Chapter 16

Striking Matches


The next morning felt like a dream. One where i couldn't wake up. Everyone was acting so weird around me! And i had woken up in someone else's bed. I had no idea what had happened to me last night or how i had ended up there. But I felt alright. Bodywise, i mean...

But i had a killer headache. All i remembered from last night was Minho oppa singing Mr. Simple, and how much I had liked it. And... there was something about the way my mouth tasted. It was... well, it didn't taste like my usual mouth. It tasted really bitter and there were other things that i absolutely could not remember...

When I walked out to the living room, the room went silent. Like they had been talking about me. They all pretended to be occupied with something else. It was so weird! Had i done something wrong?!

Taemin was constantly his lips, like he had banana milk over them, and i caught Minho oppa looking at me with a lost look several times. Each time i caught him, he quickly averted his gaze and pretended nothing had happened. Jjong oppa just looked amused, and seemed more eager for skinship. Key oppa just ignored me completely... Only Onew oppa treated me normally, only he would look at the other memebers, puzzled. i felt the same way. 

i was trying to figure out exactly what i had done wrong when someone either put wet tissues (EW!!) on my cheek or... they kissed me. I had no idea who, 'cause whoever it was pulled away as soon as i looked around. Key oppa looked horrified and angry at the same time. He looked like an ajimma, with his hands on his hips and his pink apron on.

"Yah!! Not at the table, you idiot," he scolded, yielding his spatula like a sword.

"Sorry, umma," Taemin said meekly. Oh. so that's who it was... I looked away, embarrassed.

"So... uh... what exactly happened last night, oppas?" I asked tentatively. Everyone but Onew oppa turned and gave me "the look." I shrank under their intense gaze.

Minho oppa raised an eyebrow. "So you really don't remember?"

I gave him a confused look. "But... but why wouldn't i remember? Was... was i sick? Did i... did i faint or something?" he glanced at Key oppa and something like a sigh escaped Key oppa.

"No...." Key oppa said slowly. "Not exactly..."

I looked back and forth between all of shinee. None of them spoke up. This was getting so frustrating!! WHAT HAD HAPPENED!!!?!?!??!

"So...? Then, what really did happen?" I pressed. By now Onew oppa had stopped gulping down fried chicken and had started to watch our little conversation.



"We went to a norebang and ONew oppa ordered lots and lots of drinks and you were really thirsty and you thought the alcohol was water and you kinda chugged it and you got really drunk and strated flirting with everyone and kissing and all that and we brought you home and... and..." Taemin said this as fast as he could, as if hearing it faster would make it less awkward. Well, it didn't. All it did was delay the awkward moment while Taemin looked at Minho oppa and Key oppa for help, and i tried to process what he had just told me. "well,... I... kinda went to sleep after we came home." he continued, running his fingers through his hair.

"... And then you fell asleep, so i tucked you into my bed," Minho oppa said quietly. Key oppa looked sharply at him.

"Minho-ah, but that's not what--"

"So anyways, that's that. What's for breakfast, hyung?" Minho oppa cut across Key oppa. i looked at them suspiciously, but both of them ignored me. Then suddenly Jjong oppa poked my ribs, causing me to jump.

"You know, you're a really good kisser," he teased, his face just millimeters away from mine. I was speechless-- i could feel a blush creeping up on my face.

"S--stop it, oppa," i stuttered, and pushed him away. My face was red hot. i could feel it. Oh, ground, just swallow me now...

"Yah! Kim Jonghyun! Stop teasing her at the breakfast table. A bad attitude means bad digestion, which can lead to all sorts of other stuff!" Key umma (oops, oppa) yelled. "And shut up and eat your food!!"

Jjong oppa went back to his seat and started eating. I stared at Minho oppa again, trying to figure out what he was hiding. I... I couldn't have done all that stuff, right? I mean, I was a sweet, normal, shy, nice girl. I would never kiss people....

At least, I didn't think so...?

Arggg, not knowing was killing me!!

"But-- but I didn't do all that stuff, right? I mean, I just couldn't, right? I don't do that kind of stuff, right?" I said desperately. Jonghyun oppa smirked and made kissing noises, but Minho oppa and Key oppa exchanged another "look." This was starting to get on my nerves. "Fine!" i huffed. I started ramming food in my mouth in a stormy mood. If they weren't gonna tell me, then I guess I'd just have to find out myself! We all finished eating and everyone left me alone at the table, with all the dirty dishes. I sighed. What was I, a personal slave?... But since Key oppa had cooked breakfast for me and i had *ahem* done all that... stuff last night, it was a fair trade.

Before i could start cleaning, the front door banged open and a man strode in. "Hello, my shinees!! It's me, your handsome manager!" He looked disappointed when no one came to greet him. He looked around, looking for someone or something, when he spotted me. He crossed his arms and glared at me accusingly. "And who in the world are you?" he said, narrowing his eyes. "last time I checked, Shinee does NOT have a housekeeper as young as you."

I bit back a sharp retort. Me, a housekeeper?! Sheesh! "I'm--"

"A fangirl? Expected. Now scram!"

"No, it's not that, I'm--"

"What? A family member? Yeah, right, I've heard that already. Get out!"

Gr... This was getting annoying. "No, I'm not, Minho oppa--"

"What? Oh, well, I'm sorry if he told you anything. He's not completely normal," the rude manager said, not noticing that Minho oppa was right behind him.

"Did you say something about me, Manager Hyung?" Minho oppa asked politely, yet with a threatening tone. Mr. Manager jumped and looked thoroughly embarrassed when he saw Minho oppa.

"No, nothing," he said. "But-- but who, is this girl? You're going to tell me, or be in big trouble!"

Key oppa came out of the bathroom, his hair dripping wet. "What's all the fuss-- oh, hey Manager hyung. It's just Surim."

"Surim?! Who is that? Your girlfriend? Key, how many times do I have to tell you? No girlfriends outside of SMent!"

Onew oppa came out of the bedroom. "Then what about Jonghyun and Sekyung? She wasn't SMent."

"That's why we changed the rules," the manager snapped impatiently. "Now, tell me who you are, or get out of here." he said to me.

I half- rolled my eyes. This guy was so annoying! "I'm Surim. I'm in the drama, Striking Matches, with Key oppa."

He still looked suspicious. "So you're not dating anyone in Shinee?"

Taemin strolled in with a carton of banana milk. "What's going on?" he asked.

Everyone ignored him. "So, are you or are you not?" the manager asked again.

"Is she or is she not what?" Taemin asked again. Again, no one gave him a second thought.

"No, Mr. Manager. I'm not dating anyone in shinee." I said, exasperated.

"Mr. Manager? I like that. Ok, everyone, from now on, call me Mr. Manager!" declared the manager, clapping his hands. Minho oppa looked at me closely, while Taemin looked disappointed and left the room. Key oppa gave me a "how dare you" glare and followed him. Onew oppa, oblivious as always, shrugged and went to the fridge for some more chicken.

"What? What did I do wrong now?" I asked. Then it hit me. Taemin. My boyfriend... sorta. Thinking that just seemed... wrong. Like wearing your left shoe on your right foot. It just didn't feel right at all.

"Say, Surim, you can hang out with the Shinee boys as much as you want, okay?" the manager said eagerly, and left abruptly. He was such an awkward guy...

Taemin POV

I felt like i wanted to cry... But guys shouldn't cry. Surim had just kinda dumped me!

Hm... maybe she couldn't remember anything because of the alcohol...

But she had kissed Jonghyun hyung, not just me.

And how come she got to sleep in Minho hyung's bed?

I sighed. This reminded me of noona. She had rejected me, too...

Well... what if I do aegyo to Surim? No one can resist my aegyo!

But what if she just says I'm cute, like everyone else does? I don't want to be cute i want to be  handsome and strong and manly.

Stupid maknae reputation!!

I heard Key hyung come in and I quickly buried my face in a pillow so he wouldn't ask me any questions. Maybe he thought I was crying, because he cursed Surim under his breath. "Aish, Surim, making my poor son cry," he muttered. He gave me a hug and left the room. Uh oh, i thought. Key hyung's on a war path, and it won't be very pretty...



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update soon!
orangegirl #2
Chapter 15-16. Getting drunk, and kissing the hot boys! hahaha!
Yayyyy. :D
freshmarketapples #4
i love the new post
you really should update more if you want to keep the story going
also i want to know what surim is thinking about
does she like minho? or doesn't she?
such a captivating story
freshmarketapples #5
I want to know more about Minho. Tell me what he is thinking.
Keep writing I want to know how everything turns out!
freshmarketapples #6
Oh, poor Minho! Update soon!!
heh, can I apply to make a poster for this story? -bashful glance to the side- Not because I think you would use it, but because it sounds fun and this is the first time I've actually pressed the "apply for this story" button?<br />
<br />
Thanks for reading ^^
I really like it ^^ I can't imagine why you don't have more subscribers!
poor taeminnie if he finds out she still loves minho. what will happen?!!!
thanks, shineeshineeshinee12 ! I hope you enjoy the rest of it