Chapter 23: The Night is Ours

Vulnerable Heart


The week at school had been rather rambunctious. School was coming to an end, graduation was just around the corner and Ga Eul was simply glad to be done with this phase in her life. She would be attending Shinwaa university. While any romantic plans with Yi Jeong had been put on hold that did not mean Ga Eul’s life would stop. Would she miss him? Yes. Would she cry for him? Yes.

However, just like Yi Jeong would do his best in Sweden. Ga Eul would do her best here in Korea. She wanted to make her parents proud and wanted a career for herself. Her plans were simple. She wanted to become a teacher. Ga Eul loved children and she hoped that she would become a great teacher for them. She wasn’t quite sure as to what it was she wanted to teach yet but Ga Eul would give herself just a bit more time to think about it.

Sitting beside her window as she thought of her future Ga Eul smiled to herself. She wasn’t quite sure where her life would be at in the next five years but Ga Eul was already looking forward to those days.

There was an insistent knock on her door which startled Ga Eul, more so when Jan Di and Jae Kyung walked in.

“Your mom let us in.” Jae Kyung spoke with a smile. She seemed pretty excited and happy to be in Ga Eul’s room her eyes roamed around the room and Ga Eul smiled when she saw Jae Kyung reach for the heart shaped sticky note on her ceiling. Jan Di was a bit more subtle offering Ga Eul a kind smile.

“What are you doing here?” Ga Eul questioned.
“Well. Today is the dance. You can consider us your fairy godmothers.” Jae Kyung spoke with a smile.

“I know there wasn’t much time for dress picking but we do have something for you.” Jan Di spoke with a smile.

“Unfortunately we didn’t bring it with us.” Jae Kyung spoke.

“You have to come with us. Yi Jeong gave us permission to take you away for the day.” Jan Di explained.

“Of course, we have to give Cinderella back before the dance starts. Just make sure you don’t run away when it’s midnight.” Jae Kyung joked with a smile.

“Come on then!” Jae Kyung and Jan Di spoke with excitement.

There excitement seemed contagious and Ga Eul found herself smiling back at her friends.

“Alright” She agreed standing up from where she was and allowing both Jan Di and Jae Kyung to drag out of her bedroom. Both her mother and father were in the living room pretending as if they saw nothing. Though her mother did wave at Ga Eul as she was about to head out.

On her way out Ga Eul took a peek at the house next door. Yi Jeong was nowhere in sight and Ga Eul wondered what would be to come next. When it came to So Yi Jeong and romance there was endless possibilities.

“Come on Ga Eul.” Jae Kyung spoke leading Ga Eul into the car they’d come to pick her up in. It was a large black SUV.

“You know where to go Mr. Kim.” Jae Kyung spoke to their driver who didn’t speak a word but instead started the car.

“Wait. What about Ariel?” Ga Eul spoke, realizing that her friend had not been taken with her.

“We were just told to take you Ga Eul.” Jae Kyung spoke.
“Don’t think to much of it. Ji Hoo has other plans.” Jan Di spoke. Jan Di’s answer confused Ga Eul and she wondered what was going to happen next.

It didn’t take long for Ga Eul to arrive at a very big mansion.

“Where are we? Whose house is this?” Ga Eul questioned.

“It’s Jun Pyo’s.” Jan Di spoke with a smile.

“Jae Hee unnie asked us to come here and get ready. Jun Pyo arranged for staff to take care of us today.” Jan Di explained.

“Is that really okay?” Ga Eul found herself asking.

This caused both Jan Di and Jae Kyung to smile at her brightly both girls lacing their arms with Ga Eul’s.

“Look we know you’re not our friend because we have money. But we want to do this. Besides, today Jun Pyo is paying so you don’t have to worry about that.” Jan Di spoke though this answer only caused Ga Eul to stress even more. Upon seeing the look on her face both Jae Kyung and Jan Di laughed wholeheartedly while they walked with Ga Eul inside Goo Jun Pyo’s mansion.

To Ga Eul it looked like a giant castle. Sure she had been to Yi Jeong’s house but this home was much more big. There was a certain air of class and elegance and just… sparkle that filled the entire mansion which caused Ga Eul to feel overwhelmed.

“Look. Jun Pyo doesn’t mind and if he didn’t think of you as a friend and someone who is genuinely giving us their friendship he would never talk to you. Neither would we.” Jan Di explained.

“Look we trust you and we like you so just let us have this alright. This is one of the last few days you have left with Yi Jeong before he leaves don’t you want to make it special?” Jae Kyung questioned Ga Eul.

Still, Ga Eul found herself feeling pressured to answer. She hated being given lavished gifts and she knew Jae Kyung and Jan Di well enough to know they went all out when they wanted to reward their friends for being just that; friends.

“Then at least do this with me.” Jan Di spoke up.

“Jun Pyo is being sent overseas as well. His parents told us the news last week and I really want today to be special Memories are important.” Jan Di spoke, her voice had gone soft and there was and undertone of pain in both her voice and her eyes.

“Alright.” Ga Eul complied, causing Jan Di to smile at her.

“Thanks.” Jan Di spoke but Ga Eul found herself overwhelmed when a group of women surrounded her.

“Come this way.” They instructed her. Turning to Jan Di and Jae Kyung in panic both girls simply offered her a bright smile not giving away what was going. Ga Eul found herself inside a very large bathroom, the tub was filled with warm water, and flower petals. Immediately the woman in front of her began to tug at her clothes causing Ga Eul to yelp softly in surprise.

Ga Eul’s gesture didn’t seem to deter the women from there task because they managed to slip Ga Eul’s coat off and were already trying to pull off her shirt.

“Stop! I can do that myself.” She spoke in embarrassment. Even so they continued to strip her of her clothes and led her to the bath.

More than feeling pampered as her hair was washed, Ga Eul felt embarrassed and tried not to think too much of it. By the time she was out of her bath Ga Eul and in a pair of white luxurious robes she was met with Jan Di and Jae Kyung who were relaxing while their hair, make-up and nails were being done. Ga Eul was then guided to a chair.

She was offered a glass of juice from a maid that was standing by. Thanking the woman silently Ga Eul took it.
“Just relax. Tonight will be worth it.” Jan Di spoke offering Ga Eul a smile.

“Woo Bin got us a room for tonight. We’ll be celebrating after prom alone.” Jae Kyung spoke with a wink causing Ga Eul to blush while Jan Di herself did the same. This caused Jae Kyung to gasp for a moment before speaking.

“Geum Jan Di have you and Jun Pyo not”
“That’s personal.” Jan Di spoke cutting off Jae Kyung while blushing.

“I understand Yi Jeong and Ga Eul they’re just getting to know each other but… Geum Jan Di you and Goo Jun Pyo have been together for ages now.”
“It’s my business. Besides I… we want to wait.” Jan Di confessed.

“He’s leaving soon. Don’t you want to make your last days with him special?” Jae Kyung questioned.

“I think it’s romantic that they wait.” Ga Eul spoke up.

“Thanks.” Jan Di spoke to Ga Eul offering her a smile while Jae Kyung shrugged.

“I’m not trying to pressure either of you it’s just…”
“We get it.” Jan Di spoke to her cousin.

“You and Woo Bin are different. What’s good for you isn’t what is best for others.” Jan Di spoke, her tone mature.
“Besides. I know how I feel about him and how he feels about me. I didn’t ask him to wait for me I didn’t need to…he simply said he would.” Jan Di spoke with a smile.

Ga Eul found herself smiling at this. While Jan Di and Jun Pyo were definitely a very… loud and volatile couple it was all simply silly banter. Never once did they hurt each other and it seemed like they were very mature when it came to the important topics. There were rare moments like these that would really let you know just how in love Geum Jan Di and Goo Jun Pyo were with one another.

“You’re good for each other.” Jae Kyung spoke to Jan Di offering her a genuine smile. This caused Jan Di to laugh lightly.

“Well. You certainly tamed Prince Song yourself.” Jan Di spoke with a smile.

“Woo Bin’s the only man I’ve ever loved… I’ve known it since we were children.” Jae Kyung spoke with a smile.

Ga Eul could only silently listen once more. Jae Kyung and Woo Bin were always so happy together, teasing one another, flirting so openly. It was like they wanted to let the world know how in love with each other they were. Ga Eul found it cute and she really was happy for both her friends. Conversation continued, and while this was going on Ga Eul’s hair had been blow dried and was starting to be curled. Another woman stood in front of her and began to apply make up on her.

“Remember. Let her natural beauty shine. Yi Jeong seems to like that about his Ga Eul-yang.” Jae Kyung teased causing Ga Eul to blush, her action causing both Jae Kyung and Jan Di to giggle.

“You know Ga Eul. We’re all really thankful for you. When we first met I think we got of on the wrong foot. Mainly because we thought you were like everyone else those first few minutes when you walked into the F4 lounge.” Jae Kyung spoke.

Remembering their chaotic first meeting now caused Ga Eul to laugh. That part in the middle of the year seemed so far away now. But it had become a good memory to something Ga Eul had always wanted and never thought she would find someone like So Yi Jeong.

“We’re sorry for assuming the wrong thing but we’re thankful for you coming in the way you did. Yi Jeong really needed someone like you and we were afraid that he would spend the rest of his life feeling miserable and being used by people and using others.” Jan Di explained.

“So thank you for being our friend and loving Yi Jeong.” Jan Di spoke. This caused Ga Eul to smile at them.

“I think it’s great you know. Three very attractive women tamed the three most unruly F4 men.” Jae Kyung joked.

“Now if F4’s white knight could finally get his happy ending with his kind maiden Ariel.” She continued.

Hearing about her friend Ga Eul couldn’t help but agree with both Jan Di and Jae Kyung. Out of all of F4, it was Ji Hoo who was the true prince. Though Ga Eul realized he, for the most part was also the saddest. Ji Hoo would almost never smile, at least not in front of anyone. While Yi Jeong was in pain for one thing, Ji Hoo was for another.

“After his parents died Ji Hoo was never the same. Not even Seo Hyun was able to truly bring him back to us. She managed to get him to speak again but… his smiles are so rare.” Jan Di spoke sadly.

“Ariel is the same.” Ga Eul explained.

“She’s happy. At least… I think she is when she’s with Jae Ha and I and of course with her parents but… she only ever smiles like that when she’s with Ji Hoo.”
“Let’s just hope tonight changes things.” Jae Kyung spoke trying to fill both Jan Di and Ga Eul with optimism. Silently, Ga Eul hoped for the best as well. She didn’t want Ariel of Ji Hoo to keep their feelings for each other to themselves and end up regretting.


It was easy to look out at the night sky. The stars glistened and accompanied the moon. Ariel wondered if it was because the moon felt lonely that it had so many stars surrounding it. But there was always that beautiful one star beside it that outshine all the others and was always beside the moon. Both her parents were inside her house and Yi Jeong had left hours ago to go pick Ga Eul up. He’d prepared something special for tonight, just for the two of them. Ariel couldn’t help but feel just a little envious.

Her friend had found something they both had so desperately wanted. Love.

“Just a two days away.” Ariel thought to herself. Her graduation was in two days and she had booked her ticket that same day to fly to New York. She’d been admitted to an early program in school and was eager to go. However, she was sad to leave everything she knew behind.

Sighing she laid on her front lawn looking up at the sky. She refused to cry again. As heartbroken as she was she’d promised herself that she’d stop feeling sorry for herself. There would be a lot of great things waiting for her. Silently she decided to hide away her feelings for Ji Hoo knowing they were never truly meant to be anything more than friends.

“That has to be enough.” She told herself.

For a moment she wondered if Ji Hoo was with Seo Hyun right now. Dancing with her, smiling with her. It had been a few days’ prior that an article had been printed about Seo Hyun divorcing the man she had married a few months back. It had been a huge scandal for the past few days and everyone seemed to be talking about it.

This had been the final thing to let Ariel know that she should keep her feelings to herself. With Seo Hyun about to become a free woman once again Ariel knew that Ji Hoo would no doubt run to her. It was never a secret to anyone that Ji Hoo had always been in love with Seo Hyun. Ariel had known that Ji Hoo loved Seo Hyun and only her from the beginning. It left a bitter taste down and an ache in her heart to know that. While Ji Hoo simply saw her as a friend and someone to confide in when it came to his heartbreak, Ariel had let herself fall for him.

It was because of this that Ariel couldn’t bear to look at Ji Hoo. He trusted her as a friend and she knew he’d never reciprocate what she felt for him. They were too different and he was too in love with Seo Hyun to ever look at her as anything more than just a friend. It was because of this that Ariel decided not seeing Ji Hoo until she left was the best. She hoped that when she left to New York she would be able to forget about him. She would focus on her studies and work towards the goal which she’d always wanted, which was to become a great photographer. Eventually, Ariel thought that her romantic feelings for Ji Hoo would go away and only then could she offer Ji Hoo her genuine friendship and be happy for him and Seo Hyun.

Feeling that familiar sting in her eyes Ariel simply closed her eyes tightly fighting with herself and willing her tears not to fall as she tried to empty her mind. She was unaware of how long she stayed like that, simply muting everything around her. When she finally opened her eyes Ji Hoo was standing above her in a white tux looking down at her.

“Ji Hoo sempai. What are you doing here?” She managed to say.

“Aren’t you suppose to be at your dance?”
“We’ve made other plans.” Ji Hoo spoke suddenly pulling Ariel up by her hand and pulling her towards his car.

“We? Wait. Sempai. Where are you taking me?” She questioned startled and taking a step back when he suddenly turned to look at her, the look on his face calm and stoic.

“You didn’t answer my calls.”
“I.. I’ve been busy I leave in”
“Two days.” Ji Hoo spoke quietly. Silence lingering between them for what felt like years.

“Do I make you uncomfortable or”
“No” Ariel spoke up.

“I just…” Looking down at their intertwined hands Ariel allowed herself this much as she spoke.

“I’ve had a lot on my mind. It really isn’t that.” She spoke hoping that he believed her.

“Come with me then.”
“To the dance?” Ariel questioned surprised more so when Ji Hoo nodded and tried to pull her inside his car.

“I can’t.” She spoke

“You should take”
“I want to take you.” He spoke up causing her heart to stop beating just for a second.

“What about”
“You’re leaving in two days. This will be one of our last memories together.”

“I don’t have a dress I… my parents.” Ariel found herself saying.

“You can go out!” Startled Ariel turned to see her mother at the front door, smiling at her.

Without another word, Ariel was forced to go inside the car. Ji Hoo himself got in the car and quickly drove away. For the longest time no one said anything. Ariel wondered why Ji Hoo was taking her when he could take Seo Hyun. She refused to let herself think too much of the situation and hope for something she knew was impossible.

“Where are we going? I can’t go to a dance dressed like this.” Ariel whispered softly. Looking down at her clothes, she was simply in a pair of old sweat pants and a large shirt.

Ji Hoo didn’t say anything to her simply continued to drive.

“Are we really going to a dance?” She questioned. This was simply met by a nod and Ariel simply felt like today she would be the ugly duckling at a ball.

“Ji Hoo sempai. I’m really not dressed for a dance.” Ariel spoke up quietly once again. Ji Hoo however, remained quiet for the remainder of the drive until they came to a stop at a very expensive looking beauty salon.

“Ji Hoo sempai… I can’t.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He spoke to her leading her inside. Immediately a woman brought her toward a chair and got to work.

Ariel found herself feeling like she was in a movie. Someone was doing her hair, working on her makeup. Ji Hoo on the other hand quietly sat a few feet away from her reading a magazine. Ariel was unsure of why he was doing all this but she was sure she wouldn’t get a straight answer from him at the moment. For now, she wouldn’t think too much of it. By the time she was done with hair and makeup she was being led towards the back of the salon where a changing room was set up.

“Change into this dress.” The woman had said to her. Without a word Ariel simply nodded.

“Don’t forget the heels” The woman added handing Ariel a pair of red heels. Quietly Ariel went inside the dressing room to change. The dress was an Ivory colored dress with a plunging V-neck bodice, cap sleeves and and a sheer covered back, this and the beautiful laced details was what made the short dress look so beautiful. Ariel’s hair was pinned up into an elegant bun her make up was light and yet… for the first time Ariel felt truly pretty. Looking at herself in the mirror she felt shy to go out.

“Are you done?” Ji Hoo questioned from outside. This in turn caused Ariel’s heart to race.

“Yes.” She found herself saying. Taking a deep breath Ariel then walked out to Ji Hoo. Looking at her, Ji Hoo offered Ariel a smile before speaking.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Ariel spoke shyly.

“Let’s go then.” He spoke to her allowing her to grab on to his arm as they walked out. Ariel wouldn’t think too much of it. Right now, she was happy.


“Pink is definitely your color.” Jan Di spoke with a smile. Looking at herself in the mirror Ga Eul smiled. Her make up was light, her hair in soft curls that fell down her back. The dress she wore a blush pink lace short dress. The front had a wide boat neck while the back has a deep u style around the dress was a thin satin ribbon belt. It was one of the prettiest dresses Ga Eul had worn. She remembered the dress she was made to wear when she had gone on that disastrous first date with Yi Jeong. She’d felt a bit uncomfortable at exposing her back but that dress didn’t hold a candle to this one. There were intricate lace patterns on the beautiful dress. The pink was of a softer color and Ga Eul felt like this dress was a lot more vintage. This time around things were different between she and Yi Jeong and she felt more comfortable not only with herself but with him as well.

“Come on. You’ll be late and Yi Jeong will kill us.” Jae Kyung spoke, the girl was in a beautiful red dress while Jan Di herself was in a black dress. Both girls looked very beautiful and Ga Eul had no doubt that their respective boyfriends would feel the same way about them.

There was a loud ring from the doorbell and both Jae Kyung and Jan Di smiled brightly pushing Ga Eul toward the door. Squealing Jae Kyung opened the door in excitement and Ga Eul found her heart racing when she saw YI Jeong standing there dressed in a black tux.

“We’ll leave you two alone.” Jan Di spoke dragging Jae Kyung away, from somewhere in the house Ga Eul could already here Jun Pyo and Jan Di arguing amongst one another which caused her to laugh as did Yi Jeong.

“They’re never going to change.” He muttered to himself. Looking at Ga Eul Yi Jeong offered her a smile.

“You look beautiful Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke, this caused Ga Eul to blush and mutter a very soft thank you.

“Shall we go?” He questioned offering her his arm.

“We’re not waiting for them?” Ga Eul questioned referring to Jae Kyung, Jan Di and Jun Pyo.

“Woo Bin Sunbae isn’t here yet.”
“We’re not going with them.” Yi Jeong spoke.

“I hope you don’t mind. But. I’ve made other plans for us.”
“Other plans?” Ga Eul questioned.

“Yes.” Yi Jeong spoke offering her a smile.

“Do you want to go with me Ga Eul-yang?”
“Yes.” Ga Eul found herself saying, heart racing and feeling breathless.

Shyly she followed Yi Jeong out to his car their arms laced together. Yi Jeong then opened his car door for her and Ga Eul silently went in. Yi Jeong following after her after closing her car door and going around to the drivers’ seat.

“Where are we going?” Ga Eul asked.

“It’s a surprise.” Yi Jeong spoke.

Ga Eul had no idea where they were going but she was glad to go anywhere. They drove for a little over thirty minutes and when they came to a stop they were at a large dock. Ga Eul saw a large boat.

“I hope you don’t mind missing the dance for this. I wanted to be alone with you Ga Eul yang. I asked Ji Hoo to borrow his boat”
“It’s fine Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke quietly.

Taking her hand Yi Jeong led her towards the boat. There was a small table, a candle lit dinner, Yi Jeong had arranged for a few musicians to be on the boat. Ga Eul found herself smiling. Yi Jeong was definitely a romantic man. There were a few staff on the boat as well and as soon as they got on the boat began to move into sea.

“I hope you don’t mind Ga Eul yang” Yi Jeong spoke once again.

“It’s fine Sunbae. I just… want to spend time with you also.” She admitted.

There was only so little time left and Ga Eul was more than glad to spend time alone with Yi Jeong. Quietly they sat at the table where dinner was brought to them.

“Steak.” Ga Eul though tot herself, already watering. Her reaction caused Yi Jeong to chuckle. Soft music began to play in the back and Ga Eul felt like this scene was taken from a romance novel.

“Ga Eul-yang.”

“I really will miss you.” Yi Jeong confessed looking at her and offering her a smile. This in turn caused Ga Eul to blush once more.


There was a relaxed atmosphere between them and an air of love that lingered around them.

“You must send me pictures. Letters.”
“Of course. It won’t feel so long if we keep contact with one another.” Yi Jeong spoke with a smile. Ga Eul was aware of how long they would be apart but she didn’t want to focus on that.

“I’m sad.” Ga Eul admitted tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

“But I know this is for the best. For both of us.”
“I’ll come back. Will you wait for me?” Yi Jeong asked directly.

“Yes.” Ga Eul answered honestly. Last time, the question had been hidden in a confession which had made Ga Eul understand and had made her heart flutter. Today it was more direct.

“I’m sorry Ga Eul. There’s a lot that I regret doing and somehow it feels like we haven’t had enough time and I’m already leaving.”
“I understand Sunbae. I’ve said before that I want you to go and I mean that.” Ga Eul said to him.

Silently Yi Jeong reached up to wipe away a stray tear that had fallen from Ga Eul’s cheek.

“I know that you’re not going just because you want to, but because you have to.”

“If you had a choice I know you’d stay here with me. But you can’t. I love Sunbae but I don’t want to hold you back for anything that I know makes you happy. You need time for yourself and so do I.”
“There’s so much that I want to do with my own life and maybe it’s not as extraordinary as your dreams are but I’m content with where I want my life to be at in the next five years and you should have that same choice.”
“I love you too Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke.

Smiling at Yi Jeong Ga Eul wiped at her tears.

“I’m thankful that you are in my life. I know that I don’t deserve you and I count myself as lucky.” Yi Jeong spoke taking Ga Eul’s hand tightly in his own. Around them the musicians continued to play and Yi Jeong smiled.

“We have them for just a few more hours. Would you like to dance with me Ga Eul-yang?” Yi Jeong questioned. Nodding Ga Eul followed Yi Jeong music playing, the night sky glistening with the stars. Both of them brought one another closer. Ga Eul wrapping her arms around his neck while Yi Jeong wrapped his arms around her waist.

Gently they began to sway, simply enjoying each other’s company. The night and the ocean seemed to complement the atmosphere. The ocean appearing to dance along with them. Ga Eul’s heart was racing and silently she closed her eyes locking this moment inside her memories and wishing it would never end.

“Thank you Sunbae for tonight.” Ga Eul spoke looking up at Yi Jeong who offered her a smile, both of them pressing their foreheads against one another. There was no need to speak what they felt anymore, they simply just knew.

Moving to cup her face gently in his hands Yi Jeong brought his lips toward Ga Eul whose eyes instinctively fluttered shut. Their kiss was soft, gentle and Ga Eul found herself feeling as if she were floating. When Yi Jeong pulled away both of them panted softly. Blushing Ga Eul looked down causing Yi Jeong to chuckle. Without another word Yi Jeong simply pressed a soft kiss to Ga Eul’s forehead. Even though this wasn’t their final goodbye, Ga Eul was happy for this moment.


The place where they were was beautiful. It was a garden, surrounded by so many flowers and lights. It was being in some sort of magical place and in the middle of it all was a gazebo.

“Why are we here? I thought we were going to a dance.” Ariel spoke to Ji Hoo.

“Goo Jun Pyo asked that we all meet here.”
“Oh. So that’s why you asked me to come.” Ariel spoke feeling a little idiotic for it.

“That’s not what I meant I”
“It’s fine.” Ariel spoke offering Ji Hoo a bright smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“This place is really beautiful.” Ariel spoke walking toward the gazebo and taking time to look out.

“I wish I had my camera.” She whispered looking out at the beautiful view. Holding out her hands and pretending she held a camera using her fingers Ariel sighed.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have rushed you to leave but… I was afraid that you wouldn’t come with me.” Ji Hoo spoke. For the longest time they were both silent, unsure of what to say but it was Ariel who spoke first.

“I would have come if you asked.” Ariel spoke.

“You wouldn’t answer my calls.”

“Seo Hyun.” Ariel though to herself.

“Seo Hyun left already.” Ji Hoo spoke.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I know how much you care for her.” Ariel spoke.

She couldn’t understand what it was that Seo Hyun wanted. It seemed like no matter what she was always dragging Ji Hoo along and playing with his emotions. Ariel didn’t have the strength to ask Ji Hoo.

“It’s fine. I can deal with it.” Ji Hoo spoke.

“Are you excited to leave?” Ji Hoo questioned.

“Of course I am. There’s so much that I want to see, so many things that I want to learn.”
“And there’s that guy too right?” Ji Hoo spoke offering her a smile.

Her heart ached hearing Ji Hoo say that. She’d wished so many times to go to New York and of course meet her one true love but at this moment in time she felt like that person was slipping from her fingers as she looked at him. Even so, Ariel reminded herself that his was for the best. There was no room in his heart for her as long as she was wanting to be more than just his friend.

“That guy… yes” She responded with a smile.

“I don’t know what to expect but. I’m not holding on to wishful thinking. If that person comes or if it doesn’t happen I’ll be alright. My reason for going is for my dreams in my career.” She spoke honestly.

Silence lingered between them for a long time and Ariel found herself simply trying to take in the view. She was a bit startled when Ji Hoo placed an earbud in her ear. She gave him a questioning look, wondering what he was doing.

“Jun Pyo wanted to play here but. I thought it would be fair if I asked you to dance. We’re both dressed for the occasion so. I want to ask you to dance with me.”

Looking up at him Ariel nodded and tried not to blush. Though it was only a guitar playing Ariel immediately recognized the melody. Pinocchio by Roy Kim.

“I know how much you love listening to ost's.” Ji Hoo spoke as her placed his arms around her waist and she around his neck rather shyly.

“This is my present to you. I know you had a list of everything you wanted me to play for you.” Ji Hoo spoke while they continued to dance swaying together under the night sky, the beautiful garden and the glistening lights around them. Just like that they were emerged in a world of their own. It was one night of magic between the two of them. Ariel found herself feeling like she could cry. She didn’t want this last memory with Ji Hoo to fade. She would keep it in her heart forever.

“Thank you.” She whispered to him causing him to smile.

“I want you to listen to this playlist from start to finish once you land and settle everything. Please. Listen to it.” Ji Hoo spoke to her looking deep into her eyes.

“I promise Sempai.” Ariel managed to say. She could feel heart pound when Ji Hoo moved closer to her. Both of them could feel each other’s breath, she didn’t want to think at the moment and simply closed her eyes.

“Hey! What are you two doing? Ouch! Geum Jan Di what are you doing?”

Hearing Jun Pyo’s loud voice followed by Geum Jan Di caused the magic around them to be broken. Ariel wasn’t disappointed, maybe this magic around her was only in her head. Even so, this seemed to happen a lot and she found herself laughing, Ji Hoo laughing along with her.

“Are you the only one’s that are here?” Jun Pyo questioned Ji Hoo who nodded already having let go of Ariel.

“I’m sorry about him. He’s an idiot. We didn’t mean to interrupt your moment.” Jan Di whispered to Ariel while Jun Pyo chatted with Ji Hoo.

“It’s fine. There was no moment we wee just… saying good bye.” Ariel whispered back.

“Oh.” Jan Di spoke though Ariel noted there was disappointment in both her eyes and her tone of speaking.

“They’re here.” Jun Pyo spoke up. From a distance Ariel could see Woo Bin and Jae Kyung walking together Woo Bin’s arm casually thrown around Jae Kyung’s shoulder. Behind them Yi Jeong and Ga Eul walked together their arms laced together. Ariel found herself smiling glad that her friends were happy.

“Did you have fun?” Jan Di teased both Ga Eul and Yi Jeong. Yi Jeong simply smiled while Ga Eul blushed but ultimately nodded.

“Alright. Not that everyone is here then let’s play.” Jun Pyo spoke.

“Aren’t we a little too old to play here?” Woo Bin questioned.

“I agree. What are we doing here?” Yi Jeong questioned.

“In case you guys forgot this was the place we would come to when we were children.” Jun Pyo spoke.

“We all know that.” Ji Hoo responded.

“Well. It’s been a few years’ things have changed, we’ve met new friends and three of us are leaving in a few days.” Jun Pyo spoke, looking at both Yi Jeong and Ariel and referring to himself as well.

“We F4 made a promise that when we were older we’d come here again one day with the person we love. I wanted to do that tonight.” Jun Pyo spoke looking at Jan Di.

Hearing, Jun Pyo’s words Ariel found herself looking at Ji Hoo who was simply looking at Jun Pyo and listening.

“Don’t get your hopes up Ariel.” She reminded herself not allowing herself to dream.

“Anyway. I brought this.” Jun Pyo spoke showing them two boxes. Opening the first box there were several mask.

“Take your pick.” Jun Pyo spoke. Ariel found herself grabbing a silver mask that only hid her eyes, Ji Hoo doing the same.

“What’s in the other box?” Woo Bin questioned.

“Oh well the winners of this game get this prize.” Jun Pyo explained.

“So what are we playing?” Jae Kyung asked.

“Hide and seek” Jun Pyo spoke.

“1” Jan Di spoke up quickly.

“2!” Jae Kyung spoke up quickly followed by Woo Bin.

“5!” Ga Eul, Yi Jeong and Ji Hoo then spoke up.

“6!” Ariel spoke up in a hurry not wanting to be the one to search for everyone else.

“Hey!” Jun Pyo snapped casing everyone to laugh.

“Count to 100 Goo Jun Pyo!” Jan Di spoke.

Though he was grumbling under his breath Goo Jun Pyo began to count and reminded everyone they had thirty minutes. Everyone quickly began to scramble away looking for a place around this very large garden to hide in.

“Come on.” Ji Hoo spoke to her taking her hand and running away with her. Looking at their intertwined hands Ariel smiled to herself. For just a little while longer she was going to continue to live in the moment.

“Where are we going?” Ariel questioned silently while trying to keep up with Ji Hoo.

She allowed him to lead her away until they reached a large tree hidden away from everyone and it seemed the furthest away from where they had been. Hanging on the tree was a swing. Smiling to herself Ariel simply went to sit on it.

“I haven’t been here in a long time.” Ji Hoo admitted.

“The last time I was here was before my parents died. I didn’t feel like doing much after that.” He admitted. Silently he stood beside her and began to gently push the swing.

“I’m sorry for your loss Sempai.”
“It’s fine. It happened a long time ago and I still have my grandfather.”

“By the way. He’s upset that you didn’t say good bye to him. He wanted you to come see him.” Ji Hoo spoke.

“Tell him I’m sorry and I’ll visit him tomorrow.” Ariel spoke.

“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to. Your grandfather is a good man. He’s quite funny and charming.” Ariel admitted causing Ji Hoo to laugh.

“I’ll tell him you said that.”
“It’s great isn’t it?” Ariel spoke as she looked up at the sky.

“Sometimes when things got too hard here in Korea I would miss Japan even if I had been so lonely back then I loved looking up at the sky and I’d admire the moon and the stars.”
“They’re constant. No matter where I go they don’t change and I know I’m looking at the same sky.”


“That’s a beautiful notion.” Ji Hoo spoke.

“I’ll be in New York soon and… I’m a little anxious about being alone again but… as long as I have the moon and the stars I’ll be fine. You’ll look up at them sometimes too won’t you?” Ariel asked Ji Hoo.

“You’ll think of me sometimes too” She meant to say, though this was the most she could say hoping that only she understood it.

“Yes.” Ji Hoo responded. Smiling at him she felt her heart race when the swing stopped and Ji Hoo simply twisted the rope in a particular way so that she was turning to look at him.

“Ariel. I”
“Found you!”

Looking at Jun Pyo Ariel simply offered a smile to him.

“You found us.” She spoke following Jun Pyo. Looking back at Ji Hoo he sighed and shook his head before following Goo Jun Pyo as well.


Ga Eul found herself running in the middle of a beautiful garden with Yi Jeong, feeling her heart race and feeling breathless, more so because she was running in heels.

“Where are we going?” Ga Eul asked Yi Jeong who was wearing a mask that only covered half of his face, reminding Ga Eul of that dream she’d had so many months ago.

“There’s an old shed in the back. It’s hidden by vines. Goo Jun Pyo won’t be able to find us.” Yi Jeong explained.

Smiling to herself Ga Eul nodded and allowed Yi Jeong to lead her towards the back of the garden, it felt like they’d walked miles and miles away from everyone else. The old shed was small and Yi Jeong simply opened it for Ga Eul turning on the light that was inside.

“How do you know about this place?” Ga Eul questioned Yi Jeong who smiled.

“We’d come here a lot as kids. My brother and I found this place here and we were never really found here.”
“Really?” Ga Eul questioned.

“Yes. This is a good place to hide in. Il Hyun and I were usually forgotten about when we hid here.” Yi Jeong recalled chuckling to himself.

Ga Eul smiled, realizing that although Yi Jeong’s childhood had not been the best he did have good memories which consisted of his brother and his friends. Remembering Goo Jun Pyo’s words to them a few minutes ago Ga Eul wished to ask Yi Jeong about it.

“Is what Goo Jun Pyo said true?”
“About what?” Yi Jeong questioned.

“The promise.”
“Oh” Yi Jeong spoke laughing more so when Ga Eul blushed.

“Yes.” Yi Jeong said to her.

“Back then I think he and Woo Bin were the only ones that already knew whom they’d bring here. They’d already met Geum Jan Di and Ha Jae Kyung.” He explained smiling as he seemed to be reliving that moment in his head.

“I guess at the time I still believed in things like love and marriage. Then I sort of… lost touch with who I was and”
“It doesn’t matter.” Ga Eul spoke to him realizing what he was trying to tell her.

“Of course it does Ga Eul-yang.”

“I forgot about that promise, simply because I didn’t believe I deserved to find someone or that I could find anyone that I could love who would love me as well.”

“That promise seems like it was so long ago but. I’ve made another promise with you and I intend to keep it.” Yi Jeong spoke. His words caused Ga Eul to smile.

“I want to give you something Ga Eul-yang.” Yi Jeong spoke taking out a small box. Feeling her heart race Ga Eul quietly took the small white box in her hand and opened it. It was a ring, a simply band with Yi Jeong’s name on it, with it there was a necklace.
“Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke realizing what it was.

“It’s a promise ring.” Yi Jeong said to her.

“I have one too.” He spoke showing her the chain that was around his neck with a ring.

“I… I know distance is hard but I want you to have this. I want you to hold on to this for me until I come back.” Yi Jeong spoke placing the silver necklace on Ga Eul’s neck and clipping it on. Ga Eul could only look at the ring clasping it tightly in her hands as she continued to listen to Yi Jeong.

“This is my promise to you Ga Eul-yang that I will come back. We’ll both wait for each other won’t we” He spoke.

“Of course Sunbae.” Ga Eul spoke. Offering her a smile Yi Jeong simply hugged Ga Eul who hugged him back smiling to herself.

The sound of a phone ringing was suddenly heard and Yi Jeong pulled away from Ga Eul and simply pulled his phone out laughing when he read his text message.

“That was Goo Jun Pyo. He found everyone else and wants us to come out now.” He spoke this in turn caused Ga Eul to laugh herself, feeling happy beyond belief.

By the time they’d gotten back to their friends both Ga Eul and Yi Jeong had simply hidden their promise rings from sight by slipping the chains under their clothes. Still, Ga Eul was unable to stop herself from smiling and their friends even if they knew something more had developed between she and Yi Jeong no one said a thing.

“Alright.” Jun Pyo spoke.

“Yi Jeong and Ga Eul are the winners. Here is your present” Jun Pyo spoke handing Ga Eul the remaining box.
“Go ahead. Open it.” Jun Pyo spoke

Doing as she was told Ga Eul opened the box only to find a single paper at the bottom with the number ten. Geum Jan Di who was closest to Ga Eul snatched the paper away with a frown and tossed it to Goo Jun Pyo after crumbling it.

“Yah! Goo Jun Pyo! What the hell is this? I did not run around hiding for a piece of paper with a number on it!” Jan Di snapped.

“It’s not just a paper. It’s a countdown.” Jun Pyo spoke with a smile.

“So count”

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five”
Slowly they began to count feeling excitement for what they all knew was to come next.

“Four, three, two”
“One!” At the of midnight and at the end of their countdown the loud whistling of fireworks flying across the night sky as heard as the crackled and exploded in the air. Filling it with beautiful lights of different colors and making this already perfect night even more seamless. Lacing her hand with Yi Jeong’s Ga Eul couldn’t help but cry as she smiled. This would be one of the last few times they would all be together and though parting ways was sad all their futures were definitely as bright as the sky tonight.


A/N Thank you for reading the next chapter might be a little short because it technically is the final chapter which are the goodbyes then the next and final chapter will take place five years later. Hope that you are enjoying my story.)


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diyanahfd #1
I have read this story on fanfics & also archiveofourown. I cannot lie to say that i dont love it, in fact, i really love it! You’re such a great author! Keep it up with your writing. Hope to see more of your writing in the coming time.
GraceGucci #2
I always loved yijong and gaeul!
likatulay #3
Chapter 29: thannnnk youu!! I enjoyed reading everything.. I love it! thank you soo much...
Chapter 24: Thanks for updating. Create another special story plsss ><
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 and I can't stop lol
Chapter 1: Why did I just found this today. This story is so good. ?
KilemJamir #7
Chapter 22: So glad I found this ❤️
likatulay #8
Chapter 19: I so love you!! You are fantastic,,, I love it!! Been a fan of these two.. lol.. Please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter..
likatulay #9
Chapter 17: Aww thanks for the update.. I really love this story.. please update soon..
Nainisein #10
Update soon