Chapter 18: Me and you

Vulnerable Heart

Thank you guys so much for reading, once again I hope you enjoy!



Being an outsider was often lonely. Ariel was aware of what it was like to be different. People pointed and stared often. She couldn’t hold it against anyone. Sometimes people couldn’t understand what differences were and for the most part Ariel was okay with that. She could handle being singled out sometimes and she was glad that she had friends. But that did not mean she never felt lonely.


Standing in front of her locker she sighed. Once again someone had put a small rag doll, her hair was similar to hers there was A on the school uniform she was wearing and there was also a noose on her neck.

“Don’t look at it.” She thought to herself ripping it off her locker and stuffing it into her bag.


Lately she had not been feeling very well. She felt restless and there was a feeling deep inside her chest that made her want to cry. Opening her locker Ariel tried to busy herself with stuffing books in and out of her locker trying to avoid her own thoughts. The truth was, she couldn’t avoid what she was feeling.


“What did I do wrong?” Ariel questioned to herself while thinking of Ji Hoo. She had not had the courage to call him and ask. She was afraid of what he would say to her and she would be lying if she said her feelings weren’t hurt.

“Hey! Freak show!” Jumping at hearing Ray’s voice Ariel looks up afraid. Instead, Ray, Autumn and the rest of her bullies all walk past her but not before giving her nasty looks.


Watching her tormentors walk away Ariel watched as a girl she had never seen before walked through the halls. She was tall, reminding Ariel of a model, her hair was mousey brown, and her deep chocolate eyes were hidden by large glasses. Paralyzed she watched as the girl was surrounded. But when Ariel saw her flinch she walked on her own towards them when jus as they took her bag.

“Leave her alone.” Ariel spoke up,

“Stay out of it Lee.” Summer spoke pushing Ariel down and causing her to fall flat on her .


While Ariel was afraid, in fact she was shaking she couldn’t allow someone else to be bullied like she was. For just a moment she had been paralyzed and even contemplated being a by standard, simply watching on and doing nothing. These thoughts quickly left when she realized she would be like everyone else by not standing up for someone in trouble.

“I won’t.” Ariel spoke standing up.

“We don’t want to play with you today Lee! Stay out of it.” Ray snapped but instead Ariel stood in front of the girl who remained silent.

“Move!” Ray snapped and when she refused his eyes blazed in anger and he raised his fist, to strike her.


Ariel had closed her eyes to wait for the hit but when she opened her eyes Jae Ha was standing in front of her.


“Stay out of this.” Autumn spoke to Jae Ha.

“I won’t.”
“We’re not afraid of you. You’re just like us. You can’t even protect one witch what makes you think you can protect another gremlin like her” Summer who had been quiet spoke.

“Keep to your business much like you’ve always done Jae Ha.” Gook threatened Jae Ha who glared clenching his fists.

“You’re picking on them. I’m right here watching this is my business.”
“You won’t always be here.” Ha Na spoke up as well.

“Let’s leave. We’re causing to big of a scene and teachers will get called,” Autumn spoke up. Before parting however, it was Ha Na who spoke up.

“Don’t think because you’ve become a play thing for powerful people that you can get away with this Lee. We will make you pay.” Ha Na threatened.


Watching them leave Ariel didn’t feel at ease knowing that sooner or later they would most definitely get her back. For now, she would wait as there was no point in dwelling on things she could not control.

“Are you two alright?” Jae Ha spoke up turning to both girls and looking at them concern.

“Thank you.” The girl with glasses spoke to both Jae Ha and Ariel.

“It’s alright. Just ignore them. For the most part they only ever pick on me so they will leave you alone soon.” Ariel spoke wryly.

“My name is Ariel and this is Jae Ha.” Ariel spoke with a smile.

“Luna.” The girl introduced shyly bowing at both Jae Ha and Ariel.

“My father just transferred here from Taiwan.”
“Cool! I’m from Japan!” Ariel spoke with a smile, linking her arm with Luna who looked quite surprised Ariel offered a bright smile and linked arms with Jae Ha.

“Let’s be friends! Come on. I’ll help you around school!”

Feeling a bit overwhelmed Luna simply offered a tight smile to Ariel and nodded along.



Ga Eul was feeling more than a little uncomfortable at the moment. For the past few weeks she had been sitting with Jan Di and Jae Kyung in the cafeteria. For the most part, people around them had stopped whispering and speculating what was going on, though it did not take much for people to realize why it was that they were here. A simple look at the fact that Jan Di and Jae Kyung were still with F4 and Ga Eul was not made things pretty clear. However, today was uncomfortable. Jun Pyo’s loud voice cut through the cafeteria as he sat beside Geum Jan Di and bickered with her.


The boys had walked into the cafeteria and everyone had flocked to them as if they had found water in the desert. Of course F4 meant that Yi Jeong was part of them. Ga Eul wasn’t sure how the boys had made up but she realized the boys were fine, they seemed just as close as they had always been. Ga Eul found herself relaxing at the notion that things for Yi Jeong had bettered. She tried not to think too much of the portion on Yi Jeong’s life where she had been involved. It was a short time and it seemed like Yi Jeong had erased her. Hearing her phone ding and vibrate Ga Eul took it out and smiled at the picture.

“What is it Ga Eul?” Jae Kyung questioned curiously. Peeking over at Ga Eul’s phone.

“It’s Ariel. It seems she’s made a new friend.” Ga Eul spoke showing the photo that Ariel had sent her of her and another girl, and of course Jae Ha.


“I’m glad she’s making more friends.” Ga Eul spoke with a smile.

“It will be good for her.” Yi Jeong spoke up. Ga Eul tried her best not to stare at the F4 boy who was sitting beside Ji Hoo and across from her. Instead Ga Eul tried her best to offer a casual smile and nodded.

“Yes.” She nodded along.

“What about tonight? We’re all going right?” Jae Kyung questioned with excitement.
“Monkey don’t be too excited about this. It’s just an amusement park.” Woo Bin joked, causing Jae Kyung to playfully hit him.

“This is different we’re going with more friends.” Jae Kyung said.

“So what is the plan?” Jan Di questioned.

“Well, Min Ha is going to pick Jae Ha up at school today after his practice for the play is over then he’ll take him to the amusement park.” Ga Eul explained. Turning to Ji Hoo Ga Eul spoke up.

“Do you mind coming with me to pick up the cake Ji Hoo? I would tell Ariel but she also has practice and this way Jae Ha won’t suspect much.”
“Okay.” Ji Hoo agreed silently.

“Perfect.” Ga Eul thought to herself. She really needed to get to the bottom of this. Maybe she was being to nosy and while she was aware that Jae Ha also liked Ariel she could not root for him when she knew there was someone else in Ariel’s heart, even if she did not admit it to herself.



“Come on we have to get to class the bell is about to ring.” Jan Di spoke a few seconds later the sound of the bell was in deed heard and everyone got up heading to their classes.

“Ga Eul-yang.” For just a second Ga Eul thought she head Yi Jeong talk to her and froze. Turning to look at him he simply stared back at her.

“Come on. We’re going to be late.” Woo Bin spoke up grabbing Yi Jeong and dragging him away from Ga Eul who felt confused. She refused to acknowledge the way her heart suddenly raised when Yi Jeong had called out her name. Shaking her head Ga Eul tried to convince herself that this had all been in her head and the fact was, that even if Yi Jeong had called to her that’s all it had been.

“Don’t think to much about it Ga Eul.” She told herself trying to push the feeling of hope away from her heart. She had already gotten her hopes up once and now, she was not going to do it once again.

“Not again.”






“What do you think you’re doing?” Woo Bin questioned Yi Jeong after dragging him away from Ga Eul. For the past few days Yi Jeong had found it hard to avoid Ga Eul. They see each other every day and it’s impossible not to interact.

“Yi Jeong” Woo Bin called out again.

“Nothing.” Yi Jeong spoke but he realized he could not lie to his friend and sighed.

“Honestly speaking I really just want to apologize to her.” Yi Jeong admitted.

“Well. Pick a better time. Not in the middle of the haul where the unholy trinity is watching.” Woo Bin pointed out pointing out Sunny, Miranda, and Ginger who were trying, and failing to be discreet.

“Look man I’m not going to tell you not to look for Ga Eul but just don’t hurt her again. We all care for her and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Don’t screw this up again.”

Thinking back to what Woo Bin had said to him made YI Jeong feel a little uneasy. He had avoided, for the most part thinking about the fact that Ga Eul would more than likely never forgive him. Yi Jeong knew Ga Eul well enough to know that because she was such a good person she would forgive him. Part of him would have been much happier had Ga Eul slapped him or told him she hated him. That would at least give him a sense of ease. His counselor Emma had simply told him it was because he was so willing to accept losing or a feeling of rejection rather than love because he feared to fall and then hurt more. Avoiding a larger pain by feeling a small dose of it only. Though Yi Jeong was not feeling just a small pain.


Emma had brought up the fact of his parents again and forgiving them. This only made Yi Jeong angry. How could he forgive when they themselves had not asked for forgiveness. He was angry and maybe one day he would no longer feel that way, but his heart and mind had never once been at peace when he was surrounded by those two people that were suppose to be his parents. Emma had asked him that he see his mother or at least talk to his father. His aunt and uncle had not been happy to hear about this when they’d asked him about therapy. In fact, Yi Jeong had been left with a sour taste in his mouth when he realized that even if he wanted to talk to his mother that was impossible. His uncle had hesitantly admitted to him; after talking to Emma of course, that his mother was still so mentally unstable she was too sedated to deal with anything. Yi Jeong had nightmares after that and Emma decided Yi Jeong was not yet ready to face his mother. His father was another ordeal entirely.


From what Yi Jeong understood his parents were officially getting a divorce and it was only a matter of time before this caused a scandal throughout Korea. His father had been so careful to not allow anyone to know what happened to his mother in fact, to anyone that was not F4 or the F4 girls, his mother was vacationing somewhere in the Bahamas. Scandals had to be kept under wraps and they’d had enough with Yi Jeong being kidnapped. His father, he had not seen since before he left the house but from what Yi Jeong understood, he had signed his rights as a parent or tutor to Yi Jeong exclusively to his Aunt and Uncle silently of course nothing on paper but it was an agreement. His mother had long since lost that privilege to decide anything and even before this entire ordeal it had been Il Hyun who made decisions for him.


Taking a deep breath while he sat in his car Yi Jeong stepped out and walked towards the Coffee shop his brother had. There was an open sign but it seemed like it was a slow day because only Il Hyun was there. Hesitantly, Yi Jeong walked inside.

“Welcome” Il Hyun spoke automatically thinking it was a customer. His eyes however, hardened upon seeing Yi Jeong. Trying his best not to flinch or to show that his brother’s hate was affecting him Yi Jeong simply stood there.

“What do you want?” Il Hyun questioned cleaning the counter that was around him, trying to busy himself and not look at Yi Jeong.


“I wanted to talk to you about what’s happened.” Yi Jeong spoke calmly.

“There’s nothing to talk about. Things happened it’s done.”
“Don’t call me that! I’m not your brother anymore!” Il Hyun spoke raising his voice and throwing the rag he had in his hand to the ground in anger.

“Damn it Yi Jeong!”
“Did you ever stop to think about what you were doing? Did you even care that you were hurting me? Why are you so selfish?” Il Hyun continued tears riming his eyes.

“You were the only one that I loved more in this world that Eun Jae and you betrayed me like this!”

Heavy silence lingered between them for what felt like hours and for the longest time Yi Jeong contemplated what exactly it was that he would say to his brother.

“I’m sorry.” Yi Jeong finally spoke causing Il Hyun to scoff.

“I came here simply because I know an apology is best said face to face.”
“You weren’t picking up my phone calls or texts and I wanted to speak to you.”
“You should have taken the hint.” Il Hyun spoke trying to calm himself.

“Look. I don’t expect you to forgive me and I’m not going to give you excuses I just wanted to apologize for hurting you.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“I can’t tell you anything that will make this better but you are the only person whom I’ve cared for the most as well.” Yi Jeong said.
“You have a funny way of showing that.” Il Hyun spoke.

“Regardless of what I say I know you will still be mad at me and won’t forgive me but I think I’ve said enough. There’s no point in discussing things that will only hurt both of us. I’m not expecting you to forgive me today Hyung but I hope you can forgive me one day. In the mean time. I’ll wait.” Bowing politely to his brother Yi Jeong walked out of the coffee shop and got in his car driving off without looking back.




“Could you not have gone on your own moped Ga Eul?” That was the question Ga Eul feared Ji Hoo would ask her as they drove to the small bakery where they would pick up Jae Ha’s birthday cake. Ever the gentlemen however, Ga Eul was sure or at least she prayed that Ji Hoo would keep pretending like he was not aware of that small detail of Ga Eul’s. Getting of the motorcycle Ga Eul handed Ji Hoo back his helmet thanking him and offering him a smile that Ji Hoo did not acknowledge.


Biting her lip Ga Eul wondered if F4’s behavior was normal. It seemed like these boys only trusted certain people and as far as Ga Eul could understand the only reason these F4 boys had been sane enough to make connections was the fact that they had grown up with each other. Ga Eul understood then just how different their worlds were. Being middle class had advantages. She realized how lonely it was to live the lifestyle these boys lived truly was. There was mistrust towards anyone and everyone and that’s were these walls of protection came in.


For the most part Ga Eul knew that Ji Hoo was the quietest of the boys, but he was also the kindest. He was very mature for his age and seemed to understand people the most. Ga Eul knew that out of all the F4 boys he was the one who understood Ariel the most. Thinking back to the night of the Karaoke bar Ga Eul smiles to herself thinking how good the two looked together. While she liked Jae Ha somehow this Ariel Ji Hoo pairing made a lot more sense. Jae Ha and Ariel appeared more like siblings than lovers when standing beside one another, they bickered and played off one another that way. Ji Hoo and Ariel on the other hand, the air around them was much more different. There was a quiet yet very pink essence in the air somehow, the two complemented each other like yin and yang. Two opposites who had somehow found common ground in the middle and whom understood each other without really having to say much.


Ariel had talked to Ga Eul about the moments she had spent alone with Ji Hoo. Of course, she never shared any personal information regarding Ji Hoo but it was the way that Ariel talked about Ji Hoo that Ga Eul could tell her best friend was in love. Of course, Ariel didn’t admit to this and Ga Eul was not about to push her friend to admit anything. Ariel had always been quite the dreamer and maybe just as big of a romantic as she was but all Ariel usually spent her time talking about when it was not about photography or New York was the mystery New York boys. These mentions of the mystery boy of course seemed a lot less frequent and replaced with Ji Hoo instead.


Turning to look at Ji Hoo once more Ga Eul offered him a smile and entered the bakery with him. The quiet man simply walked beside her and allowed Ga Eul to head to the front register and hand her ticket of pre-order.

“Thirty minutes please. You’re a bit early.” The girl at the front spoke though she was bluntly staring and smiling at Ji Hoo who paid no mind to her.

“Here. On the house.” She spoke once again handing them two cookies.

“Thanks.” Ga Eul spoke quietly grabbing both cookies and going to sit with Ji Hoo at a small table. The air around them was awkward and Ga Eul realized all F4 boys practically had the same personality. While Jun Pyo and Woo Bin were friendly for the most part they only ever seemed to truly been themselves and smiled when they were with their other halves. Ga Eul didn’t know much about Seo Hyun or her past with Ji Hoo except for the fact that they grew up together. However, Jan Di did mention that even then Ji Hoo had never smiled at her. At least, not the way he smiled when he was around Ariel. It was something that applied to Ariel as well. She seemed happier than ever when she was with Ji Hoo. While Ariel was often bubbly and seemed to be too excited most of the time she seemed more natural and herself when she stood beside this person. In fact, all F4 boys were the same.


Ga Eul’s mind unconsciously or rather, instinctually thought of Yi Jeong. The man whom often put up a façade and smiled without it really reaching his eyes. She thought of those genuine smiles that she had once been the only one to be able to see. Her heart began to ache once again when she thought about the fact that she might not get to see that ever again. She amended these thoughts simply by hoping someone else might be able to make him smile genuinely again. However, these thoughts were bitter sweet and caused another pang of pain in her heart which Ga Eul tried to brush off.


Shaking her head to herself Ga Eul tried to take her mind off this simply by looking around the shop and was confused and then smiled when she saw a picture of Cinnamon up. Standing up she went to it and picked up the flyer from where it was hanging. Underneath her grumpy cats’ picture was a Have you seen me?

“You guys came to this shop?” Ga Eul questioned Ji Hoo who took a look at the picture of the dead cat and nodded. Biting her lip Ga Eul continued.

“Is everything alright between the two of you?” Ga Eul questioned. For a moment Ji Hoo remained silent and there was a pensive look in his eyes before he spoke.

“It’s fine if you don’t tell me anything it’s not my place or business to ask you anything this is between you and Ariel but… it seems like you’re avoiding her the way others tend to do so.”
“I’m not.” Ji Hoo spoke up the expression on his face surprise.

“I just. I’m trying to sort some things out.”
“Then don’t make it seem like something it’s not.” Ga Eul spoke to him.




The last thing Yi Jeong expected when he arrived to pick Ariel up afterschool was to see her running down her school halls in tattered clothes. Her eyes showed true terror and Yi Jeong felt anger surge within him once again. Remembering how Ariel had been the last time covered in paint and stapled to a set had really made him angry and it seemed like today would be the day he could stand up for her. While he was around he was aware people for the most part feared him and kept their distance from his cousin. What annoyed Yi Jeong as he saw Ariel running towards him was the fact that every time things like these seemed to happen that useless friend of hers Jae Ha was nowhere to be seen.


Running towards Ariel they crashed into each other Yi Jeong quickly pulling her behind her while a group of three boys who had been chasing her stopped in front of him glaring.

“Move out of the way pretty boy unless you want to take this beating for her.”
“Hitting a woman are you really men?” Yi Jeong snapped angrily more so when he noticed the bruises on Ariel’s body.

“Yi Jeong. Please. Don’t do this. It’s not worth it.” Ariel spoke tears in her eyes.

“Your hand.” She whispered silently.

“I won’t need to use it.” Yi Jeong spoke pushing Ariel gently when all three boys moved to hit him. Yi Jeong was swift to avoid each punch or kick thrown at him. He wasn’t as good at fighting as Woo Bin but he’d taken classes with the rest of the guys since they were children and Yi Jeong knew how to hold his own. He used his good hand to block away any hits that came as a surprise but when he’d finally had enough Yi Jeong fought back.


His moves were swift as he hit them back kicking on on the chest and causing him to fall, one by one he took them out without much effort.

“Leave her alone from now on or I won’t take it easy on you. I’m not as nice as Ji Hoo and I’m certainly not as stupid as Jae Ha. You leave my cousin alone or you will regret it.” Yi Jeong threatened anger rising in his voice. The boys in front of him managed to pick themselves up before walking away in defeat.

“Are you alright?” Yi Jeong questioned though as he looked at Ariel there were scrapes on her knees, elbows and obvious bruises forming.

“I’m alright really.” Ariel spoke trying to force herself to smile yet again though tears were her eyes.

“Ji Hoo Sempai gave me this new uniform and I didn’t take care of it.” Ariel spoke tears falling from her eyes as she smiled.


Rushed footsteps were heard and Jae Ha and a girl that Yi Jeong had only seen in photos rushed towards Ariel. The other girl herself looked like she’d been caught in a hair pulling scuffle.

“I’m sorry. I should have known those three were setting you up. I was really on my way to you but Autumn, Summer and Ha Na began to.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m fine really.” Ariel spoke.

“You’re bleeding.” Jae Ha spoke trying to reach out to Ariel who simply scooted closer to Yi Jeong who frowned.

“Regardless of what happened this seems to be a theme for you. I’m no saying it’s your duty to protect her but you always seem to be missing when something happens to her.’
“I don’t need you of all people to tell me how to treat my friends.” Jae Ha spoke in a rage.

“Please stop this.” Ariel spoke in tears standing between both Yi Jeong and Jae Ha. Luna who had been quiet since arriving was tugging at Jae Ha’s arm trying to calm him down.

“Jae Ha.”
“Min Ha.” Jae Ha spoke in surprise to see his brother coming down the hall.

“When did you get back?” He questioned

“I wanted to surprise you.” Min Ha spoke offering Jae Ha a hug not sensing the tension in the air, however a look of concern crossed his eyes when he saw Ariel and Luna.

“What happened?”
“No thing Min Ha Oppa.” Ariel answered quickly.

“We have to go.” Ariel spoke grabbing on to Yi Jeong and leading him further inside the school.


“Shouldn’t we be heading in the opposite direction?” Yi Jeong questioned confused as to where Ariel was taking him towards.

“Besides. I think we need to clean you up first.”
“We can’t go home. Our parents will flip if they see me like this and I am not going to ruin today for Jae Ha.” Ariel spoke though it became clear to Yi Jeong that she was in pain but was not wanting to express that.

“Then where are we going? You can’t show up to the amusement part like that.”
“I know. I always have extra clothes with me just in case. Wait here.” Ariel spoke coming to a stop in front of the girls’ gym locker room.

“I’ll clean up quickly and be out soon.”
“How are you planning on getting things inside without him actually noticing?” Yi Jeong questioned.

“There a woman that lives across the street from us a few houses down her name is Mrs. Kim she agreed to help us. Ga Eul is arriving with the cake earlier so she’ll already be waiting inside with Ji Hoo and Mrs. Kim has the cake in her stall we’ll just go there to cut it later on in the night.” Ariel explained.

“Anyway. Please wait here.” Ariel spoke before heading inside. Unsure of what to do Yi Jeong sighed.


There was no way to help a person who did not want to be helped but Yi Jeong supposed he should not be the one to judge Ariel when he wasn’t exactly forthcoming with his own feelings. Thinking about what Jae Ha had told him Yi Jeong sighed, knowing the latter was right about him. His brother had been right about him as well. While trying to protect himself and at the same time shield others from his life and pain he had hurt everyone he cared for and the person he wanted to be than just friends with. Love? Yes. It was a feeling that he could not deny any longer. Now however, it was too late to regret…


“You asked me before if I’d brought anyone here.” Yi Jeong spoke to her.

“Sunbae I.”

“It’s alright Ga Eul-yang. I’ve given it a lot of thought. And my nature hasn’t really brought me anything good.”
“Everyone seems to have a certain view of me but it’s alright.”
“Is it?” Ga Eul asked Yi Jeong.

There was a look in her eyes that was so calm, so welcoming. Maybe it was the night that was accompanying them. In fact, telling himself this later on would justify the act for the means.

“I mean. You call it your nature Sunbae.”
“It’s like you expect people to believe that. Maybe you believe it yourself but I don’t think it’s your nature but. Your defense.” Ga Eul whispered, her words sending a pang of panic to his heart and yet; something was telling him not to run.

“Ga Eul-yang. Is it possible to fix something that’s not only useless but practically dust.”
A smile appeared on Ga Eul’s features softening her laugh while she gazed down at the sand where her feet were buried.

For the longest of times silence lingered between them. It was comfortable and the smile on Ga Eul’s lips, and the way she was gazing out into the night told Yi Jeong that she was still thinking about what to say.

“Nothing is ever useless Sunbae. People have a purpose in life. No matter how small or how big. It all makes an impact in the world.”
“I don’t think your useless Sunbae. Your talented, kind, a little bit or a jerk.” Ga Eul spoke earning a genuine chuckle from Yi Jeong who offered her a smile their eyes meeting when Ga Eul reached to grab his hand.

“You’re a potter Sunbae. You create things out of nothing with your hands. When you first start it the clay is nothing but dust and you mold it with your hands. You should never feel useless over your own life. Not when you can mold it from the bottom up.”

There was a feeling of being able to breathe again. The prickles in his hands spread and his heart began to thump wildly. Yi Jeong could feel Ga Eul’s hands begin to slip away but he simply held on to it. The air seemed to grow warm and there was a glow around the atmosphere.

“Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong began reaching to caress her cheek with his right hand while the other held on to Ga Eul’s hand.

“Do you want to see magic again?” Yi Jeong asked her.

“Magic?” Ga Eul questioned her voice only above a whisper while Yi Jeong pulled her closer.


The sound of a loud whistle like sound was heard in the air before several colored sparks lit the air. Gazing up in wonder at the fireworks Ga Eul smiled; genuinely while Yi Jeong returned it, pressing his forehead against her own his nose gently brushing hers. The last Yi Jeong saw was Ga Eul close her eyes, right before he closed his own and pressed a soft gentle kiss to her lips. Around them fireworks continued to sound along with cheers, and laughter of their friends all drowned away by racing hearts and a gentle kiss.


Thinking back to those first few days were he seemed to be walking on shaky ground with Ga Eul that slowly steadied caused him to feel a pang in his heart. Back then he had still been so uncertain about his feelings but there was nothing but regret left. His fear and selfishness had caused such a ripple effect amongst all the people he had tried to protect from what he was ashamed of most. He’d been self destructing and sabotaging his life this way.

“So selfish.” Yi Jeong thought to himself smiling wryly. But it was the only way vulnerable people knew how to survive.

“I’m done.” Ariel spoke coming out of the girls’ locker room. Her hair was wet and she was in a pair of gym sweats and a large black hoodie.

“This is all I had but it should be fine.” She spoke offering him a smile.


It was hard for Yi Jeong to smile back at her, especially when he thought about the way that smile did not reach her eyes. There was nothing he could say to her or that Yi Jeong could think of that would help her. Words of comfort and support Yi Jeong realized, did not need to come from him.

“There’s always that someone who can knock down your walls.” Yi Jeong though to himself, Ga Eul’s face flashing in his mind and he wondered who would be that person for Ariel. His friend came to mind and he simply hoped these two people could settle their feelings before they became him and only had regret left.



Ga Eul tried to smile when she saw Ariel and Yi Jeong walk towards them inside the amusement park The rest of F4 and even Jae Ha and Min Ha were already inside with them.

“Sorry for making you guys wait.”
“What happened?” Ga Eul questioned in concern when she took a look at Ariel who was in frumpy gym clothes, and covered in bruises.

“Nothing I fell.” Ariel spoke offering Ga Eul a smile.


Of course, Ga Eul was well aware of what went on in school and realized Ariel did not want to talk about it. Before transferring to Shinwa Ga Eul remembers on incident in particular where the girls had beat Ariel up and if Jae Ha had not shown up they would have more than likely cut her hair off. Even then Ariel refused to be comforted and left a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth whenever it got this bad.

“I’m fine.” Ariel spoke offering a bright smile.

“Come on then.” She chirped out linking her arm with Ga Eul.

“Let’s get going today is about Jae Ha only.”

“Right.” Ga Eul spoke offering a smile.

“Then ladies. Shall we?” Jae Ha spoke offering both girls a smile and walking over to Ariel and throwing an arm around her.


Unconsciously Ga Eul turned first to look at Yi Jeong who was in the back quietly walking alongside Ji Hoo. A few paces in front of them were Jan Di and Jae Kyung both with their respective others Jun Pyo and Woo Bin. Jae Kyung was animatedly talking with Jan Di; her eyes were bouncing with excitement while she pulled Woo Bin along. Jun Pyo himself was being dragged by Geum Jan Di, there was a cool look in his eyes as both boys walked with their girlfriends, they were not annoyed but rather use to being dragged around by their girlfriends and both boys took it in stride.

“They’re good guys.” Ga Eul thought smiling to herself when she watched Jae Kyung cling on to Woo Bin and pink his cheek. Woo Bin simply complained silently.

“So where do we start?” Min Ha asked Jae Ha while walking beside him.

“Rollercoasters” Jae Ha spoke.

“Don’t leave me for this you know I’m scared of heights.” Ariel whispered to Ga Eul grabbing tightly on to her arm.

“Me too.” Ga Eul whispered trying to reassure her friend.

“Come on then. Let’s go! We’ll do the highest roller coaster 'til the end.” Jae Kyung spoke with excitement.

“Be calm monkey.” Woo Bin joked.

“Let’s have fun.” Jae Ha spoke to everyone with a smile.




They’d spent the night running around the park, going on so many rides eating as much as they wanted. Ji Hoo was surprised no one had thrown up yet. The sun had set and the moon was out indicating that night had come once again. There was laughter all around, families were with their children, people were going every which way direction possible. The night was not only lit by the stars that were out but by the various lights that were adorning the amusement park. They were taking a break from so much walking now and were entering an arcade.


Jan Di’s screams were loud as were Jae Kyungs' while they both watched their boyfriends play a claw game, various small plush animals were stuffed inside the machine and Ji Hoo shook his head when the small bear Jun Pyo had managed to get fell back into the pile of stuffed animals. Jan Di’s screams only became louder as he scolded Jun Pyo which prompted the latter to yell back in annoyance. Their banter caused none of their friends to bat an eye though Ji Hoo could see various other people around them stop and stare.

“They’ll never change will they?” Yi Jeong questioned smiling in amusement as he looked back at Jun Pyo and Jan Di.

“Not that Woo Bin and Jae Kyung are any better.” Yi Jeong continued chuckling while he watched Jae Kyung jump on Woo Bin’s back quite comically.

“I don’t think so!”

The sound of chiming laughter a few feet away from them caused Ji Hoo to turn. Jae Ha and his brother Min Ha seemed to be playing air hockey while both Ga Eul and Ariel continued to watch cheering on both both, a smile on both their faces. There was a feeling of Déjà vu that came with a familiar annoyance. In fact, it was as if Ji Hoo had already lived this day once.


The sound of cheering from Jae Ha broke his train of thought and Ji Hoo watched as the boy celebrated by picking Ariel up and spinning her around.
“A bit too dramatic.” Ji Hoo thought to himself unaware of the fact that he was frowning.

“You know. It’s not a bad thing if you like her.” Yi Jeong spoke up.

“What?” Ji Hoo spoke in surprise.

“You know. My cousin isn’t that bad I mean she’s a little unorthodox but isn’t that why you like her?”

The question caught Ji Hoo off guard and he wondered why he was being asked that question. Of course, Yi Jeong had not been the only one to question him about Ariel. Just that afternoon Ga Eul had done so and it seemed like she and Yi Jeong were more in tune with each other than they knew, not that Ji Hoo was going to mention it. Then again, they were not the only ones to ask him this question. The past few months Ji Hoo had not only been asked this by his F4 friends and the girls but from his grandfather himself. But it was a question Ji Hoo was unwilling to answer or think about and as he watched Ariel with Jae Ha he could only think about the fact that these two people were indeed in a relationship and he should not get involved.

“Ariel is definitely… different.” Ji Hoo answered Yi Jeong who smiled.

“But I don’t think of her in any way that’s not a friend.”

“Are you sure? You seemed more than a little concerned when you saw her today.”
“Wouldn’t you be? She’s my friend. I care about what happens to her.”
“But you didn’t ask her if she’s okay.” Yi Jeong spoke back.

“How can I?” Ji Hoo thought to himself feeling more than a little regret about how he had been treating Ariel.


When Ji Hoo had seen Ariel, covered in bruises and trying to brush off the fact that she was hurt Ji Hoo felt anger. Not at her but at her useless boyfriend. On more than one occasion it was he that had to save Ariel. Ji Hoo wondered just how a man could allow the person he loved get hurt like that and smile so freely. As Ji Hoo looked at Ariel there were moments that she would stop forcing herself to smile. There were flickers of pain in her eyes not only from the emotional pain Ji Hoo had no doubt she was feeling, but from the physical pain. His grandfather was a doctor and when Ji Hoo was a child he saw enough people with a dislocated shoulder to know that Ariel had in fact had her shoulder dislocated. Upon observation no one would clearly tell but from time to time Ariel would hold her arm.


While part of Ji Hoo had wanted to say something to her it took him a lot more to keep himself quiet. This wasn’t his business and Ariel seemed to not want to say anything. She seemed to care too much about Jae Ha and Ji Hoo was sure she was trying to not ruin her boyfriends’ birthday.

“How can you be so stupid.” Ji Hoo wanted to scold Ariel. Then again, how could her boyfriend be so blind as to not realized that his girlfriend was in more pain than she was letting on.


Clenching his jaw Ji Hoo tried to calm himself. When he’d seen her with Jae Ha it became clear to him that he should keep his distance. Mainly because he didn’t want to cause any sort of misunderstanding between the two. Then again, by doing so there was no doubt he’d caused a misunderstanding between himself and Ariel instead.

“How do I talk to her now?” Ji Hoo questioned just as the arcade lights went completely out.

It took a few seconds and then the lights were turned back on.

“Happy Birthday to you.”
“Happy Birthday to you.” Singing began and it was Ga Eul and Ariel who were both carrying the cake that he and Ga Eul had gone to pick up earlier. F4 began to sing along and a few people inside the arcade began to do so as well. Jae Ha was smiling his brother Min Ha patting him on the back when he blew out the candles.

“Gifts!” Ariel shouted a bright smile on her face.

“How about I go first then?” Min Ha jokes causing Ariel to pout and the latter to simply ruffle her hair playfully.

“Here Jae Ha.” Ariel spoke handing him a red gift bag.

“I brought something for Ga Eul too. It’s not exactly a birthday gift as much as it is well…” Ariel continued while Jae Ha reached to look inside the bag laughing when he pulled out a Pepe Le Pew.

“It’s a set. Well a trio.” Ariel explained to him handing Ga Eul a gift bag as well. When Ga Eul saw the female skunk she laughed.

“Thanks. This really does mean a lot.” Jae Ha spoke hugging her.


Ji Hoo was confused by the gift but it seemed like some sort of inside joke between the three and that once again caused him to feel some sort of way. A headache was no doubt making its way to Ji Hoo and he sighed. He wasn’t really in the mood for anything else but after having cake they decided on dinner inside the amusement park. Ji Hoo wasn’t really hungry or in the mood for much of anything else.

“Bumper cars.” Ji Hoo heard Jan Di suggesting. There was talk about the biggest rollercoaster but Ji Hoo wasn’t paying much attention. However, as they headed towards the bumper cars there was a visible look of distress on Ariel’s face which made Ji Hoo realize she was now worrying about her arm.

“Come on. It’ll be fun.” Jae Kyung spoke up trying to get Ariel on the bumper cars while she shook her head. However, Jae Kyung took hold of Ariel’s right arm and pulled.

“I don’t feel very well.”
“It’s just the bumper cars.” Jae Kyung continued.

“I’ll stay with her.” Ji Hoo found himself speaking up. Smiling brightly Jae Kyung nodded and winked at Ji Hoo.

“Have fun.” She mouthed before screaming at Woo Bin that she was going to get him.


Silence lingered between both of them and Ji Hoo was unsure of what to say to her.

“Let’s go sit down.” Ji Hoo spoke after a few moments of silence. There was a bench nearby and when they sat down it was Ariel who spoke up.

“This feels familiar.” She whispered her voice soft and cautious.

“You’ve been ignoring me.”
“I’m sorry. It’s not you. I’ve been sorting through some personal things.”
Quietly Ariel nodded, a pensive look crossed her eyes and for the longest time she remained silent beside him. Her arm held tightly by the other as she seemed to hug it. Visibly Ji Hoo could see that her cheeks were tinted red, the bruising around her face was already starting to purple and there were trickles of sweat on her forehead.


Reaching up to her forehead Ji Hoo spoke.

“You’re burning up.” He spoke to her.

“If you’re in so much pain why are you still trying to play?”

“Come on. You need to get to the hospital and have that shoulder checked.”
“You know.” It was a statement more than a question and slowly Ariel smiled.

“Sempai knows me the best.” Ariel spoke resting her head on Ji Hoo’s shoulder catching him off guard, though he couldn’t seem to stop her.

“Just a moment.”

“Just one more second”
“I’ll go. I just. I need to get through this day. The fireworks.” She was rambling on, though her eyes were beginning to close due to the pain and exhaustion her body was feeling.

“Jae Ha. Just one more second.”
“Does he mean that much to you?” Ji Hoo asked only to be met by silence.



Cursing under his breath and feeling stupid for not speaking up the moment he saw her Ji Hoo picked Ariel up in his arms carrying her bridal style. Panic set in and his heart raced. He would call everyone later right now he seriously needed to get Ariel to a doctor.




They’d come back from the bumper cars to find both Ji Hoo and Ariel gone.

“Maybe they headed to the roller coaster ride on their own.” Jan Di spoke but when they did arrive at their last destination neither Ji Hoo or Ariel were to be found.

“I’ll call them maybe something happened. Ariel wasn’t feeling well.” Jae Kyung spoke.

“Who would be with the beating she received today I’m surprised she was walking around so freely.” Jun Pyo spoke up before turning to look at Jae Ha in annoyance.

“You’ve had your turn to handle it now let us do so.” Jun Pyo snapped earning a hit in the back of the head from Jan Di.

“What? He’s useless! Who let’s a girl get beaten to a pulp like that? He’s not handling it and Ji Hoo suggested a solution a few days ago. I think we should settle it.”
“Ji Hoo?” Ga Eul questioned.

“It’s complicated.” Yi Jeong spoke feeling a little guilty for allowing things to go this far.

“Anyway. No need to worry we’ll handle it.” Woo Bin spoke up not wanting Ga Eul or any of the girls to get involved or know more than they should.

“He’s not picking up and it goes straight to voicemail.” Jae Kyung spoke in concern.

Yi Jeong watched as both Ga Eul and Jae Ha took their phones out and dialed Ariel’s number next.

“Her phone is off. It must have died.”
“I’ll try calling Ji Hoo again.” Jae Kyung spoke up but once again there was no answer. It was then that Yi Jeong’s phone dinged.

“We’re at the hospital. She has a dislocated shoulder and a high fever. She’ll be fine I’ve already called her parents. She’s resting now but does not want anyone to worry.”

Upon reading the text Yi Jeong smiled at everyone.

“That was Ji Hoo. They’re fine. Ariel wasn’t feeling well and Ji Hoo offered to take her home.”
“Oh. I should have seen that.” Jae Ha spoke up.

“Yeah well there’s not much you do see.” Jun Pyo muttered underneath his breath only to have Jan Di hit him once more.

“We should head home it’s getting pretty late.” Jae Kyung spoke.

“Last roller coaster?” She questioned.

“She’ll be fine.” Min Ha spoke to Jae Ha patting him on the back and dragging him towards the line of their next and final ride.

“You coming Ga Eul?” Jan Di questioned while she pulled Jun Pyo along.

“I’ll sit this one out.” Ga Eul spoke up. The look of terror in Ga Eul’s eyes caused Yi Jeong to chuckle realizing that she was indeed scared to go on the roller coaster.


His laughter caused Ga Eul to turn and look at him and Yi Jeong simply clamed up when she did so. Awkward silence lingered between the two for the longest of times and Yi Jeong contemplated walking away in order to avoid the awkwardness.

“Is she really okay?” Ga Eul spoke up, taking Yi Jeong by surprise. For a few moments Yi Jeong was unsure if Ga Eul was really talking to him as she was not looking at him in the eyes but when she finally did she seemed to be waiting for something.

“Ariel. Is she really alright?” Ga Eul questioned.

“She’s not is she?” Ga Eul concluded.

“How do you?”
“You were looking at everyone with that look again. I” Ga Eul spoke looking down at her hands and fiddling with her fingers before looking back up at Yi Jeong.

“I just knew. I. I know you.”
Her words caught him off guard and he found himself unable to say anything to Ga Eul. Time seemed to still for just a second and then Ga Eul nodded awkwardly and turned to leave.


His heart race and Yi Jeong found himself reaching for Ga Eul grabbing her by the sleeve gently.

“Ga Eul I.”
“I’m sorry.” He managed to say to her his heart pounding in his ears as he spoke.

“I can’t say more or do more than offer you an apology. You don’t know how sorry I am for hurting you the way I did I.”
“I understand Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke, cutting him of, her back still to him as she continued to speak.
“You don’t have to worry about my feeling Sunbae. I’ll be alright. Two-weeks was two-weeks, that was our deal wasn’t it?”
“It’s my own fault for being so.. It doesn’t matter Sunbae. I’m glad you’re back to being yourself and I. I’ve kept my distance. I’ll keep doing exactly that. From now on I won’t look for you anymore.”


Her words took long for his mind to register but with each sentence, each word she spoke it was like a nail was being pounded into his chest.

“Ga Eul-yang.” He was unsure if he was speaking out loud or not but his hand suddenly lost its strength and the grip he had on her sleeve loosened. All Yi Jeong could see was the view of Ga Eul’s back as she walked away. Tears welled in his eyes, pain once again enclosed his heart and while he wished to blame someone else he could only blame himself for what was happening now. Ga Eul was done with him, she was truly done with So Yi Jeong and there was nothing he could do. Time seemed to slow down so much for him and yet people were moving so fast around him. Yi Jeong was too lost in his pain to realize how fast time was ticking on by. The sound of his phone ringing caused Yi Jeong too snap out of his thoughts, his uncle’s name flashed on his screen.
“Son. You have to come down to the hospital. It’s your parents… There’s been an accident.”

Thank you for reading please keep on supporting this story and as usual here is the link to my book Bloom.The Kingdom or Archer: Book I I appreciate the support you guys give me thank you so much for your time. 

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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon