Chapter 3: Hopefully Not a Start

The Spring Between Us

Namjoon was actually pretty supscious to the now Jung sisters.

As if he had seen them before, he felt like the two are very familiar in his eyes. It was more than familiar even—like both of them was supposed to have a some kind of relationship with them. But he can’t grasp correctly what is it, even though he was sure deep down it wasn’t just probably because they look like someone he was supposed to know.

He opens the door to his house after the whole street-food party with the boys and Hoseok’s sisters. They ended up eating around 13 portion of fried chicken even though there were only 9 of them—it was surprising to see Nara who they always thought was the calm and collected of the duo to down that much chicken happily, with the older sister being no different from her, just that she lacked expression as she eats (even though everyone know she’s enjoying it).

(It was dawned to them that the girls were pretty much big eaters but are naturally skinny gened.)

He sighes when he found out his father wasn’t home—it’s not like the old man is a work-a-holic, but its just that he’s that easy to feel guilty about his situation. The thought of Namjoon living without a mother just made him have the need that he have to work harder so that the boy’s life would be better, even though Namjoon never thought that his life is miserable.

The boy glanced to his father’s room, who was always locked when his out. The only time that he got a glance on the older man’s room is when he was preparing to go to work—which only showed his bed and a desk. He always wonders what is he hiding in the room.

Because deep down, Namjoon does want to know what happened to his mother.

Nara rubbed her eye as she opened her locker. She had been up all night playing with the maknae trio, finding the comfort of friends in them. The younger of the Jung sister does look like a feminine porcelain doll from the outside, but she’s actually pretty adventurous and  very playful. She often found herself much more comfortable playing with the masculine-gendered, but it also doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy being girly.

By now, her classmates was already acustomed that Nara wasn’t the angelic princess like how more than a half of the class thought before. Because right when she meets Jungkook or Taehyung, she’ll let out her true playful colors.

As she was taking out her book, a piece of paper came out from her locker. Confused of what it is, she took it and flipped it open, eyes widening at the words written there.

Slamming her locker back, he ran to her sister’s class, not even putting her bag first in the classroom.


Aran was just getting to doze off as her meets her seat, but when suddenly Nara showed up in front of her classroom’s door she snapped back up. True, she was a little irritated because having the girl as a roommate and her being noisy all night because she was currently playing a joint online game with the maknae trio in her Nintendo DS made her lost her sleep, but when she sees Nara’s expression, she knew something was up.

She quickly trotted her way to the girl, “What’s wrong, Nara-ah?”

Unnie...,” the younger girl shivered as she showed the paper to her sister. Aran swiftly took it and scanned her eyes through the paper. As she read it, she gripped at the piece hard.

Colored in glaring red, ‘Stay away from BTS or you’ll regret it’ was written on it, staring back at her.

“For ’s sake,” she spat, “Who does these girls think they are?!”

“Unnie, I’m really scared,” Nara whispered, “What if it happened again?”

“Not on my watch,” the older girl crumpled the paper and shoved it her pockets. Throwing it out in the school was too dangerous, “Do you want to go to class?”

Nara looked down, silently shooking her head and embarrassed that she doesn’t actually wanted to go to class in this situation. Aran sighed at her, “Do you want me to take you home?”

A nod was her reply.

“Okay, wait here—,”

“No, unnie!” she says suddenly, “But don’t skip too..,”

“...Are you okay being alone at home?”

Nara nodded again.

“Fine then,” Aran says as she cancels her idea of taking her bag again, “Call me right away if anything happens, okay? Now wait here, let me tell someone in class I’ll be absent on the first hour,”

As Aran turned and walked back inside the classroom, she approached the closest person that she knows in the class, “Seokjin-ssi,”

The brown-haired boy startled at the formal call, “Yes?”

“Tell the teacher I won’t be joining the first hour—I’m going to take Nara home,”

“Oh, okay.. wait is Nara-ah okay?”

The girl pauses a little, trying to find a reason, “She... had a rough take on that time of the month,”

“Ah,” Seokjin surprisingly understood it quickly, “Well, okay. Tell her a get well soon from me and the boys, okay? I’ll tell Hoseok later,”

“Thank you,”

Seokjin waved the girl as she approached her sister, walking out their sight.

“Nara went home?” Hoseok perked up one of his eyebrows as he was eating his lunch with his friends, “Why?”

“Aran-ah told me that she’s on that time of the month and it’s pretty harsh,”

“That time of the month?” Jungkook looked at the older boy quizically, “What does that mean?”

“You don’t know?” the black-haired boy shrugged, “Really?”

“I don’t know that too,” Taehyung quitely said as he ate his pudding, followed by a nod from Hoseok and Jimin.

“Seriously?” Seokjin sighed, “You understand, right, Namjoon? Yoongi?”

“Of course,” the leader scoffed arrogantly, and a hum of came out from Yoongi, “Unlike the rest of you, I’m smart,”

“Yeah, whatever, hyung. But still what does that means?” the oldest of the Jung siblings asked.

“She’s on her period,” the blonde-haired boy answered him as he stood up, tidying his lunch. Seokjin gasped and Namjoon threw a look to him, “What, it is the fact!”

As his friends sent an ‘ooh’ of understanding (with a slight tint of blush), Jimin silently pouted, “What’s a period..,”

When Namjoon was opening his mouth to explain to Jimin, a familiar figure went in the cafeteria, face expressionless as usual and strangely walking in a really quick pace.

“Oh, Aran-ah!” he called, “You’re back?”

The girl looked to where she was called, glancing her surroundings first then reluctantly nodded, “Yeah,”

“Is Nara okay?” Taehyung asked, staring at the older girl’s eyes, “We heard she had it... harsh,”

“Yeah, she’s okay,” she quickly replied, wanting to get out of there soon. But Hoseok’s question kept her in place, “Have you eat your lunch? You should get some before class starts—,”

“No!” suddenly she snapped and the boys was taken a back, “I- I mean I ate already. Sorry, everyone, I need to go,”

“Wait, Aran—,”

Without even listening to what they’re going to say, Aran had fled the scene, passing the cafeteria to get to her classroom which was in that side of the building. As she walked quickly (and hopefully trying to stay out of people’s sight) she could heard the girls gossiping.

“Who does that girl think she is?! How can she snap at BTS oppas like that?!”

“She’s such a —she must have done it to gain their attention!”

“Yeah, she and that girl is really nerve-wracking!”

Clicking her tounge, she quicken up her pace to the class. As she entered the halls suddenly a bunch r girls shoved her off, making her fall right on her .

“Oops! Sorry!” One of the girls smirked—Mia was her name, if Aran wasn’t wrong. She’s one of her classmate, “I didn’t see you there! But I guess it’s okay because you can’t feel anything right?”

A laughter was erupted from the rest of the girls as Mia said that. Aran was gritting her teeth, trying so hard not to talk back to her.

“Bye, Ice Princess!” they mockedly say as Aran struggled to stand, only to be fallen down again because of another shove on the shoulder from the girls as they went out of the halls. Trying to still calm down about the situation, the older Jung sister took a deep sigh and went into her class.

*Ding ding!*

A bell was heard from the front door when Nara was lounging at the living room, currently watching some variety show in the TV. When she heard the bell, she was curious of who it is. Aran had told her that she was going to the drugstore because she ran out of bb creams (despite her cold demanour, Aran is a huge cosmetic geek) and Hoseok had texted her that he’ll be hanging out with the boys first, also with an ask of what does she wants him to bring (which responded with Nara saying she doesn’t want anything). The parents are still in work, so she wasn’t really expecting someone.

Talking to the intercom, she shouted, “Who is it?”

“It’s Taehyung!”

Tae?’ she thought, ‘Isn’t he supposed to be with the boys now?

As she opened the door, her eyes was greeted by a familiar orange-haired boy with his signature boxy smile plastered on his face. He was seemingly to have a pretty big plastic bag in his hand.

“Tae? What are you doing here?” Nara tilted her head, “Aren’t you supposed to be with the others?”

“Well, I was kinda, um,” he gulped, “Worried about you. Hehe. So I brought you this!”

Taehyung offered her the plastic bag which she reluctantly accepts. She took a peek inside of the bag—there was a bunch of ice creams and chocolates, a box of warm tea, a pocket of a special medicine (that made Nara guilty because it’s obvious that she didn’t really need it right now) and surprisingly a bag of her favorite strawberry candies.

“I don’t really know what you liked, I tried asking Hoseok-hyung but he doesn’t know and Aran-noona doesn’t really answers my texts, so... I just.. guessed and searched what girls would like on that... kind of  time,” he sheepishly grinned at her with a tint of blush on his cheeks, “Sorry if you didn’t like it,”

Nara gave him a bitter smile, with her being wanted to just hug the boy in front of her in gratefulness but the letter had been haunting her since morning she can’t even bring herself to talk freely to him, “Thank you, Tae. It’s really sweet of you,”

“No problem,” Taehyung smiled back, fooled by her convincing facade, “Is there anything that I could help more? You know, with you like this..,”

The girl quickly shook her head, “No, it’s okay Tae, I’m okay. I was just going to sleep after this,”

“Oh, okay then,” he nodded reluctantly, “Well, you know you could just text me if you need anything! Or any other of the boys! We’ll be happy to help.”

“Okay Tae,” the girl smiled at him. He returned her smile and then stepped back, “Well, I should be going now. The hyungs are waiting,”

“Mhm. Bye Tae,”

“Bye, Nara,” he replies as he stepped out of the house’s porch, “Rest well!”

The younger girl just smiled.

The boys are being really nice to her, but she can’t get too close anymore.

A/N: Here's a quick update in result of me letting off some of my studies stress~ The next update will be a little long because of my upcoming exam, so I hope you'll wait for it! Subscribing and feel free to send me feedback~!

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chocobin22 #1
Chapter 18: I'am glad you are back authornim. I hope your bad time is gone :)
isn't they are cute? When namjoon felt overprotective my heart just like uaaa I want an older brother too >.<
chocobin22 #2
Chapter 17: It's okay authornim :) we are understand. Sometimes life is hard,same goes to me. But whatever hard time you are having. Keep smile and fighting ! xoxo ^.^
annaelenaschulz #3
Chapter 16: update pleaseeee
Vtae84 #4
Chapter 11: kimnamjoon is kim aran and kim nara brother..ok..i know..heheh
chocobin22 #5
Chapter 6: I'm a new reader and I really like your story! ^^ keep a good work authornim :) can't wait for another chapter ! ^^ also I have feeling about nara aran and namjoon :D but I will keep my guess for myself, forgive me authornim for guessing your story, I just like to guessing story :D
Vtae84 #6
Chapter 6: Oh no..did hoseok like her sister? Please dont..i like aran and yoongi..hope hoseok like her as his sister only..nice story authornim..
sakura94exo #7
Chapter 5: Another great update ^^
Do Jungkook and Suga live together?
sakura94exo #8
Chapter 4: Update soon please!