Chapter 15

Striking Matches


Ok, I edited this chapter, just near the end... the new part is in a different font. ^^


Everyone wore disguises except me. Minho oppa suggested that i wear sunglasses, at least, but i refused. I wasn't popular enough to have to hide my identity. Besides, today wasn't very sunny at all. Onew oppa drove us over there.


KEY POV (At the movies)


I would normally get worked up when watching movies as captivating as this one, but this time I was too focused on Haejin. She looked almost—no, she definitely looked bored, even though SHE had suggested watching this in the first place… I finally worked up the courage to reach for her hand so temptingly lain on the arm rest, but she smirked and took her hand away. I left my hand there just in case she wanted to reach for it, but she didn’t. And when the movie was over, she left, leaving me to clean up. I picked up the untouched popcorn and sighed, feeling like a complete idiot. Thousands of Lockets would die to go on a date with me, but here I was, dating someone who treated me more like a slave than a boyfriend. When I exited the theater, Haejin was nowhere to be seen. I breathed another sigh and threw the popcorn away, then immediately regretted it. What was good, or at least edible, food had been put to waste. I wasn’t that stingy on money, but my grandma needed all the money I could earn.

Idiot, I thought to myself. I got into my car and went home.


“OMG, it’s Surim from Striking Matches!!”

Instantly, a crowd of fans surrounded me. I looked desperately at Minho oppa, who looked back at me with an I told you so expression. Minho oppa and the rest of shinee pretended not to know me. Thankfully, a million autographs and a billion hugs later, my fans left me alone long enough for me to duck into a bathroom and change into a disguise Minho oppa had packed for me.

That behind us, we rented a karaoke room and ordered lots and lots of food. Jonghyun oppa sang first, choosing Juliette. Written by him. He was a really good singer, though he failed miserably at the rap. He got a score of 89. Taemin laughed and .

“Even Yoogeun did better than that, hyung!”

Jjong oppa looked flustered. “But I wrote it!” he protested over and over again. We all laughed, except for Onew oppa, who suspiciously whispered something to the waitress. She returned moments later with all our food and lots and lots of bottles of… alcohol. The minors, Minho oppa, Taemin, and me, gaped at him. Jonghyun oppa looked uncomfortable.

“Hyung, you know I can’t drink very well,”

“Who says you have to?” Onew oppa said happily. “I haven’t had a good drink in months!” I looked uneasily at Minho oppa, but shrugged it off. What harm would there be?

Next, Taemin sang Candy by H.O.T. I was really amazed at his singing skills. And also flattered that he was singing to me the whole time. He got a 95.

“Beat that, hyungs!” he said gleefully.

“You’re on!” challenged Minho oppa. He chose to sing Mr. Simple by Super Junior, one of my favorite songs. I couldn’t help but dance along as he sang. He earned a 96, and he immediately stuck his tongue out at Taemin playfully. “Merong!” he teased. Onew oppa was a little too focused on drinking to sing anything, so it was my turn. I scrolled through the list of girl group songs, looking for something I knew well. I couldn’t sing a sad song, since that would totally ruin the atmosphere. But I didn’t want to sing a weird, y song. I was too shy for that. Instead I chose to sing Oh! by SNSD, dancing some of the parts. I got a 92, which I thought was great for me.

“WHAT!! I got.. I’m last?!” Jonghyun oppa said indignantly.

“Come drown your sorrows in this,” Onew oppa called, raising a glass. His speech was a bit slurred. I gasped. Around him were five empty bottles. He had drunk it all himself. Wow,,,

I was immensely thirsty after singing, so I poured myself some water and drank some. Taemin was attacking the food, and my hunger came back and I left the water for some delicious noodles. Jonghyun oppa gave me a wrap he made, and I ate it before I noticed mischievous sparkle in his eyes. In a few seconds, I knew why. My mouth was burning. It felt like fire. Raw garlic and a ton of wasabi.

“AH!!!!!! Oppa, I’m gonna kill you!” I yelled, tearing up because of the spiciness. But first, water. I went back to Onew oppa and did a one shot of my remaining water, and blindly grabbed a bottle and chugged it. It was a bit bitter, but it helped get rid of the spiciness.  Much better… I lowered the bottle to see everyone staring at me.

“What?” I asked curiously.

“… That… wasn’t water,” Minho oppa said.

“Huh?” I looked down at the bottle labeled… Soju… alcohol…



Several minutes later, Surim was completely drunk. She went around making kissing noises at Taemin and squeezing his cheeks. He ran away from her, but she finally caught him and started kissing him. I could see Taemin struggle for a bit, but then kiss her back. I knew it was time to go home when Surim added her tongue to the mix. I pulled her off Taemin and lifted her up, princess style.

“Taemin, you okay?” he nodded, his lips. “Jjong hyung, come with Onew hyung, will you?” Onew hyung was out cold, chicken in one hand and a bottle in the other. Jonghyun hyung nodded and swung Onew hyung on his back. I checked us out, paid, and drove us home.  I didn’t exactly have a license, but I looked old for my age. Plus, it was pretty late at night. I felt kinda bad for Jonghyun hyung, Surim’s new victim. She was playing with his hair and every once in a while, kissing him on the cheek. I was so glad we didn’t live far from the norebang. We managed to get everyone inside, and we got everyone’s disguises off. Jonghyun hyung took Onew hyung to his bed and went to his own. Key hyung wasn’t back yet, but Surim was still as drunk as ever. Taemin went to bed too, but I couldn’t leave the drunk Surim by herself. So I was stuck with the flirting, drunk Surim. I didn’t bother stopping her, because I knew she’d get worse if I did. I let her snuggle into me and my hair.

"I love you, oppa," she said. I froze at the words. half-- okay, 99%-- of me was telling myself that she was drunk, that she didn't mean anything she said, but that small 1% was in absolute bliss... i had no idea how to respond.

"I love you too, Surim-ah." The words slipped out automatically.

WAIT! hold it!! did i seriously say that out loud? Had anyone heard? Well, except her? Wait, what if she remembers this tomorrow?? What was i thinking?!

I watched her closely for any sort of reaction, but she just smiled crookedly and hugged me. I calmed down. She was just drunk. But I couldn't help but feel a small pang of sadness. I just needed to get her to sleep, and tomorrow she'd be back to normal, i decided.

“Surim, let’s go to sleep,” I murmured.

“Okay,” she said brightly, reaching for my shirt to take it off. I grabbed her wrists.

“Not that kind of sleep, Surim. Just rest.”

“Oh. Okay,” she said childishly, and let me lie down on the couch. She lay down next to me and hugged me, burying her face in my neck before going to sleep. I tensed up a bit. It felt so awkward… But my tiredness won over and I slipped into sleep…

Suddenly, I snapped my eyes open at a wet thing moving on my collarbone. It was Surim. She started on it. I was so shocked that for a moment, I did nothing. But then, I pushed her away. She immediately wrapped herself around me and kissed me fiercely. She placed my hands on her waist and put her arms around my neck. I couldn’t help it; I kissed her back just as hungrily. I opened my eyes for a moment before i deepened the kiss, looking at Surim's closed eyes and realized that what i had said wasn't a lie. I closed my eyes again and slid my tongue into , tasting every bit of . I do love you, Surim. Just then—


I punched in the code and stormed in. It was pretty late; I had stopped at a mall to shop my disappointment away. So I was definitely unprepared for the sight I saw. Minho was kissing—no, making out—with Surim. Taemin’s girlfriend.

“Minho!! What are you doing?!” I demanded furiously. When Surim saw me, she stumbled to me and pulled me into a kiss. My body reacted against my will, pulling her closer. But then, I realized who this was.

“SURIM! What are you doing, cheating on my Minnie?”

She just giggled. “I love you, oppa” she said. Her speech was slurred.


“She got a bit drunk, hyung. She’s been doing that to all of us,” he said apologetically. I nodded understandingly, but then remembered something.

“Then why’d you start making out with her?” I challenged. He glared at me for a moment, but his gaze soon lost its intensity. "Because…"  he looked at Surim wistfully. I gasped and he snapped back to me.

“I-- She dared me to.” he said it with his usual quiet sincerity. I half smiled. He was flaming charisma, all right. But... that slight hesitation... was he lying to me? I glared back at him as Surim reached for me. Thankfully, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her to him.

"I'm not lying, hyung. I don't like surim in that way," he said quietly. "Besides, hyung," he added with a mischevious smile, "why did you kiss her back? Why hyung? Why?" I blushed and went to our room without another word. Everyone was sleeping peacefully. I tucked the blankets more securely around Taemin and went to my own bed.


The lies stuck in my throat. I hated lying, but right now it couldn't be helped. I had my pride, and Taeminnie's feelings to consider.

'...I don't like her in that way,' I had told him. Well, that wasn't exactly a lie... I didn't like Surim; I loved her...

I let go of her wrists and she slumped to the floor. She looked devastated when hyung left. She looked the sanest she had all night.

"Why, why, oppa? Wae.. I love you..." she asked the closed door, her face wet with tears. With those words, she fell asleep, her alcohol high gone. I sighed and went over to her and carried her to our room. She should sleep this off. For her sake, I hoped she wouldn’t remember what had happened tonight. I tucked her into my bed and slipped into Onew hyung’s bed. It was bigger and more comfortable, anyways. His snoring and the sound of everyone breathing lulled me to sleep.

"Night, Surim-ah..." 





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update soon!
orangegirl #2
Chapter 15-16. Getting drunk, and kissing the hot boys! hahaha!
Yayyyy. :D
freshmarketapples #4
i love the new post
you really should update more if you want to keep the story going
also i want to know what surim is thinking about
does she like minho? or doesn't she?
such a captivating story
freshmarketapples #5
I want to know more about Minho. Tell me what he is thinking.
Keep writing I want to know how everything turns out!
freshmarketapples #6
Oh, poor Minho! Update soon!!
heh, can I apply to make a poster for this story? -bashful glance to the side- Not because I think you would use it, but because it sounds fun and this is the first time I've actually pressed the "apply for this story" button?<br />
<br />
Thanks for reading ^^
I really like it ^^ I can't imagine why you don't have more subscribers!
poor taeminnie if he finds out she still loves minho. what will happen?!!!
thanks, shineeshineeshinee12 ! I hope you enjoy the rest of it