Chapter 19: Vulnerable Heart

Vulnerable Heart



His mind was a jumbled mess. There wasn’t much that his uncle told him over the phone, except that both his parents were rushed to the hospital for immediate and intensive care. Yi Jeong found himself driving like a mad man and his mind had gone completely numb. That feeling which he had not felt in weeks when it came to his parents was now back and though he tried hard to fight against it reminding himself that he was no longer in involved with either of them, that did not work. The fact was that they were his parents.


When he arrived to the hospital he met both his aunt, uncle and his counselor Emma.
“I don’t want to deal with you right now.” Yi Jeong spoke honestly.

“How are they?” He questioned turning to both his aunt and uncle.

“What happened?”
“Your mother escaped the psychiatric ward two days ago. We didn’t want you to worry about it, we had people looking for her but.”
“You should have said something I had a right to know.”
“We didn’t tell Il Hyun either. This.” Yi Jeong watched his uncle hesitate to speak as he tried to find the right words to say. His aunt placed a comforting hand on her husbands’ shoulder and the man sighed.


“You two have been through enough and my sisters mess isn’t yours to clean up anymore. I wanted you to be normal again.”
While Yi Jeong wanted to be angry at his uncle his words to him made the anger he was feeling dwindle away. Sighing Yi Jeong spoke.

“What happened?”
“Your mother went to look for your father at home. She’s not in the right mindset.” His aunt explained.

“What do you mean?”
“She’s had more than a nervous breakdown. She’s been diagnosed with manic bi-polar disorder.” Emma spoke causing Yi Jeong’s heart to clench, forcing down the knot in his throat.

“What did she do? Where’s my father?” Yi Jeong questioned when he realized no one was truly answering his questions, if anything they seemed to be going in circles.

“Answer me!” Yi Jeong yelled out in frustration.

“Your mother… she went back to the house and your father happened to be there. We don’t know what happened from what the doctors have explained she drugged him at which point she set the entire house on fire. She wanted to kill herself and him. There must have been some kind of struggle because they found your father on the first floor and badly burned.”
“My mom?” Yi Jeong found himself asking, feeling as if something was pulling him within himself once again. His entire body felt numb and his heart was being squished into a prune.

“Yi Jeong.”

He was unsure of who it was that was talking to him for just a second. Then Yi Jeong suddenly found himself enveloped into a tight hug.

“Il Hyun.” Yi Jeong spoke in both relief and surprise.

“I’m sorry.” Il Hyun continuously repeated to Yi Jeong who was now fighting back tears. He felt overwhelmed and simply clung on to his brother much like he had done so when he was a child.

“It’s going to be okay. I promise. You still have me. We still have each other.” Il Hyun continued to repeat. These were words that Yi Jeong had long learned to be comforted by. But it had been such a long time since Il Hyun had said those words to him.

“I’ll take care of it. Go home with Aunt and uncle Lee. Jae Hee and I will stay here.” Il Hyun spoke.


It took Yi Jeong a moment to process what his brother was saying but then he realized that Jae Hee was standing there quietly. She didn’t say anything to Yi Jeong, simply offered him a kind smile.

“Go home. I’ll take care of it. It’s my responsibility.”
“No.” Yi Jeong found himself saying.

“I can handle it. I don’t need you to always protect me. We’ll handle this together.” Yi Jeong said to his brother.



Waking up Ariel groaned. She felt too hot and her head was pounding. She was about to sit up but a hand stopped her.

“Lay back down. Your fever is still quite high.”
Disoriented, Ariel looked around the room and the first thing she realized was that she was not in her room. Instead, of her green walls covered in vines and her cutesy décor she found herself in a white room that smelled to much like anesthetics. It took her a moment to realize that she was in a hospital.

“Just go back to sleep.”

Hearing that familiar voice once again Ariel turned to look at Ji Hoo. There was a book in his hand as he nonchalantly read and and spoke to Ariel.

“What happened?” She asked. She tried to move a little more but noticed there was a sling on her arm and reached to touch her shoulder.

“You dislocated your shoulder.”
“My parents.” She began.

“I’ve already called them. They’re already here.”
“Something happened with Yi Jeong’s parents.”


Before Ji Hoo could finish explaining Ariel was already trying to spring herself out of bed but Ji Hoo simply stopped her by flicking her on the forehead.

“You’re still sick. Your mother asked that I keep and eye on you for now.” Ji Hoo explained calmly.

“There’s nothing you can do.” Ji Hoo spoke to her sternly, pouting and wanting to protest Ariel watched Ji Hoo sigh.

“Yi Jeong hated others in his business. I’ve already informed F4 of the situation. They’ll keep their distance until Yi Jeong calls us. We don’t want to push him right now or he’ll go back to the condition he was previously in.” Ji Hoo explained.

“I know you’re his family.” Ji Hoo spoke grabbing Ariel gently by the shoulders and pushing her down on to the bed she was laying on. Ariel found herself unable to breathe, her heart was racing while she looked back at Ji Hoo.

“But you have to rest. As I said, your fever is still quite high.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve already called Ga Eul and your boyfriend.” Ji Hoo spoke trying to move away. His words caught her off guard and Ariel reached for Ji Hoo’s hand but caught his sleeve instead.

“Boyfriend? What boyfriend. I don’t have a boyfriend.”


Her heart began racing like a race hoarse and Ariel found herself feeling a bit overwhelmed as if something was swallowing her heart up and butterflies were flying inside her stomach.

“Sempai. Is that why you’ve been avoiding me? Do you think Jae Ha is my boyfriend?”
She was met by silence and Ariel found herself laughing.

“I just… It would be strange and wrong to spend so much time with a person that… what am I saying. We’re friends none of that matters if we’re only friends.”


It was as if she had been previously been a balloon filled with helium that continued to fly and was suddenly caught by a string that came attached to that balloon and she was not only pulled down but a needle was introduced to her popping that balloon. Unconsciously, she let go of his sleeve and slowly she offered him a smile that felt strained even to her.

“Well. He really is just a friend. Jae Ha is more like an older brother.” Ariel continued feeling like she was more or less just rambling on now.

“Just… keep resting.” Ji Hoo spoke trying to get her to settle back down.

“I’m not very sleepy.” Ariel found herself saying.

“What are you reading?” She found herself asking.

“Edgar Allan Poe.”
“Can you sit here?” Ariel questioned scooting over on the bed enough to make a space for Ji Hoo to sit beside her. With a bit of hesitation Ji Hoo went to sit next to her stiffly. Smiling once again Ariel reached for Ji Hoo’s shoulders and tried to push them down.
“Relax. You’re at time a bit robotic and awkward when you’re beside me. We’re friend are we not Sempai? You should relax around me too.” Ariel spoke. Offering Ji Hoo another bright smile Ariel then simply laid beside Ji Hoo.

“Will Yi Jeong be alright?” Ariel questioned Ji Hoo who was now closing his eyes the book he previously had remained in his lap as he silently nodded.

“I worry about them.” Ariel continued’

“Hm.” Ji Hoo spoke in response agreeing with Ariel.

“I think it’s quite sad when people that love each other can’t be together. Don’t you think so?” Her question was once again met by a quiet sound of acknowledgment. Even so, Ariel continued to speak.

“I really want them to end up together. We’re all routing for them.”
“I believe they can love each other more than anyone else will be able to love them. Don’t you think?” This time there was no answer, even so Ariel smiled realizing Ji Hoo had fallen asleep.

“Carrying me must have tired you out Sempai.”
“I’m sorry and thank you. For looking out for me.”




There was no way Yi Jeong could actually leave even if he had wanted to. The truth was only he and Il Hyun could make medical decisions regarding their father. Because his father had no other relatives and his his only sons it was up to Il Hyun and Yi Jeong to decide what was to happen to their father.


Doctors had explained that their father had been severely burned by the fire. His body had suffered third degree burns, the fall he had suffered had caused severe head trauma and it was a miracle he was alive, his brain was quite swollen and due to all the pain in his body and trauma to his head he would be kept in an induced coma until the swelling would go down. It was then that they would be able to know after several test if there was any permanent brain damage. But the worse was yet to come. The fall had caused severe damage to his father’s spine and there was a high possibility that he would be unable to walk again. Il Hyun and Yi Jeong had agreed to keep their father in an induced coma simply because the pain in his body would be unbearable for him to bare even with the amount of pain medication they were giving him.


“What should we do about the operation?” Il Hyun asked Yi Jeong.

“You know the old man. He’ll be upset either way. If we don’t allow them to operate his probabilities to walk again lessen.”
“There’s still a high chance he won’t walk again even if we let them operate on him.” Il Hyun said to Yi Jeong.

“Even so. Let’s do what’s in our hands. He’ll resent us more if he thinks we’re punishing him for what he’s done to us.” Yi Jeong said to his brother.

“So then we both agree.” Il Hyun spoke.

“Yes. Let god decide what his fate will be.”
“Alright. I’ll sign the papers.” Il Hyun said to Yi Jeong.

“Yi Jeong.”
“We’ll talk later when this is over. I think there’s still a lot to discuss between us.”
“Are you still angry at me?” Yi Jeong questioned.

“Are you mad at me?” Il Hyun questioned back only for Yi Jeong to smile and shake his head.

“Then I’m not mad either.” Il Hyun spoke heading away from them empty hallway where Yi Jeong now stood by himself, from a distance Yi Jeong could see Jae Hee waiting for his brother and offered the woman a kind smile.

“Yi Jeong.” From the other end of the open hallway Yi Jeong saw his uncle, aunt and Counselor Emma.

“How is she?” Yi Jeong spoke.

“Not stable.” Emma spoke.

“But. She’s asked for you several times. They’ve sedated her a lot. Is she hurt?”
“No. She inhaled a lot of the smoke and further test shows she was drinking and taking pain medication. She’s been calmed enough to still be awake. She wants to see you.” Emma explained.

“You don’t have to feel obligated to do so. I know my sister has made a lot of mistakes with you boys.” Uncle Lee spoke to Yi Jeong, there was great burden and sadness in his eyes which Yi Jeong knew all too well. He had felt it all his life a had Il Hyun.

“I think you should go see her.” Annabelle spoke surprising everyone.

“I know I haven’t seen eye to eye with her for a long time. But Yi Jeong. This is your chance to let her know how you feel. Whether she’ll remember this conversation or not you’ll be able to let it all out now.”

“You won’t see her for a very long time. She needs a lot of help and it might take a very long time for her to be stabilized.” Annabelle explained.

“You should go say goodbye to her. Make sure you tell her what’s in your heart so that you leave all your burdens and pain in that place so you can move forward.” Annabelle said to him.

“You don’t need to feel guilty for wanting something better. You children deserve better and until she’s better and if you’d live even after that. We will be your parents. We won’t replace them because they will always be your parents but we’ll offer you children what you should have always had, love and a good home.”
“We have each other. We’ve always had that.” Il Hyun spoke, Yi Jeong was not aware that he was back but he found himself nodding along with his brother.

“We’re a bit too old and you’re a bit too late to give us something we no longer need but thank you it still means a lot to know we have people that care for us.” Il Hyun explained.

“Do what you want Yi Jeong. I think Aunt Annabelle is right. While we’ve both been hurt by them you need to speak to her more than I do.”
“Alright.” Yi Jeong agreed.


Nodding his Uncle began to walk and Yi Jeong followed after him. He was unsure of what to think to what to feel at the moment. He had no idea what he was going to say to his mother when his mind was a complete blank at the moment. Until now, Yi Jeong had stopped himself from thinking about her or how long it was since the last time he had seen her. It was too painful for Yi Jeong to think of her. It was even more painful to care about her. No matter what, Yi Jeong realized that in the end she was still his mother. While Emma’s diagnosis had helped him understand so many things the fact was he was still upset and hurt and angry at all that she had put him and Il Hyun through.


Yi Jeong found himself walking for what felt like hours, through endless hallways and down several floors. The psychiatric ward, he’d been though here many times, on different occasions and stages of his life. But this was the first time he had not come alone. Yi Jeong followed his uncle down several more corridors until they came to a single white door. Outside, there was a nurse and she simply bowed to them and unlocked the door using her key card. Taking a deep breath in order to calm himself Yi Jeong walked in while the door closed behind him.


His heart clenched and he fought with himself not to cry. He’d seen his mother like this on several occasions. She was tied to a bed her hands and feet we bound not only because they were afraid she would hurt someone, but because the doctors were afraid she would hurt herself. She kept calling out to him and Yi Jeong simply kneeled in front of her.
“I’m right here mom.”
“You have to go find him Yi Jeong. You have to go look for him. He’s with another of those women. Please. Get me out of here.” She was crying, her voice was weak from all the sedatives she’d been given. Even so, those words were so familiar to him. There was too much pain in his heart as he looked at this person who was suppose to be his mother. Tears fell down his eyes as he reached to her hair gently.

“Mom. He’s not outside. He’s not anywhere else but in this hospital. Don’t you remember what you did to him?”
“Don’t touch me!” She weakly spoke trying to struggle away from Yi Jeong who continued to cry, a sob escaping his lips as he removed his hand from her.

“You’re a liar! And a bad child! Why do you hate me? Why do you always refuse to do as I ask? Do you hate me that much Yi Jeong?”
“Do you hate me that much?” Yi Jeong answered back anger finally pushing through his emotions.
“How many more times must you do this to yourself? How much longer are you only going to care for that man?”
“He doesn’t love you and he’s never going to love you. Why can’t you see that you’re only hurting yourself and Il Hyun and I?”
“Because of him and because of you I’m like this! I can’t be happy with the person I love because I’m scared to become like him and I don’t want to hurt Ga Eul like I’ve seen my father hurt you!”


“Because of him I was kidnapped and I had my hand broken. I was in pain, I felt so alone. I needed my mother many times but you’ve never been there for me. What gives you the right to ask me for anything when you’ve never given me an ounce of your care!”
“I’m your mother Yi Jeong please. Please. Go find him! Please. Please don’t you love me? Don’t you care for your mother?”
“I’m your son!” Yi Jeong shouted.

“And you’ve never cared for me! I’m your son!”

The door suddenly opened and the nurse and Yi Jeong’s uncle stood there with worried looked on their faces.

“Please Yi Jeong! You have to help me please!”
Ignoring, his mother and his uncle Yi Jeong continued to walk away. He didn’t know where he was going but he needed to be alone.



Rain had suddenly fallen in the middle of the night. The crackling of thunder fit her mood. Why had she lied to herself? Why had she lied to Yi Jeong? Walking away from him on her own terms had been the most difficult thing she had done in her life… and yet… It was the fact that Yi Jeong had not gone after her that caused her more pain. Had her love for him ever been enough? Tears welled up in her eyes while she buried herself in her blankets and cried.


She didn’t want to worry her parents anymore; she’d tried to give up but today her heart really was broken. There was nothing more to say, nothing more to do. She had done what she could. Was there any regrets that lingered in her heart. No. For now, that had to be enough.


Her phone rang and for a moment, she wondered if that was Ji Hoo once again. He’d called earlier to let her know about Ariel and had asked she tell Jae Ha as well. It wasn’t that serious and Ga Eul determined that it wasn’t something to say to Jae Ha, not wanting to ruin the rest of his day though the whether might have put a down on things. Then again, Jae Ha seemed glad that his brother was back home, that was all that should matter.

“Is this Ga Eul? This is Il Hyun.”
“Il Hyun?” Ga Eul questioned looking at the clock on her nightstand which read 2am.

“I’m sorry to disturb you but. Have you seen Yi Jeong?”
“Yi Jeong?” Ga Eul questioned alarmed.

“My parents had an accident. Our mother she… she isn’t well mentally. She hasn’t been for a long time.”
“I know.” Ga Eul answered quietly, feeling her heart clench.

“She hurt our father and…Yi Jeong went to see her but now we can’t find him. I’ve called everyone but no one has seen him.”

“I’ll try calling him and I’ll help look for him.” Ga Eul spoke getting out of bed in her pink pajamas she headed out to the living room only to find her mother and father sitting there.

“Ga Eul what are you doing up?” Her mother questioned.

“I need to go out.”
“It’s late. Go back to your room” Her father spoke sternly.

“Yi Jeong is missing.”

“I don’t care. His other friends will find him. You go back to your room. I’m not having my daughter out late at night.”
“Dad please.”
“Ga Eul.” Her mother spoke gently.
“You don’t have to do look for him. He’s outside.” Her mother spoke gently.


Confused Ga Eul looked out the window only to find Yi Jeong kneeling outside her front door steps. Her eyes widened in surprise and before either of her parents could stop her Ga Eul was running out into the rain, uncaring if she was drenched.

“Sunbae. What are you doing? Get up you’ll get sick like this. Let’s get you inside.” Ga Eul spoke trying to get Yi Jeong to stand up but he would not budge.

“Sunbae please.”
“I’m sorry Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke though his eyes kept looking at the ground apologetically and unable to look at Ga Eul.

“It’s all right Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke

“But please stand up.” She begged kneeling beside him and trying to get him to stand.

“Did you know Ga Eul? That until I met you I didn’t know just how much I lacked in my life?” Yi Jeong spoke finally looking at Ga Eul, tears welling up in both their eyes.

“There was so much that I thought that I didn’t need until I met you. I thought love was something I didn’t want nor need in my life. I thought there would never be anyone that could make me feel that.”
“Ga Eul-yang. I’m sorry that I’ve done things all wrong. I’m sorry that I could not love you properly. I’ve never felt good enough to be by your side. I can’t be what you need me to be. And I’m still so very afraid to be hurt but I’m more scared that my actions will always hurt you. I want to ask you for another chance but I can’t ask you to wait for me Ga Eul. Not when this isn’t what you deserve.”

“Miyane. Ga Eul-yang. Saranghe”

“I’m sorry Ga Eul-yang. I love you.”

Rain and thunder continued to fall. The harsh drops of water continued to drench both of them. Muting out all sounds including their cries. Ga Eul could feel her heart race and at the same time it was like she knew, and felt all the pain that Yi Jeong was feeling at the moment. Reaching to grab his face in her hands Ga Eul spoke.

“You’re good enough. I don’t care about your past or what’s happened with your parents. I like you for you. That person that you are when you let others see you. I know you care about me Sunbae and I know you’re afraid to let your guard down. But you don’t have to be that way with me because I love too Sunbae.”
Pressing his forehead against hers Yi Jeong slowly raised his hand to cup Ga Eul’s cheek. Tears fell from both their eyes.

“I’m sorry Ga Eul. I’m sorry for being like this.”
“It’s okay Sunbae.” Ga Eul whispered feeling her heart race.

“Just once more. Please Ga Eul. Give me one more chance.” Yi Jeong whispered pulling Ga Eul closer to him.

“Yes.” Ga Eul whispered before Yi Jeong silence her with a kiss.


Slowly, they pulled each other closer. Allowing themselves to breathe in the other. There was no need for more words. No need to say more when all they needed was this one moment. Their hearts felt at ease and it was as if this kiss was washing away both their pain and mending what pain was caused between them. Ga Eul felt warmth and love in this kiss as their mouths softly moved in sync both unable to let each other go. When they finally did pull away Yi Jeong kept Ga Eul in his arms. The rain had suddenly stopped and Ga Eul looked up at the sky and smiled gently before looking back at Yi Jeong. Once more reaching to caress his cheek gently and watching as Yi Jeong simply closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

“Let’s go inside now Sunbae.”


{Thank you guys for reading only two or three chapters left and then we go to the drabbles.}

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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon