioned.

“Because she’s Ga Eul-yang. She understands me without me having to say anything. She cares even now that I’ve ruined any possibility for us.”
“Why do you think you did that?”
“I’m not good enough for her. I know that. Besides. It was only a matter of time.”
“For what?”
“Love isn’t real. Sooner or later things go wrong, people disappoint you.”
“Do you think Ga Eul would disappoint you?”
“No… It was only a matter of time before she knew everything and, she’s too innocent to handle my life.”
“It sounds to me like you don’t believe in her, or the way she feels about you.”
“Ga Eul-yang doesn’t love me. She cares for me but.”
“You don’t think she loves you? Why? Don’t you believe someone can love you?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore if she did love me. That feeling stopped the moment I ruined it.”



Keeping a promise to yourself and to your parents was easier than Ga Eul had anticipated. Of course, it helped and both hurt when she saw Yi Jeong. Seeing him that day, and watching him walk away had hurt. It became clear to her that she was someone Yi Jeong did not want to interact with at all. He had been living next door to her for the past few days at that point and he had done his best to avoid her.


Ariel had apologized to her for not telling her about YI Jeong but it had been something Yi Jeong had not wanted her to know about, that in itself brought Ga Eul pain. Her father had not been too happy about the fact that Yi Jeong was now their neighbor but it certainly seemed like Yi Jeong was trying his best not to be seen. He was hardly ever outside of the Lee home. Most of the time Ga Eul would see him come in and out of the house at the most three times a day.


Ga Eul would be lying to herself if she’d said that she had not been watching Yi Jeong. Even if at school they both did their best to avoid one another, Ga Eul was very aware of Yi Jeong’s presence. They no longer talked or even stood next to one another but there were times at school now that Ga Eul could feel Yi Jeong looking at her.


Ga Eul could feel this, simply because there was this feeling in her chest for a moment, that both gave her a feeling of nervousness inside her chest and at the same time caused butterflies in her stomach. However, when she would turn to look at him and their eyes would meet from across the room, Yi Jeong would look away.

“Ga Eul?”


Looking up at Jan Di who offered her a questioning and concerned look Ga Eul offered a smile to her friend. Jan Di and Jae Kyung had stuck by her and Ga Eul was grateful for that. Before meeting Yi Jeong, Ga Eul had not had friends in Shinwa, people tended to avoid the girl with no money. There weren’t many people here that bothered to talk to Ga Eul. Students that had gotten scholarships much like her, seemed to drift away from her. Being along never bother Ga Eul before but meeting F4 and the girls was different. It would hurt Ga Eul to know that they would stop talking to her. Fortunately, the had not done that. In fact, the boys still talked to her when they were not with Yi Jeong and sometimes they would walk up to her even when they were with him to say hi. She was glad for that; she was happier over the fact that they seemed to forgive Yi Jeong.


“Ga Eul?”
“Sorry I, I’m a little distracted.” Ga Eul admitted to Jae Kyung who had been the one to call her name this time.
“It’s fine.” Jan Di spoke up.

“But you know that you can talk to us don’t you? We are your friends.” Jae Kyung stated causing Ga Eul to smile at them genuinely.

“I know.”

“Good.” Jan Di spoke up with a smile.

“So, any plans for the weekend?” Jan Di asked, the girls were currently standing in front of their lockers ready to go home. They’d had a test their last period, Ga Eul had crammed all the studying she could do the past few days but concentrating had been a little harder than expected when she’d continued to stare out her window and wonder about her new neighbor. This hand landed her sending laser signals to Jae Ha the previous night.


The night was cold, stifling the air and causing Ga Eul’s face to feel numb and her nose to grow red. Standing outside of her house Ga Eul smiled kindly at Jae Ha who jogged slowly down the street and towards her front porch. Offering Ga Eul a smile he sat beside her on the front porch steps.


For a few moments silence lingered in the air until Jae Ha spoke.

“Rough day?”
“Rough week.” Ga Eul concluded resting her head on his shoulder. No matter how she had felt previously or now about Jae Ha, like Ariel he was always someone she could count on when she needed someone to listen to her.

“Well, things will get better Ga Eul.” Jae Ha comforted.


“Do you think things would have been easier if I’d stayed liking you?” Ga Eul admitted, though part of her felt embarrassed and confessing the way she had felt about him, part of Ga Eul had always known Jae Ha had known of her feelings. His chuckle and the way he smiled at her let her know Jae Ha had known all along.
“Would it have?”
“I know you didn’t like me I just.”
“Of course I like you Ga Eul, you are very important to me. I care for you and I love you, just not the way you expected me too.” Jae Ha admitted.


Deep down, Ga Eul had always known in fact, she had an inkling that she wasn’t the only one with a one sided love in their friendship but most of the time Ga Eul had brushed it off and told herself it was not true.

“Sometimes, love isn’t meant to be more than friendship. If you’re lucky it may turn into something else, something special but. I’d rather keep my friendships than fight for something I know only I feel.” Jae Ha spoke. Unconsciously, he’d turned to look at Ariel’s house and Ga Eul smiled sadly. She’d realized a very long time ago that Jae Ha had feelings for Ariel. Her oblivious friend had not noticed and Ga Eul realized it was for the best when it became obvious that the oblivious Ariel only saw Jae Ha as a friend.

“You’re right” Ga Eul agreed with Jae Ha.


“Sometimes your love isn’t enough.”
“Hey. At least we’re still friends.” Jae Ha spoke with a smile.

“Besides. I know when I’ve lost to a good person.”
“Have I?” Ga Eul questioned smiling kindly at Jae Ha.

“Well, not technically since I’ve yet to find that person that allows me to love them the way I want.” Jae Ha confessed.

“But, I yield to Yoon Ji Hoo.” Jae Ha confessed smiling. There was no pain in his eyes, Ga Eul realized. In fact, he seemed to come to terms with it in a way Ga Eul could not understand. It was mature of Jae Ha to speak that way.

“Oppa, you’re so cool.” Ga Eul spoke causing Jae Ha to chuckle.
“I want her to be happy. I’m just not that person that makes her smile the way he does.” Jae Ha admitted.

“He’s a good person. I just, needed to know she was in good hands.”
“You know, they might not.”
“I know.” Jae Ha spoke, cutting her off and looking out in to the night.

“I made up my mind a long time ago that she does not love me and I’m alright with that. I know when I’ve lost.”
“Will you ever tell her how you feel?” Ga Eul questioned.


For a moment, Jae Ha was quiet Ga Eul allowed the comfortable silence in which they had slipped into to linger until Jae Ha was ready to speak.

“Someday, when I’ve found the person I love and I know she won’t feel sorry for not loving me the same way I love her.”
“I’m not sad you know.” Jae Ha stated.

“I know. You’re a good guy Jae Ha.”

“Aren’t I?” Jae Ha spoke offering Ga Eul a smile and winking at her, the action causing Ga Eul to laugh lightly.

“Don’t feel bad for me Ga Eul.” Jae Ha stated.

“One day, years from now when we’ve all settled down with that one person we love more in the world the three of us will smile about this. Ariel, you and I will always be friends something that I will always treasure.”

“Me too.” Ga Eul spoke with a smile.



“Ga Eul?”
Offering her friends a smile Ga Eul nodded.

“I have plans this weekend. It’s Jae Ha’s birthday and we’re planning a small trip to the amusement park just the four of us.”
“The four of us?” Jae Kyung questioned.

“Amusement park? Can we come?” Jun Pyo spoke up walking up to the girls at their locker and throwing an arm around Jan Di who glared at him.

“Don’t invite yourself to other people’s parties.” Jan Di scolded glaring at Jun Pyo. Feeling a little uncomfortable, not at the question but over the fact that for the first time in a long time Yi Jeong was only a few inches away from her Ga Eul simply forced a smile.
“It will be fine. You’re all welcome to go but, you have to pay for your own tickets, Ariel and I have pulled our money together from our old job to pay for our tickets and gifts for Jae Ha already.” Ga Eul spoke.

“That’s fine. We’ll pay for our own tickets.” Jae Kyung spoke up with excitement.


“Ga Eul!”
Hearing her name being called out Ga Eul smiled when she saw Ariel standing at the end of the hall of the school beside her a boy who looked just like Jae Ha stood with her, with the difference being only his height and the glasses he wore on his face. Smiling Ga Eul watched Ariel and said boy approach her.

“Min Ha” Ga Eul spoke when the boy hugged her.

“Min Ha? I thought you said his name was Jae Ha?” Jun Pyo questioned causing Ga Eul and Ariel to laugh lightly.
“This is Min Ha, Jae Ha’s older brother” Ga Eul introduced.


Min Ha was Jae Ha’s older brother, granted he was a few years older than Jae Ha but the man looked more like his twin brother than Jae Ha’s older brother. In fact, often enough Ga Eul remembers the two boys praying pranks on the neighborhood and switching names to confuse everyone. When Min Ha left to study abroad, Jae Ha was devastated. Min Ha still lived in the states, and was finishing up his studies there but had called Ga Eul and Ariel to let them know he was surprising Jae Ha on his birthday.

“Oppa, I’m so glad to see you.” Ga Eul spoke with a smile.
“Me too Ga Eul I haven’t seen you in so long. You’ve gotten prettier.” Min Ha spoke with a smile.

“So, are you ready to go?” Min Ha questioned.

“Yeah. Thanks for coming. Jae Ha will be really happy to see you.”
“I know.” Min Ha spoke with a charming smile.

“Come on then, let’s go to the mall, I have a few more things to buy my brother for his birthday.” Min Ha spoke to Ga Eul who nodded. Turning to her friends and avoiding Yi Jeong Ga Eul smiled at them.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Ga Eul spoke up.

“I’ll drive the Moped.” Min Ha spoke to Ga Eul with a smile before turning to Ga Eul’s friends and bowing to them politely as did they.



Watching Ga Eul walk away with someone else caused Yi Jeong’s heart to ache. There was a feeling of regret which he knew would come when he saw Ga Eul with someone else. Yi Jeong knew that this feeling would not pass and yet, what could he do? Feeling a nudge Yi Jeong looked at Ariel who offered him a comforting smile.

“Come on. You have to drive me back to school.” Ariel spoke to him.
“I thought school was over. Isn’t that why you’re here?” Jan Di questioned.

“It is. But. I’m an understudy in a play now. Jae Ha forced me to be.” Ariel pouted.

“He doesn’t know that Min Ha is back and I had to sneak away. I have to go back and work on the sets though.” Ariel spoke with a frown.

“You don’t seem too happy about it.” Woo Bin spoke up.

“She came home covered in paint.” Yi Jeong spoke up with a frown remembering how Ariel had come home.


The kids at school had stapled her on to a set and then proceeded to throw paint on her while Jae Ha had gone to the restroom.

“I swear I was only away for a few minutes.” The guy had spoke to Ariel’s parents apologizing profoundly as he explained what had happened. It had been the first time Yi Jeong had seen such a look of sadness in Ariel’s eyes, she had been fighting back tears and had simply gone to clean herself up without a word. When she’d come back out for dinner hours later she was smiling brightly. She’d been asked about the incident at dinner but had brushed it off as nothing.

“Are you serious?” Jae Kyung spoke outraged at hearing what had happened to her friend.

“They stapled her to a set as well.”
“Yi Jeong.” Ariel protested.

“Come on. I’ll drive you back and I’ll stay there until it’s time to go back home. Jae Ha is useless when it comes to keeping an eye on you.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“It’s fine you don’t need too.” Ariel spoke panic in her voice.

“Maybe we should all go.” Jan Di reasoned.

“That’s not necessary. I’d have a harder time at school for it.” Ariel whispered, her words lingering in the air and causing everyone to feel sad for her.

“Besides. It’s not a big deal I can handle it.” Ariel spoke up.


For just a moment Yi Jeong saw Ariel looking at Ji Hoo who simply avoided her gaze. Biting her lip Ariel looked down at the ground fiddling with her bag.

“Can you wait in the car?” Yi Jeong spoke taking his keys out, he still did not have his car back but was given his Aunt’s car. Thinking about the old car he had to drive Yi Jeong cringed he’d certainly caused a ruckus at school for driving that thing around and speculation about his wealth was being spread around school. Frankly, he did not care about the gossip but driving around in an old beat up car that next to his lotus was nothing more than a snail was annoying. Still, Yi Jeong took his punishment with grace.

“Fine.” Ariel whispered taking the keys with a sad smile and one last look at Ji Hoo she walked away getting strange and questioning looks from the rest of the students.

“What the hell was that?” Woo Bin spoke turning to Ji Hoo as did the rest of their friends.


Woo Bin’s question was met by silence and it was Jun Pyo who spoke next.

“Even I can tell something’s up with you. Last week at the mall you acted as if you didn’t even see her.”
“We went along with you because we’re your friends but what’s wrong with you?” Woo Bin questioned. Yi Jeong wasn’t sure what it was they were talking about but he realized something must have happened while he was having his pity party. Looking at his friend Yi Jeong could tell he was trying his best to mask his emotions, if anything Ji Hoo looked more annoyed than angry as he looked at them but said nothing to any of them.

“Let’s not start this again.” Jan Di spoke up.

“Yeah. Yi Jeong just got his head out of his and now it’s you?” Jae Kyung questioned.

“Ji Hoo?” Jan Di questioned when Ji Hoo did not answer.

“It’s nothing.” He finally spoke up.

“That sure as hell isn’t nothing.” Woo Bin stated.

“Do you have a problem with Ariel?” Jun Pyo spoke with a frown.

“No.” Ji Hoo spoke coldly before walking away.

“What’s his deal?” Woo Bin questioned.

“Boys.” Jan Di and Jae Kyung spoke rolling their eyes at their boyfriends.

“You should talk to him.” Jan Di spoke turning to Yi Jeong. Nodding Yi Jeong headed out of school and toward the parking lot. Coincidentally, he’d parked his old car beside Ji Hoo’s motorcycle.


From a distance he could see that the passenger window was open and Ariel was silently looking at Ji Hoo who did not acknowledge her. In fact, Ji Hoo was doing a great job of pretending to not see Ariel and quickly put on his helmet and without a word drove away from school after getting on his motorcycle. Approaching the car Yi Jeong felt bad after looking at the dejected look n Ariel’s eyes. Something that she quickly tried to mask by offering him a bright smile that did not quite reach her eyes. For a moment, Yi Jeong wondered and then realized that this was something he himself had done to Ga Eul and sighed.
“Let’s go.” He spoke to her offering her a kind smile before getting in the car and driving off.


The drive was silent; Ariel was quiet something that was unusual for her. She wasn’t smiling and Yi Jeong knew she was trying hard not to cry. When they pulled up to the local school’s parking lot Ariel still did not seem to notice they had arrived until Yi Jeong turned off the car. Ariel was like a deer caught in headlights, looking around and trying to figure out where she was.

“Oh. We’re here.” Came her voice in a soft tone.

“Can we not talk about it Yi Jeong?” She questioned quietly.

“I won’t pry. I know first hand when you don’t want to talk you just don’t but you shouldn’t let it get to you.”
“Did I do something wrong to Ji Hoo?” Ariel questioned, her eyes sad and filled with tears.

“No.” Yi Jeong spoke to her gently trying to offer Ariel a comforting smile.

“I don’t know much about love but.”
“I don’t love him.” Ariel spoke up softly.

“Right.” Yi Jeong thought to himself.

“But I do know that we take a bit more time to come to terms with how we feel about someone.”

For a moment, Ariel was quiet as she processed what Yi Jeong had said to her but slowly she nodded.

“Come on let’s go inside.” Yi Jeong spoke to Ariel who nodded and slowly got out of the small beat up car.

“I can’t wait to get my lotus back.” Yi Jeong spoke to Ariel causally throwing an arm around her and causing her to smile at him genuinely.

“Well mom and dad grounded you so you can’t have it back yet.”
“Warm them up for me?” Yi Jeong questioned while Ariel led the way down empty halls and out from one building to head to the next where a large auditorium was filled with rows and rows of seat and a small stage. This of course, was nothing compared to Shinwa’s but Yi Jeong had to admit that the sets they’ve built were decent.

“You know don’t you?” Ariel questioned standing beside Yi Jeong.

“What?” Yi Jeong asked.

“That my parents are your parent too right?”

Yi Jeong was unsure of what to say. Selfishly, he had wished that indeed his aunt and uncle could have been his parents but of course they could not be and nothing could change that.

“You know don’t you? Family is the people that love you. Friends can be family.” Ariel spoke, from the stage Yi Jeong watched as Jae Ha who was rehearsing his lines with his partner turned to Ariel, offered her a smile and waved at her; a gesture that Ariel returned in kind.

“Parents are the people that love and care for you not the ones who made you. My parents love you Yi Jeong and it might feel to soon for you but when you’re ready I can share my parents with you.”


Ariel’s words for the first time made Yi Jeong feel at ease. While part of him was beginning to feel at home with Ariel and her parents; his aunt and uncle, Ariel’s words made him realize he wasn’t so alone.
“Aren’t you already doing that?” Yi Jeong questioned.

“Yes. But I just wanted to confirm it.” Ariel stated, offering Yi Jeong a bright smile and then heading on to the stage to continue working on the set. A feeling of peace somehow began to settle in Yi Jeong’s heart but there were still those few people that he needed to settle things with and that one girl Yi Jeong wanted to get back.





Ga Eul stood inside a small music store at the mall. Dozens of guitars both electrical and acoustic adorned the walls. Running her fingers through a few guitar strings Ga Eul sighed upon hearing the soft hum of the guitar. The shop was mostly empty and there was a song by singer Ji Soo which caused nostalgia to once again fill her hear. “What should I do?” Just like the title of the song Ga Eul’s heart felt heavy and there were still so many unanswered questions in both her head and her heart.


Biting her bottom lip Ga Eul sighed. Coming to the mall certainly made her reminisce of her time with Yi Jeong. For just a moment she wondered if he ever thought of their date. This single date which had caused her to be swept of her feet by him and at the same time Yi Jeong had managed to pull the ground from under her.

“He didn’t catch me.” Ga Eul thought to herself sadly.


She felt as though Yi Jeong had allowed her to fall on her own and now there was nothing to do but move on. Ga Eul was too tired to continue crying, she’d long passed that period of grief when it came to her broken heart. Now there was only moving on. She couldn’t see herself getting angry at Yi Jeong even if deep down she was, pain had swept away all emotions, all except love; because she still loved him. Even though so much happened in such a small period of time Ga Eul still loved Yi Jeong, she could even forgive him, but give him another chance.


It was like her heart was soar from the pain and Ga Eul did not want to remind herself of this pain or possibly go through the same routine to get back to this point she was at now. No, Ga Eul was not going back. Even though she loved Yi Jeong there was now a veil of fear that clouded her heart and a shield that had been built in order to protect herself.

“Ga Eul.”

Turning to look at Min Ha, Ga Eul offered him a kind smile.

“Which one do you think he’ll like?” Min Ha questioned coming back with one of the music store’s workers. The boy was a young kid around fifteen, maybe younger from what Ga Eul could tell. He was dressed in a blue collard shirt and khaki pants; a look of boredom was clear on his face.


Offering a forced smile Ga Eul shook her head.

“I’m not sure.”
“Are you alright Ga Eul? You’ve been more quiet than usual.” Min Ha questioned.

“It’s fine.”
“Is it?” Min Ha questioned.

“We’ll take a few more minutes. Sorry.” Min Ha apologized to the boy who simply rolled his eyes and walked away. Ga Eul found herself feeling a little embarrassed at the situation as Min Ha led her to sit near the window display where dozens of people continued to pass.

“Ga Eul. Are you okay?” Min Ha asked, nodding Ga Eul responded quietly.

“I’m really fine.”
“I’ve known you since we were children Ga Eul. I’m not as close to you as my brother is but I think I can tell you when you’re upset. You were like this when Jae Ha started dating his first girlfriend.”
“Does everyone know I liked Jae Ha.” Ga Eul spoke with both embarrassment and exasperation.

“Not everyone knew.” Min Ha spoke chuckling to himself and then sighing as he fixed his glasses.

“But this is about a boy isn’t it, and it’s not Jae Ha is it?” Min Ha questioned only to be met by silence from Ga Eul.

“Well you don’t have to tell me about this boy if you don’t want to but if he hasn’t noticed you or given you the time of day then he’s not worth your time.”
“And that included Jae Ha.” Min Ha spoke offering Ga Eul a smile and ruffling her hair.

“Ready to pick a guitar for Jae Ha?” Min Ha questioned Ga Eul who offered him another smile and nodded.

a/n thank you so much for reading don't forget to check out my other stories on wattpad like The Cafe here:The Cafe and my other story a BL fanfiction named Misunderstandings here: Misunderstandings and of course if you are intrested in my Book Bloom you already know the drill with that (You must make an account with inkitt in order to read the book you also have to bookmark it so that you do not lose your free read.) You can check it out here: The Kingdom of Archer: Bloom thank you for your time.

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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon